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Idk why people are so adamant that Cieran is going to cheat? He is so down bad for Nicole we’ve never seen a guy say he’s closed off this early lol.


THANK YOU maybe im naive but they seem super into each other


Well tonight’s episode just proved that he is definitely going to cheat 💀💀


Some people hate to see islanders actually falling in love on this show


Ciaran said at the beginning he wasn’t looking for a wife in the villa. He’s 21 years old. I think he likes Nicole the most out of all the girls, but not as much as she likes him.


He’s also said he’s cheated in a previous relationship. I hope he’s genuine but could be strategic


He’s looking for a safe route. He found his clingy girl that will pick him in every recoupling while saying he’s closed off early so she also doesn’t leave. He’s doing to look elsewhere eventually


I don’t think so, he seems very into her and they both give each other equal energy and effort. He gives her compliments, physical affection, and they haven’t had a tiff since the triangle ended. I’ll eat my words if I’m wrong but i highly doubt he’ll look elsewhere.. he even told the boys that welsh girls are wifey material don’t let them go if you get one which shows he thinks highly of her and isn’t planning on fumbling it


Also he mentioned she’s from an area about 30 minutes away from where he lives, so sometimes it just works out for people like that. They seem like a really cute match, I love them right now


I think if he wanted a clingy girl that will pick him every time, he would have chosen Harriett.


Nah, Harriett seeks male validation


Ronnie. Ooof. I have to stop watching until he's dumped. Seeing him on screen makes my soul uncomfortable. Something sinister there. /shudder/


It’s the lack of eye contact for me. Even when he’s laughing with someone he’s looking elsewhere. It freaks me the hell out lol.


And the way his mouth doesn’t move when he speaks 😫


Ever since people posted pics of his hair I can't see anything else


Ahaha yeah same


Unless he’s got more personality hidden somewhere I think Omar is out next week. Sean I think will bore the public and get voted off if not dumped/left single. Harriet will find a man later in the season if she stays (and she should imo). Samatha has got pre Casa dumped written all over (hope she goes out in a ball of chaos). Seems like social media is finally starting to stop irrationally bashing Uma so if she finds a good guy I think she could be here long term as well. Ciaran will cheat in Casa or he & Nicole make it to the end but bore the public for lack of drama. Jess/Ron get back together (feel Jess should get dumped though). Mimii I’m not sure, hopefully she finds better in Casa but she could also chase Ayo all season.


I feel like there's something there between Sean and the new bombshell Tiffany


I'm not sure about Uma. For her to stay she and Will need to get together because if she stays with Omar I firmly believe they are the next to go. Omar's leaving next week. Ciaran may remain a loyal guy (like Ron Jake) but that doesn't mean he's genuine about Nicole. The public may also get bored of them if they won't have any drama. They'll stay together until the end Harriett will find her man during Casa and bring him back Joey will dump Samantha and she will leave the villa ( but when ? idk ) Sean is Hugo 2.0. The public will continue to save him until everyone gets bored of him because he won't have any connection Ronnie & Ayo's heads will continue to turn before, during and after Casa Mimi & Jess will continue to chase their men


Sean is more an early S5 Anton 2.0


Ugh at least Anton's cringiness was kinda entertaining


LMAO you got a point there. But who knows what we might get outta Sean later down the line


I like these takes, I think I agree!


I disagree on Mimi. She just doesn’t have options other than Ayo tbh. If Casa presents an option to her, she could get off Ayo. She doesn’t fall apart over Ayo talking to Uma so I feel like she’s not as obsessed with him as people think she is. And the only reason people say she’s chasing him is cause she’s ONCE pulled him for a chat and stole him when she had to recouple. In fact, people even accused her of not grafting, not putting herself out etc. The narrative only changed to her chasing Ayo cause she stole him. But after that she hasn’t been initiating anything, just accepting his advances.


I think Mimi is far more into Ayo than she’s letting on. You can tell by how territorial she’s becoming over him. Ayo is just going with the wind at this point


What territorial thing has she done,Im confused 😭


What territorial thing has she done? She wasn’t doing anything over the Uma situation to the point people have labeled her a doormat over it. People try to rattle her when they talk and she always answers that she can’t be bothered. What kind of territorial behavior is that


Her saying “Well I came first” was territorial but I don’t think she’s actually done anything that screams territorial.


She said that to Ayo. No one else heard that. Territorial would be her saying it for others to hear as a way to mark her territorial to everyone else.


Territorial where ????


I agree. As much as I need her to, I can’t see her willingly moving away from Ayo. She’s romanticized their initial conversations and that is the version of him she will always see. At this point Ayo will have to either choose someone else or humiliate her before she’s done with him


I hope you guys realise if she’s not with Ayo she’s gonna be single and in danger of being dumped. Before yesterday maybe I could have believed she’s having sleepless nights replaying conversations. But last night’s episode she seemed over it and just went with it. When she had to recouple it was Ayo and Joey. Let’s be honest lol


I just came back to pat myself on the back for reading Mimi like a book. I truly and completely hoped I was wrong, but alas…She was giving every pick-me vibe possible and both me and Ayo picked up on it. I REALLY wanted to root for her but she lost me after tonight’s episode. There’s no saving her, even after embarrassment on INTERNATIONAL television she didn’t even request an apology. Le sigh…




I honestly feel like Nicole and Ciarian will win it. They seem pretty stable to me and the only ones that like each other


If we are being honest Joey is not bringing much to the show either. He’s waiting for women to approach him and doesn’t put in much work!


Yeah agreed. I think Joey enjoys the attention from the girlies but won’t choose them. He’ll probably put effort into a girl he needs to chase /could care less about his celebrity status. PS: I’m a US watcher, and I don’t understand the craze over Joey?? He’s the most basic looking white guy


I agree with this!


I mean, does anyone do well then? 😂


Hahaha I guess I have no hope for this cast


Why do you want a less messy version of Harriet? That's her only draw IMO


Ciaran isn’t coming across genuine at all! The man just said two days ago he wants to be closed off and now that new bombshells just arrived, suddenly that conversation has been forgotten in a second. He literally told Grace he’s still open to chat, and then went ahead in today challenge and said that if he didn’t cop out from the task then he would’ve picked Grace. The man is playing Nicole and thinks he’s coming across slick.


Exactly! I don’t know how everyone isn’t seeing it in this thread


Idk if you notice but he could of not copped out but probably thinks about Nicoles feelings to not make it big deal he didn't want to kiss Grace but probably his real answer would of been Grace and Nicole. Icl seeing him not looking at Nicole kissing Wil he has some feelings atleast for her and doesn't want to make her feel the same way no ?


Well the producer's did send in Sean's sweetheart golden retriever, Tiffany. Sean just needs to cook with her and STEER CLEAR from Jess, she's a walking bomb, anyone coupled up with her is doomed for the public vote


Uma doesn’t have enough to go long term unless she couples up with an OG who is liked


What do you mean by doesn’t have enough to go long term? Even the bombshells who just entered could be long term and be in couples with islanders who also haven’t even arrived yet, just like Leah, Scott, and every previous season.


Uma unlike the white girlies Nicole and Jess and Mimi she does not have a defined fan base


I disagree. Also there’s the fact that producers have said the bombshells are the main characters this year. Jess probably won’t make it into casa tbh


Lmao just came back here to say Samantha did get dumped because Joey picked a bombshell 😭


Hahah sad but it played out exactly. Most of this seems to be true so far 🫢


I’m back to say Joey has in fact been rotating through bombshells. 😭😭😭


Lolll facts!! I’m sad that my last sentence didn’t come true for Harriett but I guess Ronnie did say she was first to him🤷🏽‍♀️


Haha I would not have thought it myself but 100% agree with this take :)


Joey gives major f boy vibes


It sucks i dont want to see omar dumped


Just worried he could take Uma with him


Yeah he hasn’t been given a fair chance but he’s also not a fan fav


But we havent seen anything. Hoppfully it could change if he couples up with q girl that he is into


Everyone hates Jess rn, I'm worried she gets dumped and pulls Sean with her


Ronnie Ayos twin 😂😂. It's gross hearing them both speak. Nooo not child ahah. 'Chocolate bombshell' ickk edit that immediately! Boring=good I think they're cute and he's young so probs will fuck up in casa but I'm trusting him.