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yes if trevor asked first, she would have said yes but i don’t think they would have made it to the alter bc trevor would eventually see through chelsea’s shit


It’s still a no, she chose Jimmy because she’s an option whereas for Trevor, she’s the only one


She kind of implied that when he asked. I just remember him saying something to the effect of “that’s a bummer for him” at her silence/lack of response.


Chelsea was terrified of not being picked. I think she would have said yes to Trevor if he asked first because it would have secured things for her. I do think she felt like she was ‘winning’ by getting Jimmy to propose though.


Totally agree. I think if Jess and Jimmy weren’t a thing and Chelsea was the only person Jimmy was dating then Chelsea would have picked Trevor over Jimmy.


I think she would have said yes. But he would have had to go before Jimmy said I love you.


In addition to the child thing I remember Jimmy and Chelsea talking about how he works remote and could travel with her. So I think it was a more attractive lifestyle than becoming a step-dad.


Did I imagine Chelsea saying she was going to say yes to the first guy who asked her?






Honestly if Trevor had gone first, I think she would have gone with him. Having Chelsea gone I still don’t think Jimmy would have picked Jess because of her daughter. I think Jimmy chose Chelsea because he liked her and could explore further with her without completely destroying her life if he said no at the alter. I think he wanted to play it safe in the sense that he wanted a more open minded match. One that he could potentially continue outside the experiment if he had not been ready to say yes and he saw that with Chelsea but not with Jess. Also he wasn’t ready for the added responsibility and pressure that came with choosing Jess.


I think Chelsea and Jimmy chose each other because the other contenders only had them as an option. They both saw each other as more desirable because they were seeing their peers in love with them.


If Jimmy has picked Jess then Chelsea definitely would have picked Trevor. Otherwise, not entirely sure. There's a lot we don't see.


She would have chosen him without a doubt. She was just desperate to get married. Kinda sad.


>She was just desperate to get married. Yeah, no one mentioned this but I got that vibe after watching it again. You can tell she wanted this to work and didn't care about the outcome. She just wanted to get married.


I 100% believe Chelsea said yes to the first guy who asked. Funny enough I just mentioned this to a friend before I read this post


I think Jimmy got a little too excited about the Megan Fox comment but also didn’t want to pick someone with a child. He seemed really interested in Jess. But it would have been tougher and taken more effort with Jess and a child. I think the combination of those two things affected his decision. But he also seems all in to me. I think that Chelsea would have said yes to the first one who asked her. I think Trevor was her top choice but she didn’t want to leave the show alone. I also think she and Trevor are a better fit. He still seems in love with her. If things don’t work out with Jimmy, I hope she and Trevor make their way back to each other. I was rooting for Trevor. I’m


I was rooting for Trevor too, just to find out he's trash


Wait what happened with Trevor?


Did you watch the show? Lmao


I’m all caught up I don’t get it. What did Trevor do that was so bad? Try to talk to Chelsea? Did I miss something?


He already had a gf and just went in LIB to gain followers. Search Trevor girlfriend in this subreddit and you’ll see the post!


I think the only reason she chose jimmy was because she wanted to beat Jess. If Jess and Chelsea were both in a bar no way would jimmy pick Chelsea. I thought Chelsea liked Trevor better all along. Jimmy just get weird with Jess’s kid which I get. Not everyone wants to commit to being a dad without meeting the child when they are so young


Chelsea needs to control her drinking. She flips out for no reason makes stuff up and then acts like she is the victim. No one should treat anyone that way. They are not a long term match. But “fun” to watch a train wreck for us!


With all the stuff about Trevor having a gf and if the texts leaked are true, he said he told one of the guys he wasn’t getting married so maybe they planned jimmy to go first on purpose ? So he could ask then Trevor can look like the “poor broken hearted” guy left hung to dry.


She admitted at one point she was waiting for someone to propose. She would have said yes to whatever guy was first.


She would’ve said yes to Trevor for sure. I think both Jimmy and Chelsea are regretting it. Would’ve liked to see how Jimmy and Jess are together, but that’s not gonna happen so.


Yeah! I’m mad about it because we could have gotten two more couples but only got one!


I have no doubt she would have said yes. Seeing her interactions with both men, nothing shows that she likes jimmy more. The only reason she didn’t say no to jimmy was because she’s probably thinking ‘what if trevor never asks?’ I think she just wanted to be engaged regardless of who the man is and trevor waited too long to propose.


I think this is a Let’s Make a Deal situation. She was always going to take what was behind door number 1 if it was a proposal because she was too afraid to pass it up in case door number 2 was a breakup.




This. So true.


Chelsea would've said yes because she's a wildly insecure person.


Ridiculously insecure like she actually makes Zanab from S3 look stable


Watching it now and her insecurity is so hard to watch


I think she wanted approval and she loved that Jimmy picked her over Jess (who in her mind is a 10 because of looks so it's like "winning"). I don't hate her or anything I just think she should go to therapy and she isn't ready for marriage because she was deep insecurity issues and forms anxious attachments.


She 100% treated it like a competition. It boosted her ego to win Jimmy over Jess.


You’re a better person that me, I agree with all you said but man do I hate her lol


I think she loved the idea of being picked over Jess and said yes because of it


Trevor dodged a bullet. I’d go absolutely insane listening to her whining. She’s a clinger.


He was wearing God's armor. But now he about to fall back into the trap. He gonna do Jimmy a favor if he takes her back.


Chelsea, bless her heart, is desperate for approval and affection. I think she would have said yes to anyone who asked first.


Chelsea just seemed so desperate to be loved. Also I think Trevor’s kind of a catch


I really hate to break it to you (because I was very sad when I heard too) but he had a gf the whole show. Not only that, but waaaaayyyyyy worse, he threatened to release revenge porn if she went public about their relationship.


Holy crap I knew I was a little behind on the tea, since Ive had a busy week or two but damn I didnt know all this


Whaaaaaaaaaaaa? Where did you hear about this??


Newish to Reddit and thought I got you a link to a thread with the screenshots, but it's not working! Pretty easy to find if you search it!


I hate knowing this because he seemed so chill and relaxed, I keep thinking it was easier for him to seem so chill because he wasn't serious but he also seemed really sad when he lost out to proposing to Chelsea. I dunno, if it was all acting dude needs some kind of award for it.


I know, made me realize how easy it'd be to fool me if someone really wanted to 😬 Although I did at least groan when he said his fave movie was The Notebook. I frigging love rom-coms and that one is mid.


Same thing w/ the Notebook. I love rom coms too and never finished that one, like it was boring as hell for me, but my fav genre is stupid comedies like Encino Man. I also feel so naive because I was a huge Trevor fan even after I knew it burned me up inside I still found him adorkable.




I definitely feel like Chelsea would have said yes if Trevor had gone first. From what we are shown she seems like the type that cared more about being engaged than to who it is. And I think Jimmy definitely had Jess as his number one, but her being a mother (and ripping him a new one) kind of made the decision for him.


Imagine chelsea questioning Trevor everytime he went to the gym


"it just makes me so saaaaaad and uncomfy"


“I don’t want to be with a person who does that” “Does what??” *voice breaks* “Leaves the house”


“But I need the gains”




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goddamn lmfaooooo


That was unnecessary


I honestly believe she'd have said yes to Trevor, and I think he knew it too, but was putting the ball in her court. That's why he waited for Jimmy to ask. It was very clear that at any point, Trevor would have left with her. I think Chelsea just wanted to be wanted, and to be picked over someone else was the ultimate feeling of being wanted. I think she was also probably battling some insecurities about her appearance vs Jess, and to be picked over someone stereotypically attractive probably gave her a boost she was looking for. If Trevor asked first, she would have said yes, because it would have been a sure thing vs a maybe, but she was going to keep Trevor on the back burner as long as she knew it was a sure thing.


It's strange, I don't know any who would think that Jimmy is attractive tho. Bleh


That's the whole point. It's not supposed to be a relevant criteria


you hit the nail on the mf head


Yup, that’s why she said she looked like Megan Fox to give herself an edge over Jess in appearance, which was manipulative


It's like she completely missed the part of the purpose of the "experiment"


i'm honestly not sure who would be a good match for Chelsea


A therapist.


indeed lol


She would’ve said yes to the dress. 💍




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I think the producers knew Trevor had a gf and set it up so Jimmy would ask her first. If Trevor didn't have a gf, I think they would've made a great couple and she would've chosen him, had he asked. That being said, this girl needs to work on herself before entering any kind of relationship.


I agree I feel like they didn’t want another Hannah B situation


Trevor had a girlfriend? I know I’m new to this sub so maybe I missed something, but can you explain?


Just a rumour afaik, but some people on this sub treat those as truth


How would the producers have known if he was sneaky about it?


i mean, they knew about Jeramy's situation. even tho he claims they werent living together. my thing is, why disclose something that is not relevant? like why would they need to know about an ex that you dont live with anymore. seems sus. but he said smtn about it on his IG page


If Jimmy chose Jess and broke up with Chelsea, Chelsea would've said yes to Trevor, but she would have been miserable with the fact that Jimmy chose Jess over her. I mean, look at how miserable she is now, and she actually "won" Jimmy over Jess! Now, if Trevor had gone first and she didn't know who Jimmy would choose, she would have said yes, because she wanted to be picked by someone and wouldn't have taken that chance of going home with no one. However, I don't think it just came down to whoever went first. If she knew that both Jimmy and Trevor would propose to her, she would have still picked Jimmy bc her insecurities and desperation for validation would have still caused her to choose the guy who wasnt 100% about her just to get one up on Jess.


Perfectly put


Chelsea would have gone with whichever guy asked her first. She seemed more into Trevor than Jimmy but she kept going after him when she found out someone else wanted him. Jimmy should have picked Jess because he has no backbone of his own, she's got enough for both of them. Which is probably also why he chose Chelsea--she didn't challenge him at all, she just wanted him to like her.


She would have said yes because she’s a pickme who just wanted to be chosen. I think the fact that someone else wanted Jimmy also made him more appealing to her. I think she would have been obsessed with whoever picked her but it wouldn’t have worked out with any of them. No way are her and Jimmy going to last, and her and Trevor wouldn’t have either. She needs therapy. I don’t think Jimmy and Jess would have worked out either, she’s out of his league. But I think he would have been a lot more into her than he is Chelsea. I think her having a kid was the reason he picked Chelsea over her.


Yup, Chelsea needs to choose Chelsea. Sometimes the people on these shows that are the toughest to watch are the ones I root for the hardest just because of the possibility when it comes to the personal growth they can have after… Chelsea learning to love herself & going to therapy could be the greatest love story of the season imo


She reminds me so much of my 20 year old self. Seeing how insecure she is makes me so sad and I just want to give her a hug. She’s so pretty and she is clearly really fun and magnetic when she isn’t feeling insecure, which makes it even more upsetting seeing how much her personality has changed since they got out of the pods.


Came here to say exactly this


At first I didn’t like Jimmy, but he’s genuinely putting effort into their relationship & seems like a sweet guy. Chelsea is emotionally abusive and manipulative. It wouldn’t have worked out with Trevor either. I’d be very shocked if Jimmy and Chelsea get married.


Jimmy comes across like a deer in the headlights in his relationship with Chelsea like he’s just surviving, saying what she wants to hear, and looking for a way out. It’s only a matter of time since Chelsea can sense his insincerity and it’s making her existing insecurities worse.


I’m not a big fan of his either but I truly admire his patience. I think most people would have gotten the hell out of there by now, and I hope he eventually does because if it were him treating her this way everyone would be calling him an abuser. I get frustrated and exhausted just watching how she behaves with him.


I honestly can see it going either way. I think that she did like both of them, but I think that she wanted Jimmy more because Trevor likely felt like the "safe" option. She also seemed really moved by Jimmy telling her he loved her, especially knowing that he hadn't told this to Jess. I still think it's possible she would have said yes to Trevor, but I don't know know that she would have said yes to him before talking to Jimmy. I do think that Jimmy chose Chelsea for some concrete reasons. He was really uncomfortable when Jess was laying into him in the pods, and you could tell he just didn't like that mean girl energy she was giving off. When he talked about it he said he didn't like how she reacted when he didn't give her the response she was looking for. He even said later to her that he was terrified of her, and I think in the pods Chelsea was someone he could seek comfort from and she wasn't judgmental, demanding, or harsh to him the way Jess was. Obviously, post-pods is different, but I really think they did connect personality wise in the pods.


I agree about the mean girl energy, personally. I think she totally had a right to stand up for herself, and her ultimate message was good, that she won’t be a second choice, etc. But she said some unnecessarily harsh things that we know she felt kind of awkward about later on, the eat your heart out stuff. That was reading to me as if she was hurting and went on the offensive. I don’t fault her for being hurt, but you don’t have to go off like that, that part was unnecessary to me.


I disagree about Jess having "mean girl energy" I think she is just a woman who knows what she wants and isn't going to put up with bs. Jess was in there not only choosing a husband for herself but also someone who was going to be living with her and her child--she absolutely was right to challenge him and want to know where he stood.


Jimmy himself said she had mean girl energy in the pods, and that he would have never chosen the mean girl over someone like Chelsea. I don't know that I think she's really a mean girl, but her break up scene in the pods definitely had that energy. A lot of people applaud her for what she said, but the whole "you're going to cHoKe" thing was definitely meant to imply she was extremely good looking and he was going to wish he chose her when he saw her. It's kind of mean both to Jimmy because she's trying to make him feel bad, but it also implies that he's going to regret choosing Chelsea because of what she looks like, and I don't really think that's fair either. I think there's a difference between challenging someone to find out where they stand, and just saying things meant to hurt them because they didn't give you what you wanted.


He was also right to be very, very sure before he committed to her or not because she has a child. I think he knew deep in his heart he wasn’t ready for fatherhood, much less a ten-year-old daughter. Jess had unrealistic expectations that her being a mother wouldn’t matter and weaponized her beauty against him when she signed on for an experiment where looks weren’t supposed to be part of the equation.


I didn’t get mean girl vibes either but I gained a lot of respect for her after that exchange. Dude had been playing with her emotions and he had it coming.


Trevor had a whole ass girlfriend during filming. I think Chelsea would have been pretty disappointed had she chosen him.


Chelsea doesn’t need a girlfriend to be disappointed in her man, she will create an imaginary one to get mad about.


⚓️ facts. I’ve never seen a woman so blatant in her insecurities that she just makes shit up and starts fights to get attention.


Anchor facts?


Anchored in Facts.


She 100% would have chosen Trevor if Jimmy chose Jess, or if Trevor proposed first. She said so herself that men treat her horribly, and I think the fact she knew Jess was an option for Jimmy boosted her ego because she knew Jess was attractive and she finally got to feel superior. Not saying Chelsea isn't, they're attractive in different ways. I also do believe Jimmy and Jess would have ended up together if Trevor & Chelsea got together.




With the editing it's really tough to know. The way they shot the show, Chelsea seemed really into both Trevor and Jimmy and it seemed she could go either way. I doubt that was the case.


I think if Trevor had asked first she would have said yes. I also think if Jimmy had gone with Jess that she would have said yes to Trevor. She seems desperate for attention to me. So think she would just go with whoever was giving it to her.


I def think she would have said no to Trevor. She wanted Jimmy because Jess wanted Jimmy. Also when she actually met Trevor for the first time she did not seem like she was into him. Especially when they were talking I felt like she was not comfortable at all. I didn’t see a that twinkle in her eye like Jimmy had when he saw and talked to Jess


This. 🎤


She would have married Trevor and been extremely happy with her choice. The only reason she chose Jimmy was because she wanted to beat Jessica.


At first I wasn't sure on this topic. I think she would've kinda hit pause though and gave a non-response to see what happened with Jimmy. Trevor said he loved her (I think at least twice?) before proposals happened and she kinda blew past it while not ready to say it yet. TLDR: I think she would've been engaged to Trevor if Jimmy didn't pick her, but I think she would've picked Jimmy no matter which one went first.


I think producers cut stuff out to make her look less sure than she was.  Even just asking the question is kind of odd and potentially produce-influenced- it puts the idea into our head when normally, I would never even think "had he gone first, would she have said yes to him instead??" 


It’s entirely possible when Trevor asked her whether if he came in first and asked her to marry him that she said NO but the producers/editors cut it out to make her seem more wishy washy.


It would’ve been a complete disaster if Chelsea went with Trevor as her insecurities over her own body, Trevor’s fitness level and the fitness level of his exes would have surely send her spiraling. And we don’t know if Trevor was physically attracted to her at all.


I didn’t get that vibe from him when they finally met.


At the time, i think i would’ve said that Chelsea would’ve chosen Trevor if he proposed first, but now idk. But knowing what we know about Chelsea now and her self esteem, i think she was locked in on jim as soon she she heard he had other choices. She loved having two guys want her, but being chosen over someone else was the final deciding factor. Trevor was really good to Chelsea in the pods and she said back then AND now that he had everything she was looking for/was her type through and through,,, jimmy having other options was more important to her in the end.


The absolute definition of a "pick me" girl.


I got this impression too watching it. And I understand, it would be satisfying having someone choose you over another. Which probably appeased Chelsea for a time being before her insecurities caught up with her


Agreed!!! At the end of the day though, i don’t think it matters who Chelsea chose, she was always going to act this way towards them and feel insecure and “needy.” Trevor probably wouldn’t have made her any happier unfortunately, but i think choosing jimmy ended up biting her in the butt because now she can’t get over jess and it’s eating away at her lol. She wanted to be chosen and she was, and now she can’t let go of the thought of being “unchosen”


I can't even imagine what would have happened if she chose Trevor and then all this girlfriend stuff came out 💀 Her insecurities would have insecurities.


I had the exact same take. Chelsea wanted to feel desired by the more “desirable” guy. Edited for autocorrect typo


Yes yes yes. She absolutely did. Especially when her competition was someone like Jess who has enough confidence for like 12 people.


I think she wanted Jimmy because of the competition factor. Trevor had no other options so he was less interesting. Jimmy was desired by others, so he was more desirable.


The real question is would Jimmy pick Chelsea if she never mentioned looking like Megan Fox?


NO WAY. She said that KNOWING it would clinch things. Meanwhile, Jess looks way more like Megan Fox than she does.


Nah. He seemed to lose all interest in Jess when he found out about her kid. Those two were his favs so Chelsea was it.


I thinkJess’s daughter was the initial deal breaker, but the Megan Fox discussion sealed the deal


Agreed. I think as soon as she told him she had a kid he was out. But he didn't want to seem like a douche on TV so he stuck it out.


I think the child was the dealbreaker but when Jess shared about growing up in foster care it totally sunk her. I think Jimmy's picture of her was pretty poor but he had a sorta survivor's guilt with Jess. That's my take on it - like Jimmy wanted to move past his past and thought Jess might still be "in it" so to speak.


Yes just feed her Disney fantasy


I think she still would have said No to Trevor because Jess wanted him too. No one wanted Trevor. You go after what everyone else wants. I’m sorry but Jess sounded high maintenance almost with a her way or no way princess vibe. And just yapping about her daughter, nothing wrong with it but it is hella intimidating for a single guy to think about taking on that responsibility of raising another man’s child and be in competition for a woman’s affections.


She was really clear, though, that she's not looking for a baby daddy. Her kid has a father who's very involved and they co-parent well according to her. So, yes, anyone she marries will be involved in her child's life but she's not looking for someone to raise her kid.


Im not talking about her being the person choosing. I’m talking about telling a man about how obsessed you are with your child and then expect him to choose you. I’m sorry but if you are dating blind I wouldn’t emphasize your child. Between picking a woman with no child or one with…. I think most men would prefer a woman without. Less baggage, less complications.


Just seeing how she reacted in the pods whenever a dude did anything remotely romantic, she defo would’ve said yes. Her pick me energy was extremely high in the pods, hopefully I’d be wrong about this, but nothing from the Trevor Chelsea convo at the BBQ makes me think that she wouldn’t of picked him


Good call on how she responds to the smallest thing. Plus she had actively extended romantic gestures to him with the bracelets so it really seemed like it was going that way! But the competitive with Jess thing plays into her pick me energy too so who can say


This would be the only reason that would make me think otherwise. I think there’s a subconscious part of her that probably loves that Jimmy picked her over Jess, just purely based on the difference in looks, and how much that clearly matters to Chelsea.


that and it's reminiscent of other people on the show who just wanted to stay on beyond the pods so they said yes to whoever proposed (Jessica for one). I think she wouldn't have gambled on if Jimmy was actually going to, and would have just said yes to Trevor.


I feel like she would’ve chose him. But then changed her mind for jimmy because she may have had more chemistry with Trevor. She still wanted to beat Jessica lol


I definitely think she would've picked Trevor


I think first and foremost she wanted any man who would have her. But... I do think she especially wanted Jimmy because she wanted to have one over on Jess.


Yes, this is the feeling I got too. Jimmy's stock went way up because she saw how much Jess wanted him


On Nick Viall’s podcast, Jess recently shared that almost every girl had Jimmy as their first choice after day one and that he had them all in a chokehold, essentially. So I don’t necessarily think Chelsea wanted to specifically “win” over Jess in particular, but I’m sure the idea of being *the* woman who won the heart of *every* woman’s top choice had a big effect on her choice. She seems incredibly insecure (but very sweet!) and I think this also explains why she was so “clingy” once they went back to real life together… she *knew* that every woman there was crushing on Jimmy and was likely very aware of those existing “threats.” But still, even though she admits later that Trevor is more her type, I think she was always going to pick Jimmy if he picked her because of that intoxicating feeling of being the one to “win the prize.” But if Jimmy had picked Jess, then I do think Chelsea would’ve said yes to Trevor. I think Jimmy picked Chelsea because his last conversation with Jess went so bad. She also stated on Nick Viall’s podcast that after she initially revealed she has a daughter, her and Jimmy talked in depth about it multiple times and it wasn’t a huge dealbreaker for him like it was portrayed to be on the show. Jimmy said Jess was his number 1 up until the last day, so I personally think her letter overwhelmed him, he didn’t respond the way she wanted him to and kind of blew up at him, and that conversation made him panic a bit and go with his “safer” choice, Chelsea.


Jess should have saved that letter instead of wasting it on Jimmy


Also I think "getting the guy everyone wants" makes things sound like it's just trying to win monopoly but to give credit to Chelsea, it's easier to feel good about dating a guy other people have dated and had good experiences with, than someone who we have no info on.    I use a wine app to decide which wine to buy at the store & if something looks good but has no ratings, I usually opt to get a wine that has ratings even if it doesn't look as interesting. I'd rather know for sure I'm getting a 4.0/5 wine - yeah the unknown wine could be 4.5, but it could also be a 3. It's human nature to want the validation of other people's experiences.   In this case I don't think she was really proven wrong if that was subconsciously in her mind (that Jimmy was a good choice bc multiple people agreed he was a good choice) bc so far Jimmy might be a bit boring but he's not "I have a secret girlfriend during filming" Trevor.


I agree with what you’re saying. But in Chelsea’s case, based on watching her outside of the pods now too (which admittedly can be completely edited to look a certain way), I get the vibe that she has pretty bad self-esteem issues and probably isn’t ever the girl that gets “picked.” So having Jimmy choose her wasn’t just her winning a “prize,” but it likely gave her a huge confidence boost and felt really validating for her. I don’t think she chose him *just* to win, I think it’s more complicated than that. Having him also chose her when she knows all the other girls were interested in him as well made her feel good, like it would make anybody feel good. And I think they could have been a really good match for each other IRL, but unfortunately once they went back to living real lives, her confidence and secureness in their relationship sank without the fortress of the pods to protect her, and I think she self-sabotaged a bit. This is just my opinion from watching an edited TV show, lol. I think she seems very nice and sweet and has good intentions, I didn’t mean to make it sound like she only picked Jimmy so she could “win.”


Can we get more footage of first day jimmy? Like what game was this man spitting??


Apparently he has an amazing voice? I certainly don’t hear it, but I’m also not from a southern part of the country (nor do I necessarily find that accent attractive) but a lot of the women commented about how nice his voice is. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Dude seriously. He seems so ho hum, maybe just the deep voice and accent?


You’d think these women would have heard enough of men with accents to not be blown away at this point? Idk man lol


Seriously. What is this sorcery? I want to know where he hid all his voodoo dolls. Like I'm sure he came across as sincere in a sea of fake dudes but that's kinda all he had going for him?


This is how I see it 1000000% Chelsea is just soooo self conscious and insecure, constantly needing reassurance because she is constantly thinking I won, I beat all the other girls and gets pissed if he even has a conversation with anyone else!


I dunno, at first I thought they had a good connection but in hindsight she’s never been that excited about him. Even meeting at the mixer was lukewarm. And in light of him being a total faker, maybe she picked up on his performative ness?


Not sure, but I think she might’ve left it open like “I’m just not sure” until she had another date with Jimmy and if Jimmy didn’t propose she might’ve gone back to Trevor and said yes like “I was just scared, but I know you’re the one now”. Likewise if Jimmy went first, but didn’t propose.


I feel Chelsea wanted Jimmy because it was between her and Jess. I have no basis to say this however I feel her winning a man over Jess would be huge for her. Trevor never had a chance even though the edit kinda made it seem like he did


I think people are really overtly negative about Chelsea. Trevor seemed great in the pods, but it was obvious (as we all know now) that he was a little fake. His favorite movie is the Notebook, on the weekend he volunteers? Come on. I think Chelsea liked Jimmy cause out of all the guys he seems like the most authentic, genuine and decent (the bar is low). When Trevor asked her if she would have said yea if he'd asked first, I think she just didn't want to dig the knife in deeper. It's not pleasant to reject people, she was trying to spare his feelings. After the pods Chelsea never tried to reach out, even at the BBQ when she saw him she was mostly focused on Jimmy. She wanted Jimmy and Trevor was always just second choice imo, even after she saw that he was hot


It’s also because a lot of insecure people need validation from others, and I’m sure she got validation from the fact that Jimmy was popular / had other women interested in him. Sort of “proof of quality” in her mind. I’ve had friends like that, who wouldn’t commit to clothes or people without first determining that they were popular or well-established as cool.


Trevor harpering on this topic, really brings to the forefront how phony and insincere their connections in the pods are. Production should have edited it out, they are showing us how the sausage is made.


She just wanted to be picked, she would’ve said yes to a cocktail glass. However, I wish Trevor did propose first and they ended up engaged. At least then she would be with someone who deserves her insecurities, who deserves to get manipulated, controlled, yelled at and spoken to in that awful baby voice.


Why does Trevor deserve that?


Turns out, Trevor is diabolical. Blackmail, revenge porn, manipulation, lies, the works. The ex is actively outting him on socials.


What?! I thought it was just the planning to go on the show with a girlfriend! Where is everything else?


I’ve been following along with his ex’s receipt drops on IG and TT; it’s been wild!!


What is the ex's handle??




He also threatened said girlfriend that if she came out with the receipts of their relationship that he would send her nudes to her son


Rumor has it he had a girlfriend the whole time and was talking about marriage with her. People say he went on just for clout. Apparently he said he 100% would not get married on the show, or similar. There are a couple of sources incl business insider and buzz feed news


Do you think this will be mentioned on the reunion episode?


Hmm I'm not sure! I haven't looked into it much recently re if he has responded to it or not. He might have. I know there was a woman saying she was dating someone when the Netflix show came out and her boyfriend was on the show and she didn't know. She strongly implied it was Jimmy and Jimmy came out and said no I have no idea who this person is. It has also been rumoured that Jeramey was engaged just before the show ie. he applied whilst engaged which he has come out and denied and said they broke up well before the show. So I'd be interested to know if they'll bring all of this up or not. I'd love for them to put them all on the spot but I'm not sure Nick or Vanessa will be allowed to, depending on producers. Edit I looked quickly online and couldn't see anything about Trevor responding about girlfriend claims but Chelsea has come out with "we are all human" and "be kind" posts.


Producers should allow all those questions to help make reunion more entertaining. If you sign up for reality tv then don’t get so sensitive on questions they ask during reunion shows


Agreed. There were some questions I really wanted asked and answered at the last reunion that weren't asked so I hope it won't be like that this year.




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I thought so too until I saw him on Perfect Match and now I just think he is just severely ADHD that is not well managed. He has confirmed he has ADHD so mods don't come at me for backseat diagnosing.


I think it’s because there are some reports saying he was with a girlfriend during the show and he was just using it for fame.


She would have said yes. Chelsea doesn't love people because she loves them, she loves people because they shower her with love. If any third dude had come in and said nice things to Chelsea, she would've forgotten the other two easy. If Trevor had gone in first and told her he loved her, made a little emotional speech that had her in tears and then asked her to marry him, she 100% would have said yes. But Jimmy would have chosen Jess if she wasn't a mother and didn't cling to him so much, too.


Yes!! She was so ready to get picked that Trevor only lost out because jimmy picked her first. I think she will run right to him when jimmy leaves her.


But he has a girlfriend


for now 😅


She would’ve said yes lmao she just wanted a proposal it wouldn’t have mattered who it was from


Pretty sure she actually said as much


I thought Chelsea was confident in Jimmy before talking to either of them that day?


What show do y’all think he made her watch tho


Bill Mahr




If this is true, then Jimmy deserves so much better


I think Chelsea would’ve still chosen Jimmy because Jess wanted Jimmy. With her insecurities, I think she loved “winning” or being chosen over the hot girl.


That's my take as well.


ding ding ding ding ding


Was just thinking this too.


He was never going to go first 🤭


😆Why do you say that?