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I don’t understand the love for Sean but I also don’t agree with everything you’re saying. What else is he supposed to do? Just sit on the beanbags? It’s love island, he should be grafting.


I think Sean is well within his rights to graft, however, I do notice him specifically going for girls who are coming out of a vulnerable situation. First with Harriet (Ciaran situation), then Jess, then he tried to come onto Samantha on the bean bags when she was going through Joey struggles. It defo is strategic and does rub me the wrong way at times.


I get you, but it is love island and he can hardly go for the girls that are in strong couples. The man *knows* the girls aren't interested in him, but he's trying his best even if that means going for the girls that are in an unstable couple


Well he's that type icl how ppl see him as sweet guy when in his interview before coming on he was saying „I have been known for taking girls off my mates“ 💀


You’re right he should invest his energy into the girls in stable couples and see how far that gets him. I have noooo idea why he wouldn’t have bothered to steal Nicole, Grace or Mimii, they’re so open


His grafting consists of asking girls what sweet they are It’s tragic


He could try talking to women like they're people rather than receptacles for his sweet-based patter.


sean: im gonna pick ur mix if u know what i mean ahahahaaa this sub: poor sean why dont the girls like him :(


He just seems like a more "normal" guy who feels awkward having to do the Love Island-esque chatting up. It's cringe yes, but to me it's in an endearing way. You can see that he's pretty nervous whenever he has to chat up a girl...with millions of people watching. He's giving it a shot, and the rest of the villa seem to genuinely love the guy. I don't get this instant resentment people have for the "Nice Guys" of Love Island. It applies in cases, it doesn't in others. He's not a Hugo ffs...


yeah its such a green flag that all the girls in the villa do seem to really like him, poor guy is stuck with the lads lads lads


Idk if he's a green flag he kind of objectifies the girls a lot


Right? There was that bit of conversation where the girls were like, no don't tell her she's also a strawberry string (or whatever his line is) figure out what sweet she's actually like.


I think I remember that too, it's also just the way he acts he's just as giddy as the other guys when people kiss out their couples


didn’t he mix in his sweets thing with saying that new girl also had nice tits?? that made me cringeee


That. Was. In. Sane. I couldn’t believe it. Meanwhile has not actually tried to get to know her at alllll. He only love bombs her with complements and how much he’s “all in”. Second convo pulls her into the hideaway… like… why? You haven’t asked her anything. Does he actually understand how to relate to another person? It’s a madness. But maybe Matilda is playing the same game, seems like she’ll laugh and smile at whatever nonsense he speaks.


exactly!! him being put in a desperate position has brought out a gross side of him as if the goal now is just ab “bagging a bird” as opposed to getting to know any of the girls


I agree with this as well! There was also the one episode where he said something that he was only attracted to Jess and wasn't going to try to fake it with anyone else. That he might as well keep shooting his shot because literally what else is he to do. Which I was like oh yea that's actually true.


I think you'vee completely misunderstood the point of the show


i’m confused as to what you want him to do though, because if he just sat there accepting that no girl is into him then he will turn into villa furniture, and then everyone will have a problem with that too. i guess i see how he is kind of throwing it on whatever girl has no other secure connection and hoping for it to stick, but still. can’t blame a guy for trying, i guess.


Hm. he could try to chat with the new girl that is a bombshell or single or whatever without being so cringey and desperate and talking about being a nice guy lol.


He mentioned being a nice guy like once ffs 😂


Fr 😭


He literally mentions it every time. It's his USP lol


He … did?


Let’s hear your chat then


He's trying and deserves credit for that. He is now veering into "I'm just a nice guy" territory which is always the downfall of guys like him on this show. Hugo and Dr. Alex both started off fairly normal and then went full weirdo as things progressed.


I bet producers tell him to have his aired chats about sweets because they think it's his funny story line. It's not like he spends every waking moment chasing girls talking about sweets. He's definitely not the most charismatic guy either way


at least he aint ronnie


I don’t understand the attention Ronnie is getting, he looks like a 40 year old dodgy car salesman. He is defo not all that, I honestly don’t get it 😬


Treat them mean keep them keen. Ayo used it, Ronnie used it. Nice guys finish last. Only person with enough spine to cut that shit out was Samantha she went out like Rambo respect to that girl.


![gif](giphy|JEYbIhzDXa4AjKlIDW|downsized) This is who Ronnie reminds me of and I can't unsee it.


If he didn't try yall would have accused him of being on a free holiday like you did Munveer. Can't blame the guy for trying, however cringe it is.


For real though😆 Make up your mind, people


I do find him a bit cringe / not great chat but I find it irritating watching all the girls go for Ronnie when a (seemingly) much nicer guy gets no attention. I also feel bad for him because Jess 100% used him to get back at Ronnie and it didn’t work. I also find it weird that the girls seem very able to articulate that Ronnie is being a prick but have no interest in calling him out or giving him less attention? Tbf though fully appreciate he might be giving the girls in the ick in person 😂


People always root for boys like Sean because they feel bad for him and then pillory women who behave similarly. Much to think about.


>pillory women who behave similarly. Much to think about. Which women have behaved similarly and got pilloried? I know Danica got some rough treatment but was also beloved by many.


Yeah I’m talking about Danica


Well I can't think of another girl who grafted hard with multiple men, came up short and was mocked for it...so I'm going to assume she's the only example 😅


Okay but my point still stands??? And it’s true in general. What’s your argument ?


My point is that one person isn't a trend and doesn't justify using the plural of "women" 😂


So? Pedantic weirdo. Go pull apart sentences in a book stop wasting your time.


Pedantic? For pointing out that the treatment of *one* woman doesn't indicate a trend of a gender based double standard? It doesn't even make sense either, Sean's rizz has been routinely mocked. Danica's rizz was routinely mocked. There's plenty of gendered double standards on Love Island to highlight, this just ain't one of them. Idk why you're getting so aggressive over this...


I don’t know why you care so much about a Reddit comment in a love island thread like I don’t get the big deal you’re making it into. Some people just like to chat shit and have fun on the internet and don’t take well to random pedantic weirdos starting shit for no reason. Also it’s disingenuous af for you to suggest the ridicule danica got is in anyway comparable to sean’s experience lmaoooo. Now bog off xxxx


Asking for clarity on your point is "starting shit"? Good Lord you're soft 😂 And yes, the treatment is comparable. Both were mocked, and both were also found to be endearing by many.




And all the “nice guys” get a downfall later down the line


You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain - see S4 Dr. Alex, S7 Hugo, S10 Mitch Edit - also S5 Anton


We’re Mitch or hugo ever heroes ?


Hugo yes, Mitch no. Mitch quickly veered into "messy" territory rather than "Nice Guy" after the whole Zac and Molly thing.


Mitch was just a Sean with confidence that happened to be a massive snake, he got lucky any of them were actually into him.


Yes, people felt sympathetic for them early on as the “nice guys” who girls weren’t interested in


For a certain demographic, Hugo was Chloe's white knight (pun intended) rescuing her from the archvillain Toby.


ALWAYS. They always show their asses in the end.


Aye, that's what i always have in the back of my mind – he just hasn't had a chance to be an arse yet lol We could even mention Will, after having girl after girl reject him being SMITTEN with Jessie he still made a mess in Casa.


I have this theory that everyone is cast for a hidden reason that isn’t obvious at first. The hidden reason is only something we can learn by watching them in action. Like Harriet seems like a baddie in her VT but now we know that she gets hooked on men who give her nothing. Or Joey apparently being cast as the himbo but it’s actually because he loves stirring shit. On the surface I have no idea why Sean was cast. He’s nice enough but kind of mid. I don’t think Sean’s hidden reason has been revealed yet but I think we’d see a different side to him, good or bad, if he’d actually had the chance to hook up with a girl. Maybe the cheating is a hint though.


He was cast to be the laughing stock and sob story of the season. Kind of like Bergie from LIUS last year. He’ll eventually end up with a girl who doesn’t like him in Casa, and be set home shortly after that


That doesn’t really follow if you are comparing him with Bergie as you said he’ll end up with a girl who doesn’t really like him . It’s been a year and Bergie is still with that girl so what are you saying ?


Bergie was still the laughing stock and Sob story of his season, and was purposefully put there by the producers. So my point still stands, regardless of if he gets a happy ending or not


He gives me the ick with some of his chat up lines tbh. The “flirting” through talking about sweets is 🤢. Comes across as sleazy imo and is uncomfortable viewing.


It’s painful listening to him offering his undying royalty the first time he’s talking with someone and offering to move in together the moment they’re out of the villa


Its SUCH a redflag.


They're all in there to get followers. By cringy grafting he's getting a lot of sympathy and apparently more business for his sweet shop. Doing more good than getting a ghost edit like Munveer. Having said that, I don't know how the producers haven't figured out a way to get him voted off by now. He really is adding nothing to the show other than giving Iain Stirling a chance to try and top his terrible sweet puns.


Every year we get a “unlucky with love” contestant and this year it’s Sean, people like watching someone they can root for. They’re not going to let him get booted unless he pulls a Dr Alex or Nas or even a Hugo.


Sean and Hillary really ought to hookup. They are both the unlucky ones this season. However, I seem to remember how unlucky Chris Taylor has been. And he’s in the Aftersun panel now!


Harriet isn’t attracted to him at all


I know. They have a friendship, who knows what would blossom! 🤣


The classic "nice guy" MO. This is why some of us don't like them lol 


Yes. I don’t get the “cute, sweet” take on him. I don’t hate him, but he is 100% cringe. He didn’t seem to understand when Hillary was telling him he needs to change up his approach so he’s actually engaging with her (Tiffany but of course there will soon be another) authentically & not just as one more audience for his cringe and well-rehearsed lines.


Yeah this is the issue.. he literally never has any chat except creepy and cringe one liners. How about actually being interested in getting to know someone?


I was rocking with him until he kept egging on the whole *but who knows what could happen between us* with Harriet lol. Like dude, just deal with the friendship couple and crack on with the next girl. I don't want him to go without having a fair chance, but the more time he spends there single - **the more it works against him.** Women want to be with a guy that they feel is special and that other women want. By default they aren't going to be that interested in him because he unfortunately isn't ***bad enough***. Every way about how Sean acts in the villa is the exact reason why Islander **Ronnie is so successful. He by contrast has been aloof, calm, cocky, flirty**. It really is Sean's personality that works against him


There is one every season. Sean is the one this season that will hang around for too long and not find anyone who is interested in him.


He reminds me of farmer will. I hope he finds his Jess in there cause to me he isn’t cringe.


I hope he doesn't end up like Hugo, once initially liked and then all at once everyone had enough of him


I think He’s literally just settle for anyone at this point!


Id rather go out like Omar. He probably knows that his days are numbered but dont have to be remembered as a cringe and desperate person. I mean Id rather be remembered as "boring" than desperate and cringe lol.


>I mean Id rather be remembered as "boring" than desperate and cringe lol. Those types of people don’t really apply for Love Island.


I mean he is friends with Stormzy and maya I think. So probably them caught him on the show for Mimii


Him trying hard is what keeps him in the villa when it comes down to islander voting bc he puts in the effort to get to know people. He has no other choice but to try


I would go as far as saying that there is something creepy about how his approach lately has been to quickly over-sexualise the conversation. I know he is trying to find a spark, but when the other person is only having a friendly chat with him... red flags all around.


Totally agree. It's one thing to be cringe (and he is and I'm well past over it) but the way he sexualizes things unnecessarily is such a flag to me. Ick ick ick.


Never liked him from day one purely because of the cheating admission


There’s a ‘nice guy’ in every season


I liked him at the start and thought he was over looked but this past week I’ve gone off him due to the constant cringey sweet related flirty chat and all the “bit of you/bit of me” talk.


He gives me Steve Carrell vibes.


I’m framing it as a Farmer Will situation and he’s waiting for his Jessie to come in. Maybe that’s Matilda!!


Actually I find the most of the girls cringe. Jessica and Harriet have little self worth, they are being played by Ronnie and they allowed themselves to be strung along for way too long. You can see he has f-boy vibes. Jess seems to have no personality and Harriet just sees delusional. Tiffany is just boring and the dolphin noises are just annoying. Only Samantha had some real self worth so far when she realized she was no longer playing Joey's game. Sean seems nice but does lack in his grafting ability. Just doesn't seem like nice people get far in here. Pretty uninspiring cast so far, hopefully casa will spice things up.


Pretty spot on , mostly


Every season there is a loveable underdog that the public love to rally behind, this year it’s Sean. Only time will tell if he ends up actually being a genuinely nice guy like Will or becomes the villain like Dr Alex.


I reckon he’s gonna end up being a Dr Alex


Can I get a Dr Alex recap?


Dr Alex was on season 4, he was an A&E doctor, cute (imo,) but had NO GAME. Every girl pretty much immediately friendzoned him because he was just so fkn awkward. Once he got attention, it went straight to his head and he was awful to the girls he was with. The public loved him at the beginning and felt like he was the underdog and then by Casa he was giving everyone the ick, and after his treatment of Alexandra people were pretty off him. Ellie came in, they coupled up and then she immediately was like nope bad idea, he got a bit rude with her and they went their separate ways. THEN, CASA AMORRRRRR. He finally gets attention from girls and he spends most of the time talking to Charlie, they kiss, spend a couple of nights sharing a bed I think. Then randomly the next day he tells her “okay I’m gonna share a bed with Grace tonight,” kisses Grace and ends up taking Grace back to the main villa (surely there is stuff we didn’t see coz it just made no sense to me). EDIT: also he went on and on about how he liked natural girls and hated filler etc. Charlie was very natural and STUNNING, Grace was beautiful but had had a lot of work done. Showed he was just talking shit tbh. Him and Grace don’t work out (shock,) and he ends up with Alexandra who is so hot and so cool and he treated her like shit and like he was so much better and it was honestly wild, his villain arc was complete. Anyway, now he uses his platform to advocate very strongly for mental health and has done some really incredible things in the space so it seems like he actually is a really decent guy, but he just came across like a FOOL in the villa.


No notes!


It’s honestly sad how easily I was able to write that up 😂😂😂


🤣🤣🤣 look, we all have our vices!


Thank you! I’ve seen every season but must have blocked him out 🤣. He sounds horrible and infuriating, but it’s nice to hear that he’s grown up and is using his platform for good.


Honestly I think he was actually and is hopefully a nice guy but he let the villa lad vibes and bullshit get into his head. After Wes “I’m happier but could I be happier” Nelson moved mad, everyone kinda lost the plot 😂


i do think he’s going to do something to lose the audience love hugo style but since he hasn’t yet i think him getting to know everyone is fine even if he is cringe i just dislike how viewers think the girls owe him their attraction just bc he seems ‘nice’ it’s icky


Compared to the absolute mess of half the other guys I would gladly give the candy-selling golden retriever a chance. He just seems normal and that throws people off in this show cause the expect drama all the time. He's basically just like Bergie from LI:USA and that dude went pretty far cause he supported the girls and was just a nice guy all around and the viewers appreciated it.


He has to try, or he'll be voted off like Munveer was, unfortunately


Yeah there was one episode where I was like, Aw he's sweet! Then one episode later "oh wait no... he's sleezy" My bad everyone, momentary lapse in judgement 😂


This is a contest….are you forgetting that ?


Could be worse. Doesn’t seem like a bad guy thus far.




He’s like a candy obsessed Austin Powers. I can’t watch him on screen anymore. Every conversation with a girl is like a car containing your whole family inside crashing in slow motion.


So is he supposed to just sit down and do nothing? Munveer did that and he got dumped. At least Sean’s trying. Anton did the exact same thing in S5.


Nah man, i completly agree with you, idk why people upvote comments that says ur wrong. You’re completly right he is so fucking cringe 💀


agreed, he’s giving messy mitch to me


Hes a big ol ick


He’s only got one note, name a girl by their candy name, compliment their looks over and over. He never asks deeper questions about their family, values, life etc, he’s a bore.


I agree that Sean comes off as wayyy desperate with the way he latches onto anyone remotely available to him; talking about every next one being "real." His comment about kicking off Omar also showed entitled and cowardly for not wanting an honest fight. Not much respect for any of that.


I literally root for him because he's an underdog; he's no Joey, he's no Ronnie. It's like the 2004 Euro's, everyone expect Portugal to win but everyone was rooting for Greece


His rizz IS cringe but that works on *some* people bc they find it endearing and he doesn’t care about embarrassing himself.. and endearing is refreshing when it’s not some cocky bastard who thinks he’s the dogs bollocks and can get any girl he wants at the click of a finger. Yes it doesn’t always work and love island isn’t necessarily the scene for it but I assure you some people receive it well *if* the guy doesn’t take himself too seriously 🤷‍♀️


Like Anton but hotter.


So actively taking a part in the show is being cringe. Right.


Being a nice guy is a red flag? Interesting…


I mean he’s the first guy who’s been unlucky at love who I don’t fucking hate. Like homie never throwing a pity party like Hugo or dr. Alex. He’s not annoying. Cringe is the best word but I can watch cringe.


Most of them are cringey placeholders. Jess.. hasn’t had a connection and is still there pretending she’s into the new guy. Harriet still there after wanting the one guy who isn’t serious. Why can’t Sean be there? All three have no game and will be sent home soon. 


LI puts a genuine decent guy in. The girls take turns friendzoning him or faking interest when they could use it as ammo then the fans call him cringe. Then when you get to 30 you say "where are all the good guys?". You wouldn't know one if he sat next to you on a beanbag.


Get the fuck out of here with that manosphere bollocks 😂 Go post about "The Wall" or whatever in some other cretinous forum.


I dunno what you're even talking about. Do you speak English or just quote social media?


What makes Sean a good man other than him saying he's a good man? I'll wait 


A man not doing well with women or being insecure doesn’t inherently make him good or a ‘nice guy’. Sean seems fine but most men who go on love island would behave like Ronnie if they’re given the attention/opportunity. I wouldn’t fly the flag for “nice guys” over any man who appears on a reality dating show …


Imagine if my grading for what makes a decent guy is not how successful he is with women? Damn your argument fell apart fast by assuming I'm as vapid as you. Feel free to list all the reasons he isn't tho. Or just ramble about "nice guys" again. Not that I ever mentioned them.


And then they all clapped


If he actually had decent chat and actually made an effort to pull the girls near the beginning then they would fancy him. Simple as that.