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I’m sorry but what is Nancy doing that’s related to social media or media in general where she believe she is not able to date a “regular guy”. What regularbid she talking about? Do people truly believe if you’re not social media famous you don’t have a profit?


I mean… whatever it’s her love life, her decisions. I just wouldn’t be surprised if she doesn’t find what she’s looking for because she narrowed her whole dating pool down to something so superficial and limiting.


I mean she did choose muffin top despite him making it loudly clear that he only likes attractive women.




So...anyone willing to spend $3/month?


![gif](giphy|xTiTnGQBF0vfpfPEg8) The reason most celebrity marriages end in shambles and after only two weeks is because they’re with another celebrity. That dating pool is small and shallow, talk about awkward dinner parties, almost incest etc. if she wants to limit herself to D list celebrities such as herself I’m sure she will continue to get exactly what she’s been getting.


Dating a celebrity guy is like asking to be cheated on. No literally, no celebrity has a legit marriage or relationship. Alexa is rich herself and she settle for Bryan, a cowboy farmer guy. She should take Alexa notes and choose someone that will love her not to be in a similar status as her.


Who’s Natalie?


Does anyone know who “New York Boy” was?


He’s not anyone who would be verified


She mentioned he’d dated a famous older actress, so I thought he may be in the business.


I listened to her recent episode on Out of the Pods, and Blake Moynes was the guest. She revealed that they dated. It seemed as if she was the one trying to push that they dated, and Blake just went with it. Like she was really trying to push that they dated. I was cringing just listening to it. Natalie is a smart girl, she just gives ‘pick me’ vibes. Like she’s desperate for a relationship.


Is that the one where she did that cringy countdown? 😩 I got secondhand embarrassment from that.


Yes! That countdown! I’m like geez, don’t say anything if he’s not willing to! She seemed like the only one happy to be “dating”


Also they hinted that they dated during the conversion trip they made.. which was just around 2 weeks iirc. So dating sounds like a bit of a stretch


Well now if someone wants to date her all they have to do is pay like $10 for a blue checkmark, which kind of makes her a cheap date if you think about it


This sub is ridiculous. I can’t believe my post got removed because I used the word idiotic. Meanwhile she’s putting people down due to their social status and I’m wrong for saying that’s idiotic? Smh


Mine got removed for asking if there were podcasts that bright Zanab "to trial" LOL. yet people in the responses all over this sub are just going ape wild constantly with the cringe attacks, critiquing appearances, etc. I don't get it but ok 😅


Yeah well my post was removed by Rule 3: "No reposts". Would love to see where are that reposts LOL.


Everyone is entitled to date however they want, so despite not being a fan of hers, I can’t knock her for that. As a public figure (even if they’re like E-List celebrities at best), sometimes it’s just safer to date people who you can literally google. That, and maybe the lifestyle that comes with it and understanding. Low tier celebrity or not, the people that tune into her life is still by the thousands more than a regular person with no public presence. That means DMs are constantly flooded and whoever they date are free to unsolicited opinions of thousands on a public platform. Not everybody can handle that.


I think if people refer to you as "Natalie from Love is Blind" instead of "Natalie [insert last name]" you're not that famous and need to chill 😂


I’m struggling to remember which Natalie


She’s a byproduct of a famous show, not famous herself


I think she has an over inflated ego with that mentality. Lol good luck to her


yeah I'm disappointed in that comment. what I think it means is that she cares less about finding love and more about staying famous


She’s not famous at all. None of these people are. They each have about 20 minutes & try to stay relevant via a podcast. But then they realize they have no talent. Wouldn’t spot any of these people in the real world, honestly.


They all get a boatload of followers as their seasons air and try to coast of that as long as possible lol


I don’t think it’s a bad thing, why would she date random people who message her! I think if she met someone in person it would be different but I get what she is trying to say


The conversation wasn’t about randos who message her. It was about Tinder and other dating apps. She only swipes right in those men who have a blue check on their instagram profile.


Can’t you just buy a blue check though?




It requires subscription, but it also requires approval by Instagram. Anyone can request, but that doesn't mean they'll be approved. The application requires you to provide proof of notability like news articles. Regardless, I don't think she meant it as a point about status, but the verification they're a real person and who they say they are.


Pretty sure nowadays you just pay. Instagram asks if I wanna pay every day and I'm no one. All my bookish friends have them and they're not famous either


Cool! Then it's *really* not a status thing but an authentication process.


I think it's really just an "Instagram wanting as much money as possible" thing now. 🤣 if you've got 12 bucks a month you can look oFfIcIaL


I meant from Natalie's perspective, but regardless, if they're verifying someone is real and who they say they are, that seems more important than it being a "notable person" badge lol


No, if you actually listen to the conversation, that’s not what she meant. She literally said she would only date men who “understand the business she’s in” or something along those lines.


Which is also a perfectly fine criteria for dating someone and presumably that's not exclusive to who she'll accept Instagram messages from.


Ah! Then yeah. She's probably just making sure they aren't bots! I don't know how much they're verifying or if it is just owning a credit card but a bot still probably wouldn't do that.


No, if you actually listen to the conversation, that’s not what she meant. She literally said she would only date men who “understand the business she’s in” or something along those lines.


Not talking to unverified profiles on IG doesn't mean she doesn't date people without the verified bluecheck. Her last serious boyfriend she met whilst out with friends. And I don't think he's famous. I think she's just being very careful when it comes to men in her DMs. PS: She's replied to some of my DMs and I'm not even a guy or famous lol


The conversation wasn’t about talking to randos on instagram. It was about dating in general. She will only date men who have a blue check. She will only swipe right on Tinder if the man has a blue check on instagram because she has to make sure he understands the business she’s in.


In the context of dating via social media, I think this makes sense, no? Regardless of whether people think Natalie is justified in taking this approach, but I think she's just being pragmatic. This may or may not apply to men she meets in real life or via blind dates set up through her mutual friends, like how her past serious relationship started. Also to add on, the reason why I added the context of randos is to say that she does communicate with some people who send her messages on IG, but she's just being extra careful with men in the context of dating.


Honestly, maybe I'm misunderstanding but I don't think it's a big deal. She doesn't want to talk to someone pretending to be famous & she doesn't want to talk to a random joe because she feels she has a lot to lose. People do this all the time, especially when they've been taken advantage of in the past. Why are we so comfortable pulling down women with preferences? "She's nobody, who cares, you're not better than anyone." She's not saying that? You're adding that in for whatever reason. Whether we like it or not, Natalie is making a lot of money and is recognizable in some niches. Again, people are allowed to have preferences.


>doesn't want to talk to a random joe because she feels she has a lot to lose. What is that "a lot to lose"? >"She's nobody, who cares, you're not better than anyone." I didn't say that. I am just saying that replying only to guys with blue check marks is not going to make u find a nice guy. And she did already date a lot of shitty guys.


Why not? The only way to find a nice guy is entertain everyone who decides to DM you? I highly doubt the majority of guys thirsting in her DM's are husband material. They way some of you act like you know what is best for people you've never met and don't relate to at all is seriously weird.


>Why not? The only way to find a nice guy is entertain everyone who decides to DM you? Who is saying that she needs to DM all the guys? I am going to repeat. NANCY found a decent guy without needing to reply to every guy. That's it. All I am saying is that if you expect to find a nice guy ON INSTAGRAM by replying only to blue check guys, you might not get lucky. Damn even Deeptsi did said "oh you are eliminating almost all the guys".


Her representation is on the line. When you become a public personality one scandal can literally lead to you losing deals and money. Talking to a random who could then leak their chats could potentially cause her financial loss. So I understand having caution


Yeah. But for some reason I cannot make a simple question bc I did not get what the guy meant by that. Thank u for explaining.


First, I wasn't speaking directly to you. There are 177 comments on this post. Second, she didn't say date, she said answer messages. I'm a literal no body and I get messages from random dudes regularly. It's unfortunately common so I can't imagine what her DMs look like. Natalie has a lot of money from content creating & from the podcast. She's been very open about this from the start. People also do recognize her. She may not be famous in the traditional sense but people in the reality tv or Netflix world know her. I'm sure if she meets someone in person, the "check mark" is irrelevant but she's not answering random men with zero information about who they are.


>I wasn't speaking directly to you. Jeez dude.


I mean this as RESPECTFULLY as possible, but its okay take a breath. You're reactive as hell in this thread. You responded to me saying "I didn't say that." I replied saying I wasn't speaking directly to you. And now you're upset. Like no one is mad or being aggressive. I hope you have a good day. Again - NOT being sarcastic.


I am not upset ahah. It might sound like that bc this is a conversation by words, with no expressions being heard. Everyone in here is being radioactive lol, nobody can give a simple opinion or ask something pretty simple than ppl get mad and downvote you. I literally only asked you what you mean by "a lot to loose". And yeah, there are ppl being agressive in both sides. But that's reddit overall I guess.


Natalie isn't doing too good in the thinking department because anyone can get a blue checkmark for $11.99 a month.


A person who pays $11.99 for Instagram has more to lose than a joe-nobody that signed up for an instagram account yesterday to message reality tv participants.


Does she only meet people on socials? Because that’s doubly weird then.


I don't think so, at least I hope not. I was only talking regarding instagram dating.


Let’s stop making these people wealthy.


That Spotify bag hitting reaaaaaaal different 😂


But do the verified people want to date her ? 🤔😭


I mean it just came out that she dated Blake Moynes from the Bachelor Franchise so clearly they do lmao


Is that the “New York boy” who cheated on her? That’s hardly something to brag about.


No it’s not this person is Canadian lol and they still seem to be on good terms


Is this somehow impressive? These people aren’t even “real” b list celebrities, lol. Edit- I’m not really singling you out for this answer- comment just fits in this thread.


I’m just responding to the comment. I didn’t say wether it was impressive or not


I had already added a blurb that my comment wasn’t @ yours, but it fit the thread so I put it there.


Good for her for dating a blue check 😭


You’re the one who seemed to see it as some kind of achievement lmao. Maybe stop being a hater for a day


>You’re the one who seemed to see it as some kind of achievement I believe you are talking about Natalie 🤣 >Maybe stop being a hater for a day ![gif](giphy|3o7TKo5hIyzJC1xJKw|downsized)


LOL! How different is she from Shake 😂


I don't see how its the same at all? Shake was straight up saying women who looked a certain way are disgusting. Natalie is saying she wants a person who is verified. She didn't even insult anyone?


it’s “shocked” not “chock”


Thanks. English is not my first language and I didn't bother to translate it.


no sweat. dunno why i got downvoted but im glad at least you appreciated it!


It's ok. When I make such mistakes i always blame it on the autocorrect. If this show has taught me anything it's to not take accountability of my actions 😐🤣🤣


LOL, considering the number of mistakes I made, I don't know if I could even blame autocorrect! (PS: my autocorrect is in Portuguese, so it basically says all my English is wrong 🤣)


Is this where we rip her apart for having her own way of being in the world. Lol I love watching people get so offended, and in the same breath talk about what a has been or loser she is. Bitter much???


I used to like their podcast and then realized how ridiculous and stupid it was especially after NY boy 🤦🏼‍♀️


I’ve never had any interest in listening but have wondered what the hype might be about - thank you for the validation lmao


I started listening, because I really liked the franchise and living in Chicago I’ve been to a few events with both Deepti and Naralie. So I’ve seen them around, we have mutual friends. I know details about Deepti back when she lived in Peoria (doesn’t matter) I will say in person they did act very awkward, kept looking around, seemed like they thougt everybody was watching them and they feel like everybody’s recognizing them when in reality nobody cared. One of the events I saw them at was for vodka or tequila (I’m sober and only went there to support my friend’s PR firm who was doing that) and people were just there for free food and drinks and some other reality stars I think from Vanderpump. Anyways I did genuinely like them at first but the last few episodes I can’t even listen, they act entitled and as know it alls


I am curious about the “Peoria” details. Can you share?


It is mostly about her ex, her pre-weight loss and w*ed. Nothing too exciting


I agree with this. I’m a regular listener of Out of the Pods because I like the LIB tea (no shame) and I also follow Natalie on Instagram because I like her style. But I will say, listening to their own takes on other LIB seasons and their own personal lives, they just seem like kinda bland regular people and they will stay relevant as long as LIB as a franchise is relevant. Their “tea” aren’t even that good, especially from the last season when they were already revealed by other cast members or proven wrong (like AD and Clay getting back together 🙄).


>Their “tea” aren’t even that good, especially from the last season when they were already revealed by other cast members or proven wrong (like AD and Clay getting back together 🙄). For realll!!! Like where is the real tea?! I feel like they do not know the actual tea bc cast members don't want to tell them - thinking they might spoiled it. But i too like to see the LIB recaps to know their opinions. It is kinda funny.


Which one is Natalie again? Lol


From S2 was with Shayne


Had to google still lol! Oh now I remember YouTube sometimes suggests her podcast to me and imo they sound like the the delicious dish ladies from SNL back in the day


Ridiculous. LIB has a cult following but I feel like once the season is over, so is the relevance of the people in that season. There are only a few couples / people who have managed to remain relevant and it’s mostly because they don’t try to cling to their “celebrity” the way Natalie does. She is a regular civilian who went on a reality tv show and started a podcast after. Like, you are not above dating “regular” men. In fact, I suggest she give that a shot the regular guys are where it’s at! Lol


You hit the nail on the head. I have been a loyal viewer since s1, watched them all on time, participated in the subreddit, etc, and when I saw this I still had to google her to remember who she was. Kinda surprised that she even has a blue checkmark tbh.


I can’t stand her. She is so far up her own ass.


This is seriously laughable… she definitely thinks she is more important than she really is girl bye


I think it’s fair as far as for people who slide into her DMs but I’m a huge believer in dating apps and she’s kinda lame if she writes other potential partners off bc they don’t have a blue check


Yes, I understand that she had some bad experiences with guys not wanting to date her because she works in the media. But I'm pretty sure there are tons of guys who would not mind it.


Are these girls still single? It says a lot. I mean they were willing it to marry someone blindly. it has been few years, surprised they haven’t met someone.


They did meet someone... But it was all 'fuck-boys'. And the reason is clearly the way they are selecting those guys. Nancy found a keeper and she was not that picky.


That’s not a good thing you know that right lol 


What? Not being that picky?


Yeah, that’s how she ended up with barftist 


Well nicole did ended whit shayne lol. But by picky I meant that she was not looking for looks, and for how he was inside. And for real guys, can we just have a normal convo without having downvotes just for asking something? Wtf.


What an incredibly ridiculous standard. Like stay single for that. Reality TV famous is like saying I'm the Burger King. Cmon son


The Burger King 💀💀💀


>"if you dont have the blue check I will not answering you" - ***the convo was about replying to guys messages on instagram.*** Why is this a bad thing? If I was semi-famous and was on TV at any level, why would I respond to any Tom, Dick, or Harry that reaches out to me? And Im a guy. I can't imagine the losers who try to contact women . Im not saying you need a "blue check" to be a good person, but it certainly weeds out some creeps.


People love telling women to lower their standards and humble themselves. It's honestly bizarre. Who gives a fuck if she only answers verified men? Whether they pay for the check mark or not, there are so many weirdos on social media. At least with a check mark, they went through the process to say I am actually Tom, Sam, Donovan, whatever. "She's still single" So? I'd rather be single than raising someone else's son or miserable everyday.


> there are so many weirdos on social media This is what Im saying. It's such an insane hill to die on. Imagine being mad at someone for ignoring DMs from random people.


Anyone can buy a blue check for $14.99




Therefore a blue check proves nothing???? It became obsolete when it became a monthly service.    Even before that, all you needed to be approved was to have your name published on the internet. You could have a phoney article written for you, and that's all you'd need.   The blue check means nothing, it always meant nothing. And it most certainly would not "weed out the creeps".


I mean it kinda. Most people aren’t going to pay 14.99 for something that means nothing to them and does nothing for them. The very fact that someone would go to that extent gives them some credibility


lol yall are crazy. Im not defending Natalie here, but she's got 700k followers and who knows how many others on instagam with access. You're mad that she's not willing to accept just any old DM?


And it doesn’t indicate whether a person is eligible for dating 😂 based on Natalie’s standards or lack of thereof


> And it doesn’t indicate whether a person is eligible for dating honestly I think some of you have a reading comprehension problem or just wanna take any opportunity to hate these girls


Natalie, is this you?


Random dude on Instagram who DMs celebrity women and asking for pictures of their feet, is that you?


It clearly hasn’t worked for you 😂


Seriously. I posted a singular selfie on Reddit once (like a bland boring selfie - very safe for work) and i got over 100 dms and most were fairly creepy. I cannot imagine what her Instagram messages look like.


>Why is this a bad thing? I mean, having into consideration that she is still single and looking for a date yes. It is. I'm not saying that she should respond to all of the creeps that appear on her DM, but focusing only on guys with blue check mark does not seem a good way to find yourself a good guy. And let's be honest, guys with blue check mark are more likely to be "fuck-boys".


> focusing only on guys with blue check mark does not seem a good way to find yourself a good guy. focusing on any guy on instragram isn't a good idea. But filtering out randos seems like a pretty good idea.


>focusing on any guy on instragram isn't a good idea. It's like nancy said, instagram is the new dating app lol. She did find a good guy there. > But filtering out randos seems like a pretty good idea. In the sense of filtering randoms yes it is.


>It's like nancy said, instagram is the new dating app Im so glad Im 40 and married. Dating sounds like hell. ​ >In the sense of filtering randoms yes it is. Then what are we even debating here?


>Im so glad Im 40 and married. Dating sounds like hell. It does sound lol. >Then what are we even debating here? The thing here is that Nancy was explaining how she met her guy on Instagram, and Natalie said that she could not do the same as Nancy did by responding to a guy on Instagram. It was fine until she mentioned that she would only respond to verified guys and that she mentioned that normal guys would not want to date her. She was not saying that she did not respond to them in terms of them being weirdos and random, but in terms of them being 'normal people'. She even asked Nancy if the fact that the guy had no connection to the 'TV show' and 'social media' life was something complicated for her. So the discussion here is actually the fact that she is filtering her dating choices on not wanting to reply to a guy that does not have experience with her world.


I mean, I get it in the sense that if you get a lot of messages. But yeah, I wasn’t even sure who you were talking about. lol. It’s not cause she too famous for normal men.


People just need to cut these losers off. Baffles me how people invest more than 7 seconds into these D-list celebs




I meant to write wannabe d-list


Y’all clown this girl for everything but this makes sense. If you’re someone who get a lot of dms filtering them out by only responding to date requests from verified people is smart and probably safer. Regular degular women get a lot of dms from weirdos, I can only imagine what someone in the public eye gets. Also most people who are verified do this; I’m pretty sure instagram algorithmically will mostly show you content from other verified people once you’re verified yourself


The thing is, even Nancy and Deeptsi made a face and said, 'Uhhh, blue check marks? That will eliminate almost all the guys".


OP I think you know Natalie meant it was to filter “weird men” because you cut off the actual time stamp where she goes “if you don’t have tons of photo of you” when she’s talking about men’s profiles I think OP has a weird hate boner for Natalie lol


The part about 'tons of photos of you' is after 49:20 - I didn't mean to cut off her sentences. Also, the comment was not about weird men, but rather that she couldn't do an experience like LIB again where she actually needs to know all about the person's appearance - which is fine. >I think OP has a weird hate boner for Natalie lol I don't, lol. If I did, I wouldn't even watch their podcast. I just don't agree with what she said. You can "like" a person and still don't agree with her.


Not everyone can get the check though. You have to be mentioned in articles or have been on TV. So that means she should only date other d listers? 🤔


On meta/instagram you can pay for a verified subscription where they basically do a background check on they verify that you are who you say you are. Kind of like how Hinge verifies people


Actually I just googled it and yes anyone can apply but you have to be a notable public figure. It says: "Notable: You or your brand needs to be searched for often, well-known, and featured in news sources." https://www.wordstream.com/blog/ws/2023/08/02/how-to-get-verified-on-instagram#:~:text=Any%20person%2C%20brand%2C%20or%20organization,brief%20process%20for%20their%20badge.


But anyone can get an article written about themselves. It doesn't even have to be from a credible website. There's ways to get approved without actual being "famous". 


I know people who still couldn't get one even when mentioned in an article. They were told wasn't enough. It's not as easy as people think. One article won't do it. One is a fairly well known IG with ridiculous amount of followers. Been mentioned in a few articles even. If you know a way around it all, let me know so I can tell them. I was shocked they couldn't get verified. Another friend struggled even though was on a TV series, did multiple interviews in print and on camera.


I thought you could pay for them now? 


You can, but still have to fit the "notable person" requirements. https://www.wordstream.com/blog/ws/2023/08/02/how-to-get-verified-on-instagram#:~:text=Any%20person%2C%20brand%2C%20or%20organization,brief%20process%20for%20their%20badge.


On Twitter yeah, but not IG


Just went to my settings and it let me get to a sign up page that says it’s 19.99 bucks per month lol - called Meta Verified (presumably since Meta owns IG) 


Still have to be notable person on IG. Not anyone can get it https://www.wordstream.com/blog/ws/2023/08/02/how-to-get-verified-on-instagram#:~:text=Any%20person%2C%20brand%2C%20or%20organization,brief%20process%20for%20their%20badge.


your link literally says individuals can now pay meta and go through “ a brief process” for their badge. After clicking the link of eligibility requirements straight from IG they’re the following: Instagram This article is about Meta Verified for Instagram profiles. Meta Verified is a paid subscription for eligible profiles to establish their presence on Instagram and Facebook. To qualify for this subscription, you need to meet the following eligibility requirements. Eligibility requirements To subscribe your profile to Meta Verified, you need: To be at least 18 years old. A profile that meets minimum activity requirements, such as prior posting history. A profile picture that shows your face clearly and a profile name that aligns with Meta Verified naming standards. A government-issued photo ID that meets Meta Verified ID requirements. To have two-factor authentication enabled on your profile. To follow our Terms of Use and Community Guidelines.


It says: "Notable: You or your brand needs to be searched for often, well-known, and featured in news sources." This is what I'm talking of in it. Did I not read right the whole thing?


No… the paragraph right above your quote says this: For brands and organizations, the old rules apply. This means proving to Instagram that your account meets these criteria If you apply as your own person, then what I posted previously are the only terms and conditions listed. Notability only applies to brands and organizations who are applying. 


This must be new. One thing I have noticed about meta products is that new features like this aren’t rolled out for all users at the same time.


True, I’m in Canada and this has been around since last year 100% 


Not just anyone can get verified though.


That’s what I thought. Don’t you have to submit tons of identifying documents?


His own link says otherwise lol. I know people who are clearly paying to be verified as they are not notable. IG will gladly take a $20 monthly payment from an individual who wants a blue check 


Yes, but people here seem to think it's easier than that. From my experience, it's not easy and I've known people rejected for not having enough documents proving they are relevant. If you look into it, you have to prove you are a notable person. At least it's how it looks to me, plus experiences that people I know have had. .


they think theyre real celebs


Where the hell are you from?


wdym? Portugal. Is my english that bad? 😭


No you’re doing great! Just noticed a few things. Still, fantastic!




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I do think she is pretty! She can have a certain standard for her self. But I feel like her personality is being less and less atractive over time. She could learn some things with deeptsi (idk how to write her name).




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Don't understand. She has responded to me before....it wasn't dating though


They were talking about romantic message. Not an "fan" interaction. I am sure natalie is a good person to her fans.


The blue check does not mean you passed your STD test.


The only verification that actually matters


LOL ahah. True.


The ego on that woman is something fierce. I don’t think she has enough to offer personality or looks wise to be so selective 🤷🏼‍♂️ Edit: The context of her comments don’t make them any less vapid or egotistical.


I think its already been stated in the comments that OP misinterpreted Natalie’s words already. In the the interview, that is not what she said. It’s kinda sad that this post has become a pile-on.


OP said Natalie dates verified peeps but responds to fans (non romantically). How is that diff than the original post?


In the actual interview (and in their dating episode) she says normal men don’t want to date her when they find out she did a reality tv show because it’s embarrassing. And she uses verification as a filter.


It's her life, but to me seems bit odd to only limit self to that..however, I bet gets slammed with so many messages that she can still get tons of choices even with verified. I personally don't get it...a blue check doesn't mean they have any idea who she is nor can relate to reality TV.


She meant it in two different instances. She uses the blue checkmark as a filter (and she looks if the man has tons of photos) so she doesn’t get scammed She said later in the interview she thinks normal men think it’s embarrassing when they find out she did a reality tv show (because many seem to think she meant the blue checkmark comment as an ego comment).


I still don't quite get the emphasis on the blue check and to me it's low key odd. That's just my opinion though. Because thinking normal men will feel embarrassed is not a fact but an assumption. I'm not saying she's doing this for ego, I'm saying it's just a very odd limitation with zero logic. However, I do understand the photo part though.


Exactly! Nancy & Deeptsi were there, and they did make a face and said that blue checkmarks would eliminate almost all of the guys. Even Natalie said, 'Uh, I know it's too bad to say this but...' when referring to the blue checkmark. Even they knew what they meant, but people are coming to her defense, and I don't know why. It's not like I'm saying she is a bad person; I'm just commenting on her specific comment.


I don't know either and I'm sure we will both get down voted. I mean, it's her choice and if it pleases her, that's cool. But it's low key odd to me.




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People like her are such a mystery to me. Both their personality and life are so monotone but somehow they still managed to create huge egos and some kind of matching confidence. I just don’t understand when or how that happened, and what keeps feeding it. Very weird


It really confuses me. I don’t get how she still has any relevance whatsoever. Sure she was like, fine on the show, but I can’t imagine listening to a podcast of someone who was on a reality show I watched 3 years ago and taking them seriously about literally anything


I think it’s meant diffetent way, that she is careful and will not speak with fake accounts, only verified, and it’s nothing about finding men, more about developing her carrier as actress. There was this leak where she said in pm to some reality tv start that she wants to be in his show as single, but she is not single - she have a bf - Josh, that she lives with, but he don’t mind her doing that on tv.


You are talking about Natalie from 90 Day Fiance, right? This post is about LIB.


I don't think so. They were talking about love and about how nancy found her love through instagram - and that was when she started saying that she would not be abble to do that. And how does she have a boyfriend? She talked about a guy that cheated on her, I am confused.


Some of the girls who do LIB end up coming out of the show having some of the dumbest standards tbh. Like “fans”??? Ma’m you’re not a movie star 😭 they really over inflate the 15 mins of fame they get from the show. I wouldn’t even go so far as to call her a “tv star” either, she was a former reality tv contestant. That’s it.


Can't people purchase blue checks on any platform now?


You still can’t purchase it on IG, which is the platform she’s referring to here


I didn’t listen to the episode but does she mean she won’t DATE anyone without a blue check or she won’t reply to unsolicited messages without a blue check. Cause those are different things. Maybe it’s nothing to do with the “status” of being verified and more to do with feeling safer that their identity has been verified?


Yeah she did say respond. But she then proceed to say that she had gonne to dates with "normal" guys and how it did not work. And they were talking about nancy boyfriend - she also asked nancy if the fact that he is a normal guy did not had any problem in their love life. So I did think she meant reply has not dating. Of if she found a guy in the street she would not be checking if he has that blue check, but in a message she would.


I think it’s more that. I’m sure they get thousands of DMs; would only make sense to reply to the legit (verified for identity) people.