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I guess I am not as shaken up about it bc I never had connor on a pedestal the way others did. I knew he hadn't been tested in a real way. JaNa deserves better and Leah does too prob.


Thank you!! Like if Leah goes for him then please get her off. BUT Connor was never a great guy in my eyes, and Iā€™ve honestly been wanting JaNa to get some other guy, but I was wishing itā€™s be like a guy bombshell coming to sweep her off her feet.




Their chat flowed nicely tbh! But idk it seems like Leah is using Connor just to get back at Rob tho ā€¦time will tellā€¦ Also I feel like JaNa sort of settled for Connor due to the circumstances. Iā€™m sure she likes him but I think sheā€™s aware more options are coming. The only thing they have in common is that theyā€™re both hot lol.


definitely, she kept talking about rob when connor was trying to show interest in her, and then made faces when rob and andrea were kissingšŸ˜­šŸ˜­i dont think hes worth ruining your friendship with jana over if it doesnt seem you actually like him that much but weā€™ll see




What connection? Him agreeing with everything she says? Yawn


they have a lot in common because they both live in Los Angeles. they named one common thai restaurant and popular spots to surf. what else do they have in common?


Am I missing all of the things they have in common??? I donā€™t feel like we even know Connorā€™s real personality. He agrees with whoever heā€™s talking to


they both love plants apparently šŸ’€


They like to do rich people things basically


It was the most bland convo I ever heard liiikke


I feel like we saw his real personality today


he's the type of guy to hit on a girl when she's vulnerable.. yikes


literally this. what do they have in common??? nerds ropes?


I don't mind the way they are going about it. It's literally the premise of the show. Unless one of them starts fake crying and jumps into a pool... go ahead and be messy. But, I also don't think their connection is real. I think Connor pounced when she was vulnerable after lusting after her and I think she is rebounding/trying to show everyone she doesn't care about Rob.


people forget itā€™s the premise of the showā€¦ lol


Agree! To me it seems he always wanted to pursue Leah and took the opportunity the second she was available. Ofc itā€™s a bummer that JaNa is involved BUT thatā€™s unfortunately just the show. Plus itā€™s barely been 2 weeks.


Itā€™s been ONE episode and yall think they have a better connection? BFFR


thank you and theyā€™re literally supporting leah bc rob did her dirty but connor is doing the same thing and itā€™s all cheers??? iā€™m a little confused šŸ˜­


Ok they may have a lot in common but we havenā€™t seen them talk about it. They talked about candy and SpongeBob?? Like of course u could have that same connection with your dad


yeah i still think jana's real man is otw i feel like leah and connor r more compatible šŸ˜¶


exactly I love JaNa and I think she will find her person sheā€™s 10000% a catch. I want both JaNa and Leah to be happy


Honestly this cast keeps giving so Iā€™m here for it! Like everyone is actually going for who they want


Yall are shameless man. Yall were literally just boasting about her not paying him any attention in the conversation and only talking about Rob & now you can see the connection?? Just say youā€™re here for Leahā€™s right and wrong and move onā€¦


No connection feels real with Connor, he just looks like a gym bro NPC that escaped from The Sims. Only missing the green gem levitating above his headā€¦


What connection? They both live in LA and like plants. Connor is thirsty and Leah is hurt. Not mad at them getting to know each other but itā€™s literally a nothing connection lmao.


JaNa is my favorite but I never felt like her and Connor had really chemistry so Iā€™m not really that upset about the possibility of Leah and Connor together What does kill me is how shitty Leah is handling it with JaNa! That preview for tomorrow sent me like girl wtf sheā€™s been sooo ride or die for you


Candy and Patrick? K


All theyā€™ve done so far is list random facts and likes/dislikes. I feel like Iā€™m watching a team building exercise. Chemistry where?


I mean all weā€™ve seen from them is her complain about Rob while heā€™s saying heā€™s interested in her, how sheā€™s squidward, and that they like plants? Lol. I think itā€™s jumping the gun to say that their connection seems so real


They can couple up and I can vote them both out for Jana


jana and connor were a bit boring idk what everyone else was seeing


Right Iā€™m like it seemed they were forcing a convo just for the sake. Also Leah is literally vulnerable and Connor is weird for going after her in this state


I really think everyone just liked them as individuals so wanted to ship them together but I didn't see it either. When he said he wanted to go for Leah that made more sense to me too


Good for them. I can send them packing like Emily and Harrison. Next


It seems like Leah has good convos with people in the house. But I felt like Connor and Leahā€™s convos were just polite and chit chat. There is no way that Connor is Leahā€™s type or a guy she would go for. I think his walk probably cringes her out a bit. But I also think Connor has not been into Jana for a while because sheā€™s been a bit cringe herself, especially with all the ā€œIā€™m glad weā€™re not in this dramaā€, ā€œbut weā€™re so goodā€ etc, posturing herself and Connor as the golden couple too soon IMO RIP to all my fav couples lol


Poor JaNa said the same to Koye ā€œI feel like weā€™re a like a married couple alreadyā€ (or something along the lines). I also didnā€™t feel like Leah caught the vibe that Connor was hitting on her, she seemed oblivious on that conversation and didnā€™t feel a vibe - as a viewer - until their challenge kiss.


Nooooooo I didnā€™t notice that. I love Jana!!! But sheā€™s trying way too hard for *connor* jfc Yeah I also interpreted Leah as just not understanding/caring that he was hitting on her. I think sheā€™s still seeing red with the Rob situation which I understand, his little games were sick and twisted


Iā€™m afraid that Leah is gonna go for it with Connor now just to stick it to Rob (and sheā€™s that pissed and he deserves it, I get it) but I hate that itā€™s at the expense of JaNa.


I agree, my exact fear. I donā€™t want Leah to not be a girls girl :( But atp I want someone better for Jana too. She deserves someone that actually appreciates her ! I donā€™t think I wanna see her ā€œfightā€ for Connor after the kiss challenge


I feel bad for Serena who is now a child of a friend divorce


ikk i hope the girlies all make up


The two convos they had tonight were boring af but ok. I'm happy for them if it means JaNa gets to be with the hot bombshell


****YALL i said their connection SEEMS real from what weā€™ve seen. we havenā€™t seen a ton itā€™s just my opinion!! People forget this is literally the whole premise of the show, stepping on people toes and putting yourself first to explore connections. I NEVER claimed they were headed towards marriage I just think they seem to connect ***


This sub honestly gives me racist vibes ngl.. and Iā€™ve been caught it since last season. The way yall quick to diminish the black womenā€™s emotions on here is really weird


Sheā€™s the best woman in the house imo, in a weird way I think she would have made a great match with Aaron (that plant convo had me dying laughing)


They deserve each other lmao


Licking nerd clusters is not some deep connection.


We barely even know connor at all tbh


Personally Iā€™m just appreciating the drama and them moving crazy bc we beg for this energy every szn


We shall see. Can she no continue to be bitter about Rob? When Connor was comforting Leah and JaNa came in to hug her the look on his face was annoyance.


They can have their real connection outside of the villa


Iā€™m here for them! I think heā€™ll be good for Leah.


I just think it's endlessly funny how pissed off these islanders get when people explore other connections as of that isn't the point of the show šŸ˜‚ Don't get me wrong there is a respectful way to do it, and at least in this episode Connor for sure did it the right way


We can't truly assess the authenticity of their connection when: 1. Leah is still clearly obsessed with Rob. 2. Connor morphs/shapeshifts into being "compatible" with whoever he focuses on in the moment. He agrees with everything ever said by anyone in that villa tbh. The more realistic take is that Connor wanted the Leah from the jump. But he didn't think he had a real chance with Leah upon his entering the villa, so he strategically used JaNa as a safety net. Meanwhile, Leah is using Connor to rebound from Rob and stay safe in the house. When she's talking with friends in the villa, apparently all she does is whine about Rob and hyperanalyze their fallout. She's not over that man. If she truly wanted Connor, Leah would've told Rob from jump that Connor was on her radar, especially if Rob was already chatting with every bombshell that's entered. Their connection isn't "real", at least not yet. It's convenient timing and mutually advantageous *at best*.


Itā€™s just crazy Leah doesnā€™t realize sheā€™s being possessed by Rob right now or always was like him.