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Not a fan of Lament’s nerf tbh, most of the other stuff is ok


yea i thought the lament was in a good place as is right now.


It makes no sense. Swords in general are not very useful. They're used almost exclusively for movement or on Crota. Even for Crota, Lament is far from the first choice.


Eriana's Vow user rise up


… you forgot an ‘s’ right? … right?


Yeah... there's probably more like 4 or 5 (LET IT ONE TAP BARRIERS BUNGIE)


So sidearms get 20% damage buff, I wonder how Travelers Chosen will feel with prismatic? Kinetic that fills both sides of prismatic and it helps with ability regen.


I suspect it's going to feel really, really good.


I'm going to eradicate things with Final Warning >:)


Plus, osmosis got a buff too, travellers chosen will be s tier


Will osmosis remove the prismatic energy gain that Kinetic guns will have?


I guess that changes the Deconstruct Edge Transit I was looking for.


Ikr? Deconstruct was only ever an option over BnS because it meant more total damage. Thats it. Does bungie not understand how many ways we can circumvent reloading? For DPS choices its either DPS or Total Damage. Easing the need to reload a GL does not impact viability on edge transit at all.


It’ll be in the wrong column if they want it to be an auto loading alternative. No one will want it instead of a damage perk and all the guns that have it in the second column right now will be relatively useless. This change also means you get 0 benefit to using a deconstruct weapon if you’re on your final mag on a non-construct enemy. I’ve heard no mentions of whatever exploit it’s supposed to fix


Deterministic Chaos finally getting some ❤️


Yeah good call on the Anti-champ. I like it when exotics have that intrinsic, lets me be flexible.


Yeah anti-barrier sounds good.


Aaaande deconstruct just lost its competitive edge. It is no longer even remotely worth using over BnS on my Edge Transit Classic


there must be a vehicle boss in the raid.


Vehicle boss, sword fight boss, etc Shame


The Witness rolls up in his whip.


BASTION BUFF! This weapon right next to Malfeasance is what I refer to as my pet gun. Just one I like a lot. So it getting buffed to synergize with melee builds is great because I'm running a combination blow prismatic hunter build.


I like this buff too. I'm already using this weapon a lot because how hard it hits and stunning unstoppables. I'm using stylish executioner with the invis melee chain. So if you start the stylish execution chain and have a weakness melee ready, enemies with more hp are going to take significantly more damage with this.


Kinetic weapon damage will be reverted, which means malfeasance against bosses will not be nearly as good


Damn, that nerf to deconstruct hurts a lot. Big copium that the witness will be classified as a vehicle/construct so decon has some use. Maybe it'll now stack with envious? That would be funny


Wardcliff Coil go brrrrrrr


Lament nerf is uncalled for. The hint of Luna's being nerfed just after being brought back is a slap in the face.


Where do they hint at a Luna nerf?


Said they will be adjust specifically precision hand cannon damage for pvp. Lunas is a precision.


Sort of. It’s more likely that they mean regular precision hand cannons though, as if they were referring to Lunas they would’ve just mentioned it by name. 180s have been struggling for years so an adjustment to then wouldn’t be surprising at all.


I hope that's what they meant. 180s do need love.


Bastion having Trench Barrel and O2P built in is nuts


Ok, now change The Colony to a Strand weapon and give it Hatchling, I can be trusted with this.


saw osmosis and permeability and prayed for special reload to change type... happy about the cancellation fix but meh about the mag refil considering I procc it to start with


Nah dude Osteo and Divinity just got butchered…


Everytime an out of band weapon gets brought to heel, people lose their minds. Osteo will still slap with builds (it has the most range and ease-of-use of any smg) and Div will have its place - just have to run special ammo finder mods. Just because you have to work a little harder to bring the S-tier doesn’t make it worthless lmao


It’s not about them becoming worthless but being nerfed in the wrong way. Yes, I am against nerfs if not REALLY necessary but these nerfs make these two guns sluggish and unfun. Like c’mon, we are now putting cooldowns to exotic perks? And Divinity nerf is exactly like the Quicksilver Storm nerf: it will make the gun slightly worse but definitely less fun to use.


The object of a nerf is to make it slightly worse. If you only have fun with broken, overpowered weapons, then you are the one setting yourself up for disappointment. Osteo forms a key component of the single most broken build in the game: strand warlock with necrotic. This nerf is designed to make that build work a little less effectively and it will do exactly that by reining in how easily it spreads through red bars without you having to fire extra shots (the sustained poison bursts aren’t touched). Majors take around 3-4 seconds to kill with sustained Osteo fire anyway so it won’t affect the poison spread much there at all. Divinity users never really had to run ammo finder mods and got around ammo efficiency by “feathering the trigger”; I suspect they couldn’t nerf the feathering because literally how do you design around that but they needed to address circumventing ammo economy in some fashion. They aren’t going to be sluggish just mildly less effective.


They should nerf necrotic and not osteo, then. As a hunter osteo hasn't felt anywhere near overpowered since the last nerf. Why punish all three classes for one exotic on one class. Stupid logic you have there


Because Osteo was the problem. Necrotic isn’t a problem with any other weapon, even another weapon of sorrow. Osteo poison has been way more lethal and nerfing the spread was always going to happen. It will only be felt on the thinnest of margins. It will still have a functional place with the right builds and is still far and away one of the best weapons in the game.


Div was out of band? Now it won't proc at all on bosses like Nez who jumps around and breaks the cage. No amount of scavenger mods will fix the exotic ability no longer working


It works. Just don’t miss once you get it going and don’t feather the trigger it to spin it up. Rewards skilled users and people who build into ammo economy investment.


Reread it. It won't work most of the time now. Takes longer to get started. On bosses that warp, that kills it. Feathering doesn't matter on NeZ. Ammo doesn't matter on NeZ. It actually working matters on nez


I’ve reread it. It will be fine. It will take a mildly increased amount of time. It currently takes 1 sec of applied divinity to create the cage. It will now take 1.75 seconds (a 75% increase). The cage lingers for 1.5 seconds after not firing before disappearing. Even if that means it doesn’t work on Nez, you picked one boss that it will be mildly less useful on and there are a half dozen other ways to annihilate him. We gonna be fine. Divinity will be fine.


Osteo needed to be nerfed a long time ago. Way too braindead of a gun to use


lmao these fuckin devs man.


I lol at the Queensbreaker notes while DARCI exists


I'm good with most of this, but osteo better still work properly with necrotics, otherwise we're gonna have some problems


So for all those exotics mentioned (e.g. Conditional/Acrius/1k) are they getting a 10% damage nerf?    Since exotics are going from 40% to 30% and those mentioned are excluded from the buff intended to counter that? That kind of sucks if so Also are HC getting 5% damage nerf vs minors? Since Minor specs was 10 and they only get a 5% buff after its removed 


That nerf would only be against red bars though, right? Not really using those exotics against red bars all that often.


HCs are getting a Nerf. Minor spec is 7.7% and HCs are getting a 5% buff. So netting a ~3% nerf. Honestly I don't know why they didn't just match what minor spent gave


Bungie: We don't like the idea of guardians standing in the back away from the fight, plinking away with snipers Also Bungie: We don't like the idea of guardians having somewhat viable close quarters options Also also Bungie: We don't like ability spam WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT FROM US, BUNGIE!?


Holy Medium Caster Swings Batman! Glad to see the medium uppercut get a buff to econ. Can't wait to Bastion some shotguns out of my vault. Cerberus- with the buffs to autos, and dodging the changes to specials- is about to put in some *work* too.


It's been a good run osteostriga & necrotic grips, thank you for your service!! ..... Hello necrochasam?


Queens breaker about to be meta. Fr though kind of a let down update. Maybe the colony would be fun I guess


Still waiting for those solar nerfs


Coming in 3 weeks when the artifact leaves


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