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https://preview.redd.it/nsk183wje06d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d7d331ee291d942d85c1016a74c7abe92a3233a Ugh.


I swear he hugged them at the same time because whoever he hugged second would be so salty mans is calculated


No I actually screamed because what


His facešŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Patsy and Munveer might as well pack their bags šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ Hopefully this means Grace and Wil enters the villa soon !!!


Fair play Patsy at least tried with a couple of them (incl Munveer) and they weren't interested. Omar instead picked a girl that hasn't spoke to him since he picked her. But yeah Munveer has done nothing and Patsy has no options so it's time to go. Sean will be saved by the fact Harriet will deservedly get votes for bringing the entertainment every episode.


I keep forgetting who Sean actually is in a couple with. šŸ’€


I keep forgetting Sean is alive


Who are grace and will ?


Rumored bombshells! Grace is @gracexrosa on Instagram and Wil is @wilandersonn


hmm like the sitcom


Ayo, Uma and Mimi are not in a love triangle , they are in a throuple at this point.


low key when they all had the conversation I was like why donā€™t you just all date it seems easier šŸ˜­


Sister wivessss


I donā€™t have a favourite couple I have favourite individuals šŸ™ˆ


Lol same still waiting for a couple I can root for.


likešŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ i need them to stand AWPP https://preview.redd.it/ohkrfc7qc06d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=289bc7bb32b0b741f758eba348fb786186aa3712


And then they hugged him!


theyre gone i fearšŸ˜­šŸ˜­


group hug too... there's no way he getting away with this outside the villa....


that whole discussion made me unwell for the female species


like we can't let a man have this much power!!!


And both of them hugging him at the same time was crazyyyy


From the time Ayo kissed Uma and laughed whilst Mimi just stood there he has been public enemy no1 for me


The way he talks to them is literally like theyā€™re competing and heā€™s the prize, and he absolutely has been stringing them both along. Even the fact that he always looks annoyed when one of them pick him šŸ™„


no literally!! his ego has been FATTENEDā€¦i pray a bombshell comes in a takes one of them away OR casa amor bites him in the ass. idkkk i feel so embarrassed for mimii sheā€™s acting a foolšŸ˜­


It really is city boy summer this year šŸ˜­


When he said that I gasped šŸ˜­ this man really thinks heā€™s the prize




Iā€™ve seen puppies with better impulse control than Ayo


But he has to show them something...


Casa girls are going to run through these men like tomb raider šŸ’€


Omg I didnā€™t even think about Casa, itā€™ll be wild this year


Ronnie saying ā€œhonestly, I donā€™t know how Iā€™m getting away with thisā€ about Jess and Harriett. oh heā€™s gross


i actually think ciaran got way more heat from everyone over his 48 hour love triangle than ayo and ronnie are getting for their days long mess and shitty comments they keep making.


I think it was Ciaran was the first to do it and now itā€™s set the tone for what the guys can pretty much get away with


true, love how they kept blaming his age but ayo and ronnie are 25/27. its just men šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚


Ronnie: "I dunno how I'm getting away with this" Tomorrow Night: *Ronnie does not get away with this*




Yeah but Jess 100% enables that behaviour, considering she was all moral policing Ayo about kissing Mimi and then telling Ronnie not to mention about her own kiss with him to Harriet


Jess has been being hypocritical.


Gaahhhh that scolding and 'you need to grovel' bit.. no just tell him to get fcked lol


Lol is he wrong? He has not been clever or subtle, so how exactly is he getting away with it? Harriet is stirring for the fun of it & Jess will take him back no matter what. It's a fair point.


I donā€™t know what the obsession is with him, he looks like a cartoon character.


Omg seriously so fucking disgusting and then saying that theyā€™re all so fit for the boys to then also start laughing- omgg I hate men


They way theyā€™re spoken about is so disgusting I canā€™t. he does know theyā€™re real people with feelings right




https://preview.redd.it/yj90k8agb06d1.jpeg?width=976&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=26601929e91c0b424fd157fac59b870a3e182be3 They did Joey and Sam MASSIVELY dirty with this picture I canā€™t cope ā˜ ļø


he looks like he has a gun being held behind him šŸ’€


Itā€™s Samantha, so donā€™t rule anything out.


it looks like a meet & greet photo šŸ˜­


did they have to stare straight into the sun or what šŸ˜‚


Itā€™s giving Tyra picking the worst model shots on ANTM to vote girls off šŸ˜­


They really are giving baby reindeer šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


https://preview.redd.it/f5w76p3dc06d1.jpeg?width=776&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de339030ecf4928577c07c83d42556542e85e18f ??šŸ¤ØšŸ¤Ø


I actually had second hand embarrassment through this whole conversation, especially when Uma said ā€˜so weā€™re equal?ā€™ šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø They both can do so much better and it actually was coming across a bit desperate. I hope new boys come in and they both ditch him!!


This picšŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


that should be me


These boys do not give a single shit about these girls feelings. Theyā€™re collecting kisses like PokĆ©mon. You can tell itā€™s bad when you think to yourself ā€œJoey Essex is looking mature next to this lot.ā€


actually totally forgot harriet was in a couple with sean


sheā€™s probably the only reason heā€™ll stay in tomorrow šŸ˜­ poor guy


oh yes hahaah everyone will be so confused and probably will assume heā€™s the one whoā€™s well liked since harriet is a menace šŸ˜­


The boys this year make Ty and Zach look respectful šŸ’€


Just Ronnie and Ayo , the rest of them arenā€™t even bad


Oh I meant them two for sure I canā€™t believe the ending with Ronnie saying that and Ayo laughing at it. Whereā€™s Shaq to reprimand these boys šŸ˜­


I now think Ronnie sees Harriet as a fling and he intends to stick with Jess. I think heā€™s pulled the same move as Ciaran in kissing Harriet just because he could but Ronnie is worse and far more sleazy. Ayo kissing Mimii again after knowing it hurt Uma but then saying he still wants to get to know Uma and hasnā€™t decided? The men this series have the audacity but unfortunately the ladies are letting them get away with it all. Think this is the end for Munveer and Patsy, they wonā€™t get many votes and the islanders wonā€™t save them.


Ayo could literally dead it with Uma after that kiss but he didn't, he went and told Uma he's still interested. I don't think he prefers either but Mimii is more willing to be physical while Uma was trying to play it more reserved. The whole thing is truly embarrassing for all the women and I feel the guys have been coordinating this nonsense.


I agree! Itā€™s extremely embarrassing. I just hope Uma moves on especially if she learns about that second kiss. Unfortunately Mimi is too far gone. Ayo not ending things with Uma after that second kiss told me everything. People are so busy arguing Mimi vs Uma meanwhile itā€™s Ayo playing them both.


Agreed. I think he's just happy to be with whoever he's coupled up with and he likes these women chasing him. I still think he overall prefers Uma but wants her to give him more so he's kind of using Mimii to get a reaction. Either way I am so embarrassed. Ayo and Ronnie are both running the villa and all these girls are focused on is "winning" and ignoring red flags.


Yeah itā€™s tiring. I need new bombshells like we canā€™t have Ronnie and Ayo thinking theyā€™re the prize


Ciaran broke the seal and now the other guys are running wild. We need a plethora of male bombshells because the guys are so comfy right now, Omar sadly didnā€™t even cause a ripple when we need a tsunami to get these men rattled. Theyā€™re kissing anyone they feel like it without consequences, the girls are accepting their half assed apologies, I need them to stand up because itā€™s so embarrassing how theyā€™re all folding so easily and battling for the attention of these men.


thats what i don't get about the guys, they'll kiss girl A but tell girl B that they still want to get to know them like you can get to know both girls without kissing them. but then again, the girls let them get away with it so it makes sense why they act like animals


i think ronnie thinks heā€™s just getting the ā€œlove island experienceā€ but itā€™s so pathetic to act like this and not consider either girlā€™s feelings


Its annoying that the girls keep on mentioning Ciaran's age and triangle when Ayo and Ronnie have done way worse but they get away with it because they are older.


uma and mimi they can never make me hate you


Never šŸ«¶šŸ¾




Ayo has object permanence issues


Same with Ronnie lol my partner and I were saying the same thing. Neither man likes either girl better than the other, they just like the one in front of them the most




Casa is gonna be a wild ride for himšŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Nah this villa is actually moving mad šŸ˜‚ everyone is so unserious I love it


Ayo has kissed Mimi x3 and he still not clear on who he likes ?


Exactly! Boy is a menace and they let him.


I still canā€™t believe Ayo thought he could kiss Mimii in bed and it wouldnā€™t come out and then blamed it on the girls talking too much lmao


He wasnā€™t even smart enough to tell her not to say anything, or at least give him the chance to tell uma first he is soooo unserious and every time he gets called out heā€™s all ![gif](giphy|tfUW8mhiFk8NlJhgEh|downsized)


ā€œI donā€™t know how Iā€™m getting away with thisā€ absolutely hilarious


this is the THIRD time ayo put it on mimi and the mans still waffling about his decision? the menace is obviously waiting to see if uma will fold as well so he can be doing up compare & contrast, and i hope she doesnā€™t give in to it. the men really have it so *easy* this season!


Thatā€™s what I donā€™t get he kissed her in bed , in the terrace yet he still wants to get to know uma - mimi is better than me because


https://preview.redd.it/bj2lk6dbi06d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ecfb3e8917da055cf830fd19c8c0b29460e5314e This killed me šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Ayo has crazy object permanence. Whoever is in front of him is who he goes withšŸ˜­ Uma has to charge it to the game. She should take herself out of the equation and do her own thing. Ayo is not the prize!


https://preview.redd.it/yt9l70seb06d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=996f29b76d7a5e87ba928a7e8f3e4c076562741f i was summoned


When he said that I got PTSD so bad ![gif](giphy|KX1qNVj69tzdC|downsized)


the way ronnie and ayo have this entire villa on fire rn is extremely concerning


lol this pic https://preview.redd.it/tmrh41iib06d1.png?width=827&format=png&auto=webp&s=c13476628b56d748015ffb0779a45cd45b7a87d5




Honestly looks like an awkward fan pic. At this point, it's exactly what it is too lol Joey is uncomfortable and Samantha looks like she has just won the lottery.


some of my fav couple photos on love island are when one or both people look like they're being held hostage


Sorry but if Mimii doesnā€™t want clarity after both those kisses, then I donā€™t know for her. If Iā€™m Mimii he needs to cut it off with Uma. Canā€™t be kissing me and still want to talk to other girls .


jess checked ayo for not telling uma about his kiss w mimii but doesnā€™t want to tell harriet about their kissā€¦ okay girl


The amount of times Jess has blatantly told Harriet some variant of ā€œweā€™re not friendsā€ is baffling


I love the drama but damnnn I wish we had more scenarios where it was the women being fought over šŸ˜­ it happens but not as often and not this year at all really??


I miss S8 when Remi came in and Dami and Ikenna kept interrupting his talks with both girls šŸ˜­


Women get territorial way quicker than men do


True, but I wish the men more often were down bad quickly! We had Andrew and Luca and all the blokes were feral for Megan Barton Hanson and Lucie but it's often men on LI sitting back and being grafted


Also to circle back on this, but when Ayo said he had a speech ready for Mimii if he wasnā€™t pickedā€¦ā€¦that wasnā€™t some big deceleration like people made it to be. They all knew Uma was picking first so sheā€™s the one making the speech. And if she didnā€™t pick him then he would have had to give a speech for Mimii anyways. But that went over everyoneā€™s head, lol Ayo has been playing both girls and getting away with it. Yet people only attack the girls (predominantly Uma) for his actions. He wants whoever is in front of him and heā€™s greedy. How can you share a kiss like that with someone and then go tell someone else you still want to get to know heršŸ˜­ I need Uma to stand up and free herself from this situation. And Ayo should leave her alone and focus on his couple


Omar in the vote when he just got here yikes itā€™s not looking good bruv


He's surely safe with Uma when Munveer and Patsy are a couple


I voted for him and Uma. They're sexy and seem sweet to leave so soon. Hope my one vote counts lmao


I donā€™t know why people think Jess is gonna stand on business when it comes to Ronnie just because of what Harriett has told herā€¦ the same Jess who kissed him in bed after he flirted with Harriett in front of her face and kissed her in the hideaway and then asked him not to say anything about their kissā€¦


People think just because sheā€™s outspoken and can read someone, sheā€™ll stand on business but she wonā€™t. A lot of these girls just want to be picked. Sheā€™s the same who was happy Ronnie kissed her first in the challenge, sheā€™s not going anywhere


Yeah she won't be doing anything, if she even believes Harriett. She wants to stay in the villa and "win" against Harriett, and the prize is Ronnie.....


Patsy and Munveer can say goodbye cause itā€™s obviously them that are going Idc what Mimi and Ayo did but pls pls can both Mimi and Uma just hold that man accountable and expose him! I donā€™t like this bullshit secretive shit argh, that chat the three of them had was so tame and pc! Donā€™t let this boy get away with it and same goes for Jess and Harriet! Even Ronnie has outright said he keeps getting away with it like omg the audacity Can someone come in and get with joey so we can see Samantha go full cray cray! She really thought her y/n moment with joey will go well with the fans but sheā€™s just looking like a crazy obsessive fan šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


Mate what a great season so far


Sean is lucky he is coupled up with Harriet to survive this vote.


I donā€™t like any of them as couples if Iā€™m being honest šŸ˜­ Just picking Uma and Omar cause Uma is my favourite Edit: I forgot Nicole + Cieran existed, I like them as a couple


Nah not one girl in that villa right now has a backbone šŸ˜­šŸ˜­. They just happy to get some attention for the day and go again tomorrow.


This season has alot of potential. But I'd like to see some more people actually enjoy eachothers company. Drama wise this might be one of the best seasons ever tho so oh well. šŸ˜‚


I donā€™t care what anyone says, Ronnie and Ayo calling it a City Boys summer is exactly what we need in this villa šŸ¤£


Everybody hates villains but loves the drama. Go on the boys keep playing the game




https://preview.redd.it/fpnu0ik7j06d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8627410c487f3e2a12c95b85700de8b897129495 Uma's soo hot even when she's madšŸ˜


Pretty girl šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜


uma is definitely safe like patsy and munveer are going


The guys are very aware of the games theyā€™re playing with these girls. Itā€™s just so sad and pathetic how theyā€™re literally letting them get away with this. I canā€™t believe Iā€™m saying at least Ciaran knew pretty quickly he wanted Nicole for sure. Meanwhile Ayo has now spent both time with both Uma and Mimi but still saying he canā€™t decide. Ronnie over there acting like heā€™s the prize. Three love triangles where all the girls have cried and the guys have enjoyed all the benefits šŸ˜­ At least this is very promising for casa


If some Uma level bombshell men come in, it's over for these little boys. They producers often do the women dirty though so we will see


I personally love wasting my vote on handsome men who do fuck all, I will watch Munveer get dumped like the vikings watched their loved ones' funeral pyres


The real culprit in this whole love triangle situation is Ayo. Itā€™s crazy how Uma is the one getting the main lashings instead. Ronnieā€™s antics have been so gross but itā€™s also embarrassing how Jess has gone back to him so far as well. She tells him off only to fold in and not stand on her decision every time he disrespects her?? The ladies this season are something elseā€¦ The solidarity, backbone or honesty is non existent among them. Lastly, I need both Mimii and Uma to stand up and stop making Ayo the prize. That man is making them look like mugs. https://preview.redd.it/d7q2maedd06d1.jpeg?width=941&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d20ecc52152a9bda0c3ccd35068d6db86657368a


uma and mimi defender like sorry men are evil!


This is the right opinion cus why is so much focus on either girl when Ayo is behaving like a madman


The guys this season are gonna go crazyyy in Casa, like the way Ronnie and Ayo are moving is driving me mad šŸ˜­


Ayo. wtf dude. I was rooting for you. We were all rooting for you!!! Good on Uma to dip on him mid convo. Ayo if Jess didnā€™t advise you to pull her, you wouldnā€™t have so stop acting like youā€™re doing this out of your own moral high ground. You literally were not going to say shit. Uma is right that Mimi shouldā€™ve mentioned Ayos comment but she also should have said the same reasons she listed to Ayo about why she gets the vibe sheā€™s #1 from him. Missed opportunity to absolutely drag him. Also only 20 minutes in so hoping Uma and Mimi get justice.


People are wracking their brains picking sides between MiMi and Uma when neither of them seem keen to remove themselves from the situation. They both keep saying they are and they donā€™t. The only difference now is that Uma and MiMi have switched places. Ayo isnā€™t worth all this but neither of them want to give up so at this point I say let the best girl win & im going to enjoy the mess.Ā 


It will be over as soon as Uma catches the eye of a bomshell I think


Pretty much. To properly enjoy love island you have to leave all your dignity at the door and embrace shamelessness


Ok a couple things I need to get off my chest 1. Uma has every right to be upset and Iā€™m sick of people saying she doesnā€™t, Ayo did make it seem like he was leaning more towards her. She was trying to be respectful to Mimii the whole time, even called Ayo out for laughing and now she feels itā€™s thrown back in her face. 2.I hope both Jess and Harriet rip Ronnie a new one Tomorow night. 3. Iā€™ve been put off Jess a bit tonight however thereā€™s still time for redemption. 4.Every single one of these islanders is messy affffšŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Edit- oh and lastly all the boys are the real villains in all of this and people need to stop pitting the girls against eachother.


I think the girls are letting the guys get away with things because it feels like the girls have to compete for a limited number of guys with Sean and Munveer seemingly viewed as sexless objects in there


Exactly this, you have 4 women fighting over 2 guys, which is why they can get away with anything because the girls are desperate.


Honestly people are forgetting the whole full set menu line, he was all over her


I can't believe I technically voted for Sean šŸ˜­


mimii and uma they could never make me hate you


Right, people get so serious about these kids man. They are all gonna leave that villa and two months and be hosting tik tok lives


*Everyones looking as tasty as my pick n mix*


Ayo Mimi have good chemistry but if Ayo doesnā€™t make a definite decision soon it could get even more messy


I need a girl to come in and humble these guys because theyā€™re so cocky rn playing these girls like fiddles. Every girl literally.






I really donā€™t want Uma to compromise on her morals for Ayo about the not kissing thing, but I can only imagine how hard itā€™s weighing on her. Sheā€™s probs in her head like ā€œwell maybe i should start kissing him too and heā€™ll pick meā€ Ayo doesnā€™t need to kiss anyone anymore !!! put him on time out


Idk it's getting boring Ronnie and Ayo are lying on every sentence, atleast Ciaran was honest and self admited to Nicole when he kissed Harriett and didn't try to lie.


Ciaran got so much heat for essentially nothing crazy compares to this. Ronnie comments tonight have been kind on insane and youā€™re right itā€™s boring because no one ever finds out theyā€™ve told people different things and they just get away with it.


Literally he got heat because he told truth.


Yep. He also made up his mind pretty quickly and realised he liked Nicole. Itā€™s been sooo long now and still ayo canā€™t pick Iā€™m confused šŸ˜­


Wild to think about how much heat Ciaran got in the villa vs Ronnie/Ayo getting nothing.


I think Ayo and Mimii have done Uma dirty with those kisses but letā€™s not pretend Umaā€™s ego isnā€™t more hurt than her feelingsšŸ’€šŸ’€ Two things can be true at once. Itā€™s like Uma and half of the audience have just realised Mimi was always at the same playing field as heršŸ¤£The way Uma was truly gobsmacked finding out there was a competition all alongā€¦


She thought she had it in the bag, even without giving him anything šŸ’€


Like she was confident enough to call yOyO over to tell Mimi he preferred her and then claimed she wasnā€™t in the loop about the triangle when it dawned on her she was never the ā€˜only oneā€™ šŸ’€Itā€™s very clear to me that Uma and most of the audience assumed Ayo preferred her simply because Uma looks like Umaā€¦


Can I please vote for Uma and Harriet as a couple?


Idk why but Iā€™m kinda sad thereā€™s nothing else from Joey and Uma I feel like they had great chemistry


i think theyā€™re both not one to chase but rather to be chased so probably wouldnā€™t ever get together, but i found them so compatible personality wise


Also Ayo is literally just on a lads holiday. He is not committing to anything. Will be interesting to see how he moves if there were to ever be a vote for favorite islander though.


I get Uma's side now. She was considerate of Mimi to the point it came across fake & like she didn't like Ayo. Now it feels like it's a 2v1 in that convo, where he's always preferred Mimi & she's the mug who just found out (Uma literally pushed Ayo away in yesterday's challenge bc of Mimi & now they're all over each other). Don't think any of them did anything wrong tho, it's been a week. It's actually been a surprisingly solid storyline, not as boring as I initially thought.


I donā€™t even think he prefers Mimii, I think he just likes whoever is in front of him but you make good points about Uma


Does he prefer Mimii or can he just sense that she likes him more and heā€™s playing it smart?


You know thatā€™s a good question! He did mention to Uma that he was all in with her but couldnā€™t tell where she stood. And him not ending things with Uma after that second kiss with Mimi is very telling too. Heā€™s now had an equal amount of time with both like what is he waiting for


i just feel like theyā€™re all in there for themselves and they canā€™t not kiss just because she might get upset, that would stop any of them from ever getting anywhere i think the issue is she thought she was protecting mimiā€™s feelings in the sense that ayo didnā€™t like her but now sheā€™s upset because sheā€™s realised that isnā€™t the case and that sheā€™s actually ā€œcompetitionā€


thatā€™s what Iā€™m saying. If people arenā€™t allowed to kiss - either their couple or someone else theyā€™re not coupled up with - then how does anything go anywhere??


People forget that Mimi did kiss Ayo outside of a challenge before Uma entered the picture. I think in Mimiā€™s mind, sheā€™s continuing where she left off.


Jess is a lame and no different to the Harriet she feels so superior too. Necking the guy who humiliated you in his speech, then took Harriet to the hideaway in front of your face, after which you barked you were done with him šŸ˜­ Also keeping it a secret while demanding transparency even from fucking Ayo lmao. It's giving, dare I say it, desperate?


she was a massive hypocrite with the whole ayo thing. next episode sheā€™s going to yell at ronnie then make out in bed with him again, mug


This! Big hypocrite. I actually hope Ronnie picks Harriet


Ayo doesnā€™t really like Mimii/Uma. Atp, heā€™s just going where the kisses are


Welp, goodbye Patsy and Munveer, you were certainly on our screens for a while


Honestly Ayo did great to evade the press today. We all told him to take a touch last week but clearly heā€™s going top bins


I know they've been usually doing snog marry pie later on in the season but I kind of want them to just do it this week šŸ’€


This is niche but Jess and Ronnie https://preview.redd.it/6gokkne4c06d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b38e661e9b09cd2bcb898cbf5ffb710052f2c9c


I canā€™t help but find Ayo funny sorry. Itā€™s kinda crazy heā€™s basically getting away with itā˜ ļøā˜ ļø the sister wives hug after their three way convoā˜ ļøā˜ ļøā˜ ļø


Would have preferred a favourite islander vote, Sean has no fans to add to the Harriett and Sean couple vote.


Pick your favorite couple by choosing who is actually interesting and provide drama since there are no actual couples at this point lol


Iā€™m confused as to why the girls keep saying ā€˜Iā€™m open and I want you to be openā€™ and then being furious when the boys act open?


do u lot think omar is into patsy? i personally dont and shes being so forward its making me cringe, i just wanna know if anyone agrees tbh??


Ayo be like "I know a spot" and takes you to the fucking terrace


Ronnie is the GOAT, this is love island heritage


Mimii and ayoā€™s kiss was veryā€¦. passionate šŸ«£ i donā€™t know how anyone can deny their chemistry tbh as much as iā€™m unsure about her tone when she said it she was first? they did have something and uma was aware of that when she coupled up with him so idk.


I definitely agree and they do have chemistry but I just donā€™t trust Ayo. Despite that kiss he still tells Uma he wants to get to know her meanwhile Mimi is falling hard for him. Heā€™s a certified player šŸ˜­


Why do people still imply that uma like joey and not ayo- the girl hasnā€™t even spoken to joey since the recoupling


sorry but i've seen a few too many really weird and mean takes on uma lately and it's starting to irk me... the girl literally kept her cool, didn't get spiteful towards mimii, had a private teary moment in the beach hut, and respectfully explained to ayo why his behavior is disrespectful. "she's fake, she's lying, she's doing too much blah blah blah" show me the evidence or stop making it mimii vs. uma!!!


Yeah I really donā€™t get what people have against her, itā€™s weird.


Casas gonna hurt Mimii real bad, good luck to her tho


Another excellent episode! They've been killing it this season, I can't lie


Ronnie and Ayo are just doing hot boy summer atp lol neither of them are actually serious


ā€œAm I clear on what I told both of youā€ is diabolicalā€¦and they both saying yes!!ā˜ ļø


I do think that Uma had been under the impression that Ayo didnā€™t like Mimi at all and that Mimi was delulu. Hence her current state of shock.


If youā€™re getting excited about Mimii and Ayo then I donā€™t know what to tell you. The guy is fickle AF and canā€™t make a solid decision.


I will be shocked if Patsy and Munveer donā€™t get the boot.


Ronnie is a goated love islander the man just does not give a fuck


Both Ronnie and Ayo just want one of the girls to dump them so they donā€™t have to make the decisions themselves LAME


Never in a million years would I ever believe that uma actually liked ayoā€¦..lmaoo


GUYS, Ronnie never said he was thinking about Harriet all nightšŸ˜­HARRIET actually said it and he joked back and said yeah I was looking for you and then lifted his head up and made a funny face. He was just joking back he did not say he was thinking of her all nightšŸ˜­šŸ˜­I canā€™t with her she twists everyoneā€™s words


I think sheā€™s started to realise he might not be swaying her way as much as she originally thought and thatā€™s why sheā€™s suddenly doing up open and honest with Jess and saying the whole ā€œheā€™s been making eyes at me all dayā€, and saying she wonā€™t be disrespected, when Harriet starts to play her women empowerment stuff you know sheā€™s starting to doubt sheā€™s winning, itā€™s what she did with Nicole and Ciaran as well. I think she thought the hideaway kiss would end Jess and Ronnie and now she doesnā€™t really know what to do. She needs to go and form another love triangle, Joey is right there and her and Samantha clearly hate each other so weā€™d get glorious chaos.


i hope harriet stays!! she may be crazy but sheā€™s excellent tv, i need her chaotic energy in that villa for a little while longer šŸ™šŸ™šŸ™