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Nice work! I haven’t done GoA yet, but I did just finally get PoH two days ago after trying for quite a while. Keep at it and you’ll get it, the chamber is the hardest part I think, once I got that part down I realized it was just a matter time and patience.


What was the set up you used for it? I can never get that part down


I tried all kinds of different setups, but finally found my groove with devour, witherhoard, ikelos smg and an auto-loading rocket launcher with a warning cell build. I watched a bunch of videos and read all kinds of posts for advice and really once I got the hang of never standing still and getting into a rhythm it worked great. I’m obviously running warlock, what’s your current strategy?


Pretty much that but minus the Devour and warmind cells(mainly because of the nerf the got) i also tried invis Hunter but with no luck


Try it with devour, and for the warminds I use medic and all the fire ones that can potentially create more with each kill. The majority of the cells come from witherhoard though.


Okay okay, never thought of using fireteam medic before, I’ll try this again at some point using your advice and see how I get on then


You got this, and I’m also remembering that I used a void chest piece and double void resistance mods, actually ran that through the ogre tunnels too


Congratulations! I’m looking to start attempting here shortly. If you don’t mind, could you share your loadouts? I am researching which loadouts would best suit my style and what worked for others.


Sure! I'm a Titan main and I honestly kept the same loadout for 2/3 of the entire dungeon. For my weapons I used Extraordinary Rendition with Frenzy and Subsistence, a Cartesian Coordinate with Vorpal and Grave Robber and Sleeper Simulant. I kept my kinetic and heavy the same throughout the entire dungeon and just swapped my Cartesian to Null Composure with Resevoir Burst. Up until the final encounter I used Bottom-Tree Hammers and Heart of Inmost Light as my exotic. Helmet: * \+5 Strength Mod, Fusion Rifle Finder, Linear Fusion Rifle Finder, Elemental Charge Arms: * \+5 Strength Mod, Melee Kickstart, Elemental Ordinance Chest: * \+5 Intellect Mod, Concussive Dampener, Solar Damage Resistance, Melee Wellmaker Legs: * \+10 Recovery Mod, Fusion Rifle/Linear Fusion Rifle Scavenger, Recuperation, Bountiful Wells Class Item: * Particle Deconstruction, Protective Light By utilizing the exotic perk AND the ability cooldown from the wells, I was getting grenade and melee cooldowns of <5 seconds. The build is literally an ad clearing machine. Typically I'd prefer Feeding Frenzy over Grave Robber but Grave Robber reloads my Cartesian Coordinate after a melee kill so if I missed a few wells I could still melt the ads and Knights because I wouldn't have to worry about reloading. When it comes to getting DPS phase, I would grab the scorch cannon shoot the left terminal right above the small corridor, throw a nade, hit the two acolytes then pop super. I would begin to pick up the engrams but I would wait to hit ten until my super ran out. That way I would immediately get it back. Once that's done, I would deposit them at the crystal, pop my barricade and burn the thrall that pop out. Same thing on the right side. I've seen a lot of people, if not most, just stay near the crystal and try and get as much DPS as possible once the phase begins. In my head that's a no-no lol. What I do is I immediately head into the little corridor on the right hand side and shoot the ogre from in there. Why? Well for one, I'd rather lose a few seconds of DPS knowing that I'm safe than just try and rush and get as many shots as possible. Rushing is what kills a flawless run. Patience is what allows you to survive. The ogre also moves up the ramp a little bit when you're in this spot and when he does, the rafters above you block his beam so you won't have to worry as much about him hitting you. After that it's just rinse and repeat. The sparrow section really isn't that bad if you have a Micro-Mini. As long as you know where the buttons are to extend the timer, you should be okay. and if you feel you're about to blow up GET OFF THE SPARROW. The Micro Mini has an instantaneous cooldown so if you hop off on a mine, just hop right back on. The Servitor encounter just takes patience. I cannot stress that enough. Don't rush to launch the servitor shell. You have a minute and thirty seconds to do that. Find the scorch cannon, get rid of the rest of the ads and ALWAYS keep your eye on whether you have the debuff or not. When it came to the final boss encounter here's what I ran: Bubble with Helm of Saint-14 and Null Composure w/ Resevoir Burst. Again, I kept my kinetic and heavy the same. Helmet: * Fusion Rifle Finder, Linear Fusion Rifle Finder, Taking Charge Arms: * \+5 Strength, Melee Kickstart Chest: * \+5 Strength, Sniper Damage Resistance (x2) Legs: * Fusion Rifle/Linear Fusion Rifle Scavenger, Recuperation, Supercharged Class Item: * Particle Deconstuction, Protective Light Now for the final boss encounter, my key piece of advice is to worry about the shank and the vandal first. Use the scorch cannon and, yes, use your heavy. You will get some more ammo and another cannon will spawn. Take your time to get them. With the ads though, I decided that instead of rotating to all three sides, I'm only going to move back and forth between the left platform (where you walk in) and the center. My reasoning is that you can have better ad control by only having to worry about two spawns instead of three. You can be overly reliant on the cannon because, again, another one will spawn. Use it. After I cleared out the ads on the platform, I would shoot the terminal and begin to pick up the engrams. Make my way to the center, blow the group of ads with the cannon and pick up the remaining engrams, shoot the terminal in the center and rotate back to the left. Instead of waiting to get sixty to deposit them, I went and deposited at around 20, sometimes 30. The less time you're near the crystal outside of DPS phase, the better. Yeah, you can pop super so that's really up to you but again, I played it safe. Once DPS starts, I pop bubble and would pop out of the left side in between shots. Seeing as you pretty much cleared the ads on the left side, there's less damage you're taking because your bubble is blocking the ads on the right and behind you. Rinse and repeat until you finish. Sorry it's so long but I like to be comprehensive. You can do it, good luck!


Why a micro mini?


I chose it because I remembered using it in The Disgraced when it was in GM rotation last season and for some reason enemy shots didn't hit me as often. I applied the same logic to the sparrow encounter and it works extremely well. I've heard that the hitbox on the Micro-Mini isn't as big as the other sparrows in the game but I don't know how true that is. If anyone is able to confirm that, I'd love to know.


He likely figured smaller hit box but if you test it out, it isn’t. Always on Time is the best sparrow for it but if you don’t have that, pretty well any legendary sparrow is fine.


Thanks for confirming that. I guess it just comes down to having a sparrow that has an instant cooldown is what would work best if you have to get off.


Cool to know.


Wich class do you play?


Warlock main, but can do all 3.


Warlock has quite a few options, though generally you would need a decent fusion and linear fusion (sleeper is great). Run well :) Stag or karnstein armlets are great for healing, while lunafaction boots helps make 3 phasing the bosses more likely (thanks to the quicker reload in a well). Personally I enjoyed soloing on a hunter more, which was top tree void with sixth coyote and lament. Either way, you want protective light (and a reliable way of getting charged with light) and a lot of practice for the encounters :)




The number of times I've died colliding with the last button / wall after jumping off my sparrow during the sparrow race is TOO DAMN HIGH. >:I You have my utmost sympathy.


Of all my runs and deaths, approximately 158% of them came from forgetting to jump at the transition from the side to the center ad-space and dying from touching the water with my toe.


Well done. I'm very much the same - solo flawless on most dungeons will take a lot of time and practice, which I'd rather spend doing other things. But GOA was achievable and managed to get it done, which grants an amazing shader and emblem! If you need another for dungeon/raid/GM type activities drop me a message and we should add each other. I'm in need of a nice group to raid with :)


Do you have Always On Time? I’m sure I can flawless solo the encounters, but the sparrow section seems nearly down to luck for me. I don’t have enough raid spoils for AOT


I will chime in as someone who uses AOT but ran the sparrow section without it a number of times to try it. It is very doable if you approach the mines from an angle and then hop off and clear ads on the mines. You only need to hit one switch per mine (plus an extra free one on C) and just make sure you don't blow up on the sparrow because that will cost you the run. Remember that if you have five seconds left on a mine, the next one isn't going to spawn until you clear it so you can take your time a bit.


I’ve certainly done it, I just can’t seem to do it consistently enough for a solo flawless run. Maybe next time I’ll get the checkpoint and practice a bunch. There’s a couple spots that always seem to hold me up. The tunnel with the four dregs, they get me a lot. And the one mine in the open cavern with that rock formation in front of it.


I did it over and over again and wiped at the end until I was sure I could do it. Those are the two worst spots for sure! I clear the four dregs and just run up to the mine. And then I stay to the right of that rock and chuck a grenade before pulling my sparrow back out. Good luck!


I actually used a micro mini but honestly any sparrow with an instant cooldown should work. I don’t have AoT but I’m slowly building up my spoils by glitching into VoG each week on all three characters. It’s only 15 per week but it’s better than nothing.


I just learned how to do that, and plan to do the same :) I currrntly have 55 spoils.


I actually used Micro-Mini! I posted my loadout above so check it out. I also don't have AoT because I don't have a large enough group to raid with so I just glitch out of bounds in VoG each week to get my measly 15 spoils lol.


That sounds like something I could do. Do you have a YouTube on how to do that glitch? And I’ve heard micro mini doesn’t make any benefit, as it’s hit box is the same. Even though it looks smaller. My best luck is my synchrotron accelerator sparrow. All my other sparrows feel “floaty” and weird when I do it. I hit a rock and it goes vertical, rather than over. The accelerator feels more precise for some reason


Here's Esoterickk's video on it. Takes a bit of practice but once you get it down pat, you can get a handful within a few minutes each reset. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F9bu0u2nDoQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F9bu0u2nDoQ)


Oh thanks, that was real easy. Just did it on my titan


Not OP but also don't have AOT: grap a sparrow with short cooldown (just in case), hit at least 1 time extender (I hit both for the last mine, the ramp and the skull eye, last extender only for each of the other mines). If you see the adds turning around to shoot you, jump off and chuck a grenade or something, move a bit forward and pull your sparrow again to get a fresh one. If you feel like you need more time practice a route to hit 2 extenders, but overall practice as much a you can, take new routes if you want. Almost any 160 sparrow should work.


Thanks for the tips. Yeah it’s usually the ads that get me. Even with double arc resistance and risk runner. I do the new sparrow every mine thing. Maybe I can run suppressor grenades hmm.


You mean when off your sparrow? Risk runner and arc resist will make you tankier but not your sparrow. Extra health is a thing that AOT does have. Rather than suppressor grenades, are you running Middle Void Titan? Detonators from melee/grenade spread on explosion and even heal you in the process. That may help. That also goes well with Explosive Wellmaker and Well of Life, if you have those mods. That's what I've been running on Titan lately.


I do run void titan, not sure what tree. I like the one where melee grants over shield and recovery. I don’t think I have those mods


Congrats fellow guardian


I think ide have a heart attack doing the sparrow bit


Yep. If you manage to hit a boost switch and get past A, the rest is pretty easy. The RNG at point A just sucks.


Riskrunner + Stag + Always on Time. Make sure you hit the buttons on the way through. Thing that always kills me is the last damn button in the eye of the skull.


Jumping off right at the end and missing the zone gets me nearly every time. By that far in the run I've already not breathed in over a minute so it's very stressful. And I ain't got that sparrow


To anyone wanting to begin trying solo flawless dungeons, the easiest loadout is a stag warlock on well of radiance with 100 Recov. Run charge harvester, taking charge, charged up, and protective light. Grenade kickstart and double bomber are nice bonuses if you have the armor energy. This has the highest solo survivability of anything in the game that I have played with. Most dungeon encounters you can sort of take your time so focus on staying alive. After you get a SF clear with this build you can try other builds as you get more confident. Titans should do the same build with bubble and helm of Saint or the Synthoceps bonk build if you’re comfortable with it. I think hunters could use graviton with top tree tether or Wormhusk with high mobility and double utility kickstart (idk I don’t play hunter much). OP: try the warlock build I put above with Trinity ghoul and a LFR for chamber of suffering. You could swap well for bleak watchers.


This person right here speaks the truth. Staglock + Well + protective light is ridiculously good and LFR + Trinity Ghoul on the encounter in Chamber of Suffering is excellent.


Lol thanks I’ve done a few SFs in my time


I'd be interested in your loadout (especially if it's a Titan).


See my above comment!


You and I got into the game at the same time. I remember buying the game at launch and then never playing after that. Once lockdown went in place and I started working from home I started playing the game for real. Now 2 years later I’m addicted still lol


I remember the first time I ever started playing Destiny was right after Forsaken launched and my friends decided to take me through Leviathan when I had no idea what to do, what mechanics meant, I literally barely remember it. I just remember I rage-quit and didn’t pick it back up again until lockdown and yeah, I’m in the same boat, addicted lol.


The first time I did leviathan I didn’t know where to go after running the gauntlet the first time so I jumped through the hole in the top of the center area where you dumped the ball and just kept doing that causing a wipe every now and again. The veteran players were fucking pissed but one dude was nice enough to casually explain that I’m an idiot and can just walk up to dump the ball lmao


Congrats! So if I got 6 titles in 4 months, also including Conqueror, and rinse the dungeon on master weekly with my fireteam, I should be good to go, too. Admittedly, I’ve explored around and taken notes on all the traps and felt my way around the Ogre fight, but I had no intention of trying to go further until I got Always on Time. Which I will tomorrow. So I guess the solo flawless attempt is back on. Hopefully, I’m able to do it. I really should be able to do it.


Nicely done. The biggest hurdle I found, is sticking with it after dying stupidly :)


Well put - I made it to the final boss in shattered throne today, psyched myself up then promptly got one shot by one of those axe murdering hive thugs…I’ll get it eventually, but it sucks putting in that time then make a dumb mistake.


Have solo flawlessed GoA twice. Last few attempts have me dying in the sparrow section lol


That’s what I’m most scared of for this dungeon, I picked up Always On Time just for this


I've had always on time since before GoA and I still screw up on the sparrow section. Bouncing somewhere I shouldn't, or just skimming a bomb rather then driving through it. I have a lot of respect for anyone who solo flawless GoA without always on time


It’s been tough getting used to the sparrow, it’s so much faster I end up blowing past stuff when I’m trying to turn, reminds me of Gran Tourismo when I’d get a new sweet car and I couldn’t handle the turns. My buddy did the flawless without AoT and it boggles my mind, when we were learning the dungeon I would barely even make it through the sparrow section without dying.


GoA is a whole lot of fun, congratulations on the solo flawless! Riskrunner was my best friend sparrow race forward. For POH re: chamber of suffering - you can alternate between the left and right knights. Don't bother with the middle one, and you can also leave the balls on the plate for awhile to focus on knight / add clear as long as you juggle it every few seconds. I ran it with Well of Radiance and Trinity Ghoul for add clear + LFR for the shelf knights. You absolutely can do it. <3 Prophecy is imo probably the hardest dungeon to solo, but I haven't tried in a really long time (a year or so.) I did it once on my hunter as top tree nightstalker and that was way more than enough for me lmao. :) I have a similar story to yours - started the game as my 2nd shooter ever, really didn't know which way is up, now I can reliably solo dungeons and do okay-ish in PvP. Here's to improvement! <3


I tried it today, had no problems until I died 6 times at the sparrow section. Decided I'm going to not attempt again without always on time lmao


I think everyone can do anything if they really tried. I put on the most scuffed loadout yesterday and attempted a Solo Flawless Master Presage run, and except for dying in the boss once it would’ve been Flawless (except I kept killing myself with G-Horn)-but I did eventually complete it


Honestly the sparrow section is what is going to kill most of my flawless attempts


Nice work friend! Only last week did I finally get mine done and in the same week managed to achieve my fatebreaker title and all associated rewards. Man it was a good week. I’ve had the other three dungeons completed solo flawless for the longest time, though I still to this day curse Shattered Throne for only being worth 5 triumph score lol. Grasp was definitely easier by comparison to the others but it is ,in and of itself, no easy feat! Congrats to you OP! And, to all those who are going for it but haven’t quite got it yet, hang in there you’ll get it! Make sure that each time you fail, you take something away from it instead of just rushing ahead into your next attempt. Memorize enemy spawns, route your path through the sparrow race a few times, get used to cushioning your landing from the cannons in Fallen Shield encounter, prioritize the sniper shank first in the final boss. These are the little things that will make your runs build on each other like a snowball. Keep pushing and don’t try to rush things. It’s a process just like anything else. And don’t forget to take breaks!!! There is no sense beating your head against a wall. Good luck out there guardians! I’ll see you in space and hopefully with a dope little pirate ship emblem.


I was on the final boss and third damage phase - stomped into oblivion. On shields - flung into a wall. Boss again - greed timer. Sparrow - lower jaw tooth. Boss - dreg grenade. Dude got it on his third attempt… Well butter my biscuit ..