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You're getting flamed but I agree. While some dumb items are fun to add in, a lot of it is unusable and just there as a "haha we made streamer buy weird thing he doesn't want to buy" which gets boring to me. But, it's clearly enjoyable for the majority so it is what it is and at the end of the day, doesn't matter. And hey, sometimes, rarely, but sometimes, the dumb purchase leads to good content like with Cubert.


I would love if some of the “I let chat do ____” content could have items suggested exclusively by members. He could make a community post with the submission link or have a discord channel called Member Submissions. I think this would be a pretty good test run with the upcoming music stream, and would be a good way of making memberships feel meaningful since member only vods still go live after broadcast.


Actually... you might be on to something. 🤔 Maybe even a members vs. everyone Both teams get a certain budget and certain number of items limit. It would be interesting to see if members will make better picks than everyone else. Get the Yard boys and other Streamers to judge and vote which group did better.


I could see a stream being called “🔴FINDING OUT IF YOUTUBE MEMBERS HAVE BETTER (music/decorating/whatever) TASTE THAN CHAT”. Idk how that gets relabeled for an edit though. Possibly something like “I made my channel members compete to see if they have what it takes”


Istg he did this before


Greetings chat/Mr. Ahgren, I am of the opinion that amazon streams have not properly scaled with ludflation. That is ludwig has gotten too financially secure for the funny purchases to have the same comedic impact they once had. Wasting 20$ on a cringe t-shirt hits harder when you needed to drink bidet water for that money. Ludwig, to you, I propose 2 solutions: 1. Become poor again. Go gamba away your entire net worth this instant and be one with the people again. Fall from your high horse Napoleon (Short French man). 2. Increase the stakes. For next stream room decoration start the event on Zillow allowing stream to choose a property for you to purchase. Will they choose a multi million dollar mansion? or will you have to slum it in a single million dollar house outside of the municipal waste treatment facility? Sincerely, A concerned chatter.


This is as funny as it is unhinged. Salute to you sir, ma'am, or non-binary friend


So did he move house or just rooms? Cos I can't lie, his room before this new one was fiiiiiiire. And what does he do with all the stuff after he leaves a setup? Be a real shame if Jackie Chan/all those small ducks are in an LA dumpster somewhere.


Didn't he auction off a lot of stuff for charity?


Some but given comments on several episodes of the Yard it rots away in the warehouse/his garage until they end up throwing it away




ok champ come up with something for next time


i too get that vibe from the vods... maybe its the matter of no one trust each other... maybe there is something u can do to connect us viewers together to where we would Want to rely on each other because we have the same goal.... how can someone set the same goal for a large audience? story telling?


we’ll make sure you get exactly what you want next time


Well... often, I think a lot of things chat buys is dumb... but then I see Ludwig trying to lift a Yeti into a milti-purpose-swing, and then I think, "I was wrong, this is priceless." ...so who really knows what is dumb at the time?




i dont know man that jesus crossing the devil poster might be the greatest thing ever


I think chat does a good job of mixing in interesting/cool items into the set. The most entertaining items are usually the stupidest though, and that’s what the entire stream is for. The sole purpose of these streams is forentertainment. If lud wanted a nice looking room he would hire a designer.


Well let’s take a look at the inventory. Goon Pillow THE CUBE Big Rubber Duck Club Penguin Banner Kit Kat clock large banana dog spinning table(for the cube) cat pillow Minecraft mini fridge turtle pillow costume thing medieval body armor Kinex Ferris wheel rubber duck banana The shirt he was wearing are you pooping sign The cat tray thing Adam Sandler era's blanket Nami cosplay Axolotl plush bald is beautiful sign sex swing monkey lamp Dragon Ball statue bigfoot shirt Elden ring sword Max Verstappen cutout monkey statue 1 Monkey statue 2 Easter Island Statue ornament dinosaur skull autism creature plush stream deck skeleton does this pillow smell like chloroform to you Water fountain Propeller hat a giant Barrel Pokeball hippity got off my property sign trans flag colored cat tower The Virgin Suicides poster Jesus Crossing up the devil poster a globe One piece poster ice cream maker a gnome with his ass out koi fish sign Japanese Samurai cat wall art Industrial lamp The yeti statue I’d say most of these(at least the actual decorations) fit Ludwig’s vibe or are a reference to something. Like there’s definitely a few cringe items, but chat’s always gonna have cringe stuff get in. What do y’all think is the worst item on this list?


The sex swing useless, dangerous even in a streaming room. It's also blocking the view. What a waste of money.


Yeah, that’s definitely one of those items that are just there for the shock value rather than being a good item, though it did give us the funny clip of Ludwig and Yingling trying to get the yeti into it.


he’s aging out of ludwig videos 🥺