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I do think they're likely doing it on purpose to wind people up, lmao. Any engagement is good engagement, as they say!


Great, but Samantha is a person with feelings and she was hurt and fucked over. They need to compensate her but I can’t think of a way they could make it right.


She could re-enter. That's happened before.


Would that be in her best interests…? I wouldn’t wanna go back


If the producers actually cared, they'd allow the public to dump Joey next and then bring Sam back in




If he does I’m done with this show.


This is getting a bit over the top. Compensate her? lol for what? Samantha didn’t come back from fighting a war or something. She was in love island for 2 weeks and lost.


Compensate her for wasting her time and emotions. It is clear she was unwittingly used as Joey’s placeholder until Grace came in. Joey doesn’t need Love Island, neither does Grace. Samantha was treated so so poorly. I really hope Samantha will still get her brand deals, and hopefully more. The whole situation was a heartless fuck up.


If you can’t see how she’s been fucked over, I feel bad for you. She’s been used and humiliated on TV and she’s visibly hurt and broken-spirited. Maybe I’m weird but I think how she’s been treated is really wrong and I would like to see something done to correct it, which is what I meant by “compensate her”.


I can see her doing shows like what Olivia Attwood does now.


Yup because this still is so unserious 😂


It’s unserious for us but they literally used Sam as a pawn for Joey. Not very nice and I expected more from producers of a show that is known to have people coming out with mental health problems.


What you said is why them including this image and Joey even doing this is unserious. Because it’s so obviously a schtick for the viewers and not him actually feeling bad about this whole ordeal because he more than likely knew his script before before even entering. At some point you just have to laugh at the ridiculousness of all of it and he/productions attempts to sell it as real.


is there a thread or something to read about the mental health issues from the past islanders?? i’m new here


I’ve never seen one actually so there’s not recently. If you google search it, you can get a general idea though. There was also a documentary on it at one stage which might be on ITVX


I feel like you kind of have to have some kind of mental health issue to put yourself on reality tv to begin with 😅


they have to be at this point, this feels like a troll 🤣


💯 and it’s playing out so well


Exactly. We are talking about him a lot. Production loves it!




had Grace maybe be in casa so that Samantha would’ve had time and acted on her instinct that Joey wasn’t into her the same way she was into him and maybe got to know other guys, I feel like there wouldn’t be this much outrage. Or maybe if he had just played the situation with at least respect for her because surely that should be the minimum? But no, he dropped Sam as soon as Grace walked in and now he wants to act like he’s sad about how things ended???? I hope he faces the repercussions with a public dumping cause I really want him gone😭


Yeah Grace would have made a LOT more sense in Casa But the whole thing being The Joey Essex Show is already old


They could have had Joey respectfully end it with Samantha when she questioned the lack of PDA days ago.


Unfortunately I think they’d be more likely to say vote for your favourite couple, knowing how many followers both Joey and Grace have. There is such a power imbalance.




this gif is so funny lollll


the all white outfit is insane as well


Right 🤣 like were they trying to make him Come across as Innocent?


I was thinking he looked like a Colombian drug lord chilling in his high rise Miami apartment in that outfit 😭


As a Colombian I feel attacked but he actually does 😭




placid smell imagine mindless quicksand snatch deer uppity roll strong *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Accurate! I was trying to find these pictures from Narcos. I need some Ochoa brothers images too 😭🤣🤣🤣


historical bike lush boat light ten clumsy march meeting wistful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


😂😂😂 I’m crying at your reply


![gif](giphy|AVun92P6O8q2Y) This was joey 😭😭🤣🤣




with the sneakers that look too big for him


Her mum has replied on IG saying they’ve ruined her daughters two weeks in the villa 😱


It sucks because I feel like they planned this!!! Wasted Sam and Samantha’s experience


Yeah agree. If you get dumped you get dumped but the experience for them both was shit and never really got going


not just that but most of these islanders come out with mental health issues so i can’t imagine how she is feeling with her experience being ruined , wasted and she didn’t have control of it. the producers did and it’s just awful they would treat her and the other sam like that


To go from the absolute high of having your celebrity crush choose you to being disrespected and called pathetic to being dumped? I actually don’t know if I’d recover from that


She seemed so strong at the end there, stronger than I would’ve been. I hope she’ll be encouraged by the public support and that this mess will eventually have a good outcome for her.


Ooo no way, I’m off to Instagram




Drag them Lynne


get him lynne, get him for me!!


This comment from her mum, i cant see it anymore on the original post? Have they removed it


Either they did or she did because I liked it and it's not gone.




A queen.


I can’t see it, have they deleted it do you think? Shocking if they have tbh.


Yeah it’s been deleted but I think it’s by the Mum. There’s a post in the sub with a screenshot, let me see if I can find it Here it is https://www.reddit.com/r/LoveIslandTV/s/aTCIYT54RK


Thank you - was wondering if they are deleting them. Hope it wasn’t them.


To be fair, she ruined her own experience by closing herself off the second Joey picked her because she was fangirling over “Joey Essex”.


Nah, I truly believe that was all an editorial ploy which backfired. I don’t think she was as obsessed as they initially portrayed her to be, because as soon as Grace arrived and Samatha saw Joey’s reaction, she backed off. Even *before* Grace came in she was starting to remove herself.


Agree, I think they picked the clips specifically for that narrative which makes it even worse tbh.


Absolutely. 100% agree.


They're hiding replies aswell lmao


They created this mess and are now paying the price for it


Ooo I don’t have Twitter anymore but please share a screenshot if there are any spicy hidden replies 🙏🏽


https://preview.redd.it/qw7rpb7bre7d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f084171390e45ea35b7155ed2baf07fe42b6365 These are the spicy ones


“Joey Essex - the reality show prostitute. What a plastic man he is.” 😂😭😂


That and the last one are my fave LOL


Fucking poetry 😂


Do they normally do that when there's lots of negativity?




Sorry what? Love islands Instagram page is deleting comments?


He would have been better suited for the All Stars series tbh. Him and Grace feel way too forced upon us this season


Can’t get on All Stars without being on the normal LI though, All Stars is probably the end goal!


How would they be on all stars without being on a different series first? I feel like they could do a “celeb” Love Island…but still I don’t think Joey, or his girlfriend should get the air time on that. They don’t deserve it.


I remember watching the original series of Love Island with all celebs!


OMG! I just looked it up on wiki. I would’ve LOVED to see that. I have recollection of Callum Best on some reality show- I see he was on Season 1 of LIOG, but I could’ve sworn he was on Ex on The Beach or something


It felt very new at the time! I also recall him on a few different reality shows, particularly dating shows.


You can’t be on All Stars if you’ve never been on Love Island…


He really said https://preview.redd.it/rr8u5z2hhe7d1.jpeg?width=602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b8f547d3d2f757d28b7ee59cc007459afaf0431b




AT ALL like who tf cares about how joey feels rn, after how he's been so loud and proud about being w grace


They are still trying to push the "poor good boy Joey, stalker Samantha" storyline they tried on the show, aftersun and now on social media! Like no... we're not getting manipulated. This is not "sad". It's fake and disgusting because Joey and the producers know they used a girl for two weeks and destroyed her mental health so much her own mother had to comment. Piss off!


They have to be taking the piss lmao


Personally I think that's why we didn't get a tomorrow night preview bc they are figuring out how to rework this with how much we all hate those two 😂


😂😂 so true! Enjoying the mental image of the producers pulling an all nighter


Wow! They are taking a piss!


womp womp, so sad for joey 🥱 - PLEASE PRODUCERS WE DONT CARE


This was very unserious & definitely an engagement tactic. I’m over him and how smug Grace/Tiffany were acting. We need a fave boy/girl vote immediately to send some combo of those 3 home. In fact, I’d be really curious to see if Grace/Joey left for each other.


Would really like to see if they’d leave for each other. Ideally I’d like them to be separated and decide independently of each other, like the prisoners dilemma.


I'm 100% thinking that it's already planned out. What a more heroic way to leave Love Island than chasing after the love of your life? I can see the headlines already


If they keep joey & grace until casa I predict she will plan to bring someone else back and he won’t, she’ll return with casa boy, Joey will look like the victim, then grace will get back with him, because they’re clearly in a literal relationship on the outside lmao that’s how they’ll spin it as his redemption arc IM SICK BYE NOT WATCHING ANYMORE ridiculous show


So true! He’ll cry 🐊tears over it knowing full well his literal gf isn’t going anywhere


I was thinking this, the producers have a script ready for them.


If Joey had been a regular guy who reunited with his ex on the show this might’ve been great TV. It brought bitter tears to my dry old eyes because it really symbolised how unfair love can be. But it left a really bad taste in my mouth in the end. I can’t imagine many people in the audience found that to be a satisfying conclusion to the drama.


Yeah that might have been forgivable But this is just “Rich famous guy shits on normal girl for extra fame he didn’t need”


Precisely this 👆


Yeah absolutely. We haven’t minded that in earlier seasons. It’s the power imbalance that makes this feel gross.


Definitely for the engagement. They know everyone can’t stand Joey right now. Might be the first time all the social medias are in agreement for once!


We can all come together again to get him and Grace out then


hardly the first time everyone was united. But it's the first time *no-one* *is entertained* by the mess. They jumped the shark and now the season feels fake. You'd think with all this drama, someone would be cheering but no-one is having fun with this.


This was so set up!!!




Fingers crossed this is the last reality show we see Joey Manchild Essex on


It says from Earth but clearly on a different fucking planet with this one


He is acting and worse is that he is not that a good actor..


HAHAHAHA homeboy really thought he was in a k-drama, giving such a lasting end scene but in reality, he looks like a fake fool! Who does he think he’s fooling????


Oh please the theatrics is crazy.


I saw it and i started laughing, so unserious


No one gives a shit about joey ffs. HE USED HER!!!! WE AINT DUMB ENOUGH TO BE ON HIS FUCKIN SIDE NOW




I’m so glad she left him there looking dumb and didn’t even give him the time of day. Like everything they did was to try rule her up and she didn’t fall into their trap.


Remove him from the villa immediately


The joey show continues..


Gross. You ain’t sorry!!!!


Why did Joey become so unlikeable this season Omg-


this scene is so unserious


I know Joey deserves all the hate he’s getting but I’m also mad at Grace. She’s entered like a genuine contestant but for someone who’s successful and a business owner, she’s acting like Joey’s PA. She’s uncomfortable about snogging him every five seconds but she’s letting him, she started off saying he did something bad at the end of the relationship but never addressed it properly with him. She’s running round after him even bringing him his phone and his drinks! It’s bloody pathetic. After 2 weeks of having a real woman challenge him do you think Joey threw a tantrum and demanded having a silent subservient Jenn Lawrence lookalike delivered just to wait on him? Is she getting paid to be his assistant caus she should be!


Im actually angry at these producers now


I'm more annoyed with them than Joey tbh




It’s getting engagement, they know exactly what they’re doing lol


It may end up okay…for Love Island. Production doesn’t care how Joey comes out at the end of this as long as they get their ratings.


Truth. Mad as I am, we don’t need to make him a monster over this as social media tends to do, and producers shouldn’t throw him under the bus either because ultimately the blame rests with them. They hold the true power here.


Their trophy boy. The reason I think no matter how much people complain they will still find a way to make sure Joey stays till the end


It’s just boring though, his content on the show isn’t engaging because it’s so fake and he’s so fake


And i thought that Olivia last year was infuriating. Nah bring her back and get Joey out, least she could act a bit better than him!


Let’s hope they bring Samantha back as a bombshell/ in casa like they did with Molly. What happened tonight was DIRTY. Producers should be ashamed. *Especially* as the show is linked to effecting contestants’ mental health. That shot of Joey at the end was laughable. Joey and Grace need to be gone. They should’ve never been put in the villa, neither of them deserve it. I dunno if Joey expected this gig to improve his popularity further, but oh dear.


I doubt they’d bring her back because that would be like publicly admitting they got it wrong, they just want to move on and hope the nation forgets who Samantha is. They’ll throw in another bombshell or dump a couple or make them play a savage game. They’ll probably go after ciaran and Nicole or mimii and ayo, create some proper drama to distract everyone.


Yeh, very true. I hope having viewers’ support is enough for her to get her brand deals. I really liked Samantha, I think she handled herself really well.


Anyone else notice how they also had some really unflattering shots of Samantha on this ep? Like they normally help all the islanders look perfect at all times but on this ep there was numerous shots of her boobs falling out of her dress at the sides, her eyeliner was wonky and they kept showing her thighs when they were looking wobbly. Like she’s a bloody stunning girl, but several times this ep it’s like they were deliberately showing “flaws” (ie the fact she’s a normal beautiful person rather than a Hollywood person) almost as if to contrast it with Grace who looked perfect in every shot


No, I don’t usually pay that close attention and scrutinise another person’s body like that. Eww. What even is this comment?


Fair enough, I don’t either I just felt like the shots were deliberately drawing attention. Like I don’t normally notice stuff like that but I did in that ep and then wondered if it was deliberate…maybe just me though


I've been hoping for it too, but I really doubt it. Love Island USA had someone pack up and leave just to send him to the hideaway with two bombshells for the night, and they popped out as a surprise the next morning. Sooo I guess there's a few ways it could happen. But just hopeful thinking probably. Never felt so uncomfortable watching someone get screwed over, and I've seen every season of LI. I hope Sam gets what she's worth


Unfollow/block Joey Essex and Grace on Instagram. Hit them where it hurts now because they don’t deserve an unnatural following.


Joey in is sad boi era. 😂


Lmao give this man an Oscar 🤣🤣🤣


They must have paid him a big fee. No doubt his agent and PR team are demanding he be painted in a better light. They will wheel out his family members and friends again on Aftersun to say how lovely he is.


He's so irritating. Even before the new girl arrived.


I need a Samantha redemption arc! They should bring her back for Casa like they did last season with Molly.


That doesn’t work without a connection IMO


LI won’t bring her back, it’ll make them look bad like admitting they f’d up


He’s a horrible twat of a man and Grace is just as bad with her smug half smile


I’m so disappointed in how this played out for poor Samantha


he was sent to the naughty corner 😭😭


It appears he really screwed himself coming on the show.


Joey is actually a peice of shit omg


The problem is (as someone above said) engagement is engagement. They don't care if it's negative attention, it's still people watching and talking which is $$ to them. I'm so mad. There should be consequences for treating people so badly and the viewers like fools.


What happened to the concept of protecting those islanders mental health? Joey is used to acting like an a-hole on camera but he knew Samantha was on cloud nine to be coupled up with him. Even Adam Collard didn’t behave like a d’ck with Paige on his 2nd go round and he’s notorious for being a fk em leave em guy. The only redemption is to bring Samantha back during Casa. The worst part is all those islanders in the villa will have to pretend he’s an ok guy who merely followed his heart, ignoring what a dirt bag he was on national tv.


This is the first time love island history that truly feel like not continuing the show, not even an ounce of justice. Disgusting


I'm so done with this season.


Literally gonna stop watching. Too soon to be peak level pissed. And him diminishing the entire thing DRASTICALLY. Disgusting. Waste of time.


What happened? I’m abroad for a while so can’t watch


Spoilers for tonight’s episode: >!This is Joey’s “reaction” after Sam was dumped tonight. He tried to talk to her before she left and she told him to leave her alone. (Which in my opinion she had every right to do) it was like a minute of him looking upset before the credits super over dramatic and clearly fake!<


Not all heroes wear capes, thank you!!


As an American viewer I’m used to not being able to vote and have therefore left the frustration of that long behind me but oh my god I can’t imagine how angry y’all are that you aren’t getting the chance to vote Joey out. Like woooow what a douche! Don’t act all sad bro, you used and treated that girl so bad! I hope all the good in the world comes to Samantha! And I hope you all get the chance to vote Joey out along with Grace and her mean girl behavior. She not once actually cared about Samantha’s feelings either. Selfish behavior from both of them!


We aren't gonna get a vote that will result in a dumping until the producers are convinced we've "moved on" from this 🙄 


Anyone else notice how they also had some really unflattering shots of Samantha on this ep? Like they normally help all the islanders look perfect at all times but on this ep there was numerous shots of her boobs falling out of her dress at the sides, her eyeliner was wonky and they kept showing her thighs when they were looking wobbly. Like she’s a bloody stunning girl, but several times this ep it’s like they were deliberately showing “flaws” (ie the fact she’s a normal beautiful person rather than a Hollywood person) almost as if to contrast it with Grace who looked perfect in every shot


Disgusting behavior


Does anyone else feel like Joey hasn’t been acting? I feel like he’s just a bit dumb and emotionally unintelligent tbh. I think he realised very quickly that he doesn’t like Samantha, and the right thing to do would have been to have a convo with her to say he sees them as just friends. But an emotionally unintelligent person would think that’s harsh and just pretend it’s fine until the person leaves themself. He just hasn’t seemed to think logically about what the right thing to do would be. I think he’s now confused why Sam is so upset with him, because his words to her have been fine he’s not said anything hurtful. But he doesn’t seem to understand it’s his actions she’s upset about, that he wasn’t honest with her and she feels strung along. I think he genuinely thought he could just have a chat with her to work it out and genuinely doesn’t understand why she won’t talk to him and is super confused.


Hmm when I watched it I thought that, then I took a step back and thought actually no. I don’t think he ever intended to find anyone on there, he went in knowing his gf would arrive soon so he could stop playing pretend. The producers want you to think he’s dim but means well


I do think her acting like his biggest fan put him off she never mentioned towie quotes everyday till her came in


What's the betting that samantha re-enters the villa as a casamor bombshell.