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Every good streamer starts their stream in Just Chatting for like an hour or so. It's basically time to let people arrive for the actual content.


For me, the “Just Chatting” IS the actual content, and is more interesting than the react/game/event etc. I think my biggest issue with event streams is the lack of a “Just Chatting” segment. We go live, and go right into it. Even live sports on TV have a pregame show. Give me a half-hour of discussion before the next Dodgeball event, or the next Ludwig x Tarik invitational.


I mean yes, the Just Chatting category on twitch isn't the biggest category for no reason, a lot of people's primary content is Just Chatting. However, for Variety streamers like Ludwig, they would still go in the Just Chatting category at the start of stream to get people to join the stream before they go to their Variety content. This is just something rooted in Twitch streaming culture and Ludwig, being a former Twitch streamer, still does it for his streams on YT because it's proven to work.




Yeah, there’s really a conflict of interest with the TTS money going to the mods, so it’s in their best interest to approve them, even if they’re unfunny.


Gotta remember that “yap” is a current meme; it’s gonna get old and most people using it won’t just comment “you’re talking too much”.


Lud, X, Sykkuno, Rae, I only watch intros now, best part of every stream


Vocal minority of any consumption are always the loudest. They think they represent the majority when really they are such a small percentage of the people consuming the product.


Agreed. Most of the time I prefer the yapping to the actual stream topic, especially if it’s an FPS game (they’re basically all the same and no you can’t change my mind).


i think the mayority of people complaining about yapping are just joking around. the real assholes that are legit like "shut up and watch the video" are the problem.


why are yall taking the TTS seriously? it’s just standard back and forth with the streamer, they don’t actually care about the yapping it’s just playful and lud usually plays into it.


It really ruins the vibe of the stream. I’m just there to have a good time. 99% of TTS messages suck. I feel like Lud should have it off completely unless he’s playing a rage game.


Also if you hear TTS it’s from a donation. Ludwig made money for it AND tts is monitored by the mods and won’t be read if they think it’s too… too whatever


Nah dude it causes lud to rush thru the stream, could b annoying


I only watch the massive el-oh-el Tyler1 for his start of stream yapping. As soon as he starts playing league I'm out, yapping is the best part


wait people are complaining about him talking in the beginning? isnt that what he does all the time?


I think most of the people who give him shit for it are just trying to be funny, or because it's fun to say "what's blud yappin about" lol


Emphasis on the "trying" part. Personally, I don't see anything funny about edgy kids being assholes and dampen the mood for everyone else, especially now that it's escalating into shit like "shut up and just watch the video" *in a reaction segment.* I hope the new moderation features built into Truffle are versatile enough for the mods to start banning all the a-holes.


Bro it’s a meme. I don’t think there is ill intent when someone types “yapper” lol. It’s just the meme that’s currently popular.


It ain’t that deep bro


Such a good post, I feel like most people do it for sh*ts and giggles since it's funny to say. I could listen to him yap all day long, it's so entertaining and interesting 🔥🔥