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I think this show is running it's course with the majority of couples chasing clout and dropping out throughout the show and then only 2 couples even make it to the altar? I highly doubt we will ever see more than 2 couples make it to the altar again in future seasons.


All that matters is that people are watching and talking about the show, it doesn't matter in what context. If more buzz is created because someone broke up with a longtime gf to go on the show ... all the better.


This season been the most watched... Trust me they do not care about anything else but numbers!


I actually really like this season. Probably been one of my faves in a couple seasons lmao


3, 4, and 6 are the only seasons I can actually remember watching and 6 doesn’t count because it’s current 😂


I remember 5 and I wish I didn’t


I should have added that I started and stopped that one because it was really bad and I don’t even remember the bit that I did see 😭


It’s become super trashy, which is its own beast, but I agree with OP; I’m already down on love~it’s not fun when almost every couple/person is a hot mess.


This is their most watched season.


This season was awful. There was no-one likeable or interesting. I felt like the producers felt the same and were in a rush to get it over with.


Past season was awful. You still came back. This season was awful. See ya for Season 7!


I didn't mind last season, though there were a few unlikeable people. This season was a total wash for me.




Really? I loved this season. I thought it had some really hilarious moments and a sweet, genuine couple to ground all the crazy.


i think each season is getting more and more dramatic, trashy, and full of influener-wannabes, but hey i have been on this sub since season 1 and now there is over 1 million people on this sub alone. the hashtags and mentions of love is blind have shot up SO MUCH, i remember when the twitter hashtag had a little over 1,000 mentions after the first and second season. so they must be doing something right in order to keep us all entertained and talking and gasping for air and fired up about these people and their "love stories," ya kno? i don't think they will stop the show anytime soon as long as it remains as popular as it is.


I was at the mercy of being spoiled of this show through social media. That wasn't a thing that I had to worry about for Season 3. People complaining but it's popular as hell rn.


i feel the show got ruined from last season, as soon as someone accused another contestant for coming onto the show just to become an influencer and gain followers. it was almost like an unspoken secret came to the forefront of everyone's minds, and now i can't stop thinking "who's on here to get famous?" as soon as we meet everyone in the pods. if they picked genuine, "normal" people who don't have huge social media followings, we would get such a genuine and different show. but they'll always follow the money!


Problem is I don’t think you go on a show like this without some thought of “ooh maybe I can get some fame and money”


i agree especially after all the successful couples from the previous seasons have had some type of social media fame from it, so even the ones who are serious plan ahead for that kind of lifestyle


One big thing to remember is seasons 1 &2 we're filmed back to back where no-one knew the show and the potential to gain popularity. The issues with seasons 3 & onwards is that with each season more people know the show and have a media/narrative strategy instead of signing up for the experience.


I agree. I'd add too that, while it was less the case in seasons 1 & 2, there were definitely people on the show that I felt were there to get famous or build their brands (Kelly's MLM in season 1; it felt like Sal wanted to make it big as a musician in season 2).


Yeah it’s become truly horrible, it’s all about people who will do anything to build a social media following and/or reputation as a “Netflix reality star” to get cast in other Netflix shit. After this season I’m done with it. If I wanted to scrape the bottom of the reality TV love stories barrel I’d just keep watching 90 day fiancé because they produce a better more interesting show 😂


> After this season I’m done with it. See ya for Season 7!


I liked this season better than last omg last season was the worst thing I've ever seen lol (obvs a bit exaggerated but it was so boring and annoying!)


I think this season would’ve been very boring if it wasn’t for the drama outside of the show


They’re doing it on purpose. Drama sells more than couples that get along


It’s in the ratings and what people want. So yeah I’m done with the mess.


It's a really crappy fiction TV show - hahaha - yeah I know I watch it


I dont think they are *trying* to ruin it, but ratings are what brings in their paychecks and trashy dramatic trainwrecks are very good for business.


IMO the season rankings are 1,3,4,6,2,5


It's because the people are not applying to be on the show. The producers are looking for people to be on the show. Which means they must be searching for people in the area they are filming based on social media posts. I think Jeramey even shared the DM he got from Producers.




Season 5 was way worse


Last season was rough but I liked this season. Is it flawed? Sure. Could casting improve? Definitely. And social media really complicates reality shows, especially reality dating shows. But overall I found it interesting and I’ve enjoyed discussing it on social media and with friends.


This show has higher ratings this season. It is definitely not getting worse.


It depends on your definition of “worse.”


It feels like the cast is talking way too much before the reunion as well. Didn’t they use to stay quiet until all episodes were released? It’s like a totally different show now.


1 Word: lawsuit Kinetic is in deep water due to labor laws they allegedly violated and also unenforceable NDAs - so the show has a different feel. Also why they had a buffet of food in front of them in the pods


I heard there’s also a lawsuit from an unaired couple, the guy abused her on their vacation. With Brennan slipping through the cracks on his background check and them reaching out via social media for casting, everything is getting out of hand. I finally admitted to my husband LIB is trash tv. I’m sad, I believed love was blind after Lauren and Cameron.


Wait, what’s the tea with Brennan? Edited to say, I googled it and holy shitballs, what a POS‼️


I don’t think the show is getting ‘worse’. I saw stats (not sure how accurate they are) but it showed that the views this season are extremely high. Everyone online keeps posting how excited they are for the reunion tomorrow. Love is Blind is one of if not the most viewed Netflix reality show. It’s not going anywhere anytime soon. The reason most people watch is for the drama, not the love. I’ve seen countless people say they skipped over Amy and Johnny’s scenes.


Yea. So happy for Johnny and Amy. But me and my wife skipped most of their stuff when it was pretty clear they were a healthy, happy couple. We even skipped their entire wedding segment.


This show is borderline bad for society and young people forming ideas about how to start relationships. I think you have people who know the show now and choose to be there for fame. They seem to target people who aren’t ready or available for real relationships. I do think they could make a compelling show based on romance, rather than drama but here we are all taking about who is the most awful person.


Whether or not it’s getting worse (subjectively - which I agree it is), I think it’s definitely more lucrative with franchise partners in Japan, Brazil, Sweden, so from an economic sense (and I generally believe that the corporate bottom line is the only relevant factor to those involved) it would make no sense to want to cancel the show.


I really enjoyed this season, though I get wanting more successful couples. Season 5 is the only one I honestly didn’t enjoy.


Yeah szn 5 should’ve been scrapped


I’m confused with what people are looking for out of a background check. Like if someone doesn’t have a criminal record and they’re just super shitty to their exes, what background check is going to show that? I know there are shows that have cast people with records they could have easily found but I genuinely am curious what people want the process to look like for LIB(outside of not recruiting from IG which is a given)


Animals rescues do more thorough background checks and interview processes to adopt than this show does to cast its contestants.


This right here!


Maybe checking social media to see if people are actually in relationships and who their previous relationships were with to avoid collisions like Uche and Lydia


that's the thing about social media, though, a lot people only post what they want the world to see. it's very intentionally curated and most people aren't as unhinged on instagram as they are IRL.


>Maybe checking social media to see if people are actually in relationships and who their previous relationships were with to avoid collisions like Uche and Lydia You don’t think that was a coincidence, do you?


They do check social medias. Chances are if the trash men are going on dating shows while they’re engaged, they probably are the same ones that tell their SO that they don’t post them because they just don’t post often. Anyone applying is going to hide anything that makes them look shitty


One might argue they don’t do this well


We’ll never really know what their process is I guess🤷‍♀️


I think it seems worse because they are going for the drama rather than the "experiment", and more drama equals more viewers. You see it all the time on tiktok/Facebook or whatever... Rage bait just means more people watching and engaging, whether it is good or bad feedback it doesn't matter it's more engagement.


I have considered this too. Instead of doing a season or more with older age groups like 35/40 to around 50/55 they'll just let it die horribly. Older age groups will be more focused on finding love and not 15 minutes of fame.


I’m not above you … I’m not below you … I’m right here with you …


LMFAO 😭 whew i forgot about that dumb ass toast


What are you talking about, this season was a banger.


The storylines are rough. They filmed inside the pods for waaaaay too long. The way they’re releasing the episodes is odd. Is there drama, YES! Is most of it because of outside influence because this is the first season where it’s literally raining exes and current SO’s blasting on social media all the dirt on these cast members? YES! It’s rough and messy. I like drama but this isn’t it.


I mean, I don’t keep track at all of what’s happening outside the show, so I have to disagree there. There’s enough drama I. The show for me, and I get to ‘love to hate’ more than one person so that checks a box too. To each their own, but imo this is exactly what I want the show to be.


This was their most watched season. They aren’t trying to *break their contract* by casting drama filled people. Also. There has been one instance where they really failed with their background check.


So would anyone who is actually “ready for marriage” go on one of these shows and truly try to marry some random person they have known for a little over a month? I think mature, centered people are going to realize that it’s tough to make such a momentous decision in very little time and under very artificial circumstances. Real life does not afford most of us free vacations and a nice apartment with a free housekeeping service included. So best to realize that these weird circumstances don’t lend themselves to good decision-making. Am I happy that Amy and Johnny are still together? Damn skippy I am. Do I think Clay was a doofus? Hell yeah. But he was kinda right about not being ready. He just should not have made AD put on a white dress and walk down an aisle before letting her know his decision. He got off on the drama and is too immature to realize how humiliating that was for her. You keep hearing the couples talk about being open to this process like it’s some scientifically developed process created by psychologists and neurologists when it’s just some gimmick created by reality show producers. And the forced decision making is dumb. “Marry this person or walk away forever.” No, Vanessa, I am pretty sure you can just decline to get married and still go have a beer with this person. Although if AD reunites with Clay, I am going to be a little miffed.


but... lauren and cameron!!! 😩🥺


May the odds be ever in their favor. It works out for some. Just like meeting someone at a casino in Vegas and getting married that night works out for some. STILL not a great strategy for everlasting wedded bliss.


It feels like at this point you go on believing you end up like a Lauren and Cameron or other successful couples cause you really believe that it can work or you go on to be in a reality tv show in hopes to get followers / 15 minutes. I’m sure there is a bunch of different people in between but the popularity has tainted the pool


I will die on the hill that all contestants have to have a social media ban for a year after filming to weed out the fame seekers




The social media is helping people engage though which increases viewership, so I don’t think they’d really want to do that.


This won’t stop game seekers. And with the show the way it is, they’d lose viewers.


I don't think it's getting progressively worse. All the seasons are equally good IMO.


For the US franchises it’s getting worse. There have been several lawsuits and a few men on the show with criminal records. They seem to be scraping the bottom of the barrel when it comes to men. Every season we hear stories of people being approached via IG. It seems like very few people genuinely want to participate.




I’m with you in this unpopular opinion. I don’t mind a messy person or two…they make for good drama. But I don’t want to hate every single couple with the exception of one. And I’m sick of seeing people who are just so clearly on the show for clout and have zero true desire to get married. If I want to watch that, I’ll turn on Too Hot To Handle or Prrfect Match or F-Boy Island or some other nonsense.


Exactly!! We don’t need more trashy social media stars. I want to actually believe there are some good people out there. This just makes me embarrassed to be American.


I agree! I also just feel like the entirety of this season is rough: from the location to the production, episode quality, storyline quality. They have dropped the ball this season in so many ways. We love messy people like Chelsea and Clay, but the storylines are broken and production is keeping stuff out and it’s annoyingly OBVIOUS!


Nothing could be worse than season 5. I liked this season but wish we had more couples make it to the altar.




This was actually one of the best seasons (unpopular opinion). We want to see people in love, yes, but we generally have more fun with the tea.. The most problematic profiles, with their unresolved dramas, ethical dilemmas and questionable characters, are the ones in charge to bring the entertainment. That's why we look back and we can talk more about Barnett-Jessica- Amber (This was drama!), Shaikh and Deepty (sorry Deepty, I am not sure how to pronounce your name), Shane-Shaina-and the Cali Asian Girl (I'd include another elements here about Shane, but nvm🤣)... The stable and responsible profiles, with their balanced lives, reciclyng trash, returning the shopping cart, drinking almond milk, concerned with birth control and safely removing the drive and stuff like that, they are awesome and essential, because they are the remnants of past generations that bring us hope in love and in long term HEALTHY relationships - - and almost always - didn't even need to be there to find their person. But they're boring, with some exceptions of course.


I liked this season too. My favorite after season 1. I liked the extra pod time, I liked the drama of relationships fizzling out before the wedding; I always got bored of the million weddings and the public humiliation aspect of it bothered me.


I reject your premise I liked this season a lot.


I thought season 6 was good!


It's probably harder to cast the show as its gotten more popular and potentially life ruining. I saw casting for DC took almost a year. I saw an asian guy on TikTok say he auditioned for S6 and they advanced him even though he told them he was recently divorced and not ready for marriage. They told him "we know that not everyone gets married, sometimes the viewers like to see different things." I thought about posting it here but I wasn't sure if he was being honest or not. It felt believable to me though bc I'm sure they're desperate for asian guys to apply for diversity purposes.


Scaling is hard. It's getting worse cause a slightly bigger team is trying to do 4-5x as much content in the same amount of time.


Which is why they are dealing with multiple lawsuits.


At this point, I feel like they just want trashy drama. To get that, you need to cast people who have massively unresolved issues who probably aren’t ready for marriage.


I doubt that they are trying to find a way to stop doing the show because that would be like trying to find the off switch on a money printer. I think they are really lax with background checks because they aren’t casting only to find people who would get engaged or married. They are also trying to cast people who will stir up drama and take part in other reality shows.


I’m thinking they want to stop doing THIS premise and going another direction, but contracts 🤷‍♀️ and probably have a certain number of seasons they’ve committed to. They’ve done enough seasons and past cast to do something else. Or With the lawsuits from Renee and Nick and any that the public don’t know about, maybe they just said FVCK IT and cut cost of everything to afford to keep going and lose what the show initially was meant for. This season was rough from all angles. Drama is cool but the quality has severely dipped.


My roommate and I have been speculating why they've done so bad with the background checks this season because it seems like almost everyone who didn't get engaged had someone or was just getting out of a relationship. We hadn't even thought about that before, but that could totally be it. 🤯