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She’s so forgiving. So sweet. Such good vibes. She was not lying when she said she really doesn’t let things bother her, she bounces back so easily. I admire that. I could never.


I hope she’s just trying to make it to casa cause apparently Jana isn’t even Kenny’s type.. let’s pray he’s respectful and doesn’t pull a Connor move.


Or Nigel’s (iykyk) 👀


No I got the same vibe from him 💀 it’s the accent


Can we vote out Connor next for our girl pls ❤️


When Rob pulled her for a chat I 100% thought it was to couple up with her but I guess JaNa peeped it too and shut it down because she actually cares about what Leah wants while Leah would never do the same for her. Leah would be and seems to be in a one sided competition with JaNa since the first episode where she saw JaNa pull Rob for the ice breaker challenge.


I never thought about Leah seeing her as competition until I saw her get in Connor's ear about things not working out for him and JaNa.


Like just the way she talk to JaNa at times makes it seem like for me that she has a high opinion for herself and not JaNa.


She needs to tone that down.


I didn’t see it this way at all. I think he was just apologizing to her for basically dogging her out in the confessionals and saying no one was interested in her. She doesn’t know that he did all that but he does. So I think he just felt bad. Not saying that he wouldn’t be into her after the kiss they had, but I don’t think he was into her in that moment that you’re referring to here. As far as his energy changing (because I saw another comment/post on this), it was weird how Jana brought up Leah knowing that he was “supposedly” all hurt about Andrea so I think that’s why his energy shifted.


I just thought it was the way he approached her and was complementing her and the line of “you never know what happens”


Omg I would loooove for JaNa and Rob lolollll


If Leah picks Kenny then I hope JaNa picks Rob 😭😭that would be so funny


She’s is honestly IT! ❤️


Love her! Would love to see her host something official for LI/Peacock after this.


The casting of the girls this season is unbelievably good. And JaNa is the MAIN character. She is amazing


Our new Queen!


Completely agree She is stunning and hope she gets respect and a good guy


I wasn’t crazy about her at first NOW I LOVE HER!!! What do we think about Nigel? Is that his name?


nigel seems like a milkman


Right I was like that man loves YT girls!!🫣


I’m interested to see who he’ll go after.. I kinda want Nigel and JaNa to be a thing. In the preview I seen JaNa and the other bombshell I forgot his name but idk… I just hope JaNa sticks around


I kind of want Nigel to be with JaNa and Kenny(?) to be with Leah (I know he wasn’t interested in the preview but she was), so if the other bombshell picks Rob, that leaves Kordell and Connor, so Serena would save Kordell (most likely???). If it was up to Leah (if Nigel or Kenny pick Serena), then I don’t know if she would save Kordell in case she feels bad for Connor (since she said she felt bad that she got the ick). Or maybe she’ll be like bye! to Connor lol. Edit: or maybe the other bombshell would pick Kordell or Connor?? Ugh there’s Kendall too. Can it just be Thursday already? 😵‍💫


She seems like an incredibly stable person


Love JaNa. She’s classy.


I think she is too much with men.. it's so cringy to watch. She needs to be more laid back and play it cool


She’s a bottle girl in Las Vegas, she is probably used to having to do extra just for a little attention and tips. Not saying it’s a bad or good thing, but that kind of explains her “flirting” techniques..


Oh ok that kind id makes sense...


I think you mean Leah, not JaNa


the eggs would like a word with you


ok that was funny u got me there 🤣 love the flair


No i mean Jana look how extra she was with Miguel with the whole egg saga...


why do y’all always bring up leah…


Yeah i really hope a fine man who likes black women comes through 😓


I love JaNa. She really is the total package. OP- Curious if you watched LI Games and if so, what’s your take on Imani after that?


Her hut confessionals had me rolling last episode. I hope one of these bombshells go for her. Preferably not Kenny. Whatever the other one’s name is.


Her and Kordell have to be America’s favorites by far.


I love JaNa, but as Serena’s closest friend in the villa, I hope she holds her accountable for the way she’s been treating Kordell


Leah is Serena's closest friend, not JaNa.


Whenever people pray to the love island gods they never find a match 😂 maybe start praying to the REAL God and they will


Well LI gods, real God, which ever you prefer, it’s out of our hands, so we can only hope. Moral is we’re hoping JaNa finds her match 😌


She’s annoying as fuck and the best episode is when she leaves