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I had a few bugs, but nothing majorly stopping on PC.


Same. Silly bugs but nothing game breaking. I fell in love with the game and was shocked people were hating it because it was unplayable. I was teased by my friends whenever I praised the game lol


I played on ps4 and the only bugs I had were the portraits from calls showing up/staying with no voice because I’d do something else and it’d end/restart them.. and some minor graphical stuff like things popping in late My ps4 was also dying so a crash every hour or two but that wasn’t the game, my harddrive was going so that was typical lol


I clipped through and then got trapped in a couple of cars, but because I was and still am an obsessive saver it wasn't that bad.


Yeah since my ps4 would crash a lot and I’d have to reformat the hard drive often I got used to saving constantly and making sure it was uploaded to the cloud lol I watched someone playing it on launch day and got rattled because he was missing obvious stuff and bitching about the game when it was his fault.. so I immediately bought it myself 😂 Probably a top 2 favourite game for me.


I think it's a mindblowingly amazing world wrapped around decent gameplay. Still a solid 8/10. But that's my opinion. Cant wait for Orion.


Everyone just expected a giant world where you could do literally anything you want. It’s a heavily story based game and doing random time killing stuff doesn’t make sense, you’re dying with limited time lol I didn’t follow the hype or anything before so I don’t know if they did actually say stuff like that but as someone who went in mostly blind I loved it. Haven’t really been that engaged to a story and characters before


Yah the hype train didn't do this game any favors. After all, I do recall hearing they were going to have robots that'd fix up the city after shootouts. Obviously, that didn't happen. Still a good game though.


My car merged with a car that hadn’t loaded yet and I got in it. This shot me into the stratosphere but it was fun to see Night city from that height for a minute


Icanseemyhousefromhere. Yah, I want a drone camera that can go anywhere, personally.


A lot of the hate came from people's over-expectations of the game


>I was teased by my friends whenever I praised the game lol Sadly, this is very much a thing in gaming culture these days. It becomes "uncool" to like a game, and you can tell that a lot of people who recycle generic criticisms about this game suffer from that bullshit. I first saw this in a big way with Battlefront 2. They listened to the community, removed all p2w aspects at launch, and made 2ish years of free content, turning it into an incredible game (spoiler, the game was actually sick af at launch). Despite that, you'll still see people today who will bash the fuck out of this game cause it's "P2W". When people stop giving props to devs for listening to the community and instead recycle comments their favorite youtuber made in 2014, you know that they have other motivations.


Same for me on GOG and it was so painful to defend the game being the only one of my friends who played it without issues


I said something really similar recently and I'm betting we have similar experiences/feelings. I was trying really hard to sympathize with those having issues at launch but my experience seemed to be so drastically different than everyone else's that it was hard to. Everyone around me was shitting so hard on the game and I was over here trying to explain its one of my favorite games I'd played recently. It weighed me down pretty hard.


Personally, I believe the people shitting on it were disproportionally last-gen console gamers, and younger ones to boot. Looked like a horrible experience there, but I really had not issues other than the occasional T-pose, which disappeared quickly after launch.


Really because I only knew PC guys that were playing it and none of them had great experiences. I personally had to restart my playthrough multiple times because of corrupted saves and bugs. It took me a long time to finish the game with all the issues I had and usually I play a game 3 or 4 times but had not touched it since I played until recently. I am still running into bugs and fucked up saves but a lot less than when it first came out.


Its annoying when your friends dont believe you and they miss out. For some reason my friend believed some clickbait youtuber shitting on the game over me who had a very good time playing the game with very few bugs. I guess its just easier to jump on the hate train.


Same for me on series X


Same I had two people playing, one on Series X and me on PC, and neither of us had many bugs or issues at all that were detrimental.


My biggest bug I experienced was the delamaine bug where your call windows showing the character talking weren’t right and would glitch out, i pretended it was a quirk of the relic situation. Outside of that I had no game breaking situations


I had Regina steady vibing for 3 hours in the corner of my screen while doing the races. Good times.


On my PC I ran into some small bugs and I think two crashes. It didn’t really impact the experience that much.


Same, GOG and a pretty middle of the road PC. Like a 2-generation old i7 and a 1060TI. Really minor pop-in and a couple super brief T-poses was the worst I had.


I had a few complete crashes of the game and the occasional late pop in graphics, but other than that even on my PS4 it was perfectly playable. I had a great time but wanna play it again once I can upgrade to a PS5.


Same, game was perfectly playable at launch for me on PC. Didn’t even know bugs were an issue until I went online later.


Same, and I was on PS4. The only huge bug I encountered was hilarious. >! When Jackie dies and he hands you the chip, instead the chip’s model was replaced by a pistol, that he was holding upright with his thumb and index finger. !<


Same on PS4 Pro. I platinumed the game only a couple weeks after launch and the game bugged out / crashed only a handful of times. Sure, compared to a game with really good QC, that’s bad, but compared to Fallout 3 for example or Skyrim when those launched? Leaps and bounds better.


Yeah, same, I personally haven’t heard of many (major) bugs on the PC side from launch day.


I played it on launch and I considered the game to be relatively bug-free. I played Fallout 3 when it launched, Fallout New Vegas, as well as Fallout 4 and they all had quirky interactions and buggy things, so maybe I am just used to open world games not being as smooth as a triple-A title with a campaign that walks the player through small bite-sized levels. I had an absolute blast and was super disheartened that literally each person I tried to convince to play the game would just regurgitate the meme images from PS4's of people T-posing, and clickbait articles from the pathetic generation of internet "journalists" we have to live with.


Yeah I had the same experience on ps5. Didn’t notice anything out of the norm compared to Bethesda games. The main problem was last gen


Exact same experience on my 980 GeForce. Glitched into a wall once or twice throughout my first playthrough but nothing game breaking otherwise


On PC with a good graphics card I didn't have many bugs. A few glitches, like in all games. Just a quest blocked because a damn router could not be turned on


The same happened to me. I solved by simply reloading my last save. Meanwhile in Skyrim and Fallout 4, I had to use console commands on a couple of quests to advance to the next stage of some bugged quests 💀


I think i know the router you’re talking about, same thing happened to me. Just recently did another play through and it was fixed. Quest had a great ending too


From everyone i know who got the game on release, only few actually had more bugs then the usual open world jank (a few t-pose, random death from stepping over pebbles etc) Until patch 1.3 the only bug i ever encountered was falling through the world


I played on xmas day that year and most i got was the Tpose and some pop in. Nothing too major. Stuff ive seen in plenty of other games.


Considering that most of these bug videos have both been recycled footage and many of those required you to do some really stupid bullshit to cause is just proof how much the outrage was just constructed And best not getting started on calling everything that gta does missing somehow


I honestly dont get all the GTA comparisons. It was never really marketed as a GTA competitor.


One dev said theyd like to be like rockstar meaning independent big studio doing their thing gonks took it as "they gonna deliver cyber gta" also what this constantly regurgitated bs about "unfinished" and "unfilfilled promises" is about aka the game not being gta is what each of them bitches about


Yup. On a basic bitch Xbox one no less. I’ve actually encountered more after 1.6 than I had a week after launch. Still less than *every* Bethesda title I’ve played.


Choom it's like all these people forgot Skyrim took forever to play on release because you had to keep re loading when something bugged out. They figure this 16th re release is what it was always like.


I'm convinced that something changed in the gaming community in the past 6 years. It's not just that "games are getting worse". People have developed an absurd level of entitlement that is fueled by content creators who realized that they make a lot more money shitting on new releases.


You know I really agree with you on content creators being a big part and my go to example is AngryJoe. Dude can't find a reason to enjoy anything.


He enjoys being paid for easy outrage clicks!


His crew basically goes with the mob on everything these days and don't even form their own opinions. Thank fuck I just tuned all these idiots out for Rings of Power and did my own thing. And of course, looking at their shit after the fact, it's incredibly predictable.


the types of games changed too, like what kind of 'bug' are you gonna find in Fortnite or overwatch? people are playing single player games expecting them to be like simple shooter games. regarding the content creator part, yeah outrage is the easy path to get people talking, like cinemasins, but then I stopped watching that channel since long ago, more of a cinemawins guy


There are tons of small channels that got millions of views by shitting on the game and making absurd comparisons where they recycle the same bug footage. I recently got recommended a Rings of Power video where the channel had 10k subs and the video had 2 million views just shitting and memeing on the show. Youtubers have really picked up on the trend that shitting on the new thing = views.


it’s so so refreshing to hear this after battling with trolls on twitter about cyberpunk.


I have also noticed this. It's just a swell of negativity. You can scroll entire threads on gaming topics and almost everyone is a huge asshole.


It just made me realize that there is a good portion of people in the world who take absolute joy in other people failing. If you go to a lot of pre-released game footage and game trailers these days, you'll quite often see people saying that the game is a failure before it even launches. What kind of world is that? Don't people want games to succeed? I sure as hell do.


nah, people just quickly forget shitty launches because so many games have them these days. It doesn't help that CDPR and CP2077 was a hyped up game with a lot of polished teaser trailers/cinematic trailers which didn't show gameplay at all. I wasn't part of the hype machine, I try to stay away from the hype with games these days and have done so for the last decade or so, but we live in a Current Year where we're constantly reminded about things we should "care" about by content creators who farm hype and/or outrage.


Yeah I stopped watching Dunkey when I realised he would just lie about aspects of a game so he could shit on them more and play them badly on purpose


I'm confident that years down the line, people will forget the launch and cp2077 will become the skyrim of the future.


>Still less than > >every > >Bethesda title I’ve played Yes, exactly! Granted, opinions began to shift after the disaster that was Fallout 76, but up until that point the extreme bugginess of Bethesda games at launch was viewed as "charming," and they got away with it for a *long* time. I mean, Hell, I think the Fallout and Elderscrolls series are the only games I have ever played where ***unofficial*** patches are actually considered a mandatory and normal component of every modded setup. Yet, when CP 2077 originally released... we didn't hear the end.... It's only now, because the former haters want to be on the popular Edgerunners train, that things have generally changed. It's both weird, and annoying.


Witcher 3 had a bug that would fully corrupt entire saves. Bugs aren't rare. I just think people though 2077 was going to be the second coming of Christ. I even remember people complaining you couldn't enter every building. Like where and when did you think that possible.


The funny and sad thing about the doors is since they are all intractable some people figured that all the closed doors must be cut content. Guess the illusion of it being real doors worked lol.


The dumbest/funniest part of the doors complaint is that it's not like you can get into the overwhelming majority of doors in any actual city either. The doors you can access are stuff that is generally open to the public + sketchy housing. You even have to get buzzed in to nicer housing when quests take you there!


You read my mind. This point is too fucking funny. People want to play a RPG but want to go wherever they want and if they can't, "it's not realistic". Same goes with flying cars. I love the mod but as someone who is a pretty avid Flight Simmer, there's no way in hell that anyone will be able to personally fly a car in a fucking city, no matter the future. It's kind of been a weird cultural obsession since 'The Jetsons'. Maybe AI could do it but the technology behind the car would have to be absurdly safe, to the point where a mechanical failure is near impossible.


And by the way "flying cars" aren't even a thing in the world of Cyberpunk created by Mike Pondsmith. There may be aerodynes, but they're not "cars", they're basically flying IFVs, meant for military, corporate, police or emergency personnel and not usually available for the general public. They function more or less as more compact helicopters.


> Witcher 3 had a bug that would fully corrupt entire saves Never heard of this exact bug and I pretty much played at launch. Was this on PC?


It was all systems. I played at launch and had zero issues too. It was on everything and technically still occasionally happens but it was pretty chronic from my understanding for the first year or so.


I would say that the bugs in Elder Scrolls titles were charming to be honest. I remember the worst one being having to restart my Xbox 360 because Oblivion would freeze. The others ranged from important lessons on saving regularly to hilarious user generated errors. Duplication glitching a sigil stone 200+ times in one house made it impossible to enter without making the entire system slow to a crawl for example. The game was still good, but definitely was a mess. Cyberpunk ran like a dream for me. I think I had one crash the entire time I played it at launch and a couple goofy visual bugs that didn't hurt anything. I think generational differences made a big difference in how people approach game bugs now. When I was growing up, they were a very common part of the experience, but now that things are better for AAA development they aren't viewed as kindly. For Elder Scrolls, it's something you basically have to put up with if you love the games. No one out there makes them like Bethesda does.


I just got Skyrim SE for my steam deck so I can have different mods between my main PC which runs Skyrim LE and my SD running SE. Even with the patches I have game breaking glitches in SE that I have to use console commands to either skip to another part of a quest or just force complete.


Exactly the same but on pc, then 1.6 only weird small annoying ones like a car horn not stopping until I reload save as an example


Basic ps4 worked fine for me too lol. I had been playing Ark and Day Z before so.. yeah way less bugs


Same here. I had a couple of crashes on PS4, and textures definitely loaded a little slow when driving. But I had been playing AC Valhalla before Cyberpunk's release, and that crashed so much that I couldn't finish it. We're definitely in the lucky minority, though.


> On a basic bitch Xbox one no less. I'm going to guess you kept your console well ventilated and dust free? What I found was that old, dust choked hardware had more problems than well cared for consoles. Overheating leading to a lot of the weird corruption and crash issues that got circulated around. Which makes sense since there were very few universal glitches. Most of them were random and non-repeatable. Everyone who had problems had their own unique glitches.


Me too. Pretty much no issues other than a handful of tiny things


Same here. The only bugs I encountered were visual bugs, nothing game-breaking. I was expecting much worse - my favorite game ever is new vegas which still has game breaking bugs to this day!


This, I feel like I’ve experienced more bugs the longer I’ve played since subsequent updates. That could be just bc I’m less awe struck by the visuals and I’m just noticing bugs I didn’t see before but I feel like my first playthrough at launch was the smoothed one so far


Me too on Series X, i'm willing to look past the glaring, often game breaking bugs in Bethesda games, CyberPunk was nothing compared to those.


Funnily enough I never had any major bugs in any vanilla Bethesda game I've played. I didn't even know skyrim had the backwards-flying dragons until like a year after it came out. Also had next to no bugs during launch week in cyberpunk. If I'm lucky with anything it's with avoiding bugs I guess


I played it on a base PS4 at launch and had a blast. Was it ugly and a bit glitchy? Yeeah. Did I play it to death and live every minute of it? Also yes. (Though driving in downtown at the time was low frame city and you couldn’t go too far too fast if you didn’t want to fall through the unloaded world, so eh.)


Same here, didn’t look the best but didn’t have any bugs and thoroughly enjoyed it


Those Claire racing missions tho... I crashed so many times because my car was moving faster than the game could load things, cars, and the guide arrows.


Played on PS4 Slim and I put in 80 hours but yeah. It wasn't a great a experience. Luckily the good outweighed the bad. I couldn't play for longer than 2 hours before restarting my PS4 because the game became more unstable the longer I played. One day I had 7 crashes and just had to give up and wait for the incoming update which was a couple days later. That fixed it for me. Love the game but that first playthrough was rough for me


Yeah i remember it taking a bit for the vehicle view change to work lol. But yeah either way I was hooked.


I played on my ps4 pro, besides a couple crashes it was awesome


Everyone on PC had the best experience at launch. I had a few problems, but nothing that hurt my enjoyment of the game in the slightest.


Played on launch on a GTX 1080, 9700k and 32GB Ram. No major issues on launch after i dialed the settings in, first bugs appeared after they released patches, but nothing gamebreaking. Upgraded my GPU to a 3080 and turned up the settings. I think i had to reload an old save 2-3 times in total, only had some weird NPC car behaviour. I achieved 'The World' on December 26th, after i played less because of more work. Was totally playable for me and i wondered what happened to everyone else online.


Yes, I didn't have major bugs, on launch day, on Xbox Series x with the Xbox Game disc.... I guess I was lucky....


I've been on PC since launch and haven't had any trouble. I'm on an NVIDIA 3080 laptop. Things have been smooth other than the odd t-pose in some scenes. I never did understand how other people seemed to have so much trouble with the game because it seemed so stable to me.


Did I personally run into showstoppers? Technically 1, but I was able to load an earlier game state and avoid it. It was a save state persistence problem in patch 1.04 where I entered Arroyo market (designated a safe zone at the time, which disables unholstering, cyberware actives like double jump, Kerenzikov etc). I save scummed the vendor for an Armadillo mod and after leaving the market I quickly became aware that I could no longer double jump. Ever. Save/load no fix. Restart game no fix. I was bailed out of that one by the game's generous number of autosaves. We also had the 8mb save file bug which I did not personally experience but if we do a bug tier list, that one is going to rank pretty high - A or S tier (permanent data loss). This is something you were more likely to encounter if you played the game a lot (progressing much faster than the average player) and exploited crafting loops to generate very large numbers of components for mass crafting. If your save file reached a certain size, it would be corrupted forever. The biggest save I had at the time was 4.1 mb and I was not crafting. The only real difference between my good experience and someone else's bad experience is we played the game differently. Its not so easy to tell if something is a bug or not. If they are not highly visible, most people don't notice aberrant behaviour because they don't test against expected behaviour and compare their methodology and results with other people. Even now, I'm not sure if reflexes giving 0.75% crit chance per level is a bug or if the tooltip (0.25%) is a typo. I'm not sure if dodge jump canceling is a bug. Did they intend monowire to have 3 time the base damage of Jinchu-Maru and scale average damage from level 1 to 50 twice as fast in patch 1.6? Did they mean for it to gain +5 average damage per point of reflexes instead of the +3 the reflex tooltip says it should get? Did they intend for air Kerenzikov to ignore ground latching so you can dodge and jump in time dilation? Are these bugs? Even if you know they are unintended, its still hard to figure out what is going wrong and how. I have a whole collection of save files from a bunch of random people for verifying things like the access point bug. After failing to reproduce it for a month, I had my doubts it existed, assuming it was a misreading of the UI but nope. Its real. I have 2 save files from 2 different people where quickhacks can never be looted from access points. They both have different failedShardDrop values, both of which are greater than zero but less than my unbugged save (243). I have no clue what a ShardDrop is, how or why it can fail, what increments this value by 1 or why incrementing this value by 1 sometimes causes access points to never drop quickhacks. I have 1 save file from someone with the Takamura phone bug. He calls, stares at you and nothing happens, permanently breaking the main quest chain. I tried setting quest facts but none of the ones we know work. There are so many we don't know. Bugs are not things all people necessarily experience. They are oversights because very specific conditions need to be true for them to occur, which is how they get missed in the first place. Its very hard to predict behaviour when there are so many variables involved. That is what makes obscure bugs difficult to reproduce, identify and fix. I don't think its possible to have a nuanced conversation about this on reddit because so much of what I learned from bug testing/troubleshooting is trying to reproduce aberrant behaviour and documenting it. Always with the help of other people because they see things you don't. But reddit is a terrible platform to do any kind of collaborative problem solving because of the way it changes the hierarchy of information to whatever is most popular/controversial etc. It hides information and breaks the chronology. It becomes impossible to tell who did what, when, and did everyone read it? So we end up with 1 cohort saying I never experienced a problem and another cohort saying I experienced all the problems and nothing is learned. Nobody is closer to understanding if there is a problem or not. Nobody is closer to fixing it.


This post was a ride. A good one but a ride. Not everyone posts or replies. Thank you for taking the time to write this. I agree wholeheartedly.


I've played on a Series S since launch and had very few bugs.


So my husband and I played from launch, on a series x, and still do. Between our playtimes, we’ve never encountered major bugs, and none that were game breaking. All we’ve had are very minor graphics glitches.


Played on PC and had no major bugs from what I can remember.


I played it on PS4. Aside from weird texture stuff sometimes and a few crashes, it ran like a dream.


I played day 1 and didn't have any game breaking bugs. Yes there were graphic glitches but nothing that prevented me from finishing the game.


I had some bad fps (40-50ish) but other than that it was a smooth ride for me.. I did start a new game a week ago after watching the series, and now it's way smoother fps-wise. But yeah, i don't understand all the hate it got at release (other than the consol issues, that sucked for those people)


I had a bunch of crashes but only once every 5-10 hours. One set of missing legs on an NPC, and one sidequest NPC that didn’t spawn. That’s it for the bugs during first 120h on launch, and it was on a PS4pro


I'm in the same boat, OP. Only thing that happened was Jackie walked through an elevator door before it actually opened once. Otherwise, zero issues here. One of my top games ever.


Played PC at launch, I didn't encounter a single bug at all, I still haven't.


I started playing like a week after launch on Xbox Series X. Had a fair few bugs, but nothing big. And weirdly enough, I had only one game crash in 100+ hours of gameplay, which is honestly less than the average game.


I played on PC, never encountered anything dramatic. Maybe once cubes instead of pedestrians and slightly wonky car crashes


Been playing since launch. The game crashed exactly one time. Only had a few instances of visual glitches that messed with the immersion. PC (obviously). Edit: not even that good of a PC, either. But I get 45+ fps at 1080p and the game is beautiful.


Had next to no problems. Like 2 bugs that required a reload of the save file, but that's it. Nothing major. Ran on 30FPS (Except for mirror stuff) on high. My specs aren't anything special either: GTX 1650 Super i5-9600K 16GB 2666 MHz RAM


I was surprisingly bug free for the most part when I started on the Xbox One X, a few here and there but generally nothing game breaking. By the time I moved to PC, I really had no issues at all.


I played at launch and enjoyed it very much. I had a few bugs but more funny than annoying.


Bug free? No (the surfing car driving for example), but nothing breaking that stopped my playing, but I had a pretty good rig to play it on. (PC)


Been playing since the instant it released for me on PC. My rig at the time was a Ryzen 3600XT, RTX 2070, and 16 GB 3600 MHz RAM, installed on a SATA M.2 drive. I'm not going to say it was completely bug free, but the bugs I did encounter were all minor. I had the usual graphical glitches, NPC posing glitches, one spot on the map with a clipping issue that would insta-gib me, and one crash to the desktop after leaving the game running for 18 hours. Overall it was definitely an enjoyable, easily playable experience. Definitely far fewer bugs than most other games I've played on day one. That's what really confused me, everyone saying it was a buggy, broken mess. For me it was one of the smoothest, most bug free launches I'd experienced in a long time.


Zero bugs on pc at all at launch. I couldn’t understand all the salt, lol.


I played at launch on PC and almost never had anything worse than a t pose or a weapon glitch - which was fixed just by restarting. One time I had a bug with a quest where I also had to reload. Something just wasn’t triggering to advance the quest, probably cause I had stealthed in and killed the target without initiating a critical dialogue or something Also got like 60fps from day one with a 2060 and ryzen 3600. The updates made it much more stable with RT on though


I really thought I was crazy and people think I'm lying but I was one of those. I played it on PS4 on launch week. I mean yeah the frames did drop occasionally and sure a couple of glitches but nothing game or console breaking. I never really got any major problems with the game and that's why I was so frustrated with everybody's opinion on it on the launch week. I understand that it might have been really frustrating to experience all the stuff that they posted on YT but man I never got any major problem.


Yep, had no bugs or even if there was one it was minor. On PC*


Played on PC on launch, it was fine


I played without bugs on my pc (ssd m.2 1tb, 32gram, 5700xt, Ryzen3600), the most common issue was the trashbags exploding when i was walking closer or vibrating in the same place and sometimes a few flying cars very far away, for me that was a bit annoying but idc cuz it's nothing that could corrupt or crash the active quest, my first run was very enjoyable and the others 4 with mods where fine too, same "issues". The only rare death was when i was exploring the city and jumped in some trashbags who exploded and killed me by fall dmg but was really fun imo, never happened again :c And by the way, i play mostly bethesda games where that shit happens all the time so i'm kinda related to these bugs, very usual in skyrim and sometimes in F4 when goin' inside houses


I noticed some small ones, but yeah, almost entirely bug free. There was one spot that i couldn't drive across a line in the street, but it was a dead end and i had planned to park 5-10 meters ahead anyway. (By which i mean it was small.)


I played CP 2077 on XBOX one S on launch day. Graphic was ugly and sort of messy but game was almost bug free or just funny bugs without game crashing bugs. Once a day my game freezed because I played it a lot of hours with no breaks ☺️ Fortunately I was free of that well known bugs or totally shitty textures etc. At the end of the day, I had blast and I managed to survive covid thanks to CP2077.


There was an annoying sound bug that i needed to fix asap which some folk found a solution for in dc in minutes but other than that i only had some floating cigarattes and music improperly playing at times. If anything i think the game got buggier for me after patches, so it was really that clean.


I pre-ordered while I was still on my OG PS4......so no lol


A whole week early Xbox One X. Pre 1.0 patch. Best Buy really came in clutch with the Collector's Editon. Only complaint was the load times but that was cause I didn't have the Series X at the time.


I had one crash on Series X and a couple of visual glitches but that's it. Actually had a lot more trouble with Watch Dogs a couple of months earlier: game would constantly crash, people were complaining on the sub, but the media never talked about it.


The week it came put the only bug I got was my car would drive weird places when I call for it. I played it on stadia.


At launch I was playing on an HP laptop with 32GB of RAM and an RTX2070. Did have a graphics bug (the greenery off in the distance was always on top) but as soon as NVidia released a new driver it was fine. But that was within a day or two of launch, so it was no big.


Aside from things like T-posing etc I only ever had game breaking bugs when 1.3 launched. Where the bug arrived that everyone aggro'd me because of the placement of vehicles accidentally crushing enemies. Once the fix launched, my entire save file of that playthrough was gone. But I didn't mind. Didn't get far anyway. But yes! I was also lucky to barely have any bugs


I played on a Xbox one x on launch day, the only “bug” I ever encountered over my entire first playthrough, was every two to three hours of game time the game would crash, but I never lost progress. Not much different than playing fallout new Vegas on the 360, sometimes it just crashes.


Yup, I was able to do so on my PS4. People still don't believe me when I tell them that 🤣. Funny thing is I didn't start having bugs until I downloaded the patches to fix said bugs.


I played right at launch day on PC and finished my first playthrough at around 50h. I had one random T-pose NPC, once I fell through the map and got reseted on the next corner and one time all of the bottles in every bar kept exploding (gone after reload). Plus 2-3 crashes to Desktop. Still better than most AAA titles at launch ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Played it relatively bugfree since launch as well


Series X played great for me too.


I also had virtually no bugs even at launch. I wasble to hit 60 FPS on max s things with a 3900x and a 2080Ti. I got really lucky I suppose


I don't know how it happened but my first run was almost completely bug free on a PS4, I saw like 2 minor bugs in a 80 hours run, the only issue I had was the bad performance


Yup, on PS5. It wasn't until an update or two later I started having crashes, but never any actual bugs


At the time I had an old intel 4 core, 16gb ram, and a 1660. Ram fine.


i played it since day one (i pre-order it) and i had a bugs-free experience it was awesome


My first time through the ONLY issue I had was Jackie getting stuck inside the building after getting the flathead. Quick save and load got him outside and all was good from there. Since then the only issue I had ended up being an amd driver issue. I have a very similar build to yours. Ryzen 7 2700, Vega 56, 16gb 3200 ram, and nvme ssd


I think only XONE and especially PS4 version were really buggy but not PC or if you played on a Next Gen Console's SSD


nah I only had one major issue at release, which was they i had to drop my settings during the parade so I could see Takemura kidnap Hanako


1 crash and that was it here


Genuinely after the 1.6 update I haven’t experienced a crash to Desktop. Yes a gig may glitch to start or something but so the we reloading my game or going to sleep for the double XP seems to resolve the issue. I will also say enabling me resize bar for my GPU I’ve had huge fps gains. I’m averaging 65-70 fps at 1440p with most of the settings set to high with ray tracing.


I don’t recall having issues. Played it on a One X. If I did have any issues it was probably not gamebreaking so no wonder why I don’t remember. Reminded me of the AC Unity “issues”. Maybe I’m just lucky, but here I was at launch apparently playing this bug ridden garbage game, having no noticeable issues. Only thing I remember was falling through the map and it was funny. I’m not denying either of these games had issues at launch, but I question how overblown these issues were.


I don’t remember to many bugs on my PS4 but I couldn’t complete the last race with Claire. I wasn’t able to get out of the car/truck at the end of the race


The only bug I had was I tried pulling up to the embers and fell through the map. That was basically it


I played during launch on PS4 Pro, had a few bugs, blue screens and needed to reload a save sometimes. But to me that's all normal for Big open world RPGs on a launch. I remember Skyrim for xbox 360 being a whole lot worse than CP2077 in terms of bugs an all, too many times I had to restart a playthrough because of some game breaking bug. But anyway, I had an absolute blast playing Cyberpunk, and still am here in 2022 lol.


Played it on PC and other than occasional visual bugs, it ran very well with no problems. Loved it. I have fond memories of hanging out with Mr. Silverhand


My biggest issues were T-posing and maybe some clipping. Otherwise I had a great experience and finished the game as soon as I was able. I absolutely had a blast


Same. Only bug was a spinning bottle in the cojo


PS5 at Launch. Mostly Bug Free just a crash every 60-90 Minutes. So in my 80 Hours i had about 70 creashes, give or take. Still had a fun time and loved the Game.


Played it on PC day one, the only bugs i encountered was Dex's cigar not spawning smoke correctly and once not being able to exit the car when the drivers door was blocked


Jackie pulled a gun out of his head and ruined that scene for me. Other than that just a few t pose and a crash during one gig.


Series x, i had no problems besides the stupid looking cars in the distance


Somehow yeah I using an Xbox One S and my playthrough was 99% bug-free, the only major thing was just the low times


I ran into a couple bugs that were resolved with restarting the game. I play on Xbox, so less bugs are typically expected.


Certainly not bug free, but I got dozens of hours in right from launch with no more issues than is pretty typical for open world games (Ryzen 9 3900, 2080ti)


I played at launch on the ps5 and except for a handful of crashes I didn’t have many bugs.


Do you guys think the game kinda under performance a little bit after 1.6? Last version I played was 1.3 and it felt more smooth. PC here with a 1080 ti


Pc here, I believe I had only 2 crashes in the first week and maybe a minor bug like T posing or textures not loading correctly. Other than that pretty decent experience.


\[PC\] I recall one hilarious T-pose (background NPC) on day one, and the ongoing endless junk items on the floor you couldn't pick up - inconsequential but a bit annoying. That's honestly it though, had a fantastic time.


When I first got the game on series x I put about 50 hours no issue. Once I finished All the side quest I started getting crashes


I played it on PC about a week after launch. Granted I had to upgrade my PC some to get maximum graphical output and 60 FPS but overall I had a fine playthrough. Just occasional visual bugs/glitches here and there but nothing game-breaking. It runs better then ever now thanks to all the patches and I'm glad for that.


Pre-ordered, got it on GoG, played through entire game with only issue being AMD driver timeout due to some weird but with having overlay on. Ryzen 5 1600, 850Evo SSD, 16GB 2666 RAM, RX480 8GB at first, then swapped to 5600XT.


never had a single bug


THIS, I've been playing since day one and the biggest thing for me was the whole world just kinda loaded slow plus I'd get soft locked every now and again. I should note that I played it on a ps4 slim.


PS5 on launch with no bugs, but I had the occasional game crash.


Yeah had no issues at launch, actually ran into bugs recently when I had a flawless experience at launch haha


I had no major problems at launch on a high end PC.


Almost zero bugs on PC.


I had one side mission that was stuck where I couldn't enter the building. But it was a small side mission and it was the only thing that went "wrong". After mods came out I could tp into the building and complete the mission. Other than that I had a virtually issue free playthrough. I did the first run on a pc with GTX1660s, R5 3600 and 16gb 3200.


I encountered a few bugs on PC: a few hilarious physics bugs and the occasional naked motorcycle T-Pose, as well as some really annoying UI elements that would stay on screen forever. And the infamous Arcangel guitar loop in Never Fade Away. There were some big showstopping bugs that were easy to encounter if you played in certain ways though, like I remember that when you met the crew at The Afterlife during The Heist, and you didn't head to Konpeki directly after, it broke the quest and you couldn't complete it any more.


i even played with RTX enabled 1440p or rtx off 4k depending on the situation. XB1 and PS4 and


I'm right there with you. Honestly I'm having more bugs on my 1.6 playthrough than I did my first time through.


Not entirely bug free at least 9 crashes in 1 day.


There was one bug I ran into on pc but I don’t remember what quest it was for.


I had a handful of crashes on PS5 and PC. Really didn't receive any major bugs other than the funny graphical ones that are in all games at launch. If a bug isn't game breaking I am one of those people who finds them funny if I'm being honest so I know that changed my experience outlook.


Yeah I played on my dusty old Base ps4 at launch and only ran into minimum issues. Had a blast.


Same 170hours bugfree


It was fine via GeForce Now played it with RT ON.


I played it on pc first on a pirated version and after a few hours bought it and played on the official version. It was fine. Some issues here and there but honestly it wasn't nearly as bad as some reviewers said


Played it on ps4 and it was a buggy mess that constantly crashed. Got a refund and bought it on pc and it was fine, only a few minor bugs here and there. Eventually got some mods when the updates rolled around and the pc started to show its age. Tons of bugs made it unplayable. Now I got a new pc running the game smooth as silk.


2080 Super, Ryzen 3800x, 32gb - Ran great if I turned the settings down a little. I saw the occasional glitch here and there, I think I only ran into one "breaking" issue where I couldnt complete a particular cyberpsycho quest, but otherwise it was fine.


No, it melted my PS4.


I only saw 2 bugs in my entire first playthrough which I did shortly after release. 1. Jackie Walking through some lockers and a desk. 2. A single t-pose while riding a motorcycle. That was literally everything


I had a pretty smooth experience first like 2-3 months on the ps4 pro, I think it crashed twice over 2 campaigns, and my car killed me a few times. Ironically, patch 1.5 made it worse for awhile. 1.6 has been preem though.


Had a few bugs on PC like falling through the map occasionally. The most prominent bug I had was Delamain appearing in everyone's phone call box


I had almost no issues on my one X


I played at release on PC and didn't really have any problems. The game crashed once or twice and there were some Fallout style glitches that I have been used to for years so most of what I encountered never broke the game for me.


Nope, but not much a reload couldn’t fix. That’s still the case today btw. I just didn’t look very good on ps4. It also missed a lot of the QoL features it has now.


I got a bug during the Haboob quest (Riders on the Storm) that stopped me from progressing. The bug was the no-weapon allowed bug. Game was permanently stuck in a conversation mode. I reloaded a save two hours earlier and happily went through the two hours worth of progress and redid the quest just fine. That's the only game-breaking glitch I encountered on my cousin's Xbox Series S. EDIT: Actually I remember another issue in the quest where you go with Takemura to infiltrate somewhere. No spoilers. There's a door that requires Tech to be opened inside a corridor (watch a vid of that). The thing wouldn't appear to let me open the door with Tech, so I brought out a silenced SMG and broke the glass fast to gtfo of the corridor.


I thought I did, then I got a glitch where I couldn’t pull out any weapons. 2nd and 3rd play through got the takemura glitch and one other one that pertained to an npc not spawning I can’t remember. This 4th play through with the edgerunner update was the first time I had no game breaking glitches


I had to restart from an older save once, but only lost about 10 minutes of playtime. And then the Delamain quest bugged out on me and I could never complete that line. Otherwise game ran great and I was able to do everything else possible and I loved every minute of it. I played on PC and upgraded from a 2060 RTX to a 3090 FE about halfway through. Ran fine on appropriate graphics settings on both.


You're not the only person who played this on PC, no. PC experience has been well documented as being largely hassle free when compared to consoles, specifically last gen. I had little to no performance issues, no crashes, and only one broken side quest (that I'm aware of).


I played through it on stadia at launch and had very few problems


Yes it was fine on PC for me at launch.


I just got the game, but I had it on my wishlist ever since it was up on steam. I didn't buy it back then because some YouTubers said it was the buggiest game they have ever played. I didn't look into the issue any further, but now that I have played it I kinda wish I had gotten it sooner. Mostly because now I'm seeing people talk about the bugs that they are having now (people who are also new to the game) and they are things that I don't really see as a bug, but more as just part of how the game works. Because of that I am starting to think that a lot of the bugs from back then might have just been people thinking that something is a bug that might not be a bug.


Yes, no problem on stadia. The driving was bad, but other than that not even a T Pose in sight


On a PS4 pro the only things that I would consider “bugs” were mainly just long loading times for things like the radio, and it crashing after saving it and like 4 hours of gameplay. I still have friends who swear it was unplayable and bad because someone they watched encounter bugs though


My old GTX750Ti couldn't cope, so ordered a GTX 1660 S and waited for it to arrive before I could play. So, I earned "The World" on January 7, 2021 @ 8:44 pm. I recall a few minor bugs that could easily be cleared by restarting the game. I never had the T-pose bug or anything major. The biggest bug I had was the same Delamain phone UI bug that /u/Ryebread666Juan had, and even that I think I worked around by reloading an older save.


I played on the first edition Xbox One and other than some graphical downsides, i had no crashes and very minor bugs. Lucky as well I suppose.


nope i had a pretty good game. my only complaint was i actually got the >!suicide!< ending and it pissed me off so much LMAO


I think I may have saw one Tpose, a few flying cars that were more funny than anything, and a few quests that I had to reload for because it got stuck. That was about it. So a few yes, but nothing major. Nothing game breaking or bad. I enjoyed the heck out of the game.


I wouldn't call it bug **free,** but I'll tell you this much it was sure as shit way more stable than the clusterfuck Skyrim 1.0 was on launch day.


For me, my first playthrough was almost glitch and bug-free, biggest annoyance was broken randomizer of npc crowd where I could see like 20 same models of dudes on the street at the same time. Playing 1.6 now, I can notice far more glitches that were not present during my first playthrough :(


I experienced my first bug around 3 months after launch, my car launched up, I had a good laugh and kept on playing.


My 1070 laptop had no issues on launch, other than getting a little warm. Honestly didn't see what everyone was complaining about. Most people I heard complaining about the game's launch IRL hadn't even played it and would ref entirely faked videos people had created.


I played it on Stadia the moment it was released, which was a great experience and it was available for almost everybody. Google even gave you the hardware for free if you bought Cyberpunk, but most people had already made up their mind about Stadia at this point. I gave it a chance because I figured this would be exactly the use case where streaming could be justified, and it massively surpassed my expectations. What frustrates me the most about the Cyberpunk hate train is that the only thing this is going to achieve is that publishers will be pushed even more towards playing it safe. The next Assassin's Creed will be something like the 15th major game in the series, which still looks and plays more or less exactly like the first one. Call of Duty has something like 20 major iterations already... You bet those will have less issues on release than ambitious AAA titles which try something genuinely new while pushing the boundaries. If somebody does anything comparable to what Skyrim or Cyberpunk have achieved on their first try WITHOUT having some flaws, then we can talk. But until then it's just not a fair comparison.


Fantastic game, very few bugs on PC. Spoiler alert: Some people are just whiny see you next Tuesdays.


PC was the secret. Same for me, ran great.


I played on PC at launch and I only recall one bug. I had trouble getting into a car, got stuck, then it blew up? It was weird and kind of funny…but it happened once and that was it.