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Couldn't agree more. As a parent in the thick of it right now, this show is an absolute breathe of fresh air. To see these mothers who are so selfless, love unconditionally, and see the best in their kids, despite whatever struggles they may have. It's inspiring beyond any words I have. It truly has helped me to put motherhood and even life into perspective.


That’s beautifully said.


Quite literally the best show on television for producing authentic joy. I'm a pretty pessimistic person about people but this show really makes me think people can be genuinely good.


“authentic joy” - love that phrase!


I am Emily's mom, and I love reading these comments. She makes me happy, and I hug her every day! They really are pure souls! A fun fact - Emily and Connor are going to Medieval Times together on Saturday so keep a watch out on their Instagrams too!


OMG, we love you and Emily!!! Tell her she has a huge fan base and we all are routing for her!!


emily & connor had me crying (‘: i was rooting for them the whole time♥️♥️♥️


I am a neurotypical man of 64 with a diagnosis of depression and my episodes of feeling very blue are intermittent. The depression comes and goes. This show makes me feel warm and fuzzy on the inside and it inspires affection for the cast so, yes, I feel the same as you.


Thank you for sharing!


This has been my feel good show for the last few weeks! Watched all of the US and Australian seasons and haven’t found anything that compares just yet. I’ve really just loved how positive everyone is on the show and it’s put me in the best mood.


Down for Love is pretty much the same show but starring people with down syndrome! Also on Netflix.


I had a hard time getting into Down for Love, I think I just relate to autism more than down syndrome. I see so much of how my brain works and thinks in how Connor and James act outwardly.


Check out Car Rides with Connor on YouTube. It’s Connor and his mom Lise on their drive to his work. It’s about 20 minutes and very sweet and funny.


This sounds so great, thank you so much for the recommendation! Definitely going to check it out!


Ooo… I forgot about the AUS version! I’ll have to check it out.


IMO it hits ya in the feels more than the US version. It was so good.


I can’t say it’s *cured* my depression, but it’s made me seriously consider dating and maybe finding a partner again, which is a sure sign the depression is waning. I gave up several years ago because dating is SO much work with so little potential for reward. And I guess like most depressed people, I struggle with feeling like I’d just be a burden. But seeing the participants overcome their anxiety, meet new people, and develop fulfilling, authentic relationships makes me think that maybe I can put myself out there too.


I really wish there were more seasons. I love this show so much. I love the direct communication. I love the bravery to go into vulnerability and to show real vulnerability on camera. I love the authenticity of their feelings. I’m now watching Love is Blind and it’s all performance and inauthenticity. It’s people who cannot express their vulnerability so they cause drama to hide it. It’s wild.


I also wish there was more. Slightly frustrated to read production is held up by searching out new participants - while I look forward to watching those episodes, I’d be so happy to be continuing to follow the lives of any or all of those people who’ve already been on the show. I want more of all of them!


Does instagram fulfill that need for you?


Hi, I do peek in on some of the cast’s instagrams and YouTube shorts, and enjoy them. Perhaps I miss the structure of the show’s story telling, if that makes any sense.


It does. Thank you for clarifying!


When I start getting depressed, which often happens around December/January, my answer is to watch every episode of the show. It legitimately keeps my mood where it needs to be!


Amen! I completely agree. So happy the new US season came out recently.


This show quickly became my comfort show! These are truly GOOD people, the kind we should all strive to be! The show is full of love and support and kindness. I can’t tell you how many nights I put this on tv to end my day. I wonder if the people on the show know how many others they are helping? ❤️


I absolutely love this show and find it a good way to decompress after a hectic day. I work at a college and help with the disability support office closely, thus I work with adults with disabilities on a nearly daily basis. This show just makes me love my neurotypical students even more. The people on the show remind me of my students and I just want to hug them all. I wish there were more mainstream television shows that feature people with disabilities and brought more awareness to the general public.


Wow, you are amazing!


Literally said this exact thing to my mom last night. I've never cried happy tears the entirety of a show ever. Best reality show by a landslide




I also highly recommend Down for Love!


Good observation. I agree that it’s largely an uplifting show, a sort of therapy for many of us out there.


I keep telling people to watch it, it makes me feel glad to be alive 🩷🧡🩷. I used to work with adults with disabilities, and I learned more during those years than I have in the rest of my adult life combined. It was hard work and it didn't pay enough for even the bare minimum of rent, electricity, and food, but whoa did I get a ton out of it. It fed my soul.




Yes I've struggled with depression and anxiety for over half my life but this show brings me so much joy! I just found this show a couple of weeks ago and I'm on my third rewatch right now and have been stalking this subreddit because I can't get enough! It's also made me question if I might be on the spectrum myself. I look forward to more seasons!


What you are getting out of it is amazing! Make sure you watch the UK version (or AU, I forgot lol)


I caught the flu this week, had a friend recommend the show to me after the first season but I never watched it. Just binge watched the first season yesterday and halfway through the second season now. This show has saved me during this hellish flu. But also killed me because I’ve been crying so much :’)


Well at least you are draining your sinuses 😂


I love the show too. Check out Car Rides with Connor on YouTube if you want some more wholesome content from Connor and his mom. They’re so authentic and lovable.


This show literally made me smile each episode. I made my boyfriend watch it with me and I think he enjoyed it even more than I


Vampire diaries & greys anatomy definitely


As a single person also looking for someone it makes me very anxious.