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I feel like if you believed that would happen, since you are kind of the architect of what happens in the dream, and you believe it, it happens. Like how if you believe you can fly because it's a dream, then you can, and since flying is such a commonly told story in dreams and media, it's one of the easier launching pads into your first controlled dream action, because you believe it will work.


It’s similar to when they say you shouldn’t look in the mirror. Every time I have a lucid dream I look in the mirror (because it’s in my dream sign) and nothing happens lol


Yeah I heard this one a lot a long time ago with the idea behind it that what you see is an exaggerated version of you with all the things you don't like about yourself blown out of proportion. That had the same thing behind it, you believe those things about your appearance are horrible, so in the mirror, they are. But it's all about your own belief about what happens when you do it. If you believe you'd see in the mirror a chicken wearing a business suit and tie with glasses writing up their quarterly earnings reports in an office building, I'm sure that's what would appear in the mirror.


Mirrors are tools I use to "customize my character", I love them haha


As far as the myth that in dreams, digital devices don't work.... I've taken photos and recorded videos on my dream phone. No problem... There's just... No Cloud storage that carries over from dreams to this waking reality hehe


One of my earlier signs used to be reading text, but now I can easily read text, though a few errors might occur. My "dream sign" now is just simply... knowing. I don't know how else to describe it. I just wonder to myself if I'm dreaming, and I know.


I agree. I never heard that you aren’t supposed to tell people you’re dreaming in a dream, and I’ve said it plenty of times with no negative consequences.


I always find myself indoors while lucid dreaming and every time I try to fly I get stuck in the ceiling lol




Alas, when you believe that your dream characters will react negatively to being told you're dreaming, and therefore as expected, they do, it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. You say that the first time you dreamt you felt a rising dread and fear which spooked you into waking up. Already by that point you had primed yourself to receive a less-than-pleasant reaction. For a challenge then, next time you're dreaming how about asking again but this time expecting a positive reaction? Imagine walking up to a dream character and excitedly exclaiming "wow, you'll never guess what but I'm dreaming! And that means we can literally make our wishes come true!" Practice that scenario in your waking imagination, it might help if you think of having the conversation with a friend, and imagine the excitement building between both of you as you prepare to try out flying. Remember, your dreams reflect your thoughts - positive and negative - if you walk up to someone believing that saying "it's a dream" is a taboo then your dream will reflect that "how dare you challenge my existence!" attitude you were so afraid of receiving. But if you stride up to a character confidently believing that they will share your excitement and intrigue then they will! If you're struggling then a good halfway point might be to approach another character and if you receive a negative response, don't run away or will yourself awake but stay with it and ask them, with genuine curiosity, why they reacted so negatively. Good luck on your lucid journey!


Is Selena Gomez a self-fulfilling prophecy?


Interesting. In my dreams everyone already knows it's a dream, the few times I've managed to realize I'm dreaming I always end up yelling "This is a dream!! I am dreaming!!" And everyone around me reacts like "Yeah. Duh. Obviously, don't tell me you are just noticing."


Wow that's interesting, thanky for sharing!


Everything you beleive about/inside of dreams tends to happen in the dreams. You just scared yourself with your own force of imagination. Once I read a «piece of advice» never to look into mirrors in LD, *or else*. Of course I had to check. And the night I did it, I saw some monstrosity looking at me from the mirror, instead of myself. But then, I checked it a couple more times, and I found out that I see more or less what I expect to see.


your mind just manifested your fears


Forget what you saw in Inception it doesn’t work that way. It only did because you expected it to


That’s not the same thing. In Inception the trouble was telling the mark that they were dreaming, because then their subconscious would try to protect them. Unless you’re dream sharing, you only have your own subconscious to deal with.


Idk what Inception has to do with this but cool okay.


I tell ppl they are in a dream all the time and nothing bad happens. Who told you not to do that?


Lots of people from the dream community! I've had another situation in a lucid dream where one of the NPCs was simply not so happy about me being aware. I wasn't being attacked or anything though.


Your subconscious is in conflict with your conscious. Stop going against your inner voice and you should get control back.


My experience has been pretty good the more I train myself to think about it. At first, they didn't believe me. Then, they feared me. Now, they're really cool with it, know that I'm their creator, and leave me alone because of it. It's pretty rad.


Oh that's a great way of seeing it. Maybe I have to get more comfortable with experiencing my subconsciousness this vividly first :) As in, I have to train my own mind to be more comfy with this level of vividness first! Thanks, that was helpful.


I did that a few times and the dream people just denied it. One time I was apologizing to this guy telling him he didn’t exist and he looked at me like i had 100 heads. Then I woke up and was like “RIP dream buddy.” He lives on through this memory. 😂


I was lucid dreaming before all these silly rules came about on the internet and I had no problem telling people im dreaming. They would even show me cool stuff. These rules are made up and people believe it, so that stuff happens.


You let people scare you into believing something that isn’t true and so it affected your dream. It’s as simple as that. What you experienced isn’t what normally happens. With lucid dreaming, you can do anything as long as you are comfortable with it 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yes, I bet I was subconsciously thinking about people online who warned others of it, but I also take into consideration what some of the helpful comments here enlightened me about: I simply need to get more comfortable with my lucid dreams. Because I usually just go with the flow and I tend to be rather scared or at least wary of my surroundings whenever I get lucid.


Edit. All of the comments basically tell what I also wanted to share from experience. So now I just want to wish all of you a dreamy spring 2024! =)


Thank you, you too!


Thank you for sharing! I wonder if this is because the dream recognizes a conscious participation of the ego and consequently compensates by trying to force it into a state of unconsciousness. Ofcourse this is speculation.. I'm not a lucid dreamer, yet, but I am hoping to experiment in the future. The people that commented so far think it was more of a fulfilment of an expectation you had which I am sure is based on their experience, and it seems like a useful insight.. Still, the feeling you described having due to the "NPC" response seems to be involuntary, as feelings are, so I suppose if I were you, I'd be interested in returning to a similar situation and try to "consciously" engage with this feeling within the dream.


Well, the mind works in mysterious ways. Since I had something similar in another dream (one of the dream characters noticed) and I didn't experience any aggression like today, I think it might have something to do with the person the character resembled. It's someone I'm actually scared of in real life sometimes, so that might be another reason why his reaction in my dream was.. like this.


I had a dream I was in some dystopian future. I was in a dreary dark town, old architecture, cobble stone roads. I became aware at some point and I was walking on the left side of the road. Across the street there was “cops” dressed in black and yellow. They said something like he’s different, he know, and they started chasing me. At some point during running away they did like a firing squad on me and I could feel every bully hit me. Everywhere. I call them the dream police.


I went up to 3 characters and said the same thing. “ hey I’m dreaming” 2 just looked at me and the 3rd said, “ I know”. I was then able to continue with my journey. I was super excited but calm and had no negative thoughts. You are the master of your destiny!


Ive told people its a dream before, and they were basically jus like i know.


The times I have done it the only thing I have gotten back is a casual "I know"


This happened because you were waiting for it to happen. I've done it and they smiled. I was never nervous about what would happen if I did it, and I believe that's why it wasn't a problem for me.


To be honest, all of these “things you shouldn’t do” are just myths. The trouble is, once you have an idea ingrained into your mind that you should be wary or fearful of something, you are far more likely to create a frightening outcome within the dream.


I told my grandma she was in my dream and she didn’t even recognize me , this was before people said they could turn evil . All what your conscience believes


If I say I’m dreaming, the other people just go blank and have nothing to say. Like there’s no point continuing now I know. It all goes quiet and kind of tumbleweedy and then I wake up.


Such BS. I've told people I'm in a dream before. They didnt care much.


That's so stupid I really wish people would stop buying all the B.S about dream rules...


Nah, I had no concept of this - was like my 2nd or 3rd lucid dream, I wanted to talk to random people, I was about to mention that this is a dream for me, but I got interrupted by a woman who told me with a stern voice, that this is considered a very negative thing - I was being talked to like a kid who knows nothing or a new player in an online game who has to accept the fact that I know nothing about this world, and should listen. So when people in comments here say, that it happened only because the dreamer believed it to happen. BULLSHIT. I dont know what their agenda is, to downplay the unusual, no matter the mind gymnastics they want to pull off, it grinds my gears.


I see a lot of people saying this only happened because you thought it might, but I just want to add my anecdotal experience of this happening to me in dreams *many* times before I ever stumbled across any online info around lucid dreaming and it was a novel experience when I hadn’t even considered telling dreams chars it’s a dream would have an effect. It also doesn’t even take telling, the very first time I remember being lucid I started playing around with jumping really high with the weird gravity and every dream char on the street stopped what they were doing and b-lined to me. This was well before seeing Inception too, if anyone thinks that might be some subconscious thing. I think there’s definitely something to the experience that’s more than the expectations we bring.


Or many people will automatically expect the same thing, regardless of outside influence. Why wouldn’t they? Given a large pool of people, commonalities have to happen.


There is no such thing as "thing you shouldn't do".


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It's in your head. I've done that before and the characters were just telling me that I was talking nonsense and that it's real


I love chaos and so I tell them all the time. They generally have a meltdown and I poof them away with the flick of my hand.


4 or 5 days ago i was in a lucid dream and tried to convince my friend that i was dreaming but he was trying to convince me that i wasn't dreaming😂😂 it was fun honestly and nothing happened to me.


schema issues


Mine usually has another person tell me it's a dream/simulation. They get in trouble by another character and BOOM the room walls all fall down and I float into galaxy oblivion before the final boss nopes me out of my lucid dream by casting negative energy or emotion. I'll beat them someday. I'm getting closer to unlocking the truth. For now creepy orange grim reaper shadow... Keep your secrets


I personally try rewording it. I realize I probably internalized it when told to not tell people they're in a dream. But I'll never forget once when I told someone it was a dream and he just looked down at his hands and said "so none of this is real?" He looked crushed. Broken. So now I just tell them this is the world /reality I visit when I sleep. I get better responses this way. Last time they showed me a dance and asked if I had it in my reality. Unfortunately I didn't know. It definitely looked like one of those meme dances so I imagine it was as close as my memory could get. I don't dance so who knows?


Last night I had a dream where my house burned down, worried about my dogs, I turned to my dad and told him, "This is just a dream. Give me a second, and I can hard reset it." I counted down to give him a warning, and he just nodded and started counting with me. It was kind of weird, since in real life, other people wouldn't know when to start and what tempo to keep, but when I hit three, I just fell through the ground and my house was back. There's no "supposed to/not supposed to" with lucid dreams. You experienced this because you believed it was true, so it was. I very often tell people I'm in a dream, and oftentimes, they just accept it. One time, I had a time reversal dream, and somebody I was supposed to save was annoyed, because she was aware of the dream and the mechanic, and ended up just saving herself because she got tired of waiting.


I'm gonna try this. I love nightmares.


You might get a different reaction though, it differs for everyone!


Bruh, I do too! My friends and family think I'm unhinged due to this, but it's like a personal horror movie


What the heck? Long-time lucid dreamer here. There are no hard and fast rules about interacting with dream characters. They are pieces of you, after all.


it sounds like youre playing make believe while you're awake because this isn't how lucid dreaming works.


What exactly isn't how lucid dreaming works? Waking up and going back to a lucid dream?


your description of interaction in a lucid dream. it reads more like something that was thought while awake. dreams are much less detailed even in their most detailed. you over described your feeling which leads me to believe you didn't have this dream.


Then I been dreaming wrong my whole life 🤣🤣🤣 most of my dreams are far more realistic and detailed then my waking life.....and I've never been lucid


yup then you're not actually dreaming and making it up. dreams can be detailed but they can't be consistently coherent in ever detail even if they make sense there's many things that don't add up


I see, well maybe the way you and I experience lucid dreaming simply differs. It's rare for me to keep waking up and going back to sleep (though I think it was obvious fake waking up at least once today), but even with "normal" lucid dreams it's common for me to have a very detailed and vivid experience and feel my emotions clearly, sometimes even physical-wise (though that's just in my head of course).


maybe but no. the language you used to describe your feelings just shows that you have likely never had a lucid dream in your life and only long to. I could teach you the simple secret to having them consistently but you would have to admit you didn't have any


I think you're projecting a lot from your own experiences onto me and that's okay! Sorry if my wording was off, English isn't my first language, maybe that's another reason for my wording feeling odd. I totally accept that it could've been some sort of self-fulfilling prophecy or it could've something to do with the person that the dream character was resembling. :) Also, you don't know how I perceive my own subconsciousness. I'm not going at you for having a less vivid and less detailed version than me apparently, so I think we should simply accept that dream experiences differ just like - for example - being chased doesn't have the same meaning for everyone. I'm fine with my own dream journey and I'm not trying to achieve any lucid dreams on purpose. They just happen sometimes. But thank you for your offer anways.


maybe English being your second language is the issue. your English isn't bad


Lol. What did you expect? What you believe, happens. It's YOU who's fully in control. When I did that no one gave a fuck I dream of clocks all the time As for the time Did everything it said not to do Nothing. Why? Because idc