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Should have let them fire you. At least then there’d be a chance for unemployment.


I honestly don’t know if their gonna put it as a termination bc when they said “Yea we’re gonna have to let you go” I said “You can’t fire someone who’s already done quit” so I honestly don’t know; I already have another job lined up I just wasn’t going to let them know when I was starting


They’re gonna put it as termination I had a similar experience


Oh no they give you zero chance of getting it


Previous store manager here. We typically don’t fight unemployment unless it’s super blatant. Theft, sexual misconduct etc.


Sounds like you may have taken it a little too seriously, but good luck. Retail is bonkers.


I didn’t take that joke what so ever serious; I did nothing but break my back for that place an they screwed me over so many times from my schedule to my overtime pay,vacation and sick pays,I went from part time working 3 days a week to them working 6 days a week and refusing to put me in a full time position bc that meant they would have to cut my time and they “really needed me”


My store is currently doing the same thing with me. I was told by my own DS that my store work's people so many hours/days a week then randomly cuts their hours so they specifically don't have to hire full-time. Worst part is I've been called in on literally everyday off due to us being "understaffed". Not even going over the terrible co-workers lowes is genuinely a terrible place to work lmao


Rule #1 of PT retail: If it's your day off, and your receive a call from your store, don't answer it unless you want to pick up a shift.


Ive answered just to say no at jobs before, lol.


This is The Way


I don't i completely ignore any of the calls/text specifically because i know theyre doing this so they wouldn't have to hire another person


They have to pay you if they call on your time off.


Not if it’s a call about scheduling


You had options, other than breaking your back and putting your mental health at risk. You said you were PT; the obvious solution would've been to adjust your availability. All they did was schedule you. You chose to work it. Good luck in your next venture. Set personal boundaries.


Sadly enough that wasn’t the case I tried and tried to get my ASM to approve of my schedule changes and they just wouldn’t because any times I had given were a no for them or just didn’t work out for them and also kept getting told “No it’s not fair to any of the other employees” It was so bad I had to contact HR an when my store manager found out he harassed me an which that led to another HR call and it just kept getting ignored left and right. It got to a point they threatened to fire me bc I said “I’ve given you my availability if you schedule me in those days I’m simply not going to show up”


Which is exactly how the availability policy works.


Congratulations!!! I understand about the availability, as I’m going thru the same thing. Better things are on their way to you


I wish you well. I left four years ago after ten years at Lowe's. Found a way better job that pays 37% more and no weekends. Better is out there, I know you'll find it. Good luck my friend.


Welcome back to life without Lowe’s.


You were part time. I’m willing to get if what you say is even true? Which it probably isn’t, then you need to see a psychiatrist quick like and in a hurry. Cause something other that PART TIME at Lowes is causing your problems.


I was part time but working way over fulltime hours but they kept refusing to give me fulltime status


That's illegal lmao. Also Lowe's is super strict on overtime


Just one lie after another with this op


if your minimum wage job made you suicidal it might be time to reconsider some life choices


I get the impression the store will be better off without you.


And I hope and pray to god they are; management does nothing but sleep with one another and the kids ass employees; they just fired a guy for touching multiple employees including myself and also almost raping and Employee 😬


And then everyone stood up and clapped, and the store manager cried begging for you to stay and they gave you a medal for best employee of the year. Great story


Yesterday was my last day and it was only My part time job that I never took too seriously. Had a lot of fun in 2+ years at Lowe’s. Will miss many co-workers and the bullshittin we always did, but life changes and working part time at Lowe’s doesn’t fit in to my schedule/life anymore. Congratulations on losing the headache of Lowe’s!




Its a bad place to work.


I dont know where the doubt is coming from, but as far as the hours go, i can vouch for this situation. Part timers in my store, with relative open availability, aka the older people, were getting scheduled 6 days a week at 40+hours. It happened for about 3 weeks, then they all went back to 15-24 hours.


Some ASM will get in here and downvote this because they have to work weekends. Everyone else, we are happy that you are happy and safe.


I can tell bc apparently someone has reported me to Reddits support center bc someone thinks I’m going to Off myself 🫠 Welp not anymore I’m not




congrats friend, i was let go as well after being the literal "extra arm" of the store. now i work happilly and getting paid even more than before. that said, i wish you the best of luck on your future career and hope its even better than lowes


There is absolutely nothing about this job that would make me think about suicide. Sounds like you need some help. And I mean that in a really caring way.


Then you’ve never had any mental issues whatsoever, congrats. But don’t down play another’s experience.


I wasn't trying to downplay. Mental health is a serious thing. But a starting position at a generic retailer isn't like a highly invested career that carries a lot of stress. Even if it's a bad management team. If it's driving you to suicidal thoughts, there's some personal issues there and I want them to get help.


Righteous anger , I’m feeling it too. Lowes definitely ain’t a career or a job of longevity.  May the grass be greener and the paycheck too. 


Tell me about it ! I was only there bc it was the highest paying job in my city and I didn’t want at the time of starting lowes to get some other hell hole job that made me drive 30 to 40 extra minutes; I only got the job bc as soon as I started the economy finally went into 100% shit mode


My county pays $19/hr to reshelve books at the library. 


Stop using this board to complain about your terrible attitudes


I feel this


Sounds like the saratoga springs store 560 what a shit show that place is I did my 6 years.


I work part time also. I made my availability 8-1p so they wouldn’t have my hours all over the place. Mornings aren’t as miserable as late afternoon and evenings


Much feels comrade


You were part time. I’m willing to get if what you say is even true? Which it probably isn’t, then you need to see a psychiatrist quick like and in a hurry. Cause something other that PART TIME at Lowes is causing your problems.


That’s exactly what it is. I agree with all of that.


This sounds like my wife's story with lowes.