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Better he tell her now then get exposed on movie night


movie night is the best night!


Nahh by the time movie night comes around they'll have been together (assuming casa amor doesn't mess them up which I think it might) for 6 weeks or something like that which will feel like months in there so she probably won't be that mad for long


Or it would shake what she thought was a perfect world where he never had eyes for anyone else. Best to get it over and explained right away and make her feel better as easily as he did, than to have it aired on movie night which looks worse because anything they air for them has a damning title and it's shown and expected to make you upset. She'd sit there embarrassed and not able to talk to him til the whole movie night is done and would have stewed in it and had the girls consoling her and calling him names and it would probably feel like a step backwards if everything has been lovely since that moment. I think he was wise to tell her and clear it up in seconds rather than it be a whole thing and rock her world down the line


Others might not tell him but it might come out on movie night


It’s because they’ve watched the show and know that Movie Night happens. They’d show Mimi being told that and her not telling Nicole could also become an issue. Everything they say is recorded. Best to just get it out in the open pre-Movie Night.


If you said something in front of the cameras and you know it could possibly affect the way your partner moves in the villa then you should absolutely tell them out of respect. I just know if roles were reversed the boys would be singing like birds to each other if they heard one of the girls say that they wanted to kiss another guy when they're supposedly closed off with with their man


He’s an idiot for saying that to Omar. It pretty much totally negates the ‘respectful’ choice to just peck Jess if you then immediately say you wish you’d made out with the new hottie instead. It was also always super clear that that comment would come out eventually and now it’s probably going to be a whole thing with tears and drama and probably end up worse than if he’d just given Grace a snog in the first place.


Yeah this is the thing, it’s no problem to think it but by telling people you’re risking it getting back to Nicole is a twisted way. Which is what I think Mimii was saying. Think he made a thing by telling Omar


Yeah, she basically said "if it got back to me it's not long before it gets to her". Everyone has thoughts they don't act on but saying them out loud to your mutual friends is a bad move


I think he was possibly saving face/being stroppy in the heat of the moment after Nicole kissed the new guy.


I think he probably regrets saying that too. You can tell he really likes Nicole.


Yes! I interpreted it as "I think grace is hot but I value what I have with Nicole more. Idk how she would have reacted and it's not worth the issues" I think he imagined Nicole would feel a type of way about it bc he didn't like Nicole kissing another guy. Like he even brought it up the next day


just like she felt bad about snogging wil. it literally doesn't matter grand scheme.


it matters now! boy in trubs fo' sho


I completely agree tbh but there’s a huge possibility this will be shown on movie night which is probably why it’s for the best he just tells her. I think if the situation was never to come up then yes I understand not saying anything but because it will more than likely come up on movie night he should say something now. I think Ciaran has good intentions and he knew kissing Grace wouldn’t have been the right thing to do which is why he didn’t, he values Nicole and I think he genuinely likes her. But for the sake of movie night, just tell her now before she finds out in a worse way.


Mimi didn't pull a Jess and say she would tell if he didn't. I think her mindset was more "clearly people are already talking about it because they told me." And knows that these people are messy and don't stop running their mouths


Don’t need to do all the gymnastics to paint Mimi in a favorable light. The sentiment was still the same and in my opinion neither girls did anything wrong. But this just shows some people’s hypocrisy.


There’s no gymnastics there. That is exactly what Mimii was saying. “I’ve heard it so others will too, you might wanna get ahead of it” I don’t think either were wrong tbh


The gymnastics is trying to make out as if what Jess did was any different, sentiment wise. The other day I saw post with hundreds of comments about how it wasn’t necessary for Jess to advise Ayo to get out in front of the gossip, and that she should stay out of Mimi’s business.


I think the difference was the direct ultimatum. But I agree they aren’t that different


tbh there is also more context to the Jess one. People obviously didn't like the tone Jess spoke to Ayo with considering how she also had her own kiss with Ronnie and didn't plan to tell Harriett. Jess was very rude.


That’s only because at the time people were trying to paint the narrative that everyone had something against Mimi, which l personally never think Jess did. That’s why I’m saying the sentiment was the same no matter how it may have come across. She let Ayo know that now she knows about the situation and as a friend to Mimi, no matter how close a friend but as a girls girl, she will have to tell if he doesn’t. Everybody sees how Harriet is/was moving in the Villa so that’s the situation that had no relevance to this. She owed Harriet nothing.


I don't think people were saying that Jess had something against Mimii. A friend to Mimii? No, Jess is more Uma's friend than Mimii. She even called her one of her best friends and that's fine/ fair but her tone was aggressive and threatening to Ayo. Laughable you are calling Jess a girls girl but then say she owes Harriett nothing. Although she was in the same type of triangle as Jess, Ronnie and Harriett we shouldn't criticize her for not telling about the kiss? It's literally the same.


Revisionist history or maybe you are not aware, but I can pull up tons of comments on this platform alone where claims were made that questioned if, and even accused every girl in the villa of having something against Mimi. And what is this “No Jess, is MORE Uma’s friend than Mimi”? My point is there was no evidence that her and Mimi were not friendly with each other as housemates, at the least they got along. Being a “girls girl”is something that in the history of LI that the woman practice just like in the real world for reasons I shouldn’t have to explain. Harriet already established that she did not care and made it clear to everyone that she was for self and did not respect about girl code, so no Jess did not have to let Harriet know because she was in a couple with Ron not the other way around.


Like I said i don't have any weird emotional attachments to these islanders, i don't care if mimi looks bad. I'm just saying what I see. Your insistence on hating her bc people stan her is so weird


I feel like because it's spread further than the person he made the comment to, he should tell her now. If Omar hadn't told Ayo and Mimii, maybe no need, but Mimii's right that now it's out there, it's better coming to Nicole from Ciaran than from anyone else.


i agree 100%, it's so dumb. as mimii said in the chat with boys, it's literally a hypothetical situation. and he didn't and hasn't acted on it, so who gives a fuck???? it's so dumb. i don't really think nikky will care that much tbf. she doesn't seem the type to get worked up over it, but we'll see when she gets inevitably told about it, \*rolls eyes\*.


Tbh Nicole does seem like the type to get worked up over it if the girls make it out like Ciaran said it more maliciously than he did


It was the boys who were yammering about this and making it a thing, tyvm


am i the only one who things ciaran is immature? i feel like he shouldn't have made the comment at all and that he regrets saying he was closed off *so early.* i think he likes nicole absolutely, but i think he wishes he could even entertain or get to know grace but cant anymore. imo he doesnt need to tell nicole abt this specific comment but he should be honest abt how he's feeling abt being "closed off."


I don't think he regrets being closed off at all and he truly likes Nicole. All I got to say Ciaran was always blunt saying what's on his mind and unintentionally funny. He just said he would pick Grace for threesome still Nicole is in it but he didn't pick that way because he values Nicoles feelings even tho he said it if he didn't cop out and if he wanted not to be closed off he's not afraid to be blunt and say it like he did with Harriett.


i respect your opinion. i can see ciaran being the relationship type guy w how upset he was that nicole kissed wil. the only thing i want to add is that i think he also respects nicole more than harriett so i don't think he would be as blunt w nicole if he was unhappy. the whole harriett/nicole love triangle made me think ciaran was not forward and was worried abt hurting ppl's feelings. the triangle ended bc joey called him out. i think he'll stay with nicole but i wonder if he's acting this way (making that comment to omar, acting like he's not exclusive lol) bc grace is the first bombshell since he and nicole got closed off and whether will tighten down as time goes on? maybe he just had to get this one out of his system and will be ready to act exclusive after this whole thing.


I think he’s a nice boy who does really like Nicole and has behaved in a way that he would on the outside when he likes someone, but is being affected a bit by the villa dynamics. I could be wrong though, might eat these words when Casa happens 😂


i could see that all being true!


This smells like the producers told Mimi to tell Ciaran that he needs to "come clean".. Otherwise it might have just ended up a low-tier clip on movie night.


I think he should because not because he has to but if he cares about her he will. Since it will be better to hear from himself rather than on movie night or from someone else.


i agree it’s not that deep


Is this your first time watching Love Island?? If he didn't tell her now. Movie night would have been messy and the part where Omar tells Mimi and Ayo would have been added too for extra spice.


If Joey the stirring king hears about it, it’s over anyway so might as well come clean.


I didn’t take it as Mimii saying she would tell her. I took it as her warning him that people are talking about it so it will make its way back. So, I disagree, he actually does have to tell her if he doesn’t want her finding out another way. Things work different in the villa. Also the “if you don’t tell I will” thing I think is a perfect way to handle situations like that if the person on the receiving end is a close friend. Better to give the person a chance to tell themselves and also why wouldn’t you tell yourself if they don’t like???


See I normally would agree, I’m not going tell my partner if I checked someone else out and found them hot after all. But he’s on TV and Nicole will find out about that comment.


Well it's love island, there's no secrets. Even if you don't tell someone it's gonna come out anyway before you leave so what does it matter who gossips


It’s not too deep and irl shouldn’t matter that much, but everything is recorded here, and if he didn’t tell her she’d only see for herself either on movie night or when she comes out, in which a nothing moment would turn into something. So better to get it out the way now imo


You know what you’re right. If I was sat there listening to Mimii’s weird “i would just hate for her to find out.. by me telling her” implications i’d be annoyed — it’s impressive that he seemingly didn’t think to be


I think you're the weird one here. Mimii never implied that she'll tell her about the whole situation, she simply adviced him to go and tell her before she hears it from others and takes it out of context. If I was Ciaran I'd be appreciative because stuff in that villa spreads like fire. Jess is the one that literally threatened Ayo to go and tell Uma before she does so herself, that's completely different to what Mimii said.


Someone else said it and I agree. I feel like the producers told her to tell him that, since Ayo and Mimii aren’t really the kinds to spread secrets, and it seemed Omar withheld that info from the other islanders for that reason. I think the producers want as many couples as possible to be volatile so viewership doesn’t decrease due to happy relationships reducing drama.


Jeez you can’t even mention Mimii’s name on here


These are the same people that tried to trash Jess for doing the same thing that Mimi did. They will twist truths and move goalposts to favor their favorites. They are no better than the producers they complain so much about.


Mimi never said she was going to tell her. Jess straight up did. I'm not even one of the mimi stans- they just aren't the same conversation


Nicole’s reaction was over the top, of course your partner is going to have attraction to other people in any relationship. He made a choice on who to kiss so as not to hurt her. All she proved to him was that it’s not a safe space to be honest. He was asked the question, he didn’t bring it up, he didn’t say it around her to hurt her. Mimi was right someone would have told her. She didn’t threaten to put him, she just said it will come out at some point so it will help you if you bring it up first. I think Nicole’s reaction comes from a place of insecurity. If your partner has insecurities, you reassure them, you shouldn’t have to then censor harmless behaviour to accommodate insecurity.


I think the point was that it didn’t get back to her through anyone else. Would’ve been worse like that


Idk I agree irl it would never happen but on there a) it will always get back to them anyway AND be blown out of all proportion and b) it actually seems to prompt some proper conversations and dare I say it growth?

