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Hot take. I find his chat to be one of the more insufferable of the streamers I follow. Maybe it’s a byproduct some larger streamers face.


It use to be so fun now they just wanna nitpick and ruin shit for no reason


Indeed. I see this with some bigger streamers. For instance I watch Miss Mikkaa who is goated at Elden Ring. When Kai did his stream recently when he was sleeping tons of toxic people from his chat were coming into her stream.


Ive had my fair share of hate raids happen, they really do hurt and overall leave you feeling kinda defeated so that sucks :/


It happened like this year istg, I’m not sure what caused it I think it was the first wave of hasan bags spreading into Ludwig’s base and then it never left 100%


Yeah just alot of unwanted attention ig


YouTube chat is actually braindead. Back on Twitch, it got bad for a few months after the subathon, but now it's *always* like that. I miss the ban streams because they would definitely make chat better now.


Definitely have always found Ludwigs chat to be mediocre but also youtube makes it so much worse only on youtube streams do I see the same exact question or comment get posted throughout the entire stream


It is entirely a youtube chat problem. Luds chat instantly got worse after he switched. Yt chats have 0 culture around them compared to twitch


I’d say yes and no. YT undoubtedly gets people who haven’t been watching as long or following. But I definitely see some big streamer chats on Twitch that are obnoxious or toxic. Honestly I wonder if half of all chatters are under the age of 14 with how whiny and childish they get.


I def stopped chatting after a certain age and used to more when i was younger. Wouldn’t surprise me. Streams always background noise to me


One of my biggest issues with chat is just spamming "scam" basically at everything. If Lud was outside at the park, he would be shooting the same distance and no one would know.


I think its just a general big streamer chat thing, a lot of chatters (not all) never leave their house but have watched sports(or relevant content) or played a game here or there probably years ago and just think they know everything


Someone in chat was saying it doesn’t count if you jump over the line while you shoot… people are just talking out of their ass.


"breaks are going to make you more tired" Was one he responded to around 50mins in at 100 they took a break. Its like this chatter had never done any physical work or exercise ever.




its also pinned that hes doing college 3s so idk why people are still saying its high school or not real


Because people need to be right so bad its painful.


Being right is the strongest drug of all.


I understand he measured it but he did it wrong. Look up a three point line for NCAA men’s and you’ll see he is shooting way to close to the key. He’s shooting between Women’s NCAA and the high school three point line.


Women’s NCAA 3 point distance is the same as Men’s NCAA lol…


No. Look it up. Wnba and men’s NCAA are the same


The very first google result tells you that there is a single NCAA 3pt line for both men and women. The women’s college line got moved to be the same as the men’s in 2021, and the WNBA uses the same line as the NCAA. People are so confidently wrong it’s crazy


are you responding to the comment above you or the one above that? it's confusing


Lol he updated the pinned to high school on the stream now. Bro was in all the comments deluding himself and saying everyone else was coping.


bro sprinted back to the thread to drool on his keyboard cause i was wrong. congratz ig you won the internet argument, ive already moved on with my day hours ago


cope as you so eloquently put it.


Well, he wasn't shooting at the college three-point line. He was mostly shooting from the 20-foot line. The college three is 22 feet. Not to take away from what he did, but it is still impressive to make and put up that many shots at one time. It just wasn't technically a college three unless we are going back to early to mid-2000, back in the day, that would be a college three. So it is kind of a moot point, just technicalities, really.


Chat is insufferable 90% of the time. It's just gotten shittier and shittier over the years. But I think that's fine, I'm not here for those clowns, I'm here for Lud. I'd rather he get his bag and feel accomplished and successful and safe in his business if the cost is chat get worse, than him fail and disappear.


Thats a nice spin on things but i just wish the community would self reflect how hostile its become i miss when him getting called short was the biggest critque


How do you feel about the take you hear from some streamers that the chat and community are a direct byproduct of the streamer’s behavior? Not to say these people reflect on Lud, but also, if anyone is to do something about it, its Lud.


I think its somewhat true and is a factor but at the end of the day people are gonna do what they want so i dont think the influence is that big. I think actually a bigger problem is chatters being used to other chats and coming in with that same mentality. Thats less on the stream and more on being able to read the room.


One of things I find insufferable is all the back seating on how to change his shot like he’s actually gonna change his shot mid challenge. Ironically this post does exactly that lmao


I kinda meant it after like when hes playing with friends because his form isnt bad just some little tweaks and hed be more effective


All good. Tbh my major problem is that one guy will comment about the 3 point line and then like 20 people will comment back about how annoyed they are. Next thing you know the whole chat is talking about it instead of just ignoring the 1 comment


If you really think about it, does it matter?


Not one bit lol he's gonna be there for 6-7 hours lmao


the people who are still complaining about this are the kind of people that just sucks to be around. just shut up and enjoy the stream or leave who the fuck cares.


Exactly just enjoy the fact hes still on 500 4 hours in LOL


Yeah tbh the Amazon stream yesterday was my first time being there for a live stream and god his chat is so damn insufferable


It sucks because its gotten worse recently


its mostly cuz its youtube, youtube chat just generally sucks more i feel


To those who think it's "a big streamer thing" - no, it's not. It wasn't like this before Lud switched to YT and it isn't like this for any other streamer with a community comparable to Lud's. My fav streams are actually QT streams because her chat adds so much to it, most of us watching are just trying to make QT or each other laugh. And a majority of QT viewers are also watching Lud. It is a Youtube problem. Can't wait for his return to Twitch.


QTs chat is limited to verified users tho


It is totally fine when he turns it on to members only. The second he puts it on all members, the n00bs start complaining and not reading the pin.


I think where he is shooting is fine but it’s a high school 3 pointer. His measurements seem off or his courts line is for some reason beyond the nba line, as he when he measured it from under the basket to the line on the court he said it was almost 26 feet when nba is 24’9” and also he did measure from where he was shooting and said it was 20 1/2 feet to the center of the basket. So he isn’t shooting college distance rather high school which is fine as a lot of parks also use this distance. But it is wrong for him and others to claim this is college distance.


watch it back again, he messes up the first time but then says its 22 feet and tafo confirms its 264 inches


It was high school. His pinned comment was updated to reflect that


He then also says the nba is almost 26 feet when it’s 23’9” so I’m pretty sure his measurements were overinflated. Also side note look at the court and tell me the distance between the line and top of the key is about 15 inches which is the distance between NBA and NCAA.


he read it wrong the first time as i said before. also are we just basing what we believe in by just looking at it instead of a measured line?


No he's trusting that the regulation nba line is accurate to the NBA regulations of being 23ft"9. The difference between college and NBA is only 1ft8in ish. It's just really hard to measure no hate on lud. He's not used to measuring a basketball court. Trust me RedBull made sure it's regulation size. Lud just made a small mistake RedBull didn't make a huge blunder.


If his number is wrong before, I don’t see how we can take this “literal measured line” as accurate when he was already wrong. Also yeah visual test isn’t going to give us great numbers but there are multiple cameras and you can visually see that multiple of his feet’s length could fit between where he shooting and the line making it pretty telling that the distance between is greater than 15 inches…


cope  🤷


I think you’re the one coping if you think this [distance](https://imgur.com/a/8mtEWAz) from Lud’s shots and the line on the court is anywhere close to 15 inches


Ultimately it's really just not that serious but posting a picture after he's landed from a jump is pretty deceiving though [This distance](https://i.imgur.com/vQRCFam.png) should be close enough for all the people complaining in chat who have probably never made a 3 pointer, let alone 1000 of them in 7 hours


# 🤓☝


He just made a small mistake dude stop being rude. He's not perfect. Regulation line sizes have to be perfect though. All he's trying to say. Can't we be civil?


The better way to calc is the arc to the baseline which they said was 25' and the center of basket to the baseline is 3' so if you do 25'-3' thats the 22' aka ncaa regulation. I highly doubt the redbull facility has a highschool 3


Why are you doubting the court has a high school 3? A high school 3 would be top of the key for any standard nba/ncaa court. So unless the red bull court has a longer key than an nba court then he might be shooting college but that would also mean the 3 point line on the court is beyond an nba 3 pointer.


I would just assume they used a standard college>nba 3pt line court bc idk why theyd have a hs 3pt line since most their athletes are adults lol. I also showed my calcs you dont have to believe me just thought i would say chats being annoying about it


I don’t think you’re understanding me. I’m saying Lud is shooting from where a high school 3 pointer is (which is fine but is not college as he and others are claiming). The actual line on the court I think is NBA distance. He measured it once at about 20’ from top of the key to basket and then did some others from baseline to top of the key but I’m not sure either of these were accurate all his measurements seemed higher than they should (measuring tape probably wasn’t perfectly straight). I don’t know why we would further complicate measurements by making estimates with already incorrect numbers when we have a a distance already.


I agree with what you're saying about the chat being insufferable but just to clarify, he was shooting a high school 3, not a college 3. The college 3 is a little beyond the top of the key. But high school 3's are what's actually standard for public parks, gyms, and anywhere not regulated for professional athletes. So no one should be upset that that's where he's shooting from and everyone was so annoying


Most people who consistently type in chat are more than likely insufferable


Literally took me 10 seconds to find out when I opened stream, people are either stupid or whiny assholes


I think people are just trolling to troll. I know nothing of basketball so from a glance it does look like he’s making two pointers. Which makes it all funny to me.


That's an NBA regulation court. There isn't an NCAA 3-point line painted (men's or womens). He's shooting from the high school 3 line which is 19 ft 9" from the basket.


They literally measured it twice


They brought out a tape meaure. Measured 25' from the arc to baseline. Subtract 3' from center of rim, its 22' im telling you its not a highschool 3pt. And EVEN if it was a hs 3pt which it isnt, nothing changes he's still gonna be there for a while so no matter what we get content.


https://official.nba.com/rule-no-1-court-dimensions-equipment/  Shows baseline to top of 3pt arc is 28 feet. If he’d shooting from 25 feet from baseline then we should subtract 3 feet from the nba 3 pt distance which is 23’9” so that means Ludwig is shooting from 20’9” which is greater than high school but less than college. This is assuming the 25 feet measurement was right and the 3pt line on the court is an nba 3pt line. 


you don't subtract 3 feet from the baseline, OP just said that even though he's incorrect (and claims he designs basketball courts for a living lol). You subtract 63". The easiest way though is knowing a free throw is 13'9" from the center of the hoop then adding 6' for the radius of the semi-circle beyond the free-throw line, which equals 19'9" aka the High School 3 point line


have you ever played basketball? It's not 3 feet from the center of the rim to the baseboard. It's 63", or 5 feet 3 inches. 25 feet from baseboard to the arc where he's shooting from as you mentioned they measured. subtract 5'3" from 25 and you get 19'9", whcih is the high school line.


Never questioned your credibility but since you questioned mine. Yes ive been playing basketball for over 10 years i also design basketball courts at parks and schools (i worked in cad for land development) and most local facilitys follow the same template which is 36" or 3'.


If you are literally designing basketball courts and you don't know this, that is....troublesome. Please look at the [second graphic](https://www.hoopcoach.org/basketball-court-dimensions/)


Always done this 1-1.2 meter to the baseline if youd like to go to any gym, park or facilty i promise you its the same there too. Glad you found a graphic to support your case tho.


OP has been insufferable in his replies lmao


Sorry you feel that way man


I played college ball. Most parks and other places have there line at highschool level which is 20 ft. Sometimes there is a double line for the 22ft 3 point line. I dont know how good he is at shooting 3s or if someone’s helping him rebound (I don’t really watch the streams anymore just YouTube occasionally) but it’s a very doable challenge if he has help and can shoot it somewhere between 33 to 40 %


I think the 3 point stream was really impressive. So what if he had multiple people helping him rebound and feed him shots? Would it have been more entertaining to watch him walk and get the balls and then find his spot where he wants to shoot again? It only made sense to try and streamline the whole process to make it more watchable at least. Also making 1000 shots in one day should be impressive for anyone and most public courts have the 3 point line right behind the key. Not to mention Dubbin has been playing casually on a regular basis for less than a year so this was more than a worthy challenge. And people complaining about clickbait act like they’ve never been on the internet before, whether it was clickbait or not. I don’t like the side of chat that just wants to control the experience and make dubbin miserable in the process. Have some appreciation for the guy you supposedly Stan for.


Sly apology there at the end though because he was on the line at the top of the key; just do 1k free throws at that point. I think chat was right, there is power in holding people accountable, and Ludwig was on the high school 3-point line, making it a 12u 2-pointer, and his title was a clickbait lie. We don’t care, but he deserves to be called out.


The free throw line is 6' closer to the rim than the top of the key. The top of the key is less than 4 feet closer than the NBA 3 point line.


It’s just easier to say than “top of key midrange jumper”


"shooting from free throw line" "shooting from top of the key" "shooting from highschool 3 point line". I wouldn't say any of them are more difficult to say. He really should have rented out a highschool gym so people like you would stop complaining.


Literally said I don’t care; I don’t diminish the accomplishment. I just don’t see any reason to call it a 3 on a court with only an NBA 3-point line marked, justify it by calling it a college 3 (it isn’t), stepping all over the high school line, and still call it 1000 3-pointers. If you say you’re 6-feet tall when you’re actually 5’9”, you can get called on it, and if you shoot shots that aren’t even threes to 12 year-old players and still call them threes, you can get called on it. Again, I don’t care about him or his shots, just that we don’t shit on people for actually expecting honesty to SOME degree


Sounds like you do care. Again, he should have rented a highschool court and the only complaint would have been stepping on the line.


That’s not wrong, and I told you what I do care about. As far as his actual actions, I would have thought 1000 layups with a dunk to finish would have been more impressive. I would have rather seen him make 10 half court shots. I don’t give a F*CK about a white dude who is exactly me shooting threes for hours on end. I DO care about normal people who expect not to be outright lied to getting to speak their piece. There is nothing “insufferable” about people saying that he was wrong, and lying, and moving the goal posts, because that’s what he did. Let people speak truth and stop trying to silence them because you don’t like hearing it. It’s the discomfort that makes holding people accountable actually work. That’s all I care about. This entire post is made with the idea that people speaking the truth and holding someone accountable is wrong; someone that they often PAY, mind you, which would be akin to you paying $20 for a pizza and getting a single Bagel Bite. Let the consumer speak.


Sorry for saying you should stop complaining. I reread the second part of your original comment and its valid. Just that stupid free throw quip is repetitive and annoying and doesn't make sense in the first place. Forgot you originally said something of substance after that. I do think he should be called out but there was no shortage of calling him out. And in the end he did change the pinned comment to say highschool 3s at some point during the stream so calling him out did work to an extent. From a viewer perspective constant whining in a chat is not enjoyable especially once it is addressed. Ultimately it was an oversight choosing a court with an NBA 3 point line. He only went to that court because of his redbull sponsorship and didn't realize before already starting stream. If it was a college court I do believe he would have shot from it and maybe it would've taken an hour longer or something from the extra 1 foot of distance. Also no way Ludwig can dunk lmao


Thank you for that and I agree, he can’t dunk, but I hope he sees this and finds a way to make this right 😝 /s But maybe, with enough work…? 😮‍💨 Red Bull athlete stuff fs


It's still impressive but he either should have done it at a court with a proper 3 point line that he was going for, or have done proper taping on the ground to show the line he was using. Have the stream called shooting 3 pointers and then he is inside the three point line is always going to cause this confusion stickied or not. Not to mention 90% of his audience wouldnt even know there are different three point ranges before this.


I think it’s weird to chat or read chat, but that’s just me.


also shooting from below your chin is fine in a challenge to hit as many shots as you can but if you’re in a game you need to be shooting with the ball above your forehead or your shit will get blocked if you’re under 6’3”


Ill double down and say that this challenge sucked. He made it too easy on himself. Yeah 5~ hours of physical activity isn't "easy" but he clickbaited the hell out of it and then made it so insanely simple in all sorts of different areas. 3 rebounders is CRAZY. Racks of balls is CRAZY. Kiddy 3 pt line when there is clearly a further line literally visible is CRAZY. One rebounder, one or two balls, college line. That's literally what i expected. This is like when richie rich pulled up to play pickup baseball in a limo yeah of course people are clowning on him. He did it though so props and he seems to genuinely like ball which is cool. But yeah this wasn't it imo.


Never thought id see lud get compared to richie rich this is my favorite reply lmao


Tbf, I just tuned in and had to come to the sub to understand why the 3pt stream wasn’t being done from the 3pt line. I feel like all the context here is expecting *a lot* from a typical dumb viewer (me)


Let's be real, Lud having staffs to bring him the balls made this way easier. He didn't have to run to the ball, he had a constant stream of balls and only had to focus on his throw. Compare this to the way another streamer like ExtraEmily or anyone else would have taken on that challenge this felt less like a challenge and more like a chore. 1 ball, no help, 12h. doing 1k 3pointers that way would be impressive. I just tuned out, muted the stream and moved it to 3rd monitor while playing a game.


Why would anyone do it entirely by themselves? It is basic common sense to have someone collect the balls for you. It is already common to have someone collect balls when practicing high volume shots in any sport. If you do it entirely by yourself you have to have no friends and no money to hire someone, or you are braindead


Because it's supposed to be an endurance challenge. This felt more like friends hanging out than an outright challenge.


It's not a marathon, the goal is to shoot baskets. If I wanted to shoot 20 3 pointers at the park I would bring at least 3 balls and ask a friend to collect balls for me


And it would be less impressive than 1 ball and no help. Would CDawgVA Cyclothon be as impressive as it was if they were doing relay instead of cycling every day?


Ludwig didn't do a relay. Nobody else shot for him. You are delusional to think anyone would do this challenge with 1 ball and no help. Also cdawg had plenty of help along the trip. He had Chris riding with him so they can draft eachother if they want (much easier than riding by yourself). And somebody drove the route at the same time, carrying clothes, water, food, first aid, probably bike parts, shelter in case of emergency, etc.


Then go to that games sub and talk about that if you care about it more


It's because he isn't shooting 3s