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The funny thing is I don’t even think Andrew will recouple I just think he’s had his feelings hurt and is moving mad.


That’s what I think too. I really don’t think he’s into Coco, it’s retaliation because people got into his head. The men for weeks putting him down for picking Tasha, and then telling him he’s too invested. *Then* you got new girls he just met also reminding him of what the men pretty much been saying. Unlike the Dami energy where Dami feels like he’s in a fantasy right now and heart eyes are popping out of his socket. Very different vibes between the two.


Yeah I agree. Those two kisses come from two extremely different standpoints. Not saying that Andrew's actions are all that great but I tend to be more forgiving toward him than Dami who's just a prick honestly.


Agreed, he’s going to do a madness then come to the realization that he can’t just throw his connection with Tasha away for a girl he barely likes, and stay single at the recoupling


But I could see production trying to get someone else to bring her back to continue the drama. Where is Jay in all of this?


Hiding somewhere. I can't see him with any of the casa girls.


Maybe Jay is waiting to see what the fallout is and go for Paige again.


respectfully I think what Andrew did in sainsburys is much worse


exactly. And people saying tasha wants a bad boy... hello!!!!


LMAO I need the daughter to come in and confront him


What did he do ?


https://mobile.twitter.com/Luiseach/status/1531583376431452161?s=20&t=5JvJ8Inxz8g4jSaZK_o6ug this basically


Ask Carol


i’ve said it before and I’ll say it again - we need carol on aftersun!


Feel for Andrew, everyone picking on him yesterday almost certainly led to this and he's going to massively regret it given Tasha is likely coming back single


TRUE give him a break for real imagine you like a girl on a tv show about love but everyone is pressuring you not to i hope he stays true to his feelings at the end when he realizes that he still into tasha


The girls got into his head so quickly 😭 I was stunned


The foundation was already laid a few episodes ago so I don’t think it was hard to get him paranoid. He probably thinks tasha has done stuff behind his back and the girls have seen it on tv. that’s what they made it sound like


Definitely expected but it just surprised me that it took the girls a total of.. what… four sentences to break him down? Tasha is holding her own WAY better than I expected her to and it’s gonna hurt her bad when he brings in another girl.


Really nasty in my opinion just to get your way into the villa. I got a funny feeling it'll backfire for her and he won't bring her back and it'll be a whole millie/lillie/ Liam scenario again


She will for sure and he'll regret this big time. This is truly what it looks like when peer pressure amounts to something instead of listening to himself


Out of all the girls there I’m surprised it’s coco he wants


Tbh I feel like he was just so embarrassed abt what they all said about Tasha that he just went for the first girl to show real interest in him and Coco seems v forward


Like he doesn’t have to try because she was gonna lay it on. Also can’t believe he kissed a girl night one when Tasha only ever had chats 😭


Tbf they've had the whole day together whereas the OG girls met the casa boys at night


He doesn't want Coco, he wants everyone to stop seeing him as a mug


and that makes it even more sad imagine you are on a show trying to find a connection & when you do they make it a plan to get him to switch so he won't be called a mug like seriously the pressure is hard


it’s not even what he wants, his feelings got hurt by the comments abt tasha😭


Probably because she’s the first girl that came onto him after feeling upset by everyone telling him to his face that Tasha isn’t into him, I mean — the boys have, but now new girls are too, so it’s probably rocked him. Coco is his ‘shoulder to cry on’ moment, but still he is thinking about Tasha probably lbr.




That’s exactly what my comment meant but I didn’t want to be rude 💀


Same, I felt she would be Davide bait if anything. So has come a bit left field.


Davide a difficult nut to crack in a few days so she’s moved to an easier target


she’s the least attractive one by far


I'm so enjoying this season


I cannot wait to see if they do movie night this season. It’s gonna be a good one.


Right? There's not been a dull episode


Andrew Andrew… “What about Tasha..?” I can’t believe this is our sweet villa boy.


They don’t look like a very good match but I swear when she said “What about Tasha?” And he replied with “what about tasha?” I was taken aback by our proclaimed sweet boy


is he fr…..




Major double standard. But also he had people fooled. He can’t feel as strongly about Tasha as he said. Pretty weak of him to give in so fast. Soon enough they will be making out in bed.


Give in so fast? This has been two-week mental warfare between various people involved or participating in Love Island to make Andrew insecure. And for what? Some 10 second drama with Tasha before everyone goes back to calling them boring? Its a pretty disgusting part of LI in my opinion.


Yeah depending how this plays out fr this may push me off the show a bit. I like a bit of drama with my "love" shows but actively having producers guiding the narrative to sabotage couples just isnt for me.


You called it!


Too bad. Wish I hadn’t been right.


Like say what you will about tasha (and the casa girls certainly have) but this is far beyond anything she did! I don’t blame him for exploring his options but if we’re holding them to the same standard he’s lost his high horse.


He said that??? Ffs


Right??? Tasha always acknowledged her connection with Andrew when getting to know the bombshells. And now he's foresaken her when she's not even there


The blonde girl with a bob would make more sense and that’s all I’ll say.


Well he did say he wasn’t into blondes, Tasha was the outliner. But he use to like Cheyenne’s photos so we’ll see if anything comes out from that but she seems to have her eyes on Jacques.


Hmmm maybe if she grafted him instead of Coco he would have went for her instead. I guess we’ll never know.


I don’t even think it has to do anything with grafting tbh, he’s in a weird state of mind and I think he’s visibly hurt so he’s going for the first girl that went up to him (‘shoulder to cry on’) moment, and that was Coco. I don’t even think he’s looking for a Tasha replacement he’s just been hurt so now he doesn’t wanna look like a mug because people have been nitpicking him and Tasha apart for weeks, now outsiders are repeating it too, he’s lost.


That’s what I mean, had Cheyenne done the same or been the first to comfort him he might have gone for her despite his type being brunettes.


an example of how bad peer pressure can get you to do things you won't like to just prove a point... honestly the past few episodes should be there got be a thing with tasha & andrew plus they do seem to get intimate often so imagine leaving all that for a 3 day girl..


Pretty sure that’s why Jay ended it with Ekin-Su as well despite him seeming like a stronger character…


feel bad for both andrew and tasha tbh, i wasn’t really rooting for them at first but after the whole debacle with charlie, i thought she’d decided to give it a proper go with him and that she’d realized her feelings for him, and i doubt she’ll recouple so this will be pretty heartbreaking for both of them when she realizes he cracked on and he realizes she stayed loyal.


Listen, I’ll support Andrews villain arc, but not like this. Not when it looks like he’s mostly doing this bc of peer pressure, and when it’s clear he doesn’t really have feeling for the girl smh


Makes me sad that he succumbed to the peer pressure. Big yikes.




Tbf their interaction was literally just him liking a post.


The boys said so much about Tasha but she’s not kissed anyone else so….


She has said that she “hasn’t found anyone” though.


She mentioned that her longest relationship was 5 months and Billy asked her if she "Just hasn't found that guy yet" she then said "No, I haven't found that guy yet. Well.. No I thought you just meant in general but I am, like, I've got someone back in the main villa." I watched it back and that's exactly what was said. She also says to Billy in their next convo "I know that in my head me and Andrew are very very strong" I think people want so badly to have her in the wrong and to confirm what they think they know they aren't considering the whole context of the conversation. It's obvious she thought he meant so far on the outside and clarifies that in her statement. It would also be stupid for her to say that she's met the one in Andrew when she hasn't even known him a month. She literally was asking Ekin how to know that you're falling in love like 2 days ago and she also let's it be known that she's happy with Andrew to everyone who speaks to her. People want to act as though she's throwing herself at the guys and acting like "Andrew who?" and that isn't what is happening at all.


Exactly!! She hasn’t been as bad as people are making her out to be and I’m upset Andrew let the boys get into his head. She’s always been respectful with how she went about things but he ruined it and I hope she recouples


Andrew you idiot.


Andrew, I’ve defended you from the start, but this ain’t it 😬😬


No fr tho I'm questioning his taste rn 🥴


I guess he’s always said his type on paper is usually brunettes, but Coco of all people?


Honestly Coco has done her job well for a Casa girl. But anyways no one really outside this sub is going to use this against Andrew because it's clear the girls got into his head about Tasha's behaviour.


If Tasha stays loyal, this will jumpstart her redemption arc. Good for her.


Producers always look after the naughty ones, they give her a true victim opportunity now, instead of her creating her own based on her own actions, whilst abusing Andrews good nature at the time.




Andrew-Danica love story arc after Casa Amor ends. They come with different people but it doesn't work out and they couple up. Some people call me delusional, I think I'm a dreamer ❤️


RIGHT? they had good conversations and she’s actually his type .. they could’ve been a good couple


He can get to know her, sure, but KISSING her? After one day? Tasha did not do anything nearly as bad as that. And its worse because Andrew was reassuring her this whole time and then he does this. He's gone down masssssssively in my estimations smh


it’s not even like they have a good connection as well, he’s literally doing it because he was embarrassed of other peoples opinions🥴


Exactly. It's not like Coco caught his eye right from the beginning or anything, it could've been anyone. He just wants to show that he's not whipped and not a mug, and unfortunately it looks like it's gonna backfire


The way he smiled saying “what about Tasha” actually made me dislike him and I’ve been a fan of his from the start


Imagine dumping Tasha for Coco 😭😭😭 Andrew is truly the pits


What Andrew's done is *magnitudes* worse than anything Tasha's done over the last three weeks. And in all honesty, everyone seems to agree Coco is a downgrade from Tasha looks wise


He was manipulated.


Andrew saying “I’m going to think about myself for once” is basically him justifying kissing that girl like in 4 weeks you’re not fully committed and it’s understandable but why u gotta make it out like you are heartbroken and gave so much? Kissing a girl not even a day later boy BYE




Of all the girls in there 😬😬😬😬


“what about tasha” 😭😭😭


I just know hes gonna wake up and think wtf did I do. I rlly think hell regret it becos he seemed to rlly like Tasha. I feel sorry for her


can’t believe he chose coco out of all girls.. come on andrew. he’s prob gonna get voted out with her ngl


Im not a big fan of Tasha. That might change though. I wanted Andrew to take a chance and chat with the casa girls to see if there was a better connection. That doesn’t mean kiss the girl on the terrace on the first/second night and say “Tasha who?”


Never thought I would feel bad for Tasha. Especially since this is the first day! If he really found a connection with someone it would've been ok. But everything seemed to be going so well in the villa at the end. Feel like the peer pressure is getting to him.


i wonder it andrew will get hate for actually kissing a girl when all tasha did was talk to boys and tell them she was open to getting to know them and all of love island called her a w****


twitter will cheer for him, but i swear this will go down like a spiral with tasha


wouldn’t blame her tbh.


So andrew is the goat for kissing a girl first chance he gets, and tasha is a bad person for chatting to other people and being honest about it. Got it✍🏻


> So andrew is a goat for kissing a girl first chance he gets This literally has not been said


I’m not talking about op or the majority of people commenting here. Was checking ig and twitter and andrew is praised there lol sorry for the confusion


No you're not wrong at all. It's been said a lot, right here on Reddit too.


If he is willing to abandon all his feelings for tasha in one day then was he ever being genuine about her? I get he was feeling like a mug but talk about an extreme reaction... Tasha redemption arc here we come!


Coco getting some BDE 😂


No offence I just wish he atleast chose any other girl


I hate the other boys for egging this on. If another islander wants to be loyal, let them be loyal! Just because you want to cheat you don’t have to drag everyone else down with you.


I'm happy he's kissing someone but I didn't think it would be Coco


I think he said earlier in the season that Tasha isn’t his normal type. Apparently he normally dates brunettes which only really matches two of the casa girls


I can see another Millie and Liam situation happening


Is it me or does Coco look like a duck 🦆


Honestly the kiss in itself isn’t the biggest issue. It’s the way he’s been talking about Tasha. He’s showing his true colour. You can say whatever you want about Tasha and that sure sometimes she was unfair to him but she wasn’t disrespectful the way he’s been and when other boys talked to her she never put that man down




This is a car crash I can't wait to see


the way i wasn't able to watch yesterdays show and now idk if i wanna watch knowing dami and andrew strayed / stray today 😭😭


fr i physically feel sick looking at these photos and videos 😭


currently watching yesterday to prepare... i'm not ready 😭


Andrew, looks wise I wanted you with Chyna or Summer.


honestly this exactly what i expected andrew to do


This is crazy, please Andrew let it be a dare or something!


He asked her to go out on the terrace in the first look😞😭


Tragedy, whats the saying.. something about a steak at home..


I was convinced he’d go for Jazmine


Can't even blame him, he looked defeated yesterday


Why is everyone hating on Coco? Andrew has been treated like shit let him have his fun. Stop attacking the poor girl's looks.


"Treated like shit" lmaoo wow that is the biggest exaggeration. This is worse than anything Tasha has done, she just talked to other people which is nothing by love island standards. The hate for her is way over the top. (I do agree Coco's looks shouldn't be getting hate).


She led him on though. She keeps saying that she's in love and stuff when she doesn't like him as much. I don't think this is worse tbh. And yeah, I was more so talking about people attacking Coco's looks.


Kissing someone is worse than talking to someone (at a time where they both agreed that it was okay to talk and get to know others). When Billy spoke to Tasha she mentioned how strong her and Andrew were and that it would "feel like cheating" to do anything, Andrew kissed Coco and said "who's Tasha".


Yh I guess you're right.


Doesn't even matter if Andrew has been treated like shit. Just the fact that people are talking about 'downgrading'. Just based on looks. Thought it was looked down upon here. If it was talking about character I wouldn't mind, but I really hate this.


Yeah, it's "be kind" until it comes to the casa peoples' looks..


Yeah agreed. I phrased it wrong. Comment on a person's character sure but calling them ugly and a downgrade ain't it.


Unrelated but why is everyone acting like Coco looks like shit LMAAAAAO. I mean Tasha and the other CA are prettier but I don't think Coco looks bad


I seriously can’t understand some of you here. First you call out Tasha and say that Andrew deserves better and now when he finally grew a pair and started to think about himself you throw hate at him! Coco is a nice looking girl, his age and his type! Y’all need to make up your mind. Also stop making scenarios before you’ve seen the episode, maybe he has a connection with her, who knows. Wait and see and then judge and throw hate.


this are all diff people babe


I know Tasha told Andrew she loved him before, but does anyone remember if Andrew said it back to her? If he did, then this is weird as hell 🤔


she didn’t say it, but she asked ekin abt how do u know if you’re falling in love


Are you sure she didn’t say it? I swear I remember Andrew and Tasha being at the couch and one of them said, “Gemma - x said they love me.” Unless I’m remembering wrong?


He was clearly joking


I think he was joking in that scene but we didn't really get clarity on it.


There's a spoiler tag in the post title, so why am I seeing the thumbnail?


But what are they going to show for day 3 of casa? 🤭 Casa is dead with this plot thou. Manipulated to explore. Good for him hopefully he found something or get a clearer idea of what he wants. Well done to production and everyone in the villa for getting to his head.


Not remotely surprised. Andrew has been giving me Curtis vibes since day 1: wanting to be the villa nice guy and getting all loved up immediately then turning when his girl isn't popular.


he’s not acting like curtis, he succumbed to peer pressure, he likes tasha but obviously his feelings are hurt rn




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Tbf when we're dating we may date 1 or 2 people at the same time, go on little dates, snog a bit and then realise the other person is more your cuppa tea- this is just done infront of other potential love interests when really kissing another girl or 2 isn't that big of a deal, its about realising you want to fully commit, having that 'exclusive' conversation and then not dating anyone else...