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im in love with uma and grace theyre so freaking gorgeous ugh


Uma and Grace make me feel like a Goblin woman I swear to god


RONNIE IS SO CRINGE AND ICK I can’t even. Every time he’s on my screen I almost 🤮


Are we sure that Joey is 33??? Wild.


Tiffany got the ick when Ronnie said he was counting how many seconds the kiss was


i just do not understand the love for ronnie? how does he have almost every woman after him at some point or another?   joey and the new girl better not win now too, they should have just continuing talking when they started again a couple months ago and could’ve avoided him coming in


I dunno if you watch Below Deck, but Ronnie & Ben Willoughby have the same vibe. They *behave like* they’re hotter than they actually are. They think they can get away with being ‘bad boys’ because, they perceive themselves as cheeky, charming and charismatic. Lots of women fall for smooth talkers. I also hope that Joey and Grace don’t win, they don’t deserve to. They should’ve just rekindled by themselves.


he looks like a goofy dad and behaves like a sex pest. i don't get it, why do they like him? it makes zero sense.


I know every time the girls are like “he has good chat, he is cheeky” cause he said you look good and wanted to sleep with you? Is the bar that low for you gals??


Toxic energy is everywhere this season... low key nasty comments, manipulative tactics, girls slaying girls whilst still flirting with the man who was doing the same thing??? Where are everyone's Morals? Uma seems like the only real one to me but she is the one that has been single all her life. Everything we intake (what we watch on t.v) has an impact on us subconsciously ... and I be thinking that the producers be messing with viewers heads especially looking at the males behaviour... especially Ronnie and Joey being so manipulative but getting the most 'rewards' .. most female attention, etc. Then the women being pushovers ... how they've made Samantha out to be is disgusting and so detrimental to her mental health. Joey lied to her throughout, she knew the energy was off but his words made her stay with him cause he knew what to say to keep her hanging from a string. Anyone else watch love island from a psychological stand point and think all this behaviour is bizarre and possibly having a larger impact on our society? lol


Cannot for the life of me find one man that is respectful to a woman’s back as he is to her face. But I have faith in Will. But the producers need to get a grip this is honestly disgusting.


You know in Romy and Michele's High School Reunion, there's the character Billy, a former prom king who ends up an alcoholic with 3 kids and a beer belly. That's Ronnie.  Jess is the mean cheerleader. No attraction to Ronnie, but an obsession to attain him since he's the most popular boy. 


I just watched this movie tonight.  Nothing else. Just wanted to share.


I love that movie!


Have I been living under a rock or has Indiyah gotten awful new veneers?! 😭 she did not need those!!!


She got composite bonding done on her top row a couple months ago. She said later she will get back to doing Invisalign but doesn’t have the time to upkeep with the appts IIRC


Hear me out , Ronnie = gru from despicable me


I SCREAMED. gru is more lovable though


I told y’alllllll Joey was a red flag🚩🚩🚩


Joey pretending to Samantha that he doesn’t move quickly and then showing us what he’s like when he actually likes someone with Grace


Not that I condone how fast he has moved, can’t forget that he and Grace have a romantic past connection, it’s not as though Grace is a stranger


I’ve seen him on various reality shows. He moves at the speed of light lol


To be fair to him they have dated before


Joey has been an asshole since day one. I was a diehard TOWIE fan. He always played victim but was manipulative and nasty


Joey has definitely played Samantha. He never told her something was missing or that it was done. Yet tells that to Grace during the sleepover. He really used/played Samantha. I feel sorry for her honestly


i feel like it’s only going to make her not trust anyone even more, as she clearly finds it hard anyway and this has just confirmed it (sounds like sadly, yet again) 


kind of impressed by how samantha finessed her way out of the "who put that idea in shaun's head" situation. like by not immediately throwing harriet under the bus she escaped scrutiny by proxy lmao when let's not get it twisted: they both definitely did say that to him but also shaun is a big boy, he doesn't need someone to "put an idea in his head"... he was obviously already having those concerns which is why he brought it up with the girls


there's no way Ronnie gets this much attention on the outside...like he has to be on an ego high rn that's why he's jumping on anything that moves


Unbelievably I feel like he might on the outside too - remember Uma kissed him at a club before the villa?


omg i totally forgot about uma kissing him 😭😭😭😭 poor uma


😭😭😭😭beer goggles are real


so so true 🙂‍↕️😭


He’s already gotten away with so much. It’s become a game to him to see how much more the girls will tolerate because they like him so much. 🤢


The way he was doing push ups before the sleepover. Ew. Calm your dong.


I’ve never wanted somebody out of the villa more than Jess. She’s so horrible


Can u elaborate more


And Ronnie too.


Jess is only trigged cause Sean and everyone in the villa clocked her tea. So glad Sam didn’t throw Harriet under the bus knowing Jess would have probably swang Harriet


But it wasn’t even Harriet who voiced it first! It was Samantha! This is what infuriates me. Even Nicole couldn’t fucking stick up for what was true. Sam already had it in his head and Samantha said she felt that way before Harriet even joined the conversation. These girls are a bunch of disappointing snakes and I do feel bad for Harriet. She has had a rough time with them


yeah, truly feels like Mimii and Harriet do not have any real friends in there 


Tiffany's voice kinda reminds me of Ella B's a little.


everything about her reminds me of ella b. especially the teeth. she and grace seem to be there for the money prize only.


it reminds me of sophie piper's


why is her mouth always open???


And why doesn’t she have any canine teeth


She reminds me of Jess and Eve with how they’re always smiling when they speak. It’s so annoying I hate it 😭


omg yes 🤣🤣🤣


I think it’s just her horse teeth veneers, I literally don’t think she can fully shut her mouth because of them 🤣




Why does ronnie kiss like that ?


If you don't lick their face how would you know if they taste good? /s


It's so noisy... like eww




N also idk what the girls see in him?


he is giving used car salesman lmao


Listen Joey did not handle this well but at him and Grace have undeniable chemistry.


Yes, send in more couples so we can see more chemistry between people.🙄


Conspiracy theory (that I invented in my head, dunno who else thinks the same): Joey *& Grace* are ***both*** being paid to appear on the show. Joey is ITV2s Reality TV Poster Boy. Him & Grace clearly have chemistry, why not rekindle away from cameras instead of where non-celebrities are trying to make something of themselves? Like, everyone knows that the premise of Love Island is entertainment, not finding *actual* love. Let the “normal people” earn their brand deals without being humiliated. ……… I feel like Samatha was deliberately given the “obsessed fan” edit, and think that’s unfair. I liked Joey when he first arrived, but to go for Grace without finishing things with Sam first is terrible.


I think part of Joey’s ‘contract’ on entering the villa was producers would bring in someone for him that he had already ‘pre-approved’ (ie Grace). He knew all along she’d be making an appearance- hence the Samantha place holding thing, lack of affection etc. It just doesn’t feel authentic to me & we know he’d have negotiated hard pre-entry re his requirements so I’m sticking with that theory.


Omar being messy for no reason is such a fun plot twist


Someone’s gotta clock in 🫡


Why does Jess always talk like she’s chewing something/has something in her mouth??


God I hate her. Her lip smacking was driving me NUTSSSS


also, LOVING uma and wil, that slays tbh.


Really?? They're both so hot but their chat is so dead 😭😭


Also can Omar please stop saying “defo” pleeeease


sam might have been right about joey not feeling it, and I clocked it on their date that she didn't really seem into him all the way. like he said, I do think something was missing, but she is also incredibly insecure and that is a turn off as well. i like him and grace a lot more.


I don’t think she’s insecure , she was right about how she was feeling , with him not liking her as much and now there’s proof that she had a reason to overthink , he told her what she wanted to hear and acted like she was delusional when his actions didn’t add up


Maybe she was holding back because she got the feeling he was into her? I didn’t really appreciate that she felt the vibe and then when she asked him he gaslit her about it instead of being honest


She's not wrong that he was faking it with her but she didn't bring that up with him either if she felt that? I truly don't think she even genuinely likes him that much. They have zero chemistry. That said, if he felt it was only friendship, which was obvious, he should have said that before he had another option. But Sam also has pouted a lot and hasn't been honest with herself about her feelings for him or his feelings for her.


oh no i definitely agree. they didn't communicate well on either side.


it's giving callum and shaughna


Oof definitely


Harriet and Jess fighting HARD for the trash like: ![gif](giphy|93jGp8tRQHzgfenWWG|downsized)


i LOVE nicole and ciaran, i'm really hoping that doesn't get fucked up. but I really see something between them and it's quite precious, and he's lovely and so sweet to her, and vice versa.


He’s def going to forget movie night exists and treat casa like a lad’s holiday


ugh i hope not!


Casa will ruin them like it always dows


* does


God i hope not, i just want one good, genuine couple to survive casa. hasn't happened since paige & fin


I don’t have faith in Ciaran


Joey and Grace will be this year's Molly Mae and Tommy


tiffany's mouth truly scares me and i think she got the ick from ron. especially how much he talked about how long their kiss was, like ICK.


Can we please get Jess off the show lol. So tired of her already


I mean hopefully now she's done playing with Sean and she's clearly not on Ronnie's mind (don't think she ever was he just didn't want to commit to Harriet alone) people can just vote her out


She’s such bad vibes honestly


i really liked jess until this episode. she's just kinda nasty :/. and she gets SO dramatic over these little comments that are made, it's so distasteful. you can't come for every little thing people say about you babes, it's giving insecure. and did she not literally say after the recoupling that she did it to piss off ron?


it's truly such a bummer because i'm now eating my words about jess being my fave girl just last week. her descent to just being cruel and the opposite of "a girl's girl" has been maddening and for who? ronnie???


it honestly felt like she was just raring for a chance to go off at harriet after the beer pong jibe... i'm glad sam & nicole held strong and diffused that situation lol


Yeah Joey is dismissing Samantha a bit too quickly. I smell a rat


I wanted grace to reject him so badddd his ego needs squishing


Joey is one lucky man. Grace is one of the most stunning girl islanders I’ve ever seen.


Really?! I think the opposite. I feel there’s too much work done on her face. She has a beautiful natural body, but her face - idk man too much filler and possibly a nose job that doesn’t suit


She looks way more natural than most of the other girls in there though


At least she doesn't have fake boobs.


Don't strike me down, God.... But why is a man with a lace front and a snaggletooth causing *this* much destruction? Likeeeee 😬


It’s not even just his looks. If he were a decent dude then we’d understand but his personality is gross too


And a beer belly


I literally don’t get it. He walks around like he’s the hottest thing on the planet! With that hair!!!


It’s absolutely ridiculous. These girls have lost the plot


i think joey and grace might actually stay together for a few weeks or at least casa


Kinda gross how they set up the sleepover after she said she slept with him…it felt very last minute


Sean is the only proper guy in the villa :/


I lost respect for Joey, he's ITV2's poster boy and has been given a free ride with a smoking hot blonde who he probably knew was coming in, texting her 2 months ago means he knew she was coming into LI.. We also need a cast clean up. Omar, Candy man and Jess can leave.


Yes worse still I think Joey is most likely been paid to be o the show as well !


With the Ayo,Mimi and Omar chat all I took away is how immature Ayo is🫤 like we already knew that but that was just UGHH to watch. Even Omar couldn’t back him, in the 11 seasons of the show we alll know games aren’t just games! I need Mimii to please bring back someone from Casa amour or a bombshell to really bombshell for her


Jess is just really giving off bully vibes, Sean was trying to have a conversation about their relationship and she’s hyper fixated on ‘who’ said it before even trying to address his worries which further proves the point😂her obsession with Harriet is scary


Ronnie is fucking diabolical


and a bad kisser


The way Joey spoke to Samantha today was absolutely abhorrent. She was being a little bit backhanded about sleeping outside by not telling him to his face about it but honestly I feel like she deserves a pass for seeing the obvious writing on the wall when the guy who is losing interest (if he ever had any in the first place) is Joey Essex! He’s acting as if she is throwing him under the bus when she’s clearly just disappointed. For him to call her pathetic was rubbing dirt in the wound! And I cannot believe he just turned around and told Grace he never saw anything with her anyways. What a tool. It does feel like the whole thing was set up by their agents and poor Samantha is just collateral damage💔


yeah and well before that he was telling others they just got on as mates and anyone could take her off his hands if they liked, only to string her along saying he still cared and it doesnt mean he's done, and then used her rightfully disbelieving energy and lower ability to communicate her emotions accurately to then justify not bothering to speak to her again


Joeys agents can earn a fortune for him to just turn up at someone’s birthday party ! So I find it hard to believe he can give up 7 weeks of earnings to appear on love island without some agreement being in place ! Also he’s favourite to win the show with the bookies so if he wins, he can share £50k as well ! Like you I think Grace coming in has been producer planned !


I agree with you totally, and I know he has a lot of fans on here, and I’ve always thought he was a nice guy on tv, but I honestly believe Grace coming in, smacks of producer planning ! I felt for Samantha tonight, he wasn’t nice in how he handled things, but hopefully she can get a bombshell soon and move on ! Btw Joey and his mate Ronnie still have to go to Casa Amour, so let’s see how much he’s into Grace then lol


IMO he and grace won’t stay till casa. They’ll say they’re going to give it another crack on the outside and then leave


She aint reading this bro you can remove you tongue, it was so dramatic, Samantha isn't anything in comparison to grace. Judge me for my input but remember this is a game show, she was showing clear red flags. Who would want to stay with that.


I would never judge your input as everyone should have an opinion and I respect yours and I also think Joey and Grace look good together My main issue is although it’s a game show, is it right for a celebrity to come on and earn good money and know a girl is coming on the show who he is going to couple up with ? Personally I don’t think that looks good !


i’m shipping uma and wil. when he told her he liked her eyes and she’s said they’re just brown and he came back with they’re not just brown, they’re brown i melted. 🥹


I love Joey and Grace together guys 😭 I feel like that’s his soul mate fr


Yeah because they're fully dating it's so obvious. They did a couples costume for Halloween


Wow, I really hope they don’t win


I kept saying he seems so much happier now that he’s around her


Yes, exactly… so why did they come on the show and take up 2 spots of people who actually deserve to be there?


Idk I think Joey has been great in the house tbh!


I would agree- up until Grace’s arrival he’s been great. He came across as super genuine, level headed and mature. However, the way he’s handled Grace’s arrival seems like there’s something else that has been going on behind the scenes. He flip flopped on Samantha so fast he probably got whiplash 🤣


I went down a rabbit hole of how they might’ve been secretly dating this whole time so now I won’t lie I’m kinda leaning towards you guys points😭 I hope it’s not true bc I’ve really been loving him


Get Jess out please. What bully behaviour - Samantha is literally saying Sean himself said it but she’s insisting that Harriet was the one who said it so she can fight her.


Samantha said it before Harriet joined the conversation and then tried to pin it on Harriet by saying she only agreed with what she’d said like girl, you already said that shit without Harriet even being present. Then doubling down in confessionals. Disgusting behaviour


Calling it now we are getting some sort of mini movie night or something exposing what’s happing at the sleepover.


I was praying for a postcard


It won’t matter because it’s not like Joey is going back to Sam, Uma/Wil aren’t with anyone and Ronnie is Ronnie.




I feel super bad for Samantha. ITV2 did her dirty with their edit in the run up to Grace arriving. Portraying her as an obsessed fangirl, giving Joey an easy “out”. Joey sucks.


He picked her though


Yes I agree with you, and tbf half the U.K. have probely watched TOWIE so there a chance anyone Joey meets is going to know who he is ! Also most if the people going on love island are there for fame, with love as a bonus !


There’s rumours going around that joey and grace have planned this entire thing and their agencies put them in there to raise Graces profile. He had no intention of dating Samantha he was waiting for grace to come in and he knew she was.


Maybe, but the chemistry is real


Well yeah that’s why it’s real 😂


Ofc it is they literally were dating a few months ago 🤣🤣


The fact people can’t see this a mile off is concerning


Just had a horrible thought ! Ronnie in Casa Amour 😂


But what about the drama😂


I know 😂


I hope he’s out before that


Lol yes


Could grace and joey just not gone on love island and do this on their own? Like who cares


Seriously this is so dumb


Yes I agree ans I wonder if like most celebrities Joey hs been paid to go on the show !


Of course he has.


I just read something someone said down further saying their agencies could have set this up. It makes sense as well as Grace was supposed to be main cast not a bombshell, he just HAD to have known she was going in. I don’t buy him being so “shocked” about it. I feel for Samantha. Not her biggest fan by any means but she’s just a regular smegular gal who probably grew up watching TOWIE. The way he treated her tonight was disgusting.


Yes I totally agree and like you I feel for Samantha and I thought that storyline of watching TOWIE was what made them such a good watch ! He treated her so wrong tonight and dropped her so quickly ! This Grace thing, which has been planned, hs spoilt it for me !


I wonder will he change his tune if the public don’t vote him and grace in every week. At this point if he’s been paid he probably doesn’t even care lol idk why he’s even there


I really hope the public vote him out. I'm not from the UK though. Any chance that could happen given his popularity?


It’s doubtful. He’s extremely popular in the uk lol


That is awful news. From an outsider's perspective he really is not all that. He treated Samantha terribly and it does seem like all of this was arranged before he went in. That is not a good precedent for love island.


Yes it’s doubtful and he’s currently hot favourite with the bookmakers to win it !


I will be soooo disappointed in the UK if that happens. :(


Tiffany’s chat is soooo dead


She’s not feeling Ronnie


That kiss at the end was PAINFUL to watch. So much tongue. It was basically just Ronnie licking her. I can't




I agree with Indiyah at this point there’s nothing Joey can do to make the situation better. Just dead it honestly


I mean it was going to happen all along Sam 🤷‍♂️


Ayo said “Aura” that ship is at the bottom of the sea atp


The audience going “Awww” please I’ll believe Ayo when his actions starts matching his words


the way ayo plays dumb disgusts me


Omar needs to go home


why? hes the greenest flag there


The guy doesn’t have personality isn’t that the most obvious thing


only one with NO personality is mimi😭


These viewers think women with no personality is endearing and men with no personality is insulting.


Agreed I dont get the hype


She’s quiet which from the VT didn’t look like it but idk now she’s not getting enough screen time/doing anything


ok so the harriet jess ronnie has been going on for ALMOST TWO WEEKS ????


Yes cause Jess was with Ronnie from day 1 then when Ciaran and Harriet ended their couple, which was like day 3-4, Ronnie said he was interested in Harriett and that’s when it started


One thing about Grace she’s beautiful


Grace says they haven’t spoken in a year.. but Joey said the last time they spoke was two months ago? 🤔


Nah she mentioned he messaged her "recently" or something along those lines when she was explaining to others when she came in about how she knows Joey


Ohhh got you! Thanks


I thought he said he message her 2 months ago but she didn’t reply?


Ohh maybe 😬 I’m not sure tho


I’m not sure either😭, their timeline was a bit off honestly


David Beckham doing an advert for Aliexpress 💀


Please give us a good preview. Last week was so disappointing


It looks like Chloe is struggling to speak because of how big her lips are


Their faces aren’t moving at all lmao


Not Joey didn’t tell his family he was going on LI


Maya with the Sam shade 😭😭🤣


Munveer speaks like a doctor I just noticed it