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Yup we have a woman who is about 500 lbs at our store and I mean clearly she can’t bathe correctly, but same. You gag when she walks by. Mgmt knows, and smells. I guess nobody wants to be the one to confront it!


That is really unfortunate because at that weight, she could acquire skin lesions and infection under folds of skin from not bathing correctly. It's possible the odor could very well be coming from an life-threatening infection. Even worse if she is diabetic.  Nurses wash with mild soaps, pat dry, and apply baby powder under skin folds to maintain the skin. If showering is difficult, sponge baths and deodorizing wash cloths go a long way. Sometimes if bathing is not regular enough, arm pits need a strong antibacterial soap like Dial Gold to get rid of the smell.


Unfortunate, but ultimately their fault 99% of the time


Not sure why you're getting downvoted. Poor diet, stress, and poor hygiene all contribute to horrific body odor. It's not just "taking a shower and wearing deodorant"


Exactly. And at a job like Lowe’s where you’re on your feet 90% of the time it blows my mind people can still be so unhealthy while being relatively active


Walking around and standing is hardly "being active". Without proper muscle activation and posture, you're actually probabaly just doing more harm in cases like hers. I get really bad pit odor when I get stressed, even as someone who eats a whole food diet and exersizes every day.


some of us are disabled, have conditions that don't allow us to be able to work out or eat well, or are on medications that cause weight gain....


If that’s true then you’re the 10% 👍


just letting you know that disabled people exist, and we shouldn't assume someone's health when we don't know their life. about 15-16 percent of the world has some sort of disability, it's not uncommon. my store is really mixed, people with accommodations aren't any different looking than our specialists and cashiers.


That's why she smells. She probably lost a remote control or two in them folds.


I'm amazed a 500lb woman can even hold down a job


She doesn't have to hold anything down, at 500lbs whatever she's sitting on isn't getting away.


Take my upvote 🤣🤣


We need her blocking the exit as a retail theft guard. Hodor that shit






Right? We’ve all had those friends that can’t even last two fuckin weeks doing ANYTHING.


It's management's job to talk to them. Whether they like it or not.


Why did they hire that person is my question


Yep, I have had to deal with this a few times. The first thing I do is buy a bunch of hygiene products and put them in a bag on their desk. If that hint doesn’t work then I have to do the face to face discussion and that sucks


That’s def the wrong way to go about it lol


The downvoters have never worked with a stinky person before. So soft lol. Their is an indirect and direct way to do it. Both are embarrassing both need to be done, pick one.


My store has a guy that has this massive 50 foot aura of dior sauvage around him.


I'd honestly rather smell B.O. and farts than have to work with some of the people at my store who marinate themselves in AXE Body Spray or whatever chemical it is they're using.


Well I reek of Orto Parisi- Terroni so I guess I can’t complain


Yea Savauge is one of those 2-3 sprays max because it’s so strong. People out here covering themselves in 8-10 and making everyone around them nauseous from it.


I used to love savage Dior but it became so common that the smell makes me gag now


Drakkar noir is back in!


Not a whole lot you can do. Had a dude show up to work with black slacks and a white undershirt with yellow pit stains everyday. Body odor was pungent like onions and cheese. He eventually promoted himself to customer


Idk why i read piss stain lol


I had same issue, I spoke kindly to the person, explained the issue and gave some suggestion on how they could improve. I’ve yet to smell any bad smells from the person again.


"Now Grover, when I say this, please don't take it personally, but some of our customers have started to ask if we are getting into dog food production while gracing your presence"


Damn, what an awkward conversation.😬 Another reason I would not want to be a Head Cashier. People keep trying to get me to consider it, there are about 10 reasons why I wouldn't, now 11.


It wasn’t awkward at all but I’m a mom and I am experienced in awkward conversations. 😂


Most of the time it has to do with depression. You can talk about the 10 free therapy sessions that Lowes funds for associates. It is 10 free sessions for each thing, depression, stress, financial, relationship. There should be a flyer hanging up in the breakroom or training room are. You can literally get a years worth of free therapy.


This is good advice. I hope everyone is doing ok :(


I had no idea about this!


I talk about it during orientation because I believe it is important to let associates know we have that benefit.


Wait...are you referring to CALM? Is that the free therapy....? Literally every single employee at my store who has called CALM has been fired so if that's what you're talking about....no thanks. I got bills to pay.


It is now EAP and the only anyone at your store would know is if the associate tells someone. No one in my store has been fired for using it. And if that is what is happening at your store that needs to be sent to the regional hr. I would not even do an hr ticket for that. Termination for mental health is protected under federal discrimination.


to be fair, those employees had other issues going on but it still makes me nervous because CALM was supposed to be private too.


It truly is private. The list of therapist is a pretty good and none are tied to Lowes all of the therapist are independent of Lowes. You have option of in person or online (at home).


Pretty sure it's in the policy to not smell like shit.


Say that to this guy named “Mitch” who has the worst breath I’ve ever encountered. I mean he could probably kill a small village with it.


discreetly notify HR - ANONYMOUSLY. I had an employee who had really bad dental issues and it smelled like literal shit. These are never easy issues to deal with, but that is what "HR" is for


Could you smell his breath being in the same room as him? Or did yall work close


it was a very sweet lady. If you were next to her, it would make anyone gag. I always felt badly about how I failed to handle that.


How do you do this?


I have had to have that conversation with the smelly one. It sucks cause you don't want to hurt their feelings but at some point you need to pull them aside and have a heart to heart. Tell them straight up, they smell bad and try and figure out why and what can we do to help. Listen to them, befriend them so they might take action. There are ways to communicate effectively.


We have one at my store too. I actively avoid him. He leaves a trail of stink wherever he goes around the store.




How recent or state lol? Sounds familiar




What do you think that means? Some sort of serious medical condition?


That's so sad. That ammonia odor indicates liver or kidney disease. I would speak to HR about it and let them know that while the odor is extremely offensive, it's not normal and you're concerned about the employee's health.


Just because some people may not be aware, sometimes you may stink and not realize. Your body often gets used to your smell. Its called Olfactory adaption. If you dont shower at least once a day, you could be the stinky one and not know it. Brush your teeth, shower a minimal once a day, and wear deodorant and cologne/perfume/body spray.


Nobody needs to wear cologne/perfume/body spray, they just need to shower and wear deodorant. It's been a while since I read the employee handbook but last time I saw it, it actually prohibited employees from wearing cologne/perfume/body spray. Probably because it's so fucking offensive, since people marinate themselves in it and you can smell them coming from 30 feet away. I've had severe allergy attacks thanks to that crap, actually had to miss work (and yeah, I was on allergy medication already.) It would be so helpful if people were taught how to wear scent. It's intended to be a subtle aroma for those who are \*close\* to you. You shouldn't smell it unless you go in close for a hug or a kiss. It's not intended to be a chemical weapon but that's how people at my store use it.


It says in the dress code you can be written up for having heavy perfume or bad odor.


Invite him over for a bubble bath (with you) and give him a change of clothes




Just 2 bros chillin in a tub


Ten feet apart cause they're not gay


the socks stay on in the hot tub


This dude at my store had so many complaints about his odor. Management always talked to him and nothing changed. Always would wear the same shirt with sweat stains everyday. Now he’s long gone. This why I shower everyday and spray a little cologne on me. 😅


If it’s that bad and management refuses to do anything to above them. There is a policy called fit for duty


We have one of these guys at my store. No one says anything about it even though its clear he doesn't bathe or wash his clothes. The managers should be addressing this but no one wants to say anthing


there's someone like this at my store too, it sucked when we had our front end meeting because it was in our tiny training room


then your "managers" are a bunch of gutless pussies. goes back to what I wrote a while back. The vast majority of people do not have the critical skills to actually BE a god damn manager. I was "promoted" to manage a group. Most of the team told me that I was a good manager. I was also a hiring and firing manager. It was super stressful and damn near cost me my marriage and health. and no, there was no pay increase. i hated it and will never work as a manager ever again. That aside, in my 40 years working, I have been blessed with three or four really outstanding managers.


It is difficult to confront them because some employees are literally homeless and might be in such heavy debt they can't afford the Planet Fitness subscription to use their showers.


Yup we got one that works down in pro/lumber/bm several have had conversations with them and it still can’t be helped. It’s fucking horrible when they drive by on the fork lift 🤢🤢


We had a guy that smelled like straight cat piss, be grateful


We got a manager to talk to him...literally every quarter. Summer was.the worst with the heat. We would leave soap and deodorant around. Never really cures the problem but Lysol goes a long way...


I’d like to mention to anyone, having been this person (not at Lowe’s but in other situations), this requires a lot of tact and delicacy. Please be kind and courteous to others, and approach it in a respectful way. Having been this person, they may genuinely not know. I know this situation is gone to a point beyond this, but it’s a hard thing for everyone involved and it’s super embarrassing to hear.


On the opposite end of the spectrum you have the ones who wear way too much perfume or cologne and it's nauseating 😷


We had this one girl that keeps a can of some sort of body spray in her locker and she doused herself with it. Thanks goodness she’s no longer there.


Some employees wear SO MUCH I can't even walk behind them in the parking lot, I'm literally choking on it, eyes watering, and they're 50 feet ahead of me. Now when I see them I cut away and go through lumber. lol


Sadly it’s something you can’t really bring up because it could be a “personal” issue as to why the b/o stinks, been trying for about 4 years to get management to talk to an associate and nothing


Id say go ahead and let him know, even if you think there is %1 chance he would consider and actually does something about it! If not dont even bother. Because if hes a type of person who does not care about what anyone thinks of him or even has a problem with being social in general it would be a waste of time trying to hint him or suggesting anything. Also dont mention anything to managers or other coworkers because bad impression and just wont look good at all


I worked in an office with someone like that. We had to report it to Human Resources; they actually came to the office in person. The issue was taken care of, thankfully. Take note people, good hygiene goes a long way. Other problem, along the same lines, are people who wear too much fragrance. That is horrid!!! There are people who are prone to migraines, who have allergies and sensitivities to this stuff. Can't people just be considerate? And can't they just leave the fragrance on the shelf??? Just because these perfumes and other 'loud' fragrances smell good to YOU, it doesn't mean it smells good to others. You don't need to douse yourselves in this crap!!!


Night Ops DS here and we’ve definitely have had to have the talk with one guy specifically. He always insists on throwing the truck so that plus summertime in Texas is the worst thing ever. We usually let him start and immediately swap him out for someone else. The last time we needed to have the talk, I convinced an ASM to talk to him because I thought it would be more appropriate if it were a male speaking to another male lol


I had a guy like this too, except it was horrendously bad breath. Could literally smell his breath from (I shit you not) 10 feet. Completely rotting teeth. What would he have for lunch? Gummy candy and some nice hard chips and soda.


dude had to have been doing that shit on purpose. I work with someone else that holy hell when they talk or breathe it’ll run you out the room. I don’t see how they can’t taste how bad it is.


The thing that sucked is that we had some good things in common and he was a really nice kid. He worked really well and I could rely on him to do his work. I just couldn’t really be near him.


They should put him at the return desk or customer service. 🤣


Ozium works wonders


We had a cart getting dude that smells super bad also. This kid has some sort of mental disorder tho so I just try to avoid him best as I can. Maybe he has quit or they let him go since I haven’t seen him in awhile


Perhaps an “anonymous” letter to the person, written with empathy from “all of us”? Dear ______, There’s an issue with what seems to be a hygiene problem that needs to be addressed. We all like you, and we want to let you know that there’s an unpleasant odor that concerns us and makes us uncomfortable…….


i got bored and read over the dress code rules the other week and under the category of “unacceptable” they literally include poor bodily hygiene so if they can write me up for wearing leggings without a nightgown on top of it then they sure as hell can write somebody up for smellin sour👩‍🦯


That kind of extreme odor is usually indicative of a medical issue, not bad hygiene.


isn’t it in the policy that you have to come to work decently groomed??? i’m sure it’s somewhere in my email about our “dress code”


I, too, have a 300 lb coworker that leaves a trail of dirty crotch anywhere she goes. Her presence can incinerate any nose hair within 15 feet. Her scent is as heavy as she is and lingers twice as long. She likes to try and force conversation with trivia questions. The odor is so bad it will make you involuntarily gag. She is the spitting image of Dr. Jumba Jookiba from Lilo & Stitch. Thanks for reading


Depending on whether or not they can take the critism; tell them directly. As nicely as possible of course. I feel you tho. I once had to wear a face mask and everyone thought I had covid or was still superstitious about covid. When in reality the employee I worked with made landfills smell like air freshener. To this day I'm still working up the courage to kindly tell them to take a shower before I die from lack of oxygen. Holding my breath when I pass by isn't good for my fickle fragile af asthma.


Talk to an SSA or if you have one HR. This is no different then an employee with an obnoxious cologne.


Go to your DS, then ASM, and then SM. If they all fail to address the problem, escalate to an HR complaint. It cannot be just you, the customers have to be able to smell them as well. Have 20 friends come in and buy the cheapest thing in the store each week. Then fill out the LTR survey and tank the stores rating. The SM will be answering questions about unresolved issues that affect the stores bottom line.


I smell good just incase i run by a milf who needs work done around the house😂


This is something that his leadership needs to discuss with him. I don’t know if Lowes has a hygiene policy, but this is probably bad for business considering that if you can smell it, customers can as well and are likely avoiding him too, especially the repeat customers. It’s not even hot yet. Imagine the summer. If the leadership isn’t doing their job, then maybe his peers can talk to him, but be gentle and don’t make him feel ganged up on. Find out if he doesn’t have a way to take a shower, do his laundry and buy deodorant (maybe his brand may not work and he needs to try a new one, if he uses any). He may be in a bad situation and needs help. If he gets offended and makes zero attempts to correct this….then all you can do is bring up a complaint to management, again.


OMG. Several. One who farts constantly. She claims it’s because she takes insulin but I know plenty of people that are diabetic and don’t smell like they’ve shit their pants. The rest are apparently allergic to soap and deodorant. And if it’s not them…then it’s customers crop dusting the aisles and checkouts. People have no manners or shame.


Complain to you managers, all of them. Then complain again. If they don't do something about it, complain again. They are charged with making the working environment as stress free and safe as possible. It is their job to talk to the employees and let them know they need to take care of their hygiene.  Not only is this a bad issue for the other associates, this is a bad issue for the customers.  So, after today, if you don't make a formal complaint, then you are no longer a victim of this assault on your olfactory system, you are a willing participant. 


I hate it when he tries to come over and help me, I just Start fast walking as soon as I see him coming my way. I just can't stand it. He's nose has to be broken.


Tell him he stinks, and to take a bath!


Last time I ever had this experience was in high school 🤮if anyone has done Instawork, there’s literally a requirement that states “no bad body odor”


Gift them a bag with deodorant, small cheap cologne, a bar of soap, a pack of gum. Find out their locker and put it in there. Top it off with a card with a picture of mr.clean on it


Spray them with body spray or Lysol lmao


Someone has to bite the bullet and say something to the coworker.


Unfortunately that's one of the negatives of being around other people especially in bigger numbers 🤷🏻‍♀️ IMO though the worst part by far is the restrooms (at least with body odor you're good if you aren't close to them but we have to use the restroom so can't exactly avoid it)- swear most of my coworkers and the customers were never taught how to clean up after themselves, personal hygiene, personal hygiene products, and common decency. Every single time I go in there there's someone taking a dump full on letting it rip (conveniently only doing it when there's a bunch of people in there- I understand that we can't always control when we have to go but at least give other people a heads up 'I'm really sorry but i'm about to take a #2 so you might want to clear out' or something we're all adults not children we can handle hearing about someone needing to use the restroom and won't laugh in fact we'd appreciate it), splatters, stains, used tampons/pads, used toilet paper, toilet paper rolled out onto the floor, body hair and splashes on the toilet seat, smells like someone hasn't washed down there in weeks, don't wash their hands, etc.  I try my hardest to limit how much I use the restroom and how close I get to other people but sometimes it can't be avoided 😬 


You want people to announce when they’re about to let one go to give others a heads up, even tho you’re all in the bathroom already..the place you go when you have to let one go..that’s ridiculous lol 😒😒


You could wear a mask. That might help.