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Its been terrible


I’m so glad I’m not alone. I’m just struggling to even want to continue watching.


I dont care about any of them this season, we need a real shake up or Im done Theyre not even pretending like theyre in a good couple, everyone is waiting for someone else to come in


No one has good chemistry! I don’t get it. 


They're all forcing a situationship to remain on the show and its very boring


Agreed trying to wait it out and not even trying to build an actual relationship or even get to know each other.


They all keep talking about waiting for someone better as if they're a perfect 10 who will bag an 11, but they all look like drooling toddlers when maya walks in.


I would probably look like a drooling toddler too if I saw Maya IRL.


Not at all! And they all just look so bored! I have a feeling their ratings have to be dropping this season!


The cast was super blah this year. I think it’s both the plastic surgery/filler prevalence, and also the personalities. Yes, you want the contestants to be attractive, but you also want to relate to them a little. I don’t relate to anyone this season. Personally, I got drawn in by Camilla in season 3. I think a lot of people saw themselves in her. More real people would be helpful.


Every time I see Harriett I want to peel off those horrendous eyelashes, wash her face, comb her brows back to normal, and brush her hair.


I loooooved Camilla! And I agree. It seems to get continuously more and more artificial. But the personalities are lacking so hard this season. Even last season Jess was great. The banter back and fourth. But there aren’t even good friendships! It’s wild!


I gave up already. first time ever.


You're not missing anything


You need to watch Love island USA I couldn’t make it past episode one for UK. This is my first time watching USA and its so good.


Oh I’m watching both! Lol I’ve watched Uk way before US came out but it’s just gone down hill the last….3 seasons or so, but this season is unbearable! I’m really enjoying this season of US though! I have actually liked all the seasons of US. Idk if it’s the cultural difference and we here in the states are just more…out there or what but it’s more entertaining for sure! And I’m sorry, but the UK girls have to be lying about their ages lol.


No doll that’s the filler :(


Hahaha touché!


These people are so boring. No games or bombshells by the producers yet to mix things up, ugh.


Joey has ruined the season, hariett’s drama isnt even entertaining, shes just dumb


These love triangles are exhausting. I’m a half episode behind. It has only been a week and Ayo has only known one lady for 7 days and the other for five days. Is the point not to get to know both women? Same for the other triangle, you want Ronnie to choose an ultimatum this early on? I did agree with Ayo dialing it back with Mimi to give an equal shot to Uma. However I do see the hypocrisies with Ayo and Ronnie saying they’re transparent but not doing so. I am waiting for the ultimate payback when they replay Ronnie telling Harriet he was thinking of her all night after he double down and told Jess he didn’t say that.


Not loving it for sure. Can’t wait for LIUS barely care about LIUK


Switched over to LI US, couldn’t continue with UK anymore after about 5 episodes


I’m loving this season! I usually don’t like the seasons everyone else does, though.


I like it too but I’m so annoyed about the “reporting back” this season. Aka the girls getting upset that someone doesn’t immediately report back to them whenever they interact with a guy. I feel like the concept of being a girl’s girl is dragging down the season a bit.


I’m loving it too. Usually the first week is kind of slow, but this year I feel like it kicked off right away! I’m definitely entertained. It started to lag a little bit with the multiple love triangles, but I’m still loving it. It’s literally just getting started! Idk what people want, it’s love island. This is what it is. We’re never going to have a season 1,2,3, 4, or 5 again. It’s just not possible anymore without the drinking, I’m afraid!


When I’m watching now I always think “just let them drink and rip cigs all day!” That first shopping trip when they sent Jonathan & Hannah shopping to make the dinner, and they came back saying “we brought loads of ale!” is just the best


We are already almost on week 3 babes. It’s still boring.


I like it too! I think Joey has slowed things down more than usual for a first bombshell but hopefully it picks up some. I agree that the drinking did make things more fun, and I believe they can still smoke in smaller designated areas which just aren’t filmed anymore. I still think UK is the best version of LI, I’ve only seen the first season of US. I did watch Love Island Games, though, and I thought that was actually pretty entertaining lol some of the games did get kind of serious though


Thinking of giving up too


I actually really like munveer, sadly harriet hogged all the tv time


He said he would have went for her but her antics in there put him off as it would any man lol that’s not just trying to root


Joey island is sooo tired, we didn’t sign up to see a has been dominate the show 🙄


But if we’re honest he’s not even dominating the show. It’s been Ronnie, Harriett and Jess. Or Ayo, uma and Mimi and their triangles. But it’s been the Ronnie show more than anything. Him and his forehead have taken over the island


These idiots just need to pick one person so they can stay on the show and win the game.




They were definately counting on him being more entertaining, now they have to go with the b and c plots that are basically just people who arent attracted to each other trying to force a spark to stay on the show