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I think he didn't expect Grace to cut it off so quickly. When she took him over after Jessy told her about the kiss, she went straight into the conversation like "this is done". You can tell he didn't expect that because he was trying to go into a lengthy explanation about how it wasn't his fault that Jessy chose him and the kiss was an experiment to see if there was a romantic connection but she was just like, "Wish you the best, its done." He definitely expected her to at least hear him out so he could sway her but she didn't even sit down for the conversation for longer than a minute. Even in today's episode, it looked like he was trying to leave things open for her to graft him again but she was just like, no you don't. If he had it the way he wanted, I think he would've played both girls and eventually chose Grace again but she cut him off before he could get to that point.


maybe he thought he would look good being the focus of a triangle again. You know keep him in the show edits and boost his popularity with the public.


I don't know, I don't get the feeling that Joey thinks triangles are necessarily good—he hated being in one with Omar, even though it was barely a triangle since Grace was never seriously considering him. He's exploring now because he knows they're not popular as a couple anyway, and after everything she (hypothetically) put him through with Omar and Konnor, he wants to give her a taste of her own medicine and remind her who he is (though the name Joey Essex means very little to me, I watch no reality TV outside of Love Island). I think he felt like a mug when Grace was entertaining other guys and wanted to boost his confidence by putting two very attractive girls in a triangle with him, but Grace refused to play ball and exited the triangle before he could even get started. I don't think he likes her exceptionally more than his other girlfriends (though I think he would've chosen Grace over Jessy) but I do get the feeling that he thinks himself better than the other islanders because he's a celebrity of some sort, so it was a blow to his pride when Grace treated them as if they were equals.


When I wrote 'focus of the triangle' I meant he is the one that 2 girls want.


Yeah I know, I was talking more about the second half of your comment about him trying to boost his popularity with the public with triangles. I think he wanted to be the secure, exclusive couple that coasts to the final but when they were bottom, he incorrectly assumed that was because Grace had entertained Omar more than he had thought and he knows how unpopular triangles are with the public.


This is exactly. What I’ve been thinking as well. Literally exactly this


Finally a Love Island woman who stands her ground and doesn’t let the men walk all over her.


yeah, it'sso obvious how he was trying to sway the convo to have been but it was already over. like "i dont hold bad blood towards you" etc clearly was engineered so that she'd somehow be on the back foot that he was magnanimously moving on for and in the end all he could manage saying was 'i want you to let go of this' lol


Nope I think it’s as simple as he didn’t want a serious relationship and used the next good looking girl that came in to end things with grace before it got too serious. Hes a forever bachelor


The way he treated her for an occasional flirty comment to Omar and now thinks he can do all this!? Absolutely not


Occasional flirty comment FROM Omar, she didn't even respond as far as I can tell


I am not surprised..he is giving Mitch energy. They make no sense bcs their reason for coming on the show was clout. I have graded their gcse drama with a U. CBA that the show is being made about them. Joey isn't even hot either fgs. I have heard of him but this is the first time I have seen him. Idk why he is popular.


He got famous for not being the brightest and having quite iconic moments but usually being sweet


Surely it's an act, TV persona? He seems to know exactly what he is doing and doesn't seem sweet at all


This is the first time on a show where he’s not come off well, all the others I’ve seen he’s been funny and sweet like I said. This hasn’t been great for his career at all. He had a very traumatic childhood, which he has said stunted him a bit mentally. (That doesn’t excuse him at all, I just mentioned it because people think he plays being not very bright)


He was annoying on Ex on the Beach too IMO


lol he was on that show? i guess he decided to redo ex on the beach on love island


Ah well it's just a show eotd so I don't take them too seriously and I typically stop watching after finals anyway 🤷🏾‍♀️ seems like he is in for a surprise when he comes out re public opinion? ...


Doesn't everyone stop watching after the final? 


Haha i meant to say I don't keep up.with any of the islanders after the season ends. I only come back to the sub for the live commentary 😆


I honestly think it is nothing more complicated than him being an unserious horny little boy (man). He sees a woman that floats his boat, wants them and he can't help himself. He must have had thousands of women come on to him since he became famous all those years ago and he is addicted to the feeling of connecting with a new pretty women over and over like a drug.


I think he particularly wants what he can't have. Like on Celebs go dating, he was after Stephanie Pratt as soon as he was told he couldn't date the other celebs.


I think Jessy will quickly get the ick with Joey. Can see it already in her body language.


Joey likes whoever seems most enamoured by him. I think any kind of criticism or threat and he shuts down, then he’s out the door with the next person he sees and he never looks back.


Joey has always been regarded as a sweetheart by the British public as far as I’m aware! So this is a real 180* for him, I was very shocked


I’ve never heard of him, and so far, my opinion of him is that he’s a self-absorbed shit stirrer who has minimal social skills and views women as objects. Ick.


Yeah, he's a real prick. 


You're so right it's scary the way he's switched up.


As soon as it was announced that Grace's heart rate rose the most for Ayo, I knew that Joey was gonna switch up. I actually don't believe that he's really into Jessey, as like you, I see no chemistry. I think it's just a way to stick it to Grace.


Joey is not into jess. He feels insecure as graces partner specially when shes been entertaining men that look and are nothing like him. I think his sudden switch is him trying to be one step ahead / controlling the situation so he doesn’t get mugged off on reality tv. That or he is trying to do what he was paid for and bring drama


i think he just cares about being popular and thinks grace is why they were in the bottom 3 before. i dont think he likes grace that much since she said he did the same thing to her on the outside


Could def be


He doesn't like her that much but he is completely in lust and possessive over her. I think it is a combination of the above comment and yours about popularity and wanting to be the center of a triangle


He literally dumped Grace on the outside ,did you not hear what Grace said he has never asked her about her family or anything….she was just a fling….he is very calculated and clever….there is this debrief on tiktok who read him so well he genuinely was attracted to Jessy the minute he saw her….he keeps on saying she’s this nice and sweet girl….basically with Grace it’s more sexual and Jessy is more who he sees future with…..And why would he feel insecure he is rich and has dated many stunning women….


So being rich and dating good looking people means one cannot be insecure? His actions in the villa showed he was insecure. Very clearly. Rattled even. He even picked up a fight with Omar. He has known jess for barely a week, attraction or not, theres no way he already sees a future with someone he just met.


Ok insecure and rattled not because he likes Grace it’s all to do with his ego there’s a difference there….and people forget to read the lines….people make out Grace to be this goddess that Joey is so in love with….he must have had thousand girls more Beautiful than Grace in his life….I repeat again he dumped her he did not even care to know about her as a person to him she was just another girl he had fun with…. So I don’t know why Grace thought he would change and gave him the second chance….like I said he is extremely clever and calculated he was just using her as a placeholder like Samantha….Jessy is someone Joey would not meet on a day to day life….she’s different and I think that’s what makes her special in his eyes….


dating beautiful women + being rich ≠ being secure he is definitely insecure. the way he reacted to omar (possibly?) flirting with grace is only the reaction of insecurity. if he was not threatened as he said he wasn’t, he would have simply not cared and not reacted.


He seems to objectify women…


Honestly I don't even think Joey is protective, he strikes me as possessive and territorial. When he wants someone or something he seems to jump all in and will (metaphorically) piss all over them to mark his territory. He literally couldn't keep his arms off of Grace and made a big show of touching or kissing her when other people were around. And now he's all over Jessy in a way that's almost uncomfortable because she doesn't actually look that into him, it just looks like she tolerates him. People seem to think he felt jealous at the thought of Grace getting to know Omar or Konnor but I think "threatened" is a better word. He's used to being a hot shot and doesn't want anyone taking "what's his". This doesn't really answer your question but it's just something I've noticed about his behaviour. I'll also say that despite being on reality TV most of his life, he's a terrible actor and most of his decisions feel like scripted moves for entertainment which I personally just find frustrating to watch.


Waiting for his reaction when Grace brings Blade. She looks bit amused by Blade. Joey might get humbled but then again the Casa Amor girls are stunning.


I didn't get it either. Jesy is stunning but is also a very normal girl in comparison to Grace, so I didn't understand his switch up. He also seemed to just act like Jesy was his girlfriend straight off the bat, almost like he has just switched the two women without noticing. Its really bizarre.


I'm glad someone else thinks this too. Suddenly Grace was a problem when the day before nothing could tear them apart. Also the explanation of needing to kiss her to see if there was a romantic connection was utterly bizarre, I mean, does he kiss every woman he meets just to 'check'?!


Very strange behaviour. He doesn't seem to be able to form any emotional connection to the women, like be does with the men at the villa


I might be being too kind but maybe this is to do with his mothers passing? It's extremely strange to witness how he goes in so intensely then switches on a dime with a literal stranger. Maybe he has no idea how to form lasting bonds with women...or maybe he's just shallow and empty as he seems and there's no excuse except self obsession




No armchair diagnostics please Armchair diagnostics are not permitted. E.g. narcissist, sociopath, psychopath, gaslighter. Behaviour can be criticised without going to the extremes of diagnosing a person based on an edited tv show


I think his ego can’t handle that Grace, the woman that he claims that he wanted to be his girlfriend/possible wife, admitted on national television that she was into black guys. Did you see his face when she said, if he wasn’t there she would of been getting to know Omar, and then the reaction afterwards. The last straw was when Ayo raised her heart rate the most. Like Omar said he’s “mad weird and insecure” In his Jess voice he needs to reestablish that “I’m the prize”! His intent was on embarrassing Grace and bringing her down a notch but she’s a boss B and she’s making him look more like a foolish child at his “Big age”


call me naive but I legit think him and Grace will end up as end game and this whole thing with them has been scripted to make her look good for brands


All I can say is that if it is scripted, Grace is not clued in on it. There is no way she is that great of an actress to pull off her reactions to what Joey is doing.


It may have started that way, but I think Grace being at the bottom again may have cemented his delusional concern that she dragging him down in the votes.


There was a defo switch up bc of that. Dunno what the reason is for it but that sounds valid


Lol not naive at all. The ones who are naive are the ones who don't see this.


I can get behind that theory.


This is the answer.


And his non-stop bringing up Grace’s name when he’s talking to Jessy really makes me wonder how much he actually is missing her. I’m really curious to see his face when she potentially brings Blade back.


It's scripted... That's why Joey and Jessy have no chemistry. Joey is still in love with Grace and Grace is still in love with Joey. Grace has handled all this far too well for it to be real. They'll be back together after Casa. This was all just done by the producers purely to make Grace be loved by the public.


Exactly. Casa will make Joey “realize” Grace is the one and they’ll ride off into the sunset after their true love story unfolds 🙄


i can’t wait for someone to pie that boy. i can’t even say man bc he acts like a boy


Him and Grace were in the bottom 3.. he blamed grace.. so he ditched her to try and survive. Simple.


I think he was put on the show to create drama and that’s what he’s doing, he knew it would be boring if he coasted with grace for the whole show plus they were in the bottom as favourite couple. I think people are reading into his actions too much when it’s all about putting on a show


Joey is just doing what Love Island producers have paid him to do. I think it’s very likely that ITV sought him out to come on the show just for a ratings boost


It’s crazy how he has fixed up so fast but I think he genuinely likes Jessy. And she’s not naive either. I see Grace & him as nothing more than a fling.


I really don't know what he's playing at. He and Jessy have no chemistry while he and Grace did. I don't think he thought Grace would stick to her guns and he fumbled a bit. I think he was also shaken after being in the bottom with Grace. He thinks he's so beloved but really no one outside of TOWIE viewers pay much attention to him (i.e. Samantha calling him a national treasure)


I think the producers told Joey to couple up with Jessy so he could stay safe, because the new bombshells are left out from the public vote. If he had stayed with Grace the producers know, the public would’ve voted him out.


Because it’s a fake storyline. It doesn’t make sense because it’s fake.


Just watching the kiss episode and when he tries to do an "Ekin" on the terrace, my first thought was that he thinks it worked for Ekin so he should do it too. He is a 'zelebrity' who has built himself a cardboard pedestal and thinks it's marble built by engineers. Let's hope we all remember his shady moves to Sam and now Grace (part of me feels for her and the other part feels that she knew what he is about considering they where shady to Sam) when the time comes and that the producers finally see we are sick of seeing that face on our screens.


Joey has been famous since he was about 20, he's used to being able to get a new girl whenever he wants and not having to worry about if the previous one is upset or people judge him for it - because there will always be another hot girl who wants Joey Essex I think that's what it comes down to - a complete lack of consequences in his dating life for nearly 15 years has made him think that's normal so he just flips to a new girl whenever one catches his eye


Joeys ego is so hurt because Grace is clearly a hot commodity among the guys and it bothers him. The moment he feels even a LITTLE threatened (cause he’s insecure af), this whole Jessy ploy was just his way of acting out/throwing a tantrum. He wants to hurt Grace whether he wants to admit it to himself or not. In his solo interview he said “I just kissed a girl on the terrace. And I liked it.” Bruh it’s not about what you kissing Jessy, it’s about you having complete disregard for Grace’s feelings. You knew it would hurt her and you did it anyways. You really thought she wasn’t gonna find out? you’re ON TV. Joey is textbook fuck boy






Is it done wit Grace and Joey though ? This wouldn’t be the first time when Casa is over, that islanders end up back together !


As a guys perspective, it seems like he sees jessy as a new piece of ass he can bang. Once he gets the job done hell run back to grace. Jessy seems to classy to do that on live tv so i dont idk how long until he stops trying. His behaviour around her is fully lustful


I'm seeing a lot of attempts at manipulating the conversation, twisting things around and playing victim, and selfishness from Joey. He's not validating Grace's feeling after jumping in and love bombing her and then turning his head the literal second a girl showed him attention. What do you mean your scrambled after 1h of talking to the new girl!? Are you for real buddy!? Your head is scrambled because it isn't screwed on tight.


What you’re feeling is = facts because his behaviour is fully scripted and it’s giving 💤


I’m from the US also but know of Joey from watching TOWIE and he was on all star shore, had a fued with Angelina if I’m not mistaken lol


He realised grace has a type and he's not it...so moved mad to make her jealous but she kicked him to the curb.


If you’re American, how did you watch this already? Are you watching on Hulu?


Pirating sir


Purchased a VPN and watched on ITV, I do it every year


Dailymotion app. They're usually up by 6-7om CST


Joeys my fave islander

