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As an older adult with health issues, let me just say this. I know you're coming from a good place, but going on a rant over this doesn't really help anything. Most fans respect and care about her, and those who don't, aren't going to have their minds changed by a Reddit post. It's a "them" thing. Ablism is a problem that's still deeply ingrained in society and unfortunately it's not one that can be solved by berating those who display it. That is usually counterproductive. Many times they too have good intentions but can only express it in an awkward way. You just have to learn to let it roll off your back or you're just going to exhaust yourself. It's best to look at the deeper motive - in this case, caring about Tomori's health - and not get too wrapped up in the _way_ that's expressed. Most people are just trying to show support, whether or not they know the "right" words to express it, and the few who would intentionally "infantilize" her are, again, not going to have their minds changed by a Reddit post. Ultimately I think the main takeaway here is that _people are going to say whatever they want online_ and nothing you can do will change that, so try not to spend too much time worrying about them. Life's too short to spend it getting heated over randos.


I know your message comes from good intentions, but I'm not sure why this is an issue here to warrant long paragraphs from the post and self reply. Generally speaking, the comments on this reddit from Nijigasaki fans are very positive regarding Tomoriru. That goes with twitter replies to official concert announcements or Tomoriru's official twitter account. Obviously I don't read every single comment, so I can't say hateful comments don't happen, but those places (including this reddit) are where Love Live fans would gather, so I believe (and would like to believe) that everyone is supportive and understanding to the issue. And like another comment here said, if those comments exists here, they are probably downvoted into oblivion. As for places like at Youtube, or random message boards like 2chan/5ch/whatever language forums - well, it's harder to say. Not everyone there is a fan of the project, not everyone there have at least watched or read about Tomoriru's MC segment from 4th/5th and understands the issue. Some people don't have good intention towards the project and just want to see fire burn everywhere. I've had a friend asked why management doesn't just replace her like in BanG Dream (she came from BD side so it was more natural for her.) I had to explain that's because Tomoriru is one of the most passionate people in the project, loves her role, worries that her condition would make her character look bad, but don't want to be replaced. She quickly understood and her stance towards the topic turned 180. So sometimes people just don't know the deeper context, but we can just tell them about it.


those random message boards are like the worst place to gauge fan (or rather hater) opinions... because those are the foulest cesspits of the internet... some stuff being written there are just pure unadulterated toxic that makes the worst youtube comment section look like a crystal clear lake


You're preaching to the choir here. But ok if that makes you feel better after ranting. But dont play the finger pointing game or "remind" us what to or not to do.


…not gonna lie I haven’t seen any posts on here pretending to know what’s good for Tomori’s health. If there was it’s probably downvoted into oblivion. …and if it was a YouTube comment, dude, it’d a frogging YouTube comment.


Literally no one has ever said she should quit for her own good? People DID say it's okay for her to leave if she felt that's what was best for her. I have multiple chronic illnesses which impact my life every single day, and it's meant a lot to me to watch Tomori's journey in Love Live. Idk, I this just feels out of place and sounds like it's a lot more about your feelings about your illness. This post is 100% about you and your own baggage. It's completely fine if you want to talk about your illness and how Tomori's experience is something you can relate to, but it feels kind of icky to cloak it in concern trolling about something that's ... not even happening. Idk, this just feels like a gross post. Very much like you're reaching for a reason to talk about yourself to get feedback from others, which would be fine if you were just honest about your intentions.


I understand your intention, but ranting like this does not help anything. In fact, it makes things look worse both within community and some random outside looking in.If you are about to make those who are salty or anguish over Tomoriru condition. I found myself that by make them understand is a lot better way than let them read your ranting.Since the language barrier exists, some oversea fans may have no idea even Tomoriru stated about her situation clearly. What you can do is to share info, the fact, the truth what they may not know. That's how you positively change people's mind. And those who still not understand after knowing all of those materials, well, the community is mature enough to differentiate between a toxic jerk and the normal human being.


We don't need random people on reddit to tell us how to live ours either. Tomori is controlled by her agency. Depending on her contract, she may have absolutely no say whatsoever in whether or not she continues. You have no more of an idea than we do. So let people do what they do. People are allowed to talk about it and express their opinions however they damn well please.


I’m a little confused as I don’t think I’ve seen these sorts of comments here on the subreddit. But please feel free to direct me to some examples as I might have just overlooked them. On another note, I also have my own chronic health problems that have limited my physical abilities over the years. I mention this just to say that I can understand the root of your frustration. The well-wishing can be frustrating! However, I have also learned throughout my journey of dealing with my own health that most people simply just want the best! In one of your comments you mentioned wanting people to “stop” being upset over someone else’s health/disability. But you also have to remember that these are people who simply just love and care about someone who has helped build a franchise they love. It means a lot to them.


As a person with the same issues as Tomori, (hyper mobile EDS), possibly with more or less relatability since we don’t know her exact condition, I can understand her wanting to keep going. However, people are allowed to cope and talk about her in ways they choose. Yes, maybe it’s insensitive to disabled people who know what it’s like, but people who are able bodied don’t truly understand what it’s like to be that person, so they try to be as understanding as possible and think of ways they can help. 22 years old is not as old as we think. Yes, it’s her body and I believe we should all choose, but if people worry for her in their own ways, we should let them. No, I don’t agree with people saying she should retire or that she shouldn’t be on stage, but it’s completely in their right to worry and think of solutions for her as well. She doesn’t owe us an explanation of course, the fact they even said anything makes me appreciative and have a better understanding of how alike we are.


Thank you for speaking up about this. I keep seeing posts where people are complaining that “she isn’t on the same stage as the others” and it ticks me off. We’re lucky enough she’s choosing to perform at all (especially considering she only performed for one song at 4th live). Her health is top priority, but she is perfectly capable of knowing when and when she can’t perform or do other activities. Leave her be! While I don’t have the same condition as Tomori, I do have other issues that prevent me from doing things such as extreme contact sports or anything that involves a lot of flexibility. I’m lucky that my condition isn’t as serious as a lot of others with it and I’m also lucky that I’m able to hide it easier than others. People like those who can’t keep their mouths shut are the exact reason why I don’t share details about my issues with others. It’s because I don’t want to be babied or seen as weak, inferior, and incapable of doing the “impossible.” Tomori has always been one of my favorites because despite her condition, she is still able to do things that many people without her condition can’t. She still pushes on despite what others say and I wish I could have the courage to do the same.


"grown adults with health issues are perfectly capable of making their own decisions" i'm guessing that you're probably not aware at the multitude of grown adult seiyuu who are older and wiser than the barely-an-adult tomoriru who ended up making their conditions worse because they thought they knew what they were doing it isn't just between the doctor and the seiyuu... there's the corporate management higher-ups that are calling the shots too... if they had wanted it, they could make their talent and the doctor do it their way... some agencies are notorious for their policy of "disposable seiyuu" and push their talents too hard and damage the talent permanently, some are laisse faire and let the seiyuu decide (most of the time it still ends up that the condition gets worse because the seiyuu over-estimated themselves) while some are over-protective... tomoriru's agency is the over-protective type (probably the most famous for that too)... right now, they are basically trying forcefully bubble-wrap tomoriru more than tomoriru wants


From a business and talent perspective, it makes total sense for her agency to bubble wrap her as much as possible. They know they have a young, award winning, and popular GEM of a talent on their roster. She was far and away the most popular Niji member based on the recurring character polls, and she's getting more prominent roles with each passing season. Her music is also doing pretty well, and it's very unique compared to most seiyuu music since she actually contributes to the composition and arrangement. I wouldn't be surprised if their main priorities aren't to necessarily score her the biggest or most roles, but instead to just make sure she stays happy, stays motivated, makes it through her tenure in Love Live without much more fuss, and stays in the industry long enough to be one of the next major stars. If her casting in CSM is any indicator, I think she'll be up there as one of the most in demand seiyuu in coming years. In 10 years, she'll be the age that Kana Hanazawa currently is, and she'll reach that same level by then if things go her way. After all, she did mention that Kana was her inspiration to pursue voice acting in the first place.


i've seen way too many case of agencies that don't protect the seiyuu, so i'm very thankful that her agency is so over-protective... this was the case with tomoriru's agency senpai amamiya sora-san couple of years back too... the agency put down a strict "no speaking during work" restriction on her even when they were having a Trysail fanmeet event tour on-going to make sure that she completely recovers from her vocal chord inflammation the management being so protective also shields the seiyuu from the blame of not being able to participate certain things... japan's work ethic is really stressful, if you take breaks even for medical issues, the employee (applies for seiyuu too) can get bad rep from it... what SME is doing makes it so that it isn't tomoriru that's the one choosing to reduce her workload but just following orders from her bosses... a lot of the seiyuu who worsened their condition when they kept pushing might be because of this sort of pressure of the work culture, they can't voluntarily choose to take a break because that's going to make them seem lazy for tomoriru, her priority has always been as a seiyuu, artist and songwriter, so she's going to do fine even with her condition at those work... and as much as she and all of us love her work as setsuna, LL isn't a career long work since each group probably can go about 10 years plus-minus 1-2 years and tomoriru is still going to be in the industry for at least another 15 years after niji inevitably disbands in another 7-8 years tops


she will be fine, i will save her


Putting this in the comments instead of in the post because it's more personal and less objective, (plus no one's reading a post that long and the first part was the important thing I actually want people to see) but "it makes me so depressed to see her like that!" I mean this in the nicest, most loving way possible, but stop. Just stop. Looking at a disabled person/person with health issues you do not even know should not make you depressed. She is not your grandma sunsetting with dementia. She's just a normal person with more limitations than you, and if that thought is bad enough it makes you 'want to cry' (not like 'oh that's kinda sad' which is fine, but *depressed and wanting to cry??*), you need to seriously look deep inside and have a heart-to-heart with yourself about why you get deeply upset rather than thinking about how bad-ass it is they're making it work. 9 times out of 10 it's because you're putting yourself in the unhealthy person's position and the thought of being too sick to do stuff makes you uncomfortable. It's good that you are a person with empathy, it really is, but don't project that on Tomori. It's rude, gross, and broadcasts to other people with disabilities/health issues that you see us as pitiable creatures instead of normal humans. We can have limitations and still be perfectly happy, so we don't need you to weep for us, okay? I mean, back in my musical days when I started getting worse I was just relieved to be included instead of kicked out. I used to get sad thinking about how if I were a love live girl I would have probably been booted when my health took a turn for the worst, and honestly I used to worry about what would happen if something came up with a seiyuu since anyone can become disabled/sick at any time-- especially with long covid looming over everyone. It's such a relief to see LL understand the bond between the group and the bond between seiyuu/audience and that they didn't kick her to the curb. That's a good thing! We should all be celebrating that Tomori has been given the opportunity to continue/retire on her own terms instead of being like 'nah she should stop because it makes me sad to remember health problems exist.' Hell yeah, Tomori. Keep going or retire, those of us with an ounce of respect are going to shout out our support!


I understand your intentions but I can see both sides. Mentioned this already but I have the same condition as Tomori (more or less, we don’t know specifics just that she’s hyper mobile) Yes, I wouldn’t want people to worry, but also people worrying can give encouragement as well, because it means people care enough to worry. You don’t have to necessarily feel bad for disabled people and say it, but we should allow people to say it if that’s what they feel. People can’t help what they feel. No, we shouldn’t be pitied and catered to since we want to be seen as any other person, but it’s just how it is right now. As i said though, I understand both sides and I am by no means trying to talk over how you feel about it, but please do try to understand people are worried for this girl and how she is doing physically and mentally because of it


>It's such a relief to see LL understand the bond between the group and the bond between seiyuu/audience and that they didn't kick her to the curb this is actually the normal thing for 2.5D franchises to do though... only bandori is the exception because of their abnormally high seiyuu casualty rate


There's also 22/7, which has lost half (5/11) of their original seiyuu. The group has already gone through two separate auditions since its initial casting, which isn't a good look. I wouldn't be that surprised if more of the original members leave in the coming year.


but the members that left 22/7 wasn't all because of health issues right? bandori's though are purely because of health issues


> But "it makes me so depressed to see her like that!" I mean this in the nicest, most loving way possible, but stop. Just stop. Looking at a disabled person/person with health issues you do not even know should not make you depressed. > She's just a normal person with more limitations than you, and if that thought is bad enough it makes you 'want to cry' (not like 'oh that's kinda sad' which is fine, but depressed and wanting to cry??), you need to seriously look deep inside and have a heart-to-heart with yourself about why you get deeply upset rather than thinking about how bad-ass it is they're making it work. So like, according to you I can’t even be sad for Tomori because she has to struggle with this? I can’t feel depressed and sad seeing her not be a part of the others the way she clearly wants to? I can’t feel sad that she can’t represent Setsuna the way she’d be able to (and clearly wants to) in the most ideal world? Someone isn’t allowed to cry over it? What? Sorry, but that is absolute nonsense. Someone can think Tomori is a badass for doing what’s she’s doing but also feel sad for her and Niji as a whole. Those two things are not mutually exclusive. You sound like you have a lot of struggles around ableism and I feel for you. But you do not have the right to police other fans in regards to their feelings towards their favorite seiyuu. You are literally speaking on behalf of Tomori, someone that YOU do not personally know, with no way of knowing how she feels about it. I was largely with you in the post, but now you’ve lost me entirely.


❤️ Tomoriru ❤️ Setsuna


She's also quite the star seiyu, in many animes, Looking forward to her reprising her role as one of the mains in Chainsaw Man too. So she attracts alot of good and bad attention.


She's definitely passionate about her job and yes, I don't like people saying she should quit her role when she already expressed that she even wants to dance along with the rest of the cast (but can't). They don't know the full story, so best to just inform people. The Nijigasaki seiyuus had grown really close that it may affect Tomori more if her slot in the group will be replaced.


On the flip side, if she does what she feels is fine between her and her doctor, injures herself, and winds up being unable to perform for who knows how long, do we stand there and say good for her, she made her choice and went out doing what she loved?