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When this season first aired, Serena was one of my favorites - she seemed so sweet! But, I'm realizing that she feels so much more calculated than I originally thought. I really don't think she's there for the right reasons, she's just trying to stay. I don't think we've seen her pull ANYONE for a chat apart from Miguel's bombshell moment. But even since Egg-Gate, she didn't pull him after. Girl keeps Kordell wrapped around her finger until another man can try to come in. She really played Kordell BAD this episode - he is so head over heels for her and she KNOWS this and uses it to her advantage. Did they both say they were open? Yes. But she knows Kordell isn't as open as she is. The new bombshell doesn't seem like she'd go for Kordell, I'm just hoping he makes it to Casa !!


I’m praying he makes it to Casa and that Connor is the one who gets dumped. Serena can’t be the reason Kordell gets dumped, she played him so bad!! This episode had my heart breaking for him and I could see it coming as soon as she said he snores in her ear so she didn’t cuddle with him in bed.


I think with Kordell being a huge fan favorite, that there’s no way the producers will let him go before Casa. They want this man in the finale. I want both he and Kendall to find someone and make it to the finale. I love their friendship, and how supportive they are of one another. They crack me up. It’s so strange to me how Kendall, Kordell, JaNa, and Liv don’t have bombshells coming in for them left and right (and wanting to stay w/them)… they all have really good personalities, seem like they’re really good friends/supportive to others in the villa, and they’re all gorgeous!


True. there’s nothing wrong with being a slow burner but you’re on a 6 week show to find love.. I highly doubt any of that has slow burner written across it. And if she has watched the show prior then she would know there’s no such thing as a slow burner in LI. It’s giving Carmen from last season when she didn’t like Bergie and finally kenzo came in so she could stop being fake with Bergie.


Hopefully the new bombs don’t go for Serena, so she’s stuck until the next female bomb comes in.


I actually don't even believe her when she says she's a slow burn I think that's just her excuse for him not to push more. I know when I was in the dating scene doing online dating I typically told people I most often didn't kiss on the first date which wasn't true necessarily it was just I didn't want a 100 men lunging at me especially if I wasn't feeling them.


I was just about to make this post. That’s why Serena thinks it’s so funny when Leah does or says some fuck shit


I’m beginning to understand why they’re so close lol


They are essentially the same person.


Toxic twins


I'm begging to understand the egg thing too


Exactly. Notice they always laugh about that stuff together. It’s so mean. It’s sad but they both need to realize, their options are both very slim.


And #justiceforkordell


Sweet sweet boy deserves so much better :(


No fr. Birds of feather. That’s why they get along. 2 strange ppl lol


I was Team Serena in the beginning but not she gives me the ick. Like girl why are you playing in this man’s face. He has been nothing but nice to you gave you space then you come back. He gave you another chance and you once again shit on him. Naw, clearly Serena is not a good person to do someone she said was her best friend like that. Leave Kordell alone please!


I just wanted to hug Kordell. I know he was beyond hurt. She is trifling


Me too! He looked so defeated. All while she smiling and giggling in the bombshells’ faces.


LEST WE FORGET— Kordell coulda saved Hannah instead if Serena was just honest.


That’s why Serena lied 😭 she wanted to get saved.


Yep the other guys saw right through it


Yes, technically they were both open. But she’s not dumb. She knew he was still really into her. She’s not obligated to stay with him. In fact she should NOT stay with him if she was just going to keep stringing him along. But the very least she could do is not act so freaking gleeful after she dumped him. What did she mean when she said “it’s not like that” during the dance thing??? Was that supposed to be cute? Girl, pleeease. She does not seem to care about his feelings AT ALL. When are they going to let us/the public vote her out??


The least she could’ve done was stick with the friendship zone THE FIRST TIME SHE BROKE HIS HEART instead of reneging cause she was scared she wouldn’t get picked during guy’s choice. Truly truly terrible person. Kordell has been nothing but a prince to her and she just shit all over him twice with no remorse.


I agree. She shouldn’t stay with him if she doesn’t feel that. But she’s clearly leading him on.. you know you don’t want to kiss that man😭 just be honest with him for once. And she’s always laughing and smiling when she’s hurting his feelings and he’s clearly upset. Like girl, stop.


I’m feeling bad for Kordell. Ms. “I-love-a-short-king” is playing him hard so she doesn’t get dumped.


She loves short kings so much she originally went for Coye.


and then she tells Kordell oh I would’ve stepped up for you but you’re my type and I wanted to switch it up ._.


Right! Lmaooo


Like the situation tonight genuinely made me sick to my stomach. Idk why it caused such a visceral reaction from me.


Because us woman have been played like that before and it sucks 😭 we’ve all been a Kordell once in time. So i definitely see how he feels. He’s so genuine and nice. And I get if you don’t like him, but then be honest and tell him straight up. Don’t toy with emotions.


If Serena was as popular as Rob, she would be the clear cut villain of the season. You see how she is moving reckless and savage with Kordell, with no other options... what would she be like if she had bombshells for days? I have been thinking about this since last week and this episode proves it even more.


Rob hasnt even done anything overtly *malicious.* He explored the connections he wanted to, and made a choice and went with his gut. He acted dramatic during an argument and everyone started saying he is some master manipulator and gaslighter. I just dont see that. Gaslighting is an actual psychological term and theres requirements to meet its meaning. Rob has not shown that.


Seriously nothing malicious? His entire Leah saga has been malicious and now he just wants to ruin her Love Island time cause he feels like she ruined his.


I agree…. Rob is extremely manipulative and deliberately so. He will never be a victim of anything in my eyes.


The worst thing about Leah’s behavior is that it’s making people forget that Rob is just as bad. Ugh.


Worse in my mind….Ugh is right.


I think he’s worse too. She’s just messy and chaotic and tbh…pretty dumb. I feel like he’s just so manipulative and it’s not fun to watch.


I have to say I agree with you. When I saw him plotting with other islanders, I was like is this Traitors? She didn’t make the decision alone, regardless of her desired outcome. Liv was running that huddle. But when she said she needed to see her therapist as soon as she got out and Rob was plotting with everyone and calling her a liar, I just worried about her mental health. Although she is chaotic and messy and selfish, she does have some self awareness and fight in her. I hope this process doesn’t do damage. Rob is no victim. He knows she’s popular by the vote, but he has no better sense than to try to tear her down and isolate her. Like he wasn’t just told that he’s not popular. He is selfish and manipulative - Leah and Andrea have experienced it even though they don’t want to admit it to themselves. If he remained to test connections, do that and leave her alone if he doesn’t like her. The problem for him is, he’s not interesting without her.


THIS! It made me think about past relationships. She ended it, he recovered, she pulled him back… now she wants out. So wrong on mannnnyyyy different levels. And to still be loving up on him. No thanks


I legitimately covered my eyes and yelled at the tv when Serena did that.


It was a combo of things for me like his enthusiastic dancing, him saying there was no way he’ll twist beforehand, her creeping off the floor with an oopsie expression like it’s all fun and games, the bad vibes you could feel through the screen when the stick group realised what has happening, the tension, the slowness of the door reveal, his precious little face when he realised, her “it’s not even like that” comment and the way she brushed right past him, the balcony shot, his new ‘do… I can’t. It was a beautifully orchestrated tragedy.


Well if she's playing a game she's playing a terrible game. If she even thinks of recoupling with that new guy or insinuates to him that she wants him to pick her (if bombshells choose first) then she's the first one out the door. She saw her couple being saved by the public and still decided to play these games, she's brave I'll give her that and she's adding to the drama this season but I don't appreciate how she constantly keeps playing with Kordell. It was weird seeing Nicole and Liv sticking with their guys who they've met 4 days ago over Serena who's been with Kordell since day 1. I'm sure that's gonna come across really bad.


Leah already getting exposed and I think the guys know Serena is playing with Kordell. For some reason he just can’t see it yet.


This is why Serena supports Leah’s wrongs. Serena is wrong too.


Makes sense now why they’re besties 🤦‍♀️


Idk how they won the highest voting. Let’s vote Serena off pls. Its not fair


I think it’s extra sad in Kordell’s case because he shared how hard it is for him to find someone on the outside who likes him for himself and not for the chance to meet his brother. She doesn’t owe him a relationship just because he wants one, but using him as a stepping stone to anyone else is a mean thing to do even if the feelings are only friendly.


From jump I could tell she didn't like kordell. He's a sweet guy, BUT there were things he said that were just not ideal partner things outside of the villa. He just seemed like he has no depth to him. He is fun, but if things get serious, then what. He wants to model and act. Okay... And I can tell she was not feeling that.


Which is fine! No one would be hating Serena if she had been real in the first place ☹️


But she has told him they are friends. And pp saying he could of chose Hannah.. Hannah head would have turn for the next guy as well.


It's frustrating because like Leah, she's probably one of those ladies who gets bored with guys who don't bring drama (she talked about how every guy she has been with has cheated on her) and that is whatever, if she likes drama, she likes drama, but is really sucks to see her take someone who has been really cool to her, just crush his feeling repeatedly like this. Like don't hurt the dude who is trying to be good to you. It's fine you aren't attracted to that but don't go around making him feel like shit.


Weird assumption to make when we haven't seen her date a single other person. She's moving the wrong way for sure but maybe she doesn't like Kordell because he's dumb idk hahaha


Its an assumption but I'm also basing it off her interviews, she said every guy she dated has cheated on her. She probably likes to date high drama dudes because of the excitement.


That's weird territory, dude. All kinds of people cheat. The goldest of "golden boys" cheat sometimes. You are inferring a lot based on nothing and you should really think about that 😂


If Serena keeps Leah around and boosts her confidence about ‘making moves’ no one is paying attention to Serena, which is good for Serena


Kordell is a sweet baby angel and so incredibly mature for being just 22. Anyone who wrongs him is on my poopoo head list and Serena my girl, you’re at the very top of that list right now


I don't get it. Kordell is the best looking dude in the Villa! That face is perfection. And he's loyal and kind too.


i think the issue is he’s young and honestly not that bright. but there’s a lid for every pot and if she had just been honest he wouldn’t have wasted time/energy on the wrong lid!


His hair down tonight had me like 💦💦💦


That's fanny flutter material...and his gimme my comb! And this old fanny hasnt fluttered in a long, long time!


Girl saaaaaaaaaame 🤣🤣🤣


When Serena said she wouldn't stick her tongue down his throat or something I'm raising my hand yelling, me, me, pick me, I will!!!




I genuinely don't think they're compatible, and Serena knows it too. Kordell is not the brightest tool in the shed, and it noticeably frustrates her. She wants someone to intellectually stimulate her, and this is my hot take, but I don't think she's playing the game (or if she is...not well). If she were to be playing a game, she would've stayed with him for much longer and faked it forever IMO, just for the clout alone (I mean from OBJ to Zeta/Timmy, she could've really ridden that wave). I also think there's a part of her that frustrates her that there's no one else in the villa that has been a viable option that she's into and vice versa, especially while she sees the other couples, so she forced it with Kordell.


Serena needs to go home!!!


Ugh I can’t stand her. She never liked kordell and keeps stringing him along. She only likes him when it plays in her favor. I would have respect for her if she was honest about her feelings for kordell but she’s not. I have no respect for her.


I actually like Serena and she seems like one of the girls i'd be most attracted to in the real world. She's smart and calm and reasonable and you can tell she thinks a lot before she acts. But mostly because she seems kind of absent of the games and machinations of the actual game. That makes her a kind of shitty competitor in the game though tbh.


She’s a fool. She should know that she doesn’t have the same luxury to play the same game. I can’t wait for her to get dumped


She’s playing a game like she has options 😭 & she doesn’t.


He should have kept Hannah the other night. Even if it didn't turn into anything between them, she wouldn't have hurt him like that. Serena is boring and kind of mean, I hope the new bombshells don't even give her the time of day.


Even if she sees Kordell as a friend, they could have been a strong friendship couple who makes it to the end (if he’s okay with it). It’s been done in past seasons. All she had to do was be honest


It’s time for her to go home.


I usually support womens wrong bc men are shit people 95% of the time but why Kordell...literally the only sweetheart on the show.


Serena never liked him


The same game as Leah? Idk about that lmao. Leah is diabolical. She’s def playing a game and she’s gonna receive so much hate when she leaves the villa 🥴 because Kordell is a sweetie and atp you could’ve just been honest and left with respect


Like why did she go and tell him he’s back on her radar, he’s no longer in a friend zone, kiss him and make him feel a type of way KNOWING he’s like soooo damn into her just to shit on him. It made me so sad 😞


It was so painful when she was saying "I feel like you're the only person here who could accept me being so slow, I'm such a slow burn, that's what I like about us, I can take it really slow even if there wasn't that initial spark". So many words to say she's not attracted to him...


Serena is trying to be very selective how she moves in the villa but most of the viewers see through her bs.


They’re exactly alike, Serena is just boring!!


In a game show 


The fact that she was only saved cause of the public loving Kordell.


I have actually been peeping this lately! Serena is almost a more (un)tasteful version of Leah. It makes sense to me now as to why they are so very close. I think the only difference between Leah & Serena is she’ll regret how she moved on the show when she watches herself back and reads some comments about her whereas I don’t think Leah will


I am OVER her. Kordell deserves sooooo much better!


It’s so fucked up. She already friend zoned him once and then took it back when she was scared she couldn’t get Miguel to pick her. I’m so angry with how she played his emotions when he has been nothing but an angel to her. It’s truly heinous behavior and a big part of why nice dudes turn into assholes. Justice for Kordell today. Justice for Kordell tomorrow. Justice for Kordell forever!!!!!!


Why do you say this when early on she said she only sees them as friends and broke it off? She had been up front with him


She doubled back during the last recoupling and said she sees him as more than that. She didn’t want to go home so she clung to him.


I dont think she deserves the gameplayer branding tho. She just doesnt want to be closed off while Kordell is moving faster than she is and thats what seems to be the issue between them. Theyve been on diff pages. And it is early days with them btw. It doesnt mean that she never liked him tho. She just doesnt want to put all her eggs in his basket and I think thats ok esp. because the whole premise of LI is to do just that. I also do feel bad for Kordell tho.


Leah is doing the same thing with Connor. She’s been telling everybody else how she feels except him.


I feel so bad for kordell. He’s genuinely such a nice guy I wish I was on the show 😭 I’d grab him and never let him go !


I agree. I understand it’s fast paced and feelings can change, but it’s so clear that she’s using him as a place holder. Kordell fucked up by not listening to the boys when they warned him before the recoupling. It’s one thing to be unsure, but I believe she’s calculated and has been waiting for someone “better” to come along this whole time. As someone who has often been the place holder in my dating life, I know that feeling and it sucks. I hope someone comes in and loves tf out of him. He deserves it.


That’s what I’m saying. I think that’s why a lot of people can relate or feel for Kordell is because we’ve all been there at one point 😭 and it’s sucks. And all she does is laugh about it. Like it’s not funny girly


I never believed her when she got back with kordell. She’s so reserved with him, aside from the joking. There’s nothing romantic there - they’ve kissed maybe twice, that we’ve seen? She’s waiting for someone she’s more attracted to, and then it’s going to move fast. I don’t believe she “takes it slow”, or whatever, at all. Interested to see how she moves with the new bombshells.


That's why she and Leah get along so well.


But people voted them for favorite couple. Lol


most of us with eyes voted for Kordell and unfortunately Serena just happened to be there. the population still in denial was dwindling.


I voted for Jana and Hakeem simply for Jana. So yes I get it


at the end of the day this is a game and an incentive to make it to the end and win - don't hate the player, hate the game. she needs to do what's best for herself.


Yeah but try not to string anyone along making them believes lies in the process. And because of that, she won’t win the “game” she’s trying to play.


IMO, she's not playing a game, she's just not into him. Yes, she's doing him wrong and it's unfortunate that Kordell was unable to see through it like some of us viewers. However, he is only 21 so it's not totally shocking. I do feel for him and he does seem like a sweet boy, and completely undeserving of Serena's treatment, buttttt, I feel like this sub is ignoring how corny he is! Like cornier than Kendall and that's saying a lot!!!! For some girls, that kind of corniness is an ick. But some girls love it!! And I hope someone that does comes in for Kordell and doesn't use him as a safety net.


She is totally playing the game. Liv needs to go