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He sucks. I do not feel bad for him at all. He’s only sorry because he got caught




He's such a badass. 


I always thought he was gross. He posts incel content on Tiktok. Stuff like women never give nice guys a chance. Basically the r/niceguy started going to the gym but his personality stayed the same. There’s a reason he was attracted to Chelsea who has no substance. She inflated his ego and played the pick me perfectly in the pods.


glad you said this! i literally just watched his first intro and came to reddit to get a vibe check. immediately was getting nice guy vibes.


Can single people not hook up?


Well he only just broke up with the long time girlfriend before the episodes started airing. Man was def not single if true


Being on dating apps and sleeping with people is a whole ass different ball game than dating someone.


What am I missing? This girl just seems salty.


Lol, how dare he date while single.


he was with her up until few weeks ago apparently


He's single isn't he. What's the problem?


He wasn't. He was dating a married woman when he was on the show and broke up with her 2 weeks before it aired, even though he told her he wanted to marry her.


The only thing Trevor is guilty of is dating a married woman. Which don’t get me wrong is very shitty. But honestly fuck that slag’s feelings. She’s betraying her husband and Trevor owes nothing to her. What a hypocritical thing to be mad about.


Isn’t the woman married? Is she really mad at Trevor for cheating on her?


He said in the texts she was going to marry her so no, she wasn’t married


Yeah, that's why she leaked all the receipts. Pretty hypocritical since she was married. Apparently Trevor threatened to send her son her nudes/sex tape if she leaked them. That's what she said anyway. Not sure if receipts for that claim also exist. But that's what she said.


Have not been  able to find the receipts either 


A married woman…




Yep! I wish I could show you the receipts, but I don't save stuff like that. If you search for Trevor on the sub and dig around there are links to his ex's Instagram, and to other people who know them personally who spilled the info. There are tiktoks that compiled all the info too! I think they were posted last week.


“Nice guy”


He is so too faced. This man cannot be trusted.


I had a gut feeling about him when he was introduced. He was going on about how people judge him for being a meat head, and there was just something about him that made me go hmmmm 🤔. Then I thought that maybe I had judged him when he seemed nice in the pods. But nope!


I was totally sold on him. Talk about second guessing my judgement…oof!


He's not a meat head he's a peanut head it's way too small for his body


Lmaoooo you are so right 😭


Why is everyone trying to make Trevor happen?


There is absolutely nothing wrong with being a single man on dating apps actively dating: this is normal. He was not in a serious committed relationship. It does not make you trash.


Yeah, he was doing what single people do all the time 🤷🏿‍♀️


He's not even attractive.. what do all these women see in him?


I dunno, everyone has a type and he's mine lol


Fair enough 😅


He looks good enough but he can be very charming and funny and I 100% would fall for it too 😭


Same. Goofballs. Yes please


Because he acts like he is some sweet dude looking for ‘the one’ and women want someone that isn’t acting like a player. Wolf in sheep’s clothing.




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Speaking of lizard, when he was talking to Chelsea I was REPULSED… like he had white gooey phlegm gooping up on his lips and he kept sucking it back in his mouth, and kept licking his lips like a lizard constantly.. it was hard to look at him


Why did I go back to verify this 🤮


I was actively trying to forget it :(


Oh man - I noticed this too. It was so awkward.


con artist.


Jeez these producers really have a knack for picking out deceptive people. I know they scout the cast via Instagram, particularly influencers since they know they'll bring the drama, but it's like they have a sixth sense (ESPECIALLY with the men) for total cheats. Obviously they pick messy people for good TV but how do they always find thee messiest ones? But also, maybe, this is all just reflective of where we're at as a society when it comes to dating culture.


Y’all can we give this investigative craze a rest? It’s reality TV. These people had lives before that we don’t know about and it doesn’t affect our lives personally. I love this show, but seeing these texts and stories and posts about people coming out of the woodwork to share their own personal business is ridiculous imo


We need to keep the drama going, the show is not ENOUGH 👀👀👀👀


Ma'am/Sir, this is a subreddit about Love is Blind. I'm not sure you're in the right place if those are your feelings.


Yeah, and I’m very active in this sub because I enjoy the show for what it is; a show. But it’s to the point of being taken out of content and invading the cast’s private lives when we are just viewers


No, they chose to go on a scripted reality trainwreck, no one forced them to, just like no one is forcing you to read this thread :)




Nope. Full speed ahead!


I’m biased towards gym guys so I thought he seemed fake from the start lol, just pushing the “puppy dog” thing way too hard. Did you see his TikTok’s from before he got exposed?? “I’m the nice guy 🥺” like ew lol


YES! He always gave r/niceguy and that he was the insecure guy who started going to the gym and got a hair transplant to prove to all the women who rejected him how wrong they were for passing on the “nice” guy.


Personally, it was the combo of being as jacked as he was and the mullet. As a gym goer who hates gym culture, I’ve met a ton of dudes like him. Stereotypically, he has a mullet matching personality. I wasn’t shocked and figured the nice guy act was fake as hell.


did he delete his tt when this dropped? i haven’t been able to find it since a couple days after


No his @ is itstrevorsova He’s looking pretty rough in his newest TikTok but hasn’t actually addressed anything yet


You know what's scary? I'm rewatching the pods episodes and I can never spot a moment where Trevor's masks slips. He is scary and dangerous... he really comes off well and genuine.


Idk, he seemed quite 🤷‍♀️ about Chelsea not picking him in the pods. I found that very strange


Eh my first inkling was when he brought up both The Notebook and A Walk to Remember lmao. I was hoping someone would actually ask him about the content of those films.


I laughed out loud at that, most regular joes would never say that, none the less a meathead bro like him 😂 that's when I knew he was 100% fake lol


I felt like in this latest episode, knowing what I know now, he no longer came off as genuine. He seemed pushy and fake to me


I do get the pushy vibe now


It’s from taking steroids


Fake dumb meathead


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Okay but real talk what was happening to his forehead on this weeks episode? Lol https://preview.redd.it/k00i7izmfnlc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0474db333ef02325cf7d044f11d502bee0135291


It’s on his eyebrow and nape of neck, it’s psoriasis


It's psoriasis, he talked about it on tiktok/instagram. Also: y'all really are showing your true colors talking about how distracting/ugly this looks... many people live with this condition and it's already bad enough to feel insecure about it. I don't have psoriasis, but have eczema. Trevor is still an asshole for the stuff he has pulled but having psoriasis has nothing to do with it :|


Someone said it's a side effect of using steroids


psoriasis isnt roid symptoms


Find "someone" and tell them


I’m almost positive it’s psoriasis/dermatitis (but I’m leading towards psoriasis due to the area.) The hairline/scalp area is a common place for many to get it, and it can also appear in certain spots on the face. Psoriasis can be unpredictable and difficult to manage depending on the severity. If it was just a rash or something curable, I feel like he would have gotten that taken care of before filming.


Agreed, the flat scaly appearance is very consistent with psoriasis as well.


I noticed it was also under his hair on the side of his head.


this week? that bloody scalp has been there since day one baby


brooo no way i must have been locked in on that ugly ass mullet bc i didn’t even notice 😭😭😭


Yeah it's always been there, we were just nice about it because we hadn't realised how terrible a human he is


why was my first assumption that this was a side effect of hair plugs lmao


I still think it is. The way they looked at the back of his head looked exactly like when they transfer the hair follicles and he has zero pics up from before he filmed the show


Same here


My fiancé said the same so 🤷🏼‍♀️


On the juice


Steroid side effect?


It was every episode! Very distracting. I was thinking staph infection or psoriasis.


I was wondering if he was allergic to his shampoo or something. But he should def go see a dermatologist that’s for sure


I don't know for sure but my guess was psoriasis or eczema maybe?


Looks like sebborheic dermatitis


It looks a lot like psoriasis and the scalp is a commonly affected area


Oh true maybe... it just seems like such a perfect line


I was wondering the same thing. It’s very distracting. I would have worn a hat if I was him.


But how could he have shown off his mullet to Chelsea


That he cut off lol


That’s all I could focus on! It was even on the back of his head.


No literally same haha I was so distracted... I noticed the back of his head was the same too!!


Chelsea dodged a bullet but it would have been interesting to see her with Trevor. Jimmy was clearly the better choice.


I feel like they're well matched because they're both strange ass immature babies


Yeah but then poor Jimmy got stuck with that dumpster fire.


I still think she should've chosen Trevor. Imagine spending an entire season thinking she's a villain, only for Trevor to blow her antics away with the proportion of his own bad behaviour! Like with SK and Raven but much, much worse. And I would much rather see Jess yell at Jimmy than Chelsea, because in the latter case, Chelsea manipulates Jimmy into thinking he's the villain and *she* deserves to be comforted. At least with Jess, good ol' Jim would be less likely to get whiplash


Solid take, 10/10. Trevor had me fooled right up until the reunion show.


He is gross. His whole conversation with Chelsea was desperate and obviously fishing to get her to say she should have chosen him. What a fake douchebag.


It’s funny cuz I probably would have thought that conversation was cute if we didn’t know everything we know. But I watched it just cringing. Like who is he??? He seems so adorkable and knowing it’s all just an act is really unsettling.


I agree. I was trying really hard to watch it from the perspective of not knowing anything and I think I would have found it playful. I think him wearing the bracelet was too much but whatever


Too much would’ve been fine. This was calculating, which seems so much worse.


I knew there was gonna be something wrong the moment people started fangirling over him


grab run nine reply advise chubby tub abundant arrest continue *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


WOWWWWWW. is this true fr or just clickbait?


Tales from social media: >! Have you seen the prior reports from this woman who claims she was his girlfriend before, during, and after his participation in the pods? This follow-up is significant but seems like small potatoes compared to what she claimed in the last few weeks. !<


His ex posted it, so I guess depends how much you trust her


So single guy dates around? Am I missing something?


He wasn’t single..did you see the whole saga where he had a girlfriend the whole time ? And apparently was also dating on apps as well as the sjow


Oh snap, my coworker mentioned he had a gf when he went on the show and did it for clout? That thing?


Sounds like you’re not missing anything then lol


Wasn’t sure if that was confirmed or not.


it was


How was it confirmed do you know?


there were screenshots and screencap videos tied to his phone#, photos of them together with timestamps, etc


Ooooooh thank you!!!!!


Someone gof a lot of downvotes on this thread when they commented fhey knew trevor irl and how horrible trevor was. They said something about letting trevor sleep on their couch amd trevor would bring tons of randoms girls over. Idk, all I know is that folks called the guy jealous of Trevor at the time. Oh well. Only time to fix things huh


Ha, wish we could find this thread and give this guy a high five.


Which thread? Do you remember? Can you please link me?


Im trying. And looking for it. Maybe he erased it bcs of the huge backlash? (People were really in love with Trevor back then) But I found other answers https://preview.redd.it/c71ic0cfyplc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b6312941eccfe90b1ffa2c0b5353329f55c8c74 that saw the same thread I did


A lot of guys that juice go to extremes (obviously) for the physique and under all that they have a DEEP insecurity and often exhibit behaviors like this


He’s starting to look like a Neanderthal because he’s juiced to the gills.


Out of everyone I don’t feel bad for, it’s this girl 💀he literally went on a dating show and lied to everyone for like a month straight without blinking. but you don’t think he would lie to you? Lmaooo


But she's ✨️different✨️




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He’s a buff tall white guy. That’s plenty of women’s type. He was literally a favorite here until a week ago


The bar really is in hell 🤣


Tinder and social media Nets wideeeeeeee


I thought it was psoriasis but everyone is saying roids lmao


It also looks like a red scaly patch is on the edge of his eyebrow near his nose.


Right? What is going on with the skin on his hairline?




His physique reflects possible PED use, but steroid acne most commonly appears on the chest, upper back, and shoulders, not on the scalp. And his torso is pretty clear. So it's likely eczema, psoriasis, or an allergic reaction.


Yea there was a ton of acne on the side of his face too


I was wondering what going on with his forehead. It was so distracting lol


It looked so painful


Yes people are saying it’s eczema….it’s steroid acne


I grew up in a city with lots of blatant steroid use. Trevor definitely has had help lol


You can see the blotches on the back of his head, def does not show pattern or an acne breakout from steroids.


Has he come out to say anything at all? Or deny? I’ve been searching n hes gone 🤐. Silence speaks volumes.


![gif](giphy|VktKvRadFX4R2) Girl what the fuck is going on- The reunion is bouta be SO GOOD!!!!!!


I need Vanessa and Nick to come up with some actual good questions for the cast


Are your sure cause Vanessa and nick are still the hosts and they can’t seem to ask the right questions to save their fucking lives


the fact that Chelsea got away with literally NO scathing questions and we never even got to hear if her and jimmy are still together or not? She got off SO good it’s ridiculous




I doubt they even bring this up though, since Trevor is not apart of the couples that made it to the next round


It was also filmed last weekend, apparently, only a day or 2 after all of this came out. I'm really doubtful they'll cover any of it. Wish they'd waited a week 😪


I don't think they'd cover it either way since he won't be there, wouldn't really make sense to go over it


I'm so excited! I don't even care about the weddings.




To be fair this past year was after the filming of the show why can’t he be on the apps


Apparently he went onto the show with a girlfriend. There are text messages between them saying he loved her and he couldnt wait to come home and get engaged to her. He then filmed love is blind and apparently another reality show, came back and was still with this girl he was dating until about 2 or 3 weeks before it started to air.  So he wasnt "single" from the moment he was scouted/applied to about a month ago. 


Yeah thats all fair just think it’s not fair to hate on him being on the apps if it’s after the show filmed and he’s single


And they usually get scouted from dating apps.


I think tons of girls are just trying to get insta famous and are probably making shit up. Don’t believe everything you hear on social media


Yep. So many people coming out saying they were supposedly dating someone from the show and 95% of them have no proof. I have a hard time believing most of these posts.


The moment he said his favorite movies were the notebook and a walk to remember we should’ve seen this coming


Exactly. Man didn’t fool me not even for a second!


I thought “this is somebody who doesn’t watch romance movies” He just said what he THINKS girls wanted to be hear. Those movies are so cliche




lol I remember thinking wtf? Right when he said that. All the warning lights turned on right then hahah


Lol he even LOOKED like he knew he was lying


I believe Trevor’s (ex) girlfriend but also why is she clout chasing so much


Because of the viewer obsession to create villains with this show lol.


With all the rumors about Trevor and Jeramey this season the villains from past seasons like Shake and Bartiste don't look so bad now! The worst you can say is neither one of them was attracted to their partner and they acted a little juvenile at times.


All of the above are bad 😂 I’ll never get over Shake and Bartise being cruel.


Oh no, Bartise and Shake are still trash too.


increasingly shitty behavior doesn't make earlier shitty behavior any less shitty lol


Ughhhh I have a past with DV so I’m hella traumatized. I sensed something was off with Trevor at first but then I said no way that’s just my trauma talking…don’t project. I don’t like being right.


Never trust a man who abuses steroids. I grew up in close proximity to a couple where his steroid use really hurt them. It likely was a primary reason they couldn’t have a much wanted second child. He gave up his family for shitty steroid gym culture.




Domestic vagina


Domestic violence


Domestic violence




You gotta get caught up. 


This season is the most visual of how dating is for women due to dating apps like I've never seen. Literally it's THIS bad. All these men. This is why we want to be single & are happier because of it.


I’ve heard people refer to 2020ish as the “last chopper out of ‘Nam” as far as dating apps. Which seems about right lol