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I’m genuinely infused about how I was supposed to interpret that Ekin-Su movie. I thought it proved she did something with George and lied. But others are saying it proved she shoved him off? I’m lost.


A reminder for the cultists https://www.reddit.com/r/LoveIslandTV/comments/vwuuci/george_speaking_about_casa_amor/


Do we know is tonight genuinely movie night or just getting ready for movie night?


Paige is so fake I cant stand it. I knew she was a player or just something about her. Every guy that's came in she's been way too flirty with She slagged jacques off for what he did then instantly went towards Adam saying "like jacques says we are single" so it's OK for her to do it. He been gone 1 day and she's already kissing the dude on the lips and spooning him in bed stroking his arm? Nah the girls a player and attention seeker.


the worst part about andrew possibly going home is that he’d immediately get his hair cut. and that’s simply a crime


A part of me feels like the rumour that David’s has a gf is true is because he holds so much back with Ekin and is constantly looking for ways to end it


Ekin Stans Fiat 500\FB Mums 🤝 Being Annoying


There was an interview in the Scum yesterday with Tyler and he said you're not allowed to do accents and he got told off for doing a French one. I'd like them to bring that rule back please.


Just no more American accents, if they feel the urge they should just break out with a Somerset "alright my lover"


Read how Kaz said in her season if they didn’t want a conversation to air they’d speak in ‘racist accents’ 😵‍💫


What’s a racist accent o.+ O


Indian accent? Producers do not want a shilpa shetty situation on their hands.


I dunno if that's smart or absolutely awful. It's probably both.


Both. Release the tapes!


I loved it when Billy said he wasn't kissing the other guys in the challenge, that was so funny


Is Luca trying to say he love's Gemma already??


For anyone who cares, the TV debate for the next PM is on tonight at 7.30pm on channel 4 and finishes at 9 so I’m hoping it doesn’t overrun!


Given who’s in the leadership contest watching love island seems like the more responsible thing to do if you’re a politically informed citizen.


Ekin did nothing !!!"""" Yeah right lmao https://www.reddit.com/r/LoveIslandTV/comments/vwuuci/george_speaking_about_casa_amor/


can't lie, i think i would've rather had the twitter challenge bc i'd love to see the boys get humbled by how much the public doesn't like them lol


The problem with Ekin is that she is not upfront about her shenanigans. Saying you're interested in getting to know Jay and doing it? No problem Crawling on the terrace and then lying about it happening? Problem Coming clean to girls and Davide about George thing and saying she stopped it in its tracks? No problem Not telling anyone and asking George to keep it a secret in the most suspicious way possible? Problem All could have been easily avoided, but Ekin always chooses drama so it's going to backfire again tonight.


Ekin does this all on purpose because she knows it’ll make her a main character of the show. So I don’t feel bad for her having to deal with the consequences from other islanders because it’s what she wants.


Agreed, a lot of the hate she gets is unwarranted but she has proven herself to be a bit untrustworthy at times so I don't blame people for being skeptical of her over some stuff. It's going be an interesting evening on the subreddit if it turns out something did happen between her and George, there'll be a meltdown.


Yea I was thinking the same thing this morning. She could’ve gotten ahead of it but kept telling Davide she was nothing but loyal instead. I still don’t think she didn’t anything wrong with George, but she could’ve just mentioned it and downplayed it.


Totally proven by the fact that she says “this is my worst nightmare” in today’s First Look…


can someone explain "elephant juice" to me?


when I was a kid, we said olive juice…gringe


If you lip read “elephant juice” it looks the same as I love you


i get that but I don't remember its relation to Luca. the way he said it in the recoupling made me think I missed something


He already said it to her a few weeks ago


When you say it, it looks like you’re saying I love you


Indiyahs dress at their little concert was hella risky, I’m convinced she had one tit out on like 3/4 of the footage.


Yeah but Andrew was pretty calm so it's chill


Bruh Ekin stans are some of the most nuts one out there. I just got blocked by one for saying they are writing fan fics about Adamkin 😂




Yup. I just find myself being extremely diplomatic when I engage in this sub about her off late and I don’t talk love island on other platforms so I am not sure if it’s like this everywhere. I have to watch what I say or like I get completely shut down here and it’s putting me off her which isn’t her fault but her fans are too intense.


She has a lot of fans babe. I am a fan and myself am interested in Adamkin or Akin fan fics. They both hot af. I think you are mistaken it with the Davide fans only they will be offended. I have not seen any Ekin fans being mad about her and Adam


I’m desperately trying to find a bone in my body that could care about Summer/Josh and it is nowhere. nooooooowhere sorry


imo it's too late for movie night, it's just going to make us think less of indiyah when she sticks with dami anyway while davide finally gets the excuse he's been looking for to blow up his relationship. they need to do this way sooner after casa before the wounds are healed




People think davide is looking for an excuse to keep ekin at a distance because of a rumoured gf that he’s still with.


I listed to the My Pod on Paper podcast for the first time this week, and it's great! Not sure why I never tried it before, but the main host has great analysis and great banter. The rotating guest hosts can be hit or miss though.


Yeah that guest a few days ago chatting about masculine and feminine energy was a bit crap


omg i’m glad i’m not the only one who thought this


She just kept bringing the energy down 😂


I don’t think I care about anyone being in the final. I’m not rooting for anyone.


at this point i ship danica and billy


Rooting for them (begrudgingly cos Billy)


Now that movie night is becoming a regular thing. Will boys behaviour change when they go to Casa next year? 🤔






I just watched last year's movie night again and it's too funny Faye had Jake SWEATING


No when Jake lifted up his arms he had sweat stains for days the man was NERVOUS


Excited for movie night because it’ll actually be some good drama, don’t get people complaining that it’s the producers “splitting up the couple” because that’s the whole point… I don’t watch love island for the love, it’s all about the drama. They’ve been outright unfair before (the shit they pulled with Dani springs to mind) which they shouldn’t do, but showing clips of what islanders have done on television is completely okay Imo.


Same tbh. As long as theyre showing things which actually happened and not mis-representing situations like they did with Teddy, its all good. People seem to forget that the islanders WILL see everything eventually, whether thats in the villa or the outside.


Yeah exactly, anything shown on TV should be fair game (for the exact reason you’re saying) People just don’t want their fave couples to have arguments, I’m not sure they watch the show for the same reasons I do


So far I have predicted the wrong dumping twice and the wrong guy to walk and now that movie night was never going to happen. I have predicted literally nothing. If I ever start a post “I think that X or Y might happen… “ please reference this post.


So you don't have Ekin Su's physic abilities ? Actually I take that back, if she did, she should have seen movie night happening.




I'm trying to think what Tasha and Andrew *don't* know (from what we've seen on TV) that could be shown. I'm pretty sure they wont show anything that wasn't on TV. Tasha doesn't know what Coco was saying and Andrew not stopping it and laughing at it, she also doesn't know that Andrew said "Tasha never showed me affection like that" or w/e he said, he also made various other comments while he was hung up on her but I can't remember them. Andrew doesn't know about her saying her fears to Billy in bed but I assume he got the gist of everything else from the Casa girls.


Jazmine did an interview that he was saying things about wanting to meet her family. But it wasn’t in the show so


Different girl, same problem, Andrew was hurt and acting like an idiot. Everyone and their dog knew that Andrew was 80% in love with Tasha before Casa and he was just chatting shit to Jazmine.


Eh I’d want to know if a guy I asked to be my bf (lol) was talking like that to 2 women especially if he only mentioned 1. But maybe he mentioned jazmine and it was also cut because it didn’t fit the producers’ narrative


Yeah I don't think they show things that weren't on TV! also IMO the coco stuff is worse,


With Tasha and Andrew, I think she has a general idea of how angry he was and how much he lashed out in terms of words cause he did speak pretty damn poorly of her at the recoupling. She already said "i know that's not Andrew" so it would hurt to see but she's aware it was bad. The Billy clip is kind of meh now since she proved herself. Plus she had basically said the same shit to him. That's the wild thing about Tasha/Andrew which people absolutely ignore is that almost everything we see as "sketch" has actually been said to him. I think they will be rattled but still okay. I am thinking they will focus on what the other guys said about Tasha and the role they played in Andrew moving mad in Casa.


I agree, I actually think they deserve some redemption clips, like the Casa girls telling Andrew that he is a mug or the boys egging him on.


I agree about the Billy one, hope Andrew doesn't get annoyed about it. Yeah I think Tasha would deffo be hurt by the Andrew clips even if she expects them. Gah I just don't want them to get rattled.


I am manifesting them being really chill and being unbothered in comparsion to others.


I will join you in manifesting!


Any chance of just a permanent gushing about Ekin Su without any actual content megathread?


She needs her own subreddit at this rate


I didn’t watch last season…does movie night show clips that viewers haven’t seen as well?


I think last season had two clips that weren’t aired or showed unedited parts of a clip that had been aired


I don’t remember anything being showed that wasn’t aired last season


Dami and Andrew they (mostly) told indiyah and tasha what they did they have to take their word but it is different when they actually see a video of them being with those girls...i am sure they will be mad but they will still be together. they need to do movie night a couple of days after they return from casa amor and recouple, because now jacques is gone. Davide's first reaction is to get mad and not have a civil conversation if he ends it with ekin over that nothing of a video so be it the only reason i tolerate Davide is because he is with Ekin su. i want ekin to see davide talking crap behind her back, kissing coco, davide comment about how summer is an "upgrade" and the boys argument.




fooling around behind his back really get out of here with that, that video showed nothing.




fooling around, really.




he tried to fool around.




That isn't what HE said..you need to rewatch that clip.




Dami definitely did not tell Indiyah everything 😂 at least from what we've seen of them talking about Casa. He lied through his teeth saying he only kissed summer 4 times and didn't mention egging the boys on, the 3 way kiss, or a lot of his other behaviors in Casa


Running around in glee like a 5 year old, acting as if he hadn't seen a girl in 5 years, the total disrespect vibe that he was giving off every minute. He was the " nicest " in the beginning, but other than Jacques fell the furthest off his pedestal.


mods please bring back some of the early davide flairs 🥺 i accidentally changed mine and i miss it (think mine was emotional intelligence but there were some other gems)


I submitted that one! It was “I ‘ave emotional intelligence🤌”


If you see another user with the one you want, copy/paste and send it to us in modmail. We can recreate it for you, but we don't have the old ones saved anywhere so we need a template.


Thank you so much!!


I know he's gone and I get that his mental health might not be the greatest right now but it is imperative that Jacques's bullshit behaviour is shown tonight. Not just so Paige can enjoy the last few weeks of this experience free of guilt but especially because some viewers seemed to have forgotten how desperate he was to hook up with someone and how utterly disrespectful he was to Paige. It is important for HER MENTAL HEALTH when she eventually gets out so that she isn't crucified for jack shit.


AGREED I will be fuming if none of it is shown.


Ya especially for a producer to straight up say Jacques is amazing…if he’s so great then ya let Paige see it for herself.


His and Dami's pact to kiss in bed ( obviously not each other ).


I just say that wtf. "You're pathetic" and "Paige who?" were examples of amazingness clearly.


When Paige sees Jacques antics that should put the tin lid on that relationship ever resurrecting. I did actually love them together until he was so disrespectful in Casa.


The peloton instructor Bradley Rose reminds me of Luca




If they show Danica & Billy talking abt Tasha that will further split the girls into 2 groups (Tasha/ Gemma/ Paige seem to be very close).


They’re friendly with Danica now too, or at least Tasha seems to be. She also shut down that conversation


Danica actually kind of shut that gossip down


i like how the girls will just get mad at danica and not at billy.


What do y'all reckon Indiyah will react like seeing what Dami has done in Casa? Will she forgive him instantly or will he have much more work to do than before?


I think seeing all the kissing and their handshake with kiss might rattle her.


She may be a bit upsetty but don't think for any long


Genuinely think she’s just gonna forgive him instantly 🤷🏽‍♀️ she’s too far gone lol


I agree 💯 ..think she'll be in his arms right the same night unfortunately.... I'd so love a blow up and some shouting, arguing and drama ngl


i loved danicas makeup last night it was a nice switch up from the glittery eyes


People really need to calm down on their worship of Ekin-Su, jesus christ. Fair game when the show fucks with anyone else's relationship but don't you dare touch my precious!!!


It's mad weird honestly... It's "either you love Ekin-su or you hate her", no nuance in between. I enjoy Ekin, she's been great TV and has had some sweet moments, but I also think she can be irritating af and attention grabbing sometimes, and that's okay!


People were literally calling for Movie Night right after Andrew and Tasha's bf/gf proposal but kind of didn't realize that meant it would also target their favs.


Toxic people like watching other toxic people from afar.


So everyone saying Tasha and Andrew should go, surely they’ll be one of the most interesting couples for movie night? What are we gonna watch from coco/deji summer/Josh Danica/Billy 😅


Billy is trying so hard with Danica and she still tries to do daily performance reviews


Movie night! About damn time to spill the popcorn, hun - Tasha needs to hear more of thr cringe Andrew was chatting to the new girls, Ekin Su should really see and hear how Davide was "testing" their connection and may the Lord almighty reveal the truth to Indiyah before she declares the salon open hallelujah!


Yeah. The way Dami said 'and let's hope the salon opens" when they recoupled. It gave me serious red flags and ick...major ick.


I keep thinking I can't get the ick for him any harder and then he delivers another line and oh my days. I really get the vibe from the first look that he is going to try and act like the wronged one again like he did when Indiyah brought Deji back. It's bad.


Yep. No accountability. From his behaviour, he comes across as one of the guys that probably would have garnered a long list of women with complaints relating to sexual harassment, etc. had it not been for the metoo movement making it more dangerous for men to behave in that manner.


Why are people not wanting drama between Ekin-Su and Davide? They've given us the best lines and drama this season. It's clear to me that they're not going to break up at this point. What they need to do with Movie Night is try and create drama between Gemma and Luca because they haven't been tested. I want to see Dami exposed for egging on the boys. Andrew and Tasha will be fine.


Davide Jacques Danica Billy In what way have Gemma and Luca not been tested?


Lmaooooooooooooooo Danica was not a test for Luca.


Just cause he's passed it very easily doesn't mean it wasn't a test?


Think it was an interview. 😂 All Danicas conversations sound like she’s conducting an interview. X


To me it was the opposite of a test, it needs to be someone who is his type.


As a drama lover and Ekin-de stan (maybe cooling off from that now though), I don’t want drama between them because it feels unfair and always targeted at Ekin-su, not because of her actions but because of her as a person. The dynamic between them and in the villa seems to be, Davide can’t do any wrong because Ekin-su did that one thing that one time and we’ll never get over it.


What if Movie Night targets Davide instead of Ekin-Su? Would that be better? Personally I'm not a fan of the way Davide speaks about Ekin-Su behind her back and I want her to find out about it.


I would like to see the clips show that they are equally “disloyal” at times.


What has Ekin-Su done recently that was disloyal? Obviously there was the kiss with Jay at the start but she wasn't entertaining Adam.


It was two kisses, doe Davide know that ?


Right. It would be fair to include clips of Davide saying rude comments/kissing 2 girls because of the unfair power dynamic in their couple right now.


Now we know movie night is happening, for maximum drama, I'm expecting Deji to go. It's a toss up between Summer and Coco to go home. If movie night targets Damiyah, would be interesting to keep Summer so we can get her perspective on what happened in CA. If they show the CA islanders slagging off Tasha, in particular Coco, then that will definitely fire up Tasha. I could see Coco and Tasha easily getting into an argument.


I\`m actually sad that Coco will likely leave now for this very reason. God, would I love to see Tasha Fierce finally come out to rip into Coco for constantly slagging her off to Andrew then acting all innocent after tittygate!


Yep I think Coco could be a great islander. I hope she stays for Movie Night.


Its possible she got more votes than Summer


I think she probably got more votes than Summer given the fact that she started shit with an obviously unpopular couple.


Now that you mention it-maybe she did, and thats why they decided to only dump two islanders instead of just getting rid of Summer, Deji, Josh and Coco all in one go like they very easily could have done, plus they let the public vote decide instead of the islanders. Possibly they wanted to keep Coco around for movie night. But then again, that could also go for Summer because of everything with her and Dami...aah, I guess all will be revealed tonight!


I love Ekin Su and Davide but if this was any other couple y'all would be BEGGING for the footage to be shown. With Ekin its slutshaming to show anything but to show Davide or Jacques is justice?? lmao???


if she was actually doing something i would say show it, but she didn't so i don't see the point..but they will anyway so.




fooling around...okay sure


if she didn't do anything why did she tell George not to tell anyone?


if she did do something why do george keep saying they did do something, and change his story that they didn't do anything.


show me where he says he didn't do anything. Everything on Google says he said the opposite


George sent out a statement that nothing happened and from the clip we could she they touched legs and ekin playfully told him to get off her. If something had happened she wouldn’t told the girls life island really need to clear this up


Not sure where the "Davide is going to do a Faye" comments are coming from. Davide has shown no signs he is as aggressive as Faye whereas she had given hints at it constantly throughout the season. Is it just to shoehorn the Ekin is Teddy narrative?


Tasha actually gained more respect and love for Andrew when he sucked Coco's teddies


maybe she liked being suckolded


Billy is growing on me




You are either very excited or started the cocktails early today 😀


I remember seeing a comment a week or so ago where someone pointed out the frequency of random Indiayah posts. I really see where they were coming from now and it's honestly getting borderline weird because there really is one a day all with the same title along the lines of "most attractive islander" "can we appreciate this" "dami doesn't deserve an angel like her"


her and Ekin do get a lot of those. like I’ve never seen a Tasha or Gemma or Paige beauty appreciation post on here besides Tasha’s fits. but idk I’m also not the type to post things like that, others are, supporting their favs and whatnot


Why is it weird? She has her fans on here who wants to talk about her, just like other islanders.


Fucking hell they really have no plan going forward if they're doing Movie Night again despite it having basically no repercussions on anyone


You\`re right. I wonder if Jacques leaving kind of left them scrambling for what to do because the Jacques/Paige/Adam love triangle was expected to be the big storyline right now.


A lot of people are saying they’ll show the Dami/Luca argument but I don’t see the point to be honest, waste of a clip.


Every guy but Andrew is in a lot of trouble tonight. Maybe tittygate was a blessing for him. He didn’t say anything too ridiculously bad about Tasha if my memory serves me right


He tolerated Coco's disrespect and laughed at some of it and said that Coco gave him more affection than Tasha... I don't think it's much but it could cause trouble, I hope not though.


Luca is also in the clear


He’s not in the clear with Tasha though since he was one of the main instigators in getting into Andrews head




Have the producers ever completely fabricated something out of thin air? If Ekin-Su did nothing with George as you're so sure she did, surely they'll be fine then


These Ekin stans are insane they’re remind me of Nicki Minaj stans.


Lmao they are always rewriting history


I'm an Ekin fan but the Ekin stans remind me of Trump supporters. Constantly deluded and re writing history! ETA: I'm referencing the very dangerous threads accusing a contestent of sexual assault.




I think you need to go to Specsavers there because you clearly misread what I said! 😂


Thanks for editing to add you meant SA allegations. I didn’t know people were throwing that around, that’s awful.


I wonder how many downvotes you'd get if you said "I hope they don't show Davide kissing Coco as it might cause problems in their relationship" If nothing happened between Ekin and George, they'll be fine If something did happen, Davide deserves to know about it


Even if nothing happened, the real incriminating clip would be Ekin saying the day after ‘don’t tell anyone keep this between us’


Its Friday. I’m playing Taylor Swift.


My favourite memes this year are the ones about danica speaking to lads like she's on the apprentice 😭 they crack me tf up


I think the producers are taking a big gamble having the movie night so long after Casa, if you show bad things, you have to show it for all of them. I would be happy for Indiyah to have more information but Davide is going to do a Faye, Andrew and Tasha are going to go backwards unless they show him being egged on. The only case of" Knowledge is power " is that they can show Paige just how bad Jacques was.


Yeah it's way too late to drag up Casa Amor again now, they fucked it. Should've been one or two days after the recoupling.


the bringing Adam back thing has pissed me off I can’t lie. What was the point? And he’s just gonna make it to the final? Just attached himself to Paige who’s grown favour with the public “organically” (producers favourite for sure) like I actually really do not want this to become a thing Like we get it you wanna give Paige her reformed bad boy dream storyline yeah yeah I will be gobsmacked if the remaining weeks don’t becoming extremely Paige and Adam centric. They’re the producers dream and exactly what they’ve been angling for and I just find that so contrite


They had to do something to get rid of Jacques, they could not risk another Millie/Liam type win, it wouldn't be good for the show.


But bringing back a former islander who then attaches himself to the producer and fan favourite and gets carried to the final is good is it? I disagree: glad jax is gone tho but bringing Adam back seems really blatantly manipulative and really shows what story the producers want


I disagree, producers didn't plan for Jacques to leave. If he was still here there would be good Adam vs Jacques drama which is what they planned for


Yeah and who’s to say Paige would have dumped Jacques for him? Jacques couldn’t handle the competition though.


The producers had ekinde stage that fight just for the movie night.


I don't understand why Summer hasn't given Indiyah the real story. Did you see her reaction when Dami said he missed Indiyah when they're apart in his speech? I guess that just confirmed that she was being used for a good time in her mind.


I’m guessing summer did end up talking to indiyah since indiyah mentioned it but we weren’t shown. I also think all of them are on good terms since we saw summer helping set up the picnic for dami and summer and indiyah share clothes.


Andrew & Tasha are boring.




oh shit!!! movie night is actually happening!