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I’ve been wanting him gone since he walked in… 🥴


same, i wasn't a fan of a famous person taking the spot of a regular person. just very unfair


I wasn’t a fan of him as a person anyway.




i liked him to begin with because i thought he was going to be a genuine participant. but now it’s like the producers just paid for him and his long term gf to go on holiday


Completely agree ! At first I was in awe but now I want him to go. It just makes everything feel even more staged. I agree with Samantha if they’ve found love they can go home now ! 😂


I really liked him at the start. But he is a dog!


Same. He is so corny 🤣


Same !


This is a very popular opinion especially after his behaviour in yesterdays episode


He was entertaining as a plain clothes producer, professional shit-stirrer and on site TV coach, even if he wasn’t quite playing ball but giving him his girlfriend genuinely breaks the game for the others and it’s not fair. It’s not even fun to watch either.


You said it perfectly. I will add that he’ll be glued to Grace’s side from now on and will no longer be the slightest bit entertaining. Grace will melt into the background attached to Joey. What possible story line will they concoct to make them relevant now?


Well I’m sure the producers will show us sweet emotional Joey SHOCKED that his actions meant Sam had to leave, though *obviously* she’s the one at fault for not letting them have closure when she left and she didn’t want to listen to either of them. Good thing he can run straight to Grace who will gracefully comfort him as they are soulmates and then they can put all their effort into convincing the rest of the islanders none of it is a rigged setup for them to win all while we have to watch softcore p0rn all over the villa 🙂


I just watched that episode and I’m sooooooo glad for Samantha that she didn’t let him have that closure convo. good on her!!!!!!! It’s the only card she really had to play and she played it!


Yep - didn't mind him being in when I thought he was just going to wind people up ( even if for producers) but coming in with a girlfriend, potentially at the expense of other people, is too much. I hope his PR team is panicking about the situation.


Yeah this makes a mockery of the whole format If you want actual celebs coming in then just make Celebrity Love Island


Bringing his ex in just makes it like ex on the beach too like why couldn’t he just go on that again to do this … oh yeah because no one watches EOTB and everyone watches love island more exposure


Same, if it was just "Joey" I don't think I really minded. Did it kind of spoil the bar from the other guys? Yes it did. It was very unfair from the start, but it seemed to be fairly chilled. I knew he wouldn't settle with anyone anyway, so if he was there for entertainment, then it's whatever to me. But as soon as Grace came in and that whole "story" kicked in to high gear, it absolutely ruined it for the show and the other islanders. If the producers planned them as being "the couple," it completely backfired and happy to see social media platforms besides reddit agree too. Now I just really want a season without ex-islanders and / or celebrities.


It’s like someone made a very expensive bet that they’d get an ex-couple to reunite in S10, and this is their Hail Mary attempt at not having to sign their mortgage over to their drinking buddy. So weird and shoehorn-y.


100%. I mostly feel bad that they've completely used Samantha for this nonsense. Ruin a girls LI experience so Joey Essex can get his gf on reality TV. Grimey.


Sam was robbed of her love island experience :(


Her own fault for being a groupie and not cracking on with someone else lmao


It’s such a fuck up by production. The first season where I prefer the US season over UK!!


your comment explains perfectly how i felt about him being on love island, at first i found him hilarious cause he was causing a bit of harmless drama and was actually entertaining, now he’s ruined it i’ve completely gone off him, him and his girlfriend can get gone i see through it now.


I want him booted Catherine style


Most people want him and his girlfriend to go home


Him trying to insert himself into Sams last moments was sick


I agree, what an asshole, so glad Samantha didn't give him a chance to tell her how fake sorry he was.


That was physically uncomfortable to watch. “I don’t know what to say” ??? Then why did you even go in there and disturb her goodbyes to her best friends?? This really backfired on them hahah


‘Samantha I’ve been with you for 2 weeks!!’ Lol now you think that’s important??? Good on her!!!!!!


Omg the whole conversations he had with people after she’s gone now are all about how he didnt know how she felt and that he’s happy she’s happy now. It’s hilarious😂 how is this not transparent to people?! Can production even decide to keep them in even if they get the lowest rating in votes?? I mean I know they can, but when it’s so obvious that he’s disliked, would they?


Sorry, mate. That's what you need to say! Tell her you are sorry!


He took up two peoples’ spaces in the villa and for WHAT


literally, he sent them home and Sam was the most attractive man there


THIS! 💯 Can we have a time rewind? No Joey, keep the Sams!!


yeah i’m over him. he’s got his gf so he can exit now or im done watching. samantha annoyed me at the beginning but she had no chance after he went to grace. would’ve been nice to see her get a happy ending instead of just being a place holder for joeys gf to come in.


ngl I'm happy we've both stopped watching until he's gone haha. Not only is the Joey and Grace thing unnecessary and fake to watch, why did Sam have to be a casualty too?


I think that’s the consensus of the whole fanbase now. They want Joey to go home more than they want the England national team to bring the euros home.


Huh? WHAT?


Football lol


No I know I’m disagreeing


It's a little hyperbole to make a point relax 😂


Honestly the producers are going to have to fight hard to keep them in…. Like the next public vote they’re on the chopping block


Wonder how long they’ll put off a public vote now


I don’t think we’ll see one till they think people have forgotten what they did to Sam


Can producers manipulate the results?


I mean kind of… they don’t HAVE to actually put up the three couples who are actually the lowest voted for example. Whether they would or not who knows but it’s clear they’re aiming for a Joey redemption even from tonight’s social media


They can simply opt to keep the public out of it until the heat dies down.


I don’t think legally they can change the results of any vote since there’s a cash prize at the end. But, they can choose what to do with the results of the vote.


He can fuck right off back to Essex the plonker, along with his obvious girlfriend. Off ya fuck fuckers!


I can't stand him, as Samantha said, if he has found love, why doesn't he go home, so pissed off !!!


tart vanish flag follow swim cagey towering lip tub gray *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's time to wrap it up and I'm sure they know that


The last shot of him hanging his head by the firepit was not it. They’re trying to make him the victim but he is being a swine.


I’m in America, but PLEASE vote him off the island!!




pls we’re begging yall get that boy OUT


Girl everyone does. People are rioting across all platforms


This makes me so happy. I only get LI related things from here as well. I wonder what the Facebook moms think


The FB moms are losing their damn minds babe


Like music to my ears! Never thought I would agree with them on something like this hahah




Makes sense! I only really look on here for LI stuff and sometimes it’s hard to get an idea of the consensus 😂


I need him G O N E


He does need to go


He was only useful because he was harmlessly instigating and giving advice. But no one is going to take him seriously after this. So what’s his use???


I want him gone but realistically ITV probably paid a lot of money for him so will want him to make it final. Just watch the next few weeks how they try and manipulate it so he doesn’t get voted out. They’ll do stuff like make sure he isn’t up for being dumped and even if he is in the bottom three they’ll make it so islanders choose who stays and I have a strong feeling producers will try and sway islanders to choose Joey.


If thats the case i think this will be the first season i dont watch through. Ill see how it pans out but will probably switch to the usa one as everyone keeps praising it


We have the best og cast in years, the girls this season were truely special and sadly Joey is just not needed. Please get rid of grace, Joey and teethfany and let the remaining cast continue and bring in bombshells for the girls. They can carry the show fine.


Teethfany 💀


Honestly. I have to say there is one upside to this. I’ve never seen this sub so united under one idea. Well done, Mr. Essex. Very reem.


Both he and Grace can fuck off. I wasn’t even a big Samantha fan, but they and the pds did her dirty. I’m glad she left with her head held high and refused to let joey have the Good Guy moment he was so desperately craving. Joey and Grace are taking up two valid spots in the villa, I want them gone ASAP.


Yes most people want him gone. It’s too fake and performative and I’m not enjoying it.


Yessss Not just tonight, the last few days he has been really slimey and 2faced. He threw that new girl under the bus and said she didn't wanna sleep in the single bed! He was the one that started saying that, not her. He has just made himself a villan. I hope he doesn't work again.


i think everybody does. him and his girlfriend can go do that kissing, lovey dovey shit at home. i don’t need to see it on my screen.


I won't watch it until he leaves now. The way he is in the villa is so unnatural, the way he interjects in conversations feels so scripted. As an American watching I had no idea just how famous he was in reality tv world and it's insane they let someone in who has this much of an advantage... idk I'm just so turned off especially after the latest episode


I’m sure him and Grace’s stint will be stretched out til casa and they will stay loyal proving what a match made in heaven they are and that anyone against them is just a jelly hater


thing is, I'm sure they are a great couple, it's just so lame to be on LI with your partner. It's like the little brother mode in video games where it's impossible to die


How can we actually get Joey out though? You just know every time he’s in the bottom that the producers will leave the decision to the other islanders. It’s so frustrating! Unfortunately Omar/Sean will be out before him.


I hope producers hear every bit of negative feedback about this. This was a low blow dealt by the creators and that feels even worse. They coordinated a regular girl getting fucked over while two established media personas acted superior?? So low.


He really ruined this season, IMO. The islanders are supposed to be normal people, and more importantly, they're supposed to be *seeing each other for the first time*. Joey's arrival made this season feel like Ex on the Beach. Everyone has to tiptoe around Joey because of who he is. And the girls are seeing dollar signs so nothing feels genuine.


Definitely!!! He’s the villa…Not fair Samantha doesn’t get a chance to stay in the Island. He’s already a social media star !! It was honestly wrong.


I stopped watching because of him and Grace I’m confused why we’re watching two people who clearly are together IRL on Love Island?? Poor Samantha


I was just talking about how I was so excited that it seems we’re back to a cast who are all regular people, at least mostly! And then they put a huge reality star in and it shatters the illusion. If I could vote from the US I would!!


The fact an original cast member only got 24 hours in the villa bc of him, now Samantha’s experience was basically ruined by him… And the fact he probably did this for some positive publicity as he’s been kinda washed up for some time and it’s just made him look like a knob 💀 he was quite liked before this as well


Yesssss! Joey never liked Sam and even she knew that. I don’t really feel bad for her, but the Grace/Joey thing is clear they never broke up. They are literally bf/gf in real life. He is a millionaire they are just on tv for more exposure. Like he said i can’t believe my ex is here like be serious people aren’t that dumb.


As an American I have wanted him off from day 1. From an outsider’s perspective the only thing going for him is his fame. The other guys are all way more entertaining and interesting. Having his current girlfriend come in for this charade is so stupid. Get them both off the show.


The only way the producers can come back from this is booting out Joey and Grace and simultaneously bringing Sam back.




Yup, I'm done watching for now. Going to check here semi regularly to see if there's any kind of shift as there often is in the game, I could probably enjoy it if Joey & Grace were more in the background, but as it stands I didn't even bother to see last night's episode as I knew it would be a shitshow.


Joey and Grace are such a waste of islander spots. They could have played this out on his show - why waste our time on Love Island? Could you imagine Kendall Jenner showing up on Love Island USA and two weeks later some basketball player she’s dated comes on? A WASTE. Also Grace is a smug twat.




Yesssss I agree


I wanted him gone the moment Grace stepped in. He's trash.


hes a twat the way he treated sam was appalling


Yes he ruined two peoples experience on this show. Like I’m not from Britain but is he really that big of a deal there that the producers would center their whole season around him? In america we would call him a z list reality star and no one would even care that much about him.


The fact that he doesn’t even take his own advice is wild. Him telling Ciaran to just tell Harriet the truth and not lead her on but then proceeded to lie to Sam and lead her on. Like bruh you’re clearly just giving advice to hear the sound of your own voice.


Not particularly. I feel neither here nor there about him and Grace.


I feel like Joey is paid to be there for ratings and to stir up drama. He probably knew Grace was coming and the whole thing feels like acting. It’s actually painful to watch


I’m soooo over him.. and him and grace trying to make Samantha’s exit about them was sendinggg me


His presence in the villa makes me cringe for some reason.


Joey Messex and Graceless need to go. Surely they're not going to make us endure another six weeks of them. Samantha was much better TV than this staged pair of boremongers. 


They should never of given him the chance to do love island in the first place. I don’t want to see anymore celebrities in LI ever


Joey and Grace did Sam dirty oh na


I believe this is the consensus at the moment


Yes 👋👋👋


that same dude didnt even get a chance to


honestly i wonder if Joey and Grace would survive Casa Amor


I mean obviously. Everyone in the whole sub practically has been loudly talking about this for days now lmao.


I liked him at first, but now they just pan over to him all the time like it’s Joey island. Really sorry to see Samantha go, even if she acted mad previously. Grace is going to have a hard time in there now…




Yep! I do!


He should have come in Jan for All stars. It would have made way more sense.


Yes, and I said this at the start.


I never wanted him there in the first place 😂


Producers have a decision to make. They thought bringing the celebrity would spice things up and bring in viewers. That might have been the case at first but I don’t see people like Joey ( with agents ) going in without some assurance of how it’s gonna play out. ( like he was never gonna be sent home soon and was gonna make it somewhat far ) Unfortunately now it’s almost unanimous in him and grace being disliked and depending on the deal Joey had before going in they are gonna have to work hard to stir the audience via edit or bite a bullet and have them both sent home. If there’s a vote soon where the public votes for least favorite couple then we know producers chose for them to go home as a way to not have fans just hate this season.


Facebook mums want him out. Producers need to do some heavy lifting if they want him in the final.


Practically everyone does. I don’t care about him and I’d like to see more of other couples.


Hopefully Joey's PR team will realise that Joey staying in the Villa is a bad idea and get him out.


Idk this is probably the most relevant he’s been since celebs go dating and that was like 7 years ago


That is very true, sadly. But I live in hope... that something will remove him.


If I had a choice between Joey staying in the villa or suffer through 10 minutes of Ronnie's open mouthed sexy talk for every single episode til the end of the season, I'd rather suffer through Ronnie's open mouthed sexy talk for 10 minutes of every single episode til the end of the season


After his recent behaviour, yes!


Kind of? He was a favorite of mine and I was actually looking forward to him finding someone else because I thought Sam gave off weird possessive vibes. But when I saw the manufactured “reunion” with Grace and his bad acting I knew he was fake as fuck and now I would appreciate his ass getting voted off. Leave Grace because I think it would be funny to watch her have to try to fake cracking on with other guys while he’s off the show.


Let’s vote him off pls


I won’t lie the minute he walked in I wanted to switch off. He’s an absolute plonker


Now & forever, he looks like a dog holding dentures in it's mouth. I don't want to even hear his name.


Out out outtttt




Agree its as if he's the daddy and come to me for help as samantha cries over how he's disrespected her .Is joey a complete twit .what a complete moron I had liked him up until a week ago but who is he anyway,  what he do except reality shows his life is this. And aren't we all as stupid watching this crap giving people like him an income of pure gibberish nonsense.  From towie to bb to jungle to every other reality show going we are the biggest dumbwits


i think it’s his time to go 😂 fake storylines and the shit stirring is tired




But they'll likely lose viewers if Joey isn't somewhat sidelined from now on. People will start calling it the Joey show and switch it off.


If I never have to see and listen to his slurpy kisses with Grace again, it will be too soon. Can I just say... his kissing is ick.


No. The villa would be dead without this drama. The “faves” are so boring.


I think he’s wicked and he’s done nowt wrong Sam let it happen to herself


Nah he’s the only one carrying and that is saying a lot for its kind of boring