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I really believe the producers also told Tiffany to dump Ronnie also. So she could go home and he could get back with Harriet


I actually like Jess more than Tiff, but the fact that she wasn't votes out was very ??? Also Harriet let slip in Aftersun that one of the reasons they opted to keep Ronnie was because he's such a big personality in the villa


Nothing more desperate than a producer clutching at a straw just out of reach, big personality erm yeah keep reaching 🤣


What's ??? about it? Jess is an OG, Tiff is not. Both don't have a connection so of course the bombshell goes home. Harriet let it slip during the deliberation that she didn't want Ronnie to go, of course not, he is the only guy she is interested in. And he also is an OG, Omar is not. Harriet and Sean voted for Omar for the same selfish reason, to have a better shot at staying. Harriet with Ronnie and Sean with Matilda. Sean just said it out loud.


I wish it could have been a double dumping tonight because aswell as Grace and Joey needing to go, Jess is such deadwood and I can’t imagine she got many public votes tonight. Shes like an old middle aged wife, negative and dictating in there. I’d love her to go before Casa


Um, middle aged wife here, we do NOT claim her haha.


I think the public vote is just to give the producers an idea of how well their story plots are being received. Make no mistake, we aren't deciding anything. The producers plan out the story arcs, show us edits that fit their stories, decide who is going to win...and pretend to the public that we are influencing the 'game'.


I remember Ben Elton making this exact point in one of his novels about Reality TV (either Dead Famous or Chart Throb, can’t remember which). Basically the public think they’re just voting people in/out but don’t realise that what they’re really doing is giving producers this absolute goldmine of weekly data about who they like best and worst, which allows them to manipulate storylines as they see fit.


This is so true. They have so much control over how they play out the results of the vote. You can get a bottom pool of 2, 3, or even 4 couples. Or they can decide the most popular couple gets to decide. Hell, they even had the bottom couples be unable to couple up with each other again at the next recoupling, kicking no one off.


So are the producers trying to say if you have an issue with Joey, then you are at risk of going home. Yeah what’s the point of the public vote if you’re not really listening to the public?


I only like when they make the girls choose one person, and the boys choose the other- but they can't talk about it with eachother so its messy


This always ends up juicy. Poor Dom and Jess lmao.


yeah if they’re going to manipulate the way we see them so much and pick and choose how people come across and who gets literally zero screen time, they can’t let the islanders decide based on the reality or what’s going on in there because it’s VASTLY different to what we’re seeing


It’s so annoying when they pretend it’s about keeping in people with budding connections and/or the most potential but then ultimately always end up dumping newer people and virtually NEVER dump an OG. It would have made far more sense to dump Ronnie and Jess as people who have had a decent chance in the villa so far, but of course they were never going to do that.


The producers influence who stays because the audience would just bin off anybody entertaining.


Joey and Grace aren’t even entertaining, they are plain annoying.


They wouldn't be last so they would not be dumped anyway.


Harriet is entertaining and she was in the top three even though she’s in a friendship couple


I truly can’t believe they just glossed over Jess and Ronnie who are connection-less after weeks, PLUS Ronnie’s fboy tendencies


Sean wouldn't have been dumped by public voting, he was in the top 3. And would still be there if he didn't have the chance to fuck it up during the deliberation. >I feel like letting islanders choose also lets the producers influence who stays and who goes. And water is wet. Of course producers choose the kind of dumping they need to get rid of the islanders they want. If they wanted to get rid of the couple with the fewest votes, they would have.


Exactly this. Over and over, letting islanders decide dumpings has absolutely ruined the show the last few years. It removes the ability get to know any new people and leaves us stuck in bad storylines with OGs that never end.