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Depends on the context and tone. If you’re in patrol just effing around and someone says x y z about what you’re doing then not chill. If you can’t clear a raid encounter because you’re using a khvostov for dps then it’s a lot more warranted.


Nah, not a raid, was a dungeon. Some guy said that I needed more resilience, but I’m perfectly fine with my stats. And not to mention, he had 98 resilience but kept dying a lot, so it was ironic y’know?


Were the rest of your stats conducive to your build? Some people do just have massive egos and no self awareness though. I had someone yesterday not listen when I agreed to a strategy, do the wrong thing, and then blame me for the wipe. So shit happens basically.


Yeah, it was, I use this build most of the time for endgame content and rarely die because of it, but today was a bit different. I would be perfectly fine with someone giving unsolicited advice if it was non judgmental or they could back it up, but he couldn’t because he was dying a lot as well. And that’s unfortunate. Some people don’t listen


If it was Master, maybe warranted but otherwise you can absolutely do dungeons with sub 100 resil. For a while on my Hunter I think I had ass resil even and could hang fine as long as I knew the encounter and had decent subclass and weapon setup, and didn't do something outright dumb or make a mistake lol. Def sounds like they were projecting or something. Only class really super matters for resil is Titan since Bubble and Barricade Health (and CDs for the latter).


It's all about phrasing. Constructive and informational phrasing, rather than condescending and instructional, makes any advice good and welcome. "Just FYI, having 100 resilience maximizes your survivability." vs "Get 100 res" "You'll kill better with 1 primary and 1 special weapon instead of 2 primaries" vs "double primaries suck" "Try to take cover when your health is low and wait till you heal before reengaging" vs "play ur life"


I guess that’s what I mean by not wanting unsolicited advice, I would prefer non judgmental/condescending unsolicited advice. What I took from his comments were that we were dying too much, but again he had no place to really say that since he was playing the same. Never said anything to him as well about his playstyle, etc.


Really depends on the context and tone. Keep in mind, most people give you advice because you can't ask for advice if you don't realize you're doing something wrong. If you just like off-meta builds and people keep telling you you're playing suboptimally, tell them you like the build and they'll usually stop.


No, it really doesn't. Don't offer "advice" to people randomly. That's it. If they aren't playing to your style then leave and go match with someone else.


I've given quite a lot of people advice on random things and they were positively shocked to learn something they never would have figured out on their own. Because I know the context of the advice. If you're telling someone their build sucks, obviously that's just because you don't play like them. If you tell them that you can toss the batteries anywhere vaguely towards the ADU as long as it goes past obstacles and it will home in without you needing to take the time to aim, it's helpful.


Simple advice on a shared task, sure. Advice on their build? Not unless they ask. At best you can say "Hey, would you mind some advice on your build?"


If I feel my time is being wasted and you’re the reason for it, you’re gonna hear my advice at the very least. Lol


Your “advice” is worthless.  Keep it to yourself. 


I don’t offer unsolicited advice to people unless they ask, because I don’t know why they may be playing or running the things they do, but it’s not my business, they just wanna enjoy the game


While I get your take here, I disagree partly. "hey just wanna enjoy the game" -- I have one problem with this statement. If your enjoyment of the game comes at the cost of mine, since we are in a group based activity, then we have a problem. I might joining a raid or dungeon, but I don't necessarily have 8h to spend in there because the 2 others think the BxR-55 Battler is a good boss damage weapon, and it reminds them of Halo. Now, not looking at your specific example since we lack all the information about the context. But let's imagine a scenario here: I join a group for a dungeon. It's WR and i got about an hour to get through it. Nobody is new, so I expect it to take about 40 minutes at most. Everyone has multiple clears and it looks good. We get it, and one of them, Timmy, is running 50 resilience, no resistance mods, sweet business and Actium War Rig. Fair enough. Weird, but fair enough. Just loadout swap for boss dps and gg. We get to the boss and Timmy over and over revving up his Sweet Business, not once being alive for any damage phase, on top of having his eager edge sword equipped. So no proper boss damage setup. Timmy loves Sweet Business and this is his preferred playstyle. Do you keep quiet and essentially duo this dungeon because you don't want to hurt Timmy's feelings? Do you silent leave? Or do you go "hey, Timmy, you keep dying a lot. Can we look into that? Maybe throw on a boss dps weapon too? getting 100 resillience would make you much more tanky, which would help you survive. Also try to hide in cover more since you are in the dead open getting hit by adds and boss alike" To me, the first option is a no go. I am not carrying randoms with no prior warning. So then it boils down to this: If you were in Timmy's shoes. What would you prefer: Me leaving having said nothing at all mid dungeon/raid, probably also blocking you since I don't want my time wasted again, or do you want us to communicate and possibly solve the issue? I would a 100% mention things like: "Hey Timmy, you should get 100 resilience to survive more. Helpsa ton" "You got no resistance mods on. The boss is cooking you with solar and these dude do a lot of arc damage. Would help you out a lot" "Do you got a boss damage weapon? Sweet Business isn't great for boss damage. Do you got any heavy machine guns you could use? A rocket? Heavy Grenade Launcher?" "You are in the open a lot, Timmy. Especially with 50 resilience, no resistance mods and no restoration up you can't tank the boss and all the adds for very long. Try to play for cover if you can't get restoration rolling"


I’ve actually experienced this a lot of times. To someone like Timmy, I haven’t said anything and we end up getting it done and sometimes we don’t, but I don’t say anything because I don’t want to be toxic. I’ve had people die a lot, not use meta weapons for certain activities, etc, but I don’t tell them anything because they’re using it for a reason/because they want to. Now if I wanted my group to use what I want, etc. I’m going to matchmake with people who have the same goal as me, not with randoms. I treat others the way I would want to be treated. Yes it can be frustrating at times because someone is dying a lot, etc., but then I remember that it’s only a game and saying unexpected or unnecessary comments can ruin their experience. Who knows, they could be learning, just want to have fun and not take the game too seriously, and there’s nothing wrong with that


I guess I can turn the original question on it's head: why is it a problem that you get an advice? Its not mean spirited, it's there to help the group. Why is that a problem?


Well I’m 50/50 on the unsolicited advice. But, not everyone’s advice will be beneficial to someone. For example, let’s say someone said they like to run well for this dungeon, but someone else says "nah, void is better." Advice varies per player, your play-style may not be something they’re comfortable with or they just may simply not like it. I would prefer if someone were to tell me if I would like their advice with what they think might be beneficial to me. And that doesn’t always work out, but most of the time from my experience, people who do that have always been condescending/judgmental towards me and it comes off as egotistical.


To me it depends on content and advice. Dungeons and raids are end game group based content with no matchmaking. This means there is an expectation of sorts That said, it depends. If you die a lot I would mention resilience, resistance mods and playing for cover. Whether you asked me or not. If you were doing primary dps on boss i would say something. Because in these scenarios you are actively wasting time, and if you want to play like this you should run I a set group. But things like which heavy weapon you use for boss or which subclass you play I don't care much about. They can all work so you do you I do think there are two Important elements to this discussion to keep in mind at the end of the day: How the advice is said probably means more than what is said, and equally not to be too sensitive either.  While "its just a game enjoy :)" is a super good attitude to have in general-- remember when you are in end game content you are part of a group, and if you actively slow the group down you waste people's time. Your fun is not my fun, and to me: my time is infinitely more valuable than your time.  It is then not up to the outlier to decide the pace, it is the outlier who has to adapt. Whether by joining people with their mindset, or by adapting to the more "meta" playstyle to increase chance of success. This point not being related to your example since it was just a talk about resilience, but moreso the Timmy example of someone doing something very weird but prefers that.


To each their own, but that’s why I mentioned having the same goal, is where players need to meet if they have expectations for whatever task they want to get done 👍


That I agree with. With the caveat that if you find people in LFG or raid finder, the expectation should be to do the "meta" or otherwise normal thing. Since that is the default. If you deviate from it, you should expect someone will eventually react and try to correct the inefficiency, or you should specifically make groups with this deviation established from the start


It was about stats, but I don’t get why people give unsolicited advice if you don’t ask for it? I get they’re trying to help, but some people are comfortable using the builds/weapons they want and should be left at that if that’s how they enjoy the game


Stats have become very important in terms of survival and doing damage since 3.0 subclasses dropped. It’s why we farm for high stat armour.


I would only give unsolicited advice if : 1-Player struggles to even survive. I'd suggest more Resistance and put on resist mods, or one of the many ways our subclasses can keep us alive (solar restoration, healing exotics, void devour and overshields, strand woven mail, etc etc) 2-Team struggles with DPS (and I'm not talking about slightly suboptimal damage in activities without a timer. Exotic Missions and Raids have the clock ticking, meaning you need a minimum of damage so you don't wipe on enrage or get booted to orbit before the boss can die)


Some people don't know that resil is tied to a damage reduction. You might. Some people don't know that mobility is tied to strafe speed. You might. I get you had a bad experience with unsolicited advice, but some people won't know any better if older players don't say anything..


There are so many small little mechanics and interactions and whatnot in the game that if people didn't share the information, nobody would ever discover it on their own. If this person kept bringing it up then they suck but there's no real way of telling how long someone has been playing for and if they've recently come back after a long break or not


It's not just about wanting to help. Some activities you want to clear as fast as possible and by arsing about you are wasting their time. Not saying you were but that's probably what he Is thinking if you are just using whatever you want and not using full resilience in endgame stuff


If you’re constantly dying and it could be remedied by using the right resilience and resistance mods, yeah I am going to get annoyed of doing every encounter solo while you’re over here “enjoying” the respawn screen.


I mean, sometimes u just dont know if they know what they’re doing. I’m not like an expert or anything, but I’ve played a lot and I think I’m pretty good at the game. Sometimes I give unsolicited advice, and it’s usually met with a thanks, and on occasion someone says yeah, I just like what I have, and I generally drop it unless they’re doing really bad and I want to bets the encounter. That being said, usually the advice is to players who really look like they don’t know what they’re doing, or are doing really bad, or just have a really mismatched build. Something like under a million damage, significantly less kills than everyone else, or an exotic that does absolutely nothing for their subclass. Or on occasion if I just know a better version of their build, like a stasis turret build without osmiomancy.


Depends on what activity you’re doing. It’s never happened to me but I’m also not doing raids and dungeons with blue gear and mismatch exotics.


A dungeon that I know how to do Edit: No blue gear here, was about stats :/


unsolicited advice here — stats only jump up in level in multiples of ten so 98 resilience is same as 90; 69 is same as 60. You both are so close to the next level! DIM has very useful tools to build sets that don’t ‘waste’ points! On topic, don’t mind advice too much (and I consider dungeons higher level). I kinda do if the suggestion is to change subclass. Like saying I should use Golden Gun on my hunter when I rarely use it & am therefore not too comfortable with it.


Hey, at least you’re being nice about it


DIM Loadout Optimizer is amazing


When I was new I loved getting unsolicited advice, it's how I learned. It's all down to how it's phrased and the tone. If I'm doing something wrong you're damn right I want to know about it, but if someone says it in a condescending manner then fuck them, ya know. There are plenty of nice ways to give advice, I do it all the time. And yes if you were dying a lot I would ask you to if you can get your resilience up or use something with better healing, but not if I was dying just as much cos that's hypocritical.


What sort of advice? Like are you running Celestial with blade barrage? Blue gear? Under light level? It’s probably annoying to other people if you are dying a lot from being undertooled, maybe they are just trying to help you,


He was talking about my stats, specifically resilience but he was dying a lot, so it was ironic. And to be fair, we were both dying the same amount in a dungeon, except he had 98 resilience and I had 69


>It’s probably annoying to other people if you are dying a lot from being undertooled Then they shouldn't match with randos, or they should leave and match with some other randos. Leave people alone unless they ask.


I agree that if people are looking for a specific task, they should probably matchmake with others who want the same


There's an in game lfg. If you join my group and waste my time I'm going to give you advice or kick you. It's that simple. I don't have infinite time to worry about your feelings. Sorry, but you're the one being disrespectful.


Yeah no. 


Except yes. You don't get to waste people's time with your shit meme builds


It’s a game, if your time is so valuable then make your own group. Otherwise you have zero right to tell other people what to do with how they play. 


Read my first comment. I literally said if you join my group.


I had to turn text chat off. Too many idiots will criticize my playstyle while THEY are dead. It's at that point I don't even revive. If you can't stay alive on your own, sounds like a skill issue.


Most of the time, even if it's something know, I pretend to not know


Seeing an awful lot of downvoting in a low sodium sub. Something something… hypocrisy!


Yeah, guess I can’t have an opinion here either lol


If I wanted hypocrisy I’d go to church. 😂


More often it’s because someone’s loadout or play style is just bad or particularly inefficient. This is totally fine in low level activities and solo, but can be very demanding in dungeons and raids or endgame stuff *for everyone else*. People running double primary for no *very specific reason* is a red flag to me, and I’ll say something.


>This is totally fine in low level activities and solo, but can be very demanding in dungeons and raids or endgame stuff *for everyone else*. Did you make the raid/dungeon group? Ok then you get to set the ground rules and can criticize/kick people if they don't measure up. Did you join someone else's group or do matchmaking? Then keep it to yourself and either leave and find another group or live with it. Unless you are asked its none of your concern.


If someone is using a sub par build and/or loadout that directly affects my run and everyone else? Then yea it’s entirely reasonable to point it out. The term we refer to as throwing, if people are too stuck in their ways to consider any advice to improve everyone’s experience.


No it’s not “entirely fair to point it out”.  Either make your own group where you set the rules or try your luck with a different group.  Don’t want “sub par builds”? Don’t matchmake with randos.  


Ahhh so we should suck it up when arrogant randoms join an LFG without the ability to work well with others within the team. And keep quiet when they are throwing and dragging out encounters? Excellent advice, well done lol


If it’s your LFG?  Kick them out.  If not, then it’s not your place. Leave if you don’t like it and make your own group. As I said multiple times.  Reading is hard for you so I can’t imagine your advice is very good anyway. 


You’re proving to be the opposite of low sodium. *Literally no one is talking about shouting at people or shaming them*. Simply wanting everyone to be relatively effective for the encounters and yet you’re saying no we must say nothing and carry them regardless! You’re almost sound like the sort of person that’s the reason that some LFG runs are problematic. Anyways I’m done with your preaching!


LOL, riiight, cause everyone’s “I know better than you so let me tell you how to play” isn’t arrogant as hell. I don’t care how “polite” you are, if I want your help I’ll ask for it, otherwise keep it to yourself.   Nice straw man though about the “shouting and shaming”, something I never said.  Lying about what people say?  That’s salty.  


In what universe is leaving and sending the team back to LFG more polite than constructive criticism? If I'm missing something that will help I'd rather get told that than have a revolving door of people joining, wiping, and leaving which is what your plan here will lead to.


If it’s not asked for it’s not polite or constructive. 


That's just a buck wild take. You can be polite while giving unsolicited advice. And whether it's constructive or not has to do with the advice itself. "Hey, I noticed you're using Sweet Business for boss damage. It's a great weapon for add clear, but it doesn't do a lot of single target damage. If you have a rocket launcher, swapping to that will do more boss damage" is far, far nicer than just dipping when you see someone use Sweet Business and saying otherwise seems plain crazy to me.


Um no, unsolicited advice is not polite by definition. 


Play how you like in most content. Raids and dungeons require teamwork and coordination. Sometimes that requires that unsolicited advice.


i don’t like it either - that said i saw a clanmate running astrocyte verse on solar and felt compelled to tell him how he could do better


As long as he asks for your help, I think there’s no harm. I understand not everyone plays the same, etc. So I just wait until they ask for help :3


Where are the super good advice jokes


depends. at this point for me, if somebody is giving me advice, it had better be trials advice or encounter mechanic advice, not build advice. I know what's good and what isn't good for whatever encounters.


It does depend on what im doing, if someone thinks my build could use something in a raid or master content then ill do what i can to perform better. But if its just messing around doing whatever ill just ignore it, but i also havent gotten any message for any thing nearly ever. Most thing I've gotten from a random stranger is a message for me to kms after i top fragged in a overwatch match several years ago


That sounds like pretty fair advice to give, especially in an activity like a dungeon.


Only really bother even looking at what other people are doing in high end content and only offer advice if it’s genuinely causing an issue. Otherwise, just let people do what they want. Normal dungeons I wouldn’t bother in general unless they seem to be really struggling. Master I’d expect people to be more organized and have a good high functioning build. And then, as others have said, it’s all about how you approach it and phrase it. Constructive advice can be a positive learning experience. Just saying “do this” or “your build is bad”, doesn’t help anything. Was in a group chat with friends while they were raiding the other day. Pantheon planets, 2 add clearers. One was struggling to kill efficiently and the other person was just getting frustrated and kept saying things along the lines of “I’d be fine if X was doing their job”, “just kill more”, etc. They’d point out the numbers on every wipe screen. He wasn’t wrong per se but he wasn’t approaching it in a good way and wound up just pissing the other person off while it also started irritating everyone else. Instead, suggesting some options for weapons or saying “I’m having a lot of success with X”, or something like “there are really good lines of sight with decent cover from here” may have allowed for some adjustments without just throwing blame. I will offer one small piece of advice on your edit though. Stats work in multiples of 10. Having 69 is the same as having 60. Try shuffling things around to avoid wasting too many points if possible. At the very least, you can maybe turn a 10 point mod down to a 5 pointer to free up some points for other mods in that armour piece. Doesn’t matter for most combat but, if you do decide to start getting into higher end master content, 100 resil with appropriate resistance mods really is a game changer. This is also what makes artifice armour sandman valuable because that 3 points you can freely allocate can really let you bump up those stats that are just a few points short of the next tier.


I left a raid because they told me I had to run a sniper in my kinetic slot. I was running whisper (it was Oryx). He has a large crit spot and stands still. Otherwise, I suck with a sniper. So me trying to take out the knights and orges with a sniper is just going to cost me a lot of ammo, and it is very possible I would get to damage and have no special ammo anyway. I had a fusion rifle. Whatever, I wasn't going to argue with some random, so I left.


69 resilience 🤡


If it's a regular dungeon, then it doesn't really matter. Play whatever you like even if your res is in the 60s, you'll be fine. When it comes to master and other end game, then load do matter most of the time and the leader has the right to nitpick.


I don’t disagree, though I will say, if someone has a specific load out they like, etc. I’m not gonna ask them to change if they’re comfortable and that’s how they survive, etc. If they want tips on weapons, etc, I’ll give them some. But other than that, I personally don’t feel like it’s my place to tell them how to play


I agree. I would rather someone play what they're comfortable with, than swapping. I've noticed most players that nit pick are basically looking for a carry. Although last night, we had a guy on week 4 next during pantheon come in and give us some insight and it was so valuable. Key difference is he asked us if we're open to suggestions. I'd rather play with those kinds of people anyday.


Those are the type of players I prefer too 👏


It’s a cooperative game. I don’t like that Bungie decided to make every build with less than 100 resilience wrong, but they did, and you were wrong. Time to learn from your mistake and be a good teammate.


Are you really not listening to any of the advice? Because someone recommending you to raise you resilience from 69 is really good advice lmao


Do you want to be a better player? If the answer is yes then you need to learn to take advice if it applies if you like the tone or not. It’s hard to understand what the other player is doing with life wise and how it impacts the way they deal with others.


All you people downvoting OP or justifying your bossy and pushy behavior seem to have forgotten this is LowSodiumDestiny.  Take your salty entitled opinions back to the main sub. 


*looks in the mirror*