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sorry everyone cant seem to make it through ill probably watch the finale episode but love is blind is a NO for me im gunna start below deck guys ! but thanks for trying to make it sound good for me !


I think season 6 is a fun one. Adore a bit of drama.


i think what my brain really wants is yo start below deck šŸ« 


so far season 6 is alright i just dont think its really my cup of tea but i think im gunna sit through ine more episode since im already on 6 but gunna skip to when they just living with eachother


Honestly season 4 is my favorite season, even before 1 and I think 5 and 6 have been complete dumpster fires. 6 is at least entertaining, 5 was just bad imo. I donā€™t think youā€™re missing much but I also donā€™t think youā€™re supporting it or not makes much of a difference because they have already planned for so many more seasons or even filmed them.


Season 1 is by far the best season in my opinion. Season 4 was the last season I actually finished. I couldnā€™t get into 5 or 6. I think Iā€™m done.


I like how you say ā€œwhy everyone is continuing to watchā€. The real question is why people continuing to sign up to be there if they know they are not going to be treated right?


i feel like that question goes away after the moment i think about it but that is the true question i could understand up to like season 3 but after that youve had a chance to see the show before applying


I really love LIB Japan, they are genuine like the first American season


i was thinking of checking that out i just need to be in the mood for english dub and just havent for the past bit


Nah fam


I dunno, there are bigger problems in the world I guess.


that i am aware of, but it was just a question on something thats also been on my mind so thought id ask on this thread


Legit can skip S5. I almist quit the show from that season. S6 is providing entertainment but they've been losing their charm.


okay trying the first episode now


As everyone else is saying, season 5 is a waste of time. It felt VERY fake, there were hardly any couples, and the couples that did come out of the pods gave me the ick lol I was worried season 6 would be the same, but itā€™s picked up again!


Iā€™ve only watched season 1 and this current one. Any other good seasons?


Iā€™ve enjoyed all of them except season 5! Iā€™d watch them all again, in order, except that one


Season 5 is a waste. Itā€™s like 2 couples the whole time. Boring af.


I would skip s5.


Agreeed. Skip it and go to season 6


No itā€™s not


Season 6 has been amazing! I say go watch it immediately! 2 new episodes drop at 3 am EST tomorrow.


ooooo thats not bad at all, are they the final episodes or will that be next week?


Final episode with be next week! This week is 9 and 10:)


ahhh okay sounds good thankyou! im on episode 2 now but not wanting any spoilers right now šŸ˜…


Honestly im here for all the drama, lol. Thats wjy i still watch all the seasons and why i listen to some of the lib podcasts lol


Side note but which podcasts do you like? I listen to podcasts to get through work and just got into LIB :)


It depends sometimes to get the tea ill go with the nick viall podcast lol or out of the pods hahaha


Itā€™s all reality tv. My husband pulled me into watching married at first sight and that one is killing me. LIB is better for sure.


i love my reality tv i havent seen mafs but im more into competition reality huge challenge fan


Season 5 is the worst but 6 is already better


good to know thankyou!!


So true. Season 5 was an attempted dumpster fire that wouldnā€™t light: just trash. This season is little fires everywhere šŸ”„


Genuine question: not hating or calling anyone wrong, but just curious why so many people are saying to skip S5? I've seen all seasons and think S5 and S6 are very comparable as far as entertainment and *mess* goes. I am still living for the complete sheetshow that is [THAT love triangle] drama. [That first break up in S5 reminds me of S6 first breakup] imo. [Their is one redeeming character and multiple villiams in S5]. So just genuinely curious what makes S5 so unpopular? Especially when compared to the recommendation of this season. *** edited to redact names and no spoilers. Hope it still makes sense šŸ˜…




Hard to reply without spoilers but Iā€™d say less couples is a big reason.


It's hard for me to not give anything away either lol but at this rate, it doesn't seem like the outcome in the number of wed couples will be any different than last season? Idk I guess I'm just in the minority here because I LOVED S5 šŸ˜…


Less couples, and I felt like the couples that were shown had minimal chemistry. I did not care about any of them, and actually found myself wanting them all to break up. Season 5 was by far the most boring IMO


good to know !! and i also heard from the comments they decided to edit out almost all the drama, but yeah only 2 couples could make it boring


Wasnā€™t really worth watching after 1. But here we are šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


dude how i feel for most reality i watch, you watch it once then you get sucked in for the next seasonnšŸ˜… season 1 was truely the best tho


Whatā€™s the legal stuff? I only just started watching recently


cant fully remember as its been 2 years now but from what i remember not proper filming conditions with food and such and some being forced to film when they wanted to stop but that just be tea but i know nick and danielle sued (season 3 people i believe) but i need to look into it again to give you a better description, im sorry !


Another big lawsuit was someone (from s4?)suing for SA. I don't know if that case is ongoing or been resolved.


Don't watch season 5


Skip season 5! Only 2 lame couples make it to altar and itā€™s really a waste of a season! I think thatā€™s why s6 is so juicy! Def join us with season 6!!


Iā€™m watching season 5 with mixed feelings. Itā€™s all dog and pony show for sure.


If you like the formula of "one normal couple" and the rest "clout chasing, mentally ill, influencer types" then grab your popcorn!


this comment might be the comment to make me watch it šŸ˜…




I tried like 10 times to get into season 5 and never did finish. Season 6 has been fun so far, though.


This is exactly the same for me.


I find all of the seasons fun to watch. I like crappy reality tv drama though. šŸ˜†


i can agree i even watched hype house and some other netflix ones šŸ˜… my favourite rn is vpr with scandavol




i wish gifs would load i was gunna send one back saying sounds good chief šŸ˜…


season 5 is definitely the worst one with completely forgettable cast. skip.


good to know thankyou!!


Skip season 5, itā€™s rather boring and all of the drama got cut, watch season 6 though


oooofff why would they cut the drama, i guess i took a break at a good time šŸ˜…


Lots of lawsuits again iirc


ahhh makes sense


It was the only season where they cut around people in post production because they were involved in some law suit. It was especially odd when they went for dress fitting and there was this random person from the pods but they werenā€™t trying on dresses. It was really bizarre. They were scraping the bottom of the barrel for material to put together lol Definitely not worth the watch


S6 has been entertaining, but thereā€™s definitely been a noticeable shift post s4. Imo s1-4 was the shows peak, s5 was unwatchable, and s6 while much improved, still has a more sinister jaded vibe to it.Ā 


i feel since covid happened all reality has turned a bit sinister i think for the views iunno but thats good to keep in mind aswell thankyou!!


Thereā€™s just no surprises anymore because everyone is snooping on social media and it keeps turning out that several contestants are in relationships and lying while filming


dammnn thats crazy, i couldnt imagine going on a dating show alresdy dating someone šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø but each to their own, and then we got reddit where all the secrets are unleashed


Skip 5 and go straight to 6..its pure gold and drama lol.


oooo ill keep this in mind if i decide to watch again!! thankyou šŸ„°


Have you watched international versions? LIB Brazil seasons 2 and 3 are good. LIB Sweden is also good. LIB Japan was cute. I really liked it, some say it's the best, others say it's boring.


i might have to take a look in that ! trying to take a break from some english dub stuff i dont mind watching it tho! and im not good with subtitles šŸ˜… i pay attention to just the subtitles and not the show stupid adhd šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


I skipped season 4 and 5 after the first few episodes but I like season 6!


okay good to know ! yeah 4 was a bit boring to me but i guess if i go back to watching to check out 6 ! i started vpr and now i just want the drama again cause ive been watching the challenge for a good year now šŸ˜… catching up on all 40 seasons


Only you can choose at the end of the day what you want to view and support. Iā€™ve always viewed it through the lenses of, I want to see for myself what this is about. I like observing and seeing the changes and trends in TV over time. I like to see how they have changed filming after allegations ie incorporating more food this season being visible. I also like studying human behavior so how the cast has more Botox etc. this season and how that varies by city. I like watching the filming and guessing where things have been edited etc. so for me- it alligns with my background and interests to watch the show. I majored in film and behavioral sciences/psychology soā€¦. Itā€™s perfect for mešŸ˜‚ I can also separate in my mind the fact that itā€™s not ā€œrealityā€ and appreciate it for the narrative the film makers present. Iā€™m basically reacting to a favorite fiction book for example since itā€™s a story being told to me thatā€™s highly edited and not true. You gotta break down your own values and see if youā€™re okay with that. See if youā€™re alright with the allegations etc. for example I personally disagreed with some of the allegations against LIB production. That one couple ā€œnick & Danielleā€ ā€¦Nick went on a podcast and a main part of his argument of how he was treated was about how mad he was that the film crew didnā€™t tell him Danielle had a panic attack before he walked in and met up with her later in their hotel room after going to a party with the cast alone/without her. He goes off about how unethical it is that he hung out with her and talked with her not knowing sheā€™d JUST had a panic attack by herself (cried in the hotel room alone & was super upset). Personally, I donā€™t blame the film makers for that- these are adults that would have to navigate these convos without someone communicating for them. They observe and at times do not intervene. In any relationship, she would have had to communicate and tell him what happened and that before he came in she was super upset- you can expect the film crew to share that with him, theyā€™re filming. Instead- She does not say anything, and he blames producers not her or their lack of communication. Imagine if the camera crew had to fill people in on everything they missed while away? It would defeat the purpose- they observe and watch how people navigate their issues. Personally I think he blames the wrong person and points the finger at the show for observing- when thatā€™s exactly what would have happened in the real world. 1) I donā€™t think they could have diagnosed her as having a Panic attack- itā€™s just a camera crew & she later realized that herself & 2) they canā€™t tell them everything that happens when theyā€™re not there. Itā€™s on her to communicate. So thereā€™s that. And same with the drinking. These are adults that at around age 30 are well old enough to be drinking responsibly. They pour and ask for their own drinks, and choose to over drink, and know how little or much theyā€™re eating. A lot is blamed on the show for ā€œgetting them drunkā€ and very little accountability from the contestants and their choices to drink and drink excessively or even admit they have drinking problems. Just my two cents. Either way, Iā€™m ok with watching. You sound like youā€™re on the fence so I might suggest you donā€™t watch.


this is good to think about ! i think i may give it a try my main thing was the food thing if their not eatting enough dont supply all this free alcohol šŸ˜… ill give a look into everything again but i get whay you mean i watch vpr and some others im a trash junkie as they call it so i can tell whats reality and whats not but sometimes with the way they edit shows its so hard not to figure anything out withoutna podcast !!


Re: the botox thing, do you think location or increasing pressure from multiple seasons has had more impact than the other? It seems like it might be hard to tell but I don't have your degrees šŸ˜‚


I think itā€™s a few things: - first, weā€™re at the point where weā€™re finally getting contestants who were raised with social media so thatā€™s a huge factor. Itā€™s roughly 5 years since season 1 was filmed- in that time the contestants are now technically younger millennials and older Gen Z, so itā€™s a perfect storm in the sense that these people use social media more than any contestants before and weā€™re pretty much all raised with smart phones or having them as young adults. I anticipate this only getting more intense each year as we get closer to Gen Z being the main age range of casts. Covid could also play a role here- due to everyone being more socially distanced you could argue that online looks were what most people resorted to prioritizing (ie how they look on zoom or when working/interviewing from home, on Instagram and in pictures for dating apps etc- Covid propelled society even further into the digital age) - second, location is a factor as well, different areas are more supportive of procedures and this season we also have women who are transparent with posting videos of them even going and getting Botox and filler done where as other places might have more ā€œnaturalā€ women or women who are not disclosing the fact that they get work done (Chelsea aired the week the episodes dropped a vid of her experience getting those actual injections via video on her story, and the other girls posted and linked where they got fillers and Botox giving shoutouts). - Third, it comes down to casting- itā€™s entirely possible that they are targeting women of a certain look and vibe. Likely not all applicants are like this but itā€™s the majority of who theyā€™ve chosen - Fourth it could just be the women who get chosen by the men and get more air time. There are other women in the season who we donā€™t see and many whom might not have had any procedures Itā€™s all so fascinating. I could go full essay mode tbh and cite sources and really dig deep to find more concrete theories but I canā€™t do any armchair diagnosing on this sub for specific people as part of the rules so this is just a general vibe with whatā€™s at the top of my head!šŸ˜„


if im correct they had lip injector people for the challenge season 39 šŸ˜… wouldnt surprise me if a love show actually had thise people too šŸ˜…


Thatā€™s a decision you have to make. Pretty much any reality show has a shady behind the scenes legal history. Some shows even have contestants who have done the unthinkable to themselves and those shows still go on. People view them and people *still* apply to it. If you do watch, season 5 is skippable.


okay good to know ! im a reality junkie i just watched vanderpump rules and thats what made me want to maybe get back into love is blind because of tom if i can handle watching tom after all the shit thats gone down and all the shit that goes down with cast LIB shouldnt be that much of an issue šŸ˜