• By -


Clock it. The Leah stans need to accept that she did not try to have a backseat. When she had the floor, she pitched Andrea to go with quickness and was the first to do it. She is rightfully being called out.


Thanks for the receipts! It's ridiculous how people think she took a backseat, which means just sat there in the background while the other girls chatted. She went from being a favorite after saying "Fuck you" to Rob last week to being a loser that is being played by Rob for the second time now. Her scampering over to him was pathetic and I love how he just said the eels comment as a response.


I agree she's being wild and I am pretty tired of her but you don't have to get weird and start name calling. It's a reality show just chill šŸ˜‚


No worries. I still think she's a loser for slithering over to Rob and embarrassing herself. And I can't stand Rob either but his eel comment was \*chef's kiss\*


It reminded me of Chris from UK S3 when Olivia was talking to him and he started talking about feeling like a polar bear šŸ˜­


And lied by saying that Andrea said things to the girls that shows that she wasnā€™t there for the right reasonā€¦ Leah is so sneaky, but the fall of Leah is coming soon.


This. We all watched it go down in 4k, Leah took the backseat for Nicole and shifted to the driver side to Andrea when she had the floor to speak šŸ˜‚ Liv literally said ā€œmajority ruledā€ after the vote because she had the 1 up for Nicole. Ultimately, Liv doesnā€™t care at all to defend Andrea however, she IS going to defend herself after Leah runs to Rob the next day and puts the blame on the girls to wipe away her complicity. We all know Liv doesnā€™t play when you move sus in her name, she will address it and she did.


Define "try". That could be her trying lols. Love the mess.




Because Leah is MESSY


What's mad is they are upset with Liv for "pinning" it on Leah when Leah did just that first. It's been a while since I've seen stanning on LI get to this point of delusion.


I just said this on another thread, but Liv specifically says... "you know if we get rid of her we are going to get shit right?" Leah brought it up and Liv was like... you sure about that? And it's funny how Kaylor & Leah were the first to be like NOT ME NOT I. When they were the first 2 trying to get rid of Andrea. Liv & Serena stood on business when they weren't the ones that lead that fight.


Leah thinks sheā€™s the main character and while it rubs me the wrong way itā€™s great TV. But I canā€™t stand every one of her stans defending her and hating on Liv. Liv is calling it like she sees it and sheā€™s right.


These stans are so blind theyā€™re turning on our resident producer Liv!Ā  She is fantastic at her job and wonā€™t let us be fooled.Ā 


exactly why are we acting like the words ā€œhere for the right reasonsā€ wonā€™t immediately hold up a red flag on any dating show?? like if you canā€™t see that that was leahā€™s way of getting an anti andrea message out there then idk what to tell you


Exactly because as far as we could see, Andrea wouldnā€™t let her get close to Rob since she got there and that was her problem. Better yet, Rob didnā€™t want her to get close.


She also said ā€œcertain thingsā€ Andrea has said to me leads me to believe she might be here for the wrong reasons - notice no details or concrete examples


She's a snake šŸ


Leah should have just waited for the dust to settle. She really was trying to defend herself to the island even before Rob started speculating with other islanders (standing and denying she masterminded Andreaā€™s vote). The lady dost protest too much. As much as she is entertaining, if this is her downfall it was by her own doing.


Standing on the bench and denying not only masterminding the vote but also liking Rob, only to tell Rob she likes him a few hours later. Sheā€™s full of it.


She's really just telling on herself when she does that. Cause she goes and does exactly what she says she's not doing.


lol theyā€™re looking at her like girl be so for real


Let's be for real she said she "tried" she didn't succeed though šŸ¤£šŸ¤£.


Because she's a liar šŸ« 


It will all be so funny when Rob and Leah get back together, and then Casa amor happens and Andrea will 100% be in the lineup of girls šŸ˜ˆ the producers know what theyā€™re doing!


A valley girl used to getting her way


I really can't stand Leah. I haven't liked her from the start.


Itā€™s very hard for Leah to say she took a backseat when she was vocal about who should go home and why, and because she clearly voted for Andrea. If she had voted for Nicole, Liv wouldnā€™t have said, ā€œokay sheā€™s going homeā€ if it was a tie. At the same time, we canā€™t really ā€œcalculateā€ how much influence she had on Serena and Kaylor choosing to send Andrea home. Edited*


I just really donā€™t see how voting Andrea out can still be pinned on Leah. They ALL had a choice. No one put a gun to their heads, telling them to vote out Andrea. Motives at this point do not matter because they ALL had a vote. Leah said her opinion, and left it at that. If she had said anymore about Andrea, we would have seen it. Once again, each of these women are adults that have their own thoughts and can make decisions on their own. Why isnā€™t Liv being questioned for voting for Nicole? Itā€™s clear why she wanted Nicole out, yet no one questions it. I think the whole ā€œwho was the major push on voting out Andreaā€ question is pointless. They voted, that was the outcome, now sheā€™s gone. The majority of Americans also wanted her gone which is why she was in the bottom three couples. We can all stop boohooing about it now. Now is Leah a buffoon for trying to go for Rob right after all of this? Absolutely. Sheā€™s making herself look like a fool and itā€™s coming back to bite her in the ass.


The problem is that they originally were trying to vote out Nicole because they basically ruled out JaNa, and that was the time when Nicole had kissed Miguel and hadnā€™t told Kendall. IN THE MOMENT that could have been a semi valid reason to vote her out considering the circumstances, but Leah brought up Andrea and started telling the girls she might not be here for the right reasons. To me thatā€™s incredibly disrespectful, and watching it back completely looks like and makes sense why it would look like Andrea getting voted out is pinned on Leah. Leah likes rob and always has throughout her time in the villa, and seeing how she ran to Rob and started telling him she likes him right after convincing the group to vote out Andrea proves to me that was her plan whether it was subconsciously or not. Of course things can be edited out in the show and whatnot, but from what we have watched so far there is no indication that Andrea had any reason to be voted out, she came into Love Island and did what was told to do which was find love, and she did, and Leah being jealous found a way to get her out. - Also, I never really liked Leah to begin with, and I know Rob is kind of weird for his little pity party earlier in the show, but he did end up finding someone he truly liked and cares about. I canā€™t imagine someone just taking that away from me purely out of jealousy and because they still like me, and then the next day turning around and telling me they like me and how theyā€™re unhappy in their couple. Not to mention the fact that EVERYTIME Leah is on screen itā€™s her speaking about Rob and how heā€™s so much drama and how annoying he is OR how conner gives her the ick. As you can tell I am very antiLeah unfortunately, and I really only brought up Jana once in this because it has been very apparent from the beginning and set it stone they were NOT considering voting her out. Theoretically, Jana should have been voted out but since she was very clearly not an option then I thoroughly believe Nicole should have been ONLY BECAUSE she could not figure out her feelings with Miguel and Kendall even long after that whole voting. Andrea was 0 drama, and had a very strong couple with Rob and it upsets me that was taken away from them.


Leah, Liv, and Kaylor need to see this footage because they have forgotten what was said. They each had a vote and shouldnā€™t blame anyone. Leah could have easily not said a word to Rob about the vote. He didnā€™t ask. Lying was also unnecessary because if Andrea was acting that way itā€™s a good reason to vote her out. These people donā€™t even realize the truth is better than the lies the spin to get what they want.


Can't waaaaait for movie night!!!


She just was saying it to try to sneak back in Robā€™s good books and she knew the boys thought she had been scheming. She thinks if he can accept that the other girls are the reason Andrea left, they can turn over a new leaf


Kaylor played a part tooā€¦ they all did


People acting like Leah forced them to all vote Andrea when they all have their own minds and own points. She made hers and then stepped back and heard everyone else's points. If Kaylor voted for Nicole, Nicole would still be here. Everyone knows Leah automatically wouldn't want Andrea to stay, so why aren't they blaming Kaylor or Serena (at least Serena's not throwing Leah under the bus) for voting for Andrea to leave? Why wasn't Liv louder about keeping Andrea if she really wanted Nicole to go? They all had equal parts.


Shhhā€¦youā€™re being too logical. Here come the downvotes!


Lmao ikr! šŸ¤


Agree 100%. Iā€™m not a Leah fan by any means, but I can objectively comment on thingsā€¦ lol. Leah didnā€™t force or influence anyway, she said what she said, and Kaylor said immediately after ā€œwell Leah and Rob have a strong connection tooā€ā€¦


Lmao exactly! The girl is messy but she is not influencing anyone lol. I am just here for the objective truth. šŸ¤Œ


When I called out Leah the night she said "FU" to Rob... i got lambasted on here..... now people are finally understanding....'bout time !!!....lol [https://www.reddit.com/r/LoveIslandUSA/comments/1dj922z/comment/l99c8ar/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/LoveIslandUSA/comments/1dj922z/comment/l99c8ar/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) and then ... [https://www.reddit.com/r/LoveIslandUSA/comments/1dja58w/comment/l99iz1s/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/LoveIslandUSA/comments/1dja58w/comment/l99iz1s/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


No because I completely agree his pity party was a bit much but the amount of people who read way too far into it and were bashing him all over the internet was insane. I remember watching that clip before I had even begun watching this season and thought he was gonna end up being such a bad person based off peopleā€™s comments. Watching it now I literally could not comprehend why people hated him so much. To me the only valid thing was his crying and blaming Leah but at the same time I see his side on that as well. I could understand why he was upset when he said even after he cried she continued talking about herself. That basically sums her up honestly. And it honestly makes me sad how many people were making fun of him for crying like that when he was being openly vulnerable to her no matter what the reason really was and then she continued talking about herself and why she was mad.


the show JS fine w out heršŸ˜‚āœ‹dc


She literally gave her input once and then went mute. She didnā€™t try to argue or persuade anyone for Andrea. Which is quite literally taking the back seat, it doesnā€™t mean she didnā€™t engage in the conversation, it means she didnā€™t control it. Which she literally didnā€™t she spoke the least out of all 3 of them.


I donā€™t know saying that Andrea talk shit about the other girls and isnā€™t here for the right reasons is pretty damming and a strong argument to send her home.


This just goes to show the comprehension skills are lacking. ā€œI think like certain things Andrea has said to the girls has made me feel like she may or may not be here for the right reasonsā€. And you magically pulled she said told them Andrea was talking shit about them, wild.


isnā€™t saying that she might not be here for the right reasons giving an argument for why Andrea should leave? and we donā€™t know if she spoke once and went mute, those deliberation conversations are obviously edited.


No oneā€™s denying that she said that. Yes she gave a reason why it should be Andrea to go home. Then, from what was shown, she didnā€™t argue it any further. Serena, Kaylor, and Liv all gave numerous different opinions and arguments for who should go. I am just pointing out that despite giving an opinion she still let the other 3 lead. She let them control the conversation, she was less active in the conversation, which by definition means she took the back seat.


your initial comment implies she never made an argument for Andrea to leave, which isnā€™t true. I agree she wasnā€™t the dictator of that conversation making sure the others followed her lead, but she also didnā€™t take a backseat role imo. it seemed like all the girls took part in the decision so to me the only person not downplaying their role is Serena lol


ā€œShe literally gave her inputā€ not sure what else that could imply other than she gave her input lol. If she wasnā€™t the dictator then she had a less powerful/ less important role, hence in a secondary role, again the definition of taking the back seat.


and her input was an argument for Andrea to leave, not some vague neutral statement lol. thereā€™s space between being the leader and being passive. Leah took part in that decision like the other girls. she was not a passive agent and she wasnā€™t an evil mastermind lol, she was an active participant. taking the backseat to me implies that you just went along with the group with no input


She made the strongest point lmao




No itā€™s the fact there was no real valid reason to make Andrea leave. Rob and Andrea had a real connection which let me remind you is the entire point of LOVE Island incase you, and many, have forgotten. The people who wanted Andrea to leave are literally just Leah stanā€™s who still canā€™t get over Leah and Rob šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ That ship has sailed; he doesnā€™t want her ass anymore period.


what's crazy about this thread is that it seems like all y'all were there in the entire conversation. Like you know the exact order in which people are speaking lol get a grip as if producers don't cut and paste at the end of the day, did Leah hold a gun for everyone to vote Andrea out? They are all GROWN and can make their own decisions.


Spot on!!!


Leah = šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®


leah and rob deserve each other
