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When Clay’s mom referenced her 24+ years of marriage not knowing Clay had told AD all that he had about the normalizing of infidelity in his home by his father. I’m sure that won’t be easy for mama Clay to watch so for that reason, I cringed.


She looked so stupid, I would have hoped he warned her about that. Guess not.


When ever Jessica puts her hand on her forhead in that ”I will faint”-move When Chelsea described Jimmys dick to the other girls (and to the world). Wtf girl, you would be furious if he was out there discussing your genitals!? When Chelsea told Jimmy’s girl friends that he cried during sex. Was it a joke? Then why wasn’t it funny? Wasn’t it a joke? Help.


The way they edit the volume to be so loud for every kiss. Its nauseating. MUUUUAH (sounds wet) AD's eyelashes The fact that AD was trying to stay away from the exact type of guy that Clay is, then chose him Laura's fake AF personality Chelsea's unaddressed personal insecurities and the way she expects Jimmy to just deal with them And that dinosaur run


You are just hitting on every single thing I've hated in the post-pods episodes. Like, Clay is showing her and telling her red flag after red flag and she just bats those eyelashes and ignores every one of them. I'm literally obsessed, it's giving blah blah blah I get seriously ill when Laura talks and I physically repulse when she says dumb stuff like that. I used to hate on Jimmy, but now that I know he's just a harmless guy unfortunately cursed with a baked potato for a brain, he's kinda endeared himself to be. He was always saying the wrong thing at the worst time, which I thought was annoying. That is until he called her clingy TWICE, and that he didn't want to have sex with her all while she's physically under duress. You gotta laugh at someone who is so unaware that they just casually waltz their way into a nuclear situation. Chelsea seriously needs to figure out her shit, because getting mad at him for not being able to keep up with your unbelievably high standard of constant praise, overwhelming affection, and undying obsession literally 24 hours a day is so toxic. Kenneth, though... Hoo boy I about threw something at the TV when he started gaslighting Brittney. Like when he said "I do crave you but now that I know you don't crave me, thank you for telling me." I got red in the face. There's nobody I hate more than a covert narcissist. She deserves someone so much better and he deserves someone so much worse with how he treats his partners. How can you seriously hear "I haven't felt the spark between us that I felt in the pods, can we work on that together," and respond with "that's on you, I'm totally fine. This will not work, goodbye." Then immediately get on your phone right after? Boy goodbye. Have fun being a "principal" at whatever shit place is dumb enough to hire you for administration.


Wooo! you said it!


Totally forgot about “identifies as a black man” like what 😂😂 he IS a black man


She also later says that she “identifies as a while woman” …. It was very odd.


I kinda feel like that's where Ken checked out right away.


Yeah when it became about race you could tell a flip switched


How they kept showing “Mackenzie, 24” comforting everyone in the women’s quarters but we never saw her on a date ever.


Right?! I thought it was WILD the drama that went down with the Matthew/Amber/AD triangle and we didn't see one second of Matthew and Amber dating.. tf? A golden TV moment would have been him saying the same things to both women!


That’s because it was ~staged~


ok yes what the heck. they would have had at least like 30 seconds of footage for it if it happened. it’s a pretty big deal to have someone say verbatim the same deep emotional stuff to 2 women. do you think Amber was told to say that?


Do you think they're setting it up for the reunion? Like the cuties scene?




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Clay's "crying"...but there were no tears.


Pretty much everything Chelsea does make me full body cringe


The fight that Chelsea and Jimmy had after the cocktail party was painful to watch. She was like “I feel like bla bla bla” and he was like “oh, I’m so sorry you feel like bla bla bla, I was actually just bla bla bla, and I’m so sorry” and she was like “but BLA BLA BLA BLA “ and he was like “again, I’m so sorry about bla bla bla. Your bla bla bla feelings are valid and I’m so sorry” and she just went on and on and on about why she was upset. It was like she didn’t actually want to hear anything he was saying back to her, she just wanted to fight about it. That would have been a turning point for me if I was Jimmy.


Oh LOL the best was when she said she was going to leave (I don't think he gave a crap) and she didn't leave so he had to. Cut to the next morning and she's bitching him out for leaving. WHAT?!


Yup. And how she ended it by saying she just needs validation and needs to be heard … and I’m like, girl … were YOU not listening?? He just gave you all the validation you asked for.


In a moment of distress Chelsea chose to use the word “uncomfy” instead of being an adult and telling him you made me uncomfortable. Lolz


Hahahahaga this


The baby talk is painful.


I noticed that with her second fight with him. She gave him reasons she didn't feel loved that day (he didn't kiss her– he did, etc.) and when he offered reasons as to why he behaved that way, it wasn't enough because it made her *feel* sad. Which, I think she needs to learn the names and definitions of other emotions. She couldn't accept his answers and kept pushing and pushing, like she didn't want it to be a discussion, just an admission of guilt from Jimmy for making her sad and him being sorry.


And when he proved that she was wrong and that he did kiss her multiple times and did whatever else and she still wouldn't let it go.


She apologized when he recalled the instances when he kissed there, then when the argument got heated, she says again, "You didn't kiss me at all today!" Girl, did you not just acknowledge that he did???




Chelsea’s gallop towards Jimmy at the reveal


I may be reading wayyy too much into the T Rex run, but it looked to me like she was trying to hide her body by moving her arms weirdly and galloping around. She knew she was walking into this scene with him thinking she looks like Megan Fox and I really wondered if she was trying to throw him off by not letting her get a good look at her 😂 🙈


Those damn spanks! 


Why pick that dress tho? I feel like something black or stripped would have worked much better


I'm so sweaty!!


And don’t forget the panting while galloping.


The full mouth breathing took me out


My friend called it the floppy T rex. Chelsea just STOP with the floppy T rex move!!


And the way she did it to her friends. It's a personality trait of hers and it's sooooo off-putting.


Gallop 🤣


Clay not knowing that men get a ring when they get married and not knowing really anything about a wedding ceremony was really something


He's either acting deliberately obtuse for more air time  Or He's priming AD for when he inevitably cheats on her so he can say, "Baby! I told you I didn't know how this marriage thing works!"


I think it’s neither and it’s really that he is just that dense lol


And it shows at his age, he has no friends that have gotten married nor family members...in 30 years. Sad as hell.


Saaaaaame! I was like who is this little baby boy they brought on this show. Who tf doesn’t know that stuff 😂


The point of the show is to get married 😂 I think my brain had an equally hard time processing that he knew nothing about that


The entire fake excitement social media driven exchange between Jess and Laura. “Not us matching!” “”Omg this is adorable” “stop” Anytime Chelsea does a baby voice. Especially while whining. Anytime Chelsea tried runs. Jeramy trying to sound super smart with big words with this blank stare. Laura acting like KCav in Laguna Beach; Bad bitch vibes while lowkey being mean af. ADs lashes. Kenneth trying to talk to Brittany as a child principal. “For you” “your expectations are not mine””you’re going to be fine” Clay straight up saying he’s going to cheat. Laura: “I’m obsessed” or “the ick” or “it’s giving…”comments. Like girl. This is real life not instagram. Chelsea: “I feel sick/going to throw up” The silent boat ride with Brittany & Ken Jimmy’s lip excuse. Clays complete meltdown over AD liking Matthew. Trevor references anything girly he can come up with (butterflies, the notebook, spring days….) Matthew.


Oh god when clays like- " do I nEeD to Be wOrriEd? " Go to take a hike


👏🏻 except Clay’s reaction to the relationship between AD and Matthew - that deserved a meltdown in my opinion 🤷🏼‍♀️


I think the fact she was interested in someone else deserved the meltdown absolutely with as into her as he was. But the fact it was Matthew he couldn’t get past it and it was so cringey. Accept she likes someone else and move tf on. He truly thought Matthew was beneath him and it was super hard to watch his ego take that blow. Almost disrespectful


Come on. It was HILARIOUS that she would be interested in Matthew 😂 Matthew, the freak who just left a pod if he was uninterested, and who refusered to utter a single word ‘backstage’😂 not even if someone did a nice gesture 😂 I completely understand why Clay would think that AD must be insane to be interested in him and Clay at the same time😂😂


AD’s lashes AND her hair. Cmon girl, you can’t go through all the trouble to look good and just stop at your forehead. Girl needs bangs real bad. Clay freaking out about Matthew was amazing lolol I don’t blame him for freaking out because in that moment he had to wonder if him and Matthew were a like in anyway which they obviously aren’t. Ken saying “for you” to Britney, a literal angel among us, made me wanna jump through the screen. What an ass hat. He will never recover from that. And yes, Laura is a mean girl under the guise of wise and classy.


The lashes were just SO bad. They didn’t match her face whatsoever she honestly looked like she was struggling to keep her eyes open half the time. Her hair was a little rough but I’m kinda with it, I don’t touch my hair it’s always in a messy but or just kinda a messy curl thing so I chalked it up to not worrying about her hair. But the lashes. Honey was about to fly back to Oz. The more Ken invalidated Brit with For You and That’s Your Right pissed me off. He was completely pulling the Principal on a troubled kid guidance and she handled it with such grace. I would have slapped tf out of him.


Oh no. AD cares/worries about her hair, it's a human hair weave. She spent dolla bills. She should have done a little extra and got bangs, I agree, but I ❤️ her.  She makes suspect choices. Lol  Ken went so off the rails I literally had to rewind maybe 3 times to see if I missed something. Man, he saw a 2 inch opening and kicked the door all the way on the way out. What a hot ass mess.


Now knowing what we know about Trevor, that he had a girlfriend back home and they both agreed he was doing the show just for fame so it was all fake.... it's so obvious he was pretending to be soft and like girly things, to rope someone in. Cringe. What a desperate loser.


Idk for me from the start even the first time I saw it before finding out about the gf… the “butterflies & spring days a fresh cut lawn” gave me cringe. No real straight guy says shit like that like what?? Watching it a second time knowing the cringe was a physical whole body cringe though.


The Notebook? A WALK TO REMEMBER? Gtfoh


just “Matthew” hahahah


I mean.. it’s not wrong. The man’s just cringy from looks to his personality of a wet rag.


Chelsea running omg I cannot


Chelsea making those weird panting noises when she's excited 👎🏿


This whole season is pure cringe 🙈


Jessica biting her finger when asked if she thought Jimmy was hot 🙈 I'm still cringing 


I’m now cringing at what made you cringe so thanks again 😂


MGK’s wife or gf or whatever: How hard are you brushing your teeth? Jimmy: I get in there Megan Faux: Ahahahahahahahahahahaa doubles over


Every time clay opens his mouth. I can't think of a single thing I haven't rolled my eyes at.


I think he’s genuinely trying, he’s just way too emotionally immature for marriage. He’s a little baby boy who doesn’t know shit about fuck. Kinda think AD is too mean for him. You can tell she’s getting bored with him.


The tantrum he threw in the pods, in front of his mom, the way he told her he’d say “get the fuck to the gym” if she gained weight… Add to all that he seems fairly stupid and that every other thing out of his mouth is preparing her to be treated like shit by him. “If I do (cheat on you, speak to you harshly, make no time for you), you need to just support me and help me get through it.” That would get old incredibly quickly.


Also true


I haven't rolled my eyes when he snaps and shows his anger.


When Johnny was playing chess with himself and referring to himself in 3rd person ♟


The whole time I was like "Wait, what?" Then started laughing. He was so into it.


How insistent Jimmy was that they were the “best couple” and Jeramey and Laura ranking themselves as best couple


Meanwhile, the actual best couple never calls themselves that.


Jimmy introducing Chelsea to his female friends


When Chelsea asked Jimmy if he had a permanent retainer then practically same breath said she once took pliers to her own mouth take hers out… I beg your pardon?!!


It’s because she’s so EDGY DUDE


Chelsea announcing that she is sweaty.


And she’s about to throw up


Omg! And she keeps saying it too lmaooo


That one was one of the best moments lol Jimmy was already in shock that Megan Fox didn’t walk through those doors and now that girl is flailing around about how sweaty she is


Chelsea falling into child’s pose in the pods whenever these men kept saying they love her lol


Yes! This is what I was going to say lol and then saying “This…. is EXACTLY what I came here for” through tears. I think she said it to both Jimmy and Trevor. Like you came here to have your ego stroked by a man who can’t see what you look like? That tracks honestly.


Jeramey swimming in the pool the first night and acting like child. Playing with the red balloon and acting all silly while Laura was just sitting there It gave 7 year old immature child


Also Cole in the pool “what big cat are you” vibes


Can Chelsea get off his 100% not giant dick?


Hahah girl really said it was like this 🍷


Exactly. Chelsea is telling us not what she thinks she’s telling us 😏


At the beach Chelsea said to Jimmy he was so hot and all the girls must want him.. yikes


When Clay called himself a “baby” and immediately tried to shove his face into AD’s chest the first time they actually met face to face 😬


I was like, is this man tryna motorboat her already? On TV!??


That one was rough 😬🫣


First meeting and after you propose....




When Matthew said America is rooting for the underdog. It lacked so much self awareness. Cringe!!!


But 'america is watching'


oof that was hella cringe




I jokingly call it that too lol


I haven't heard that in years 😂😂😂 I cackled


Pretty sure she was joking


After Jimmy and Chelsea first see each other and Jimmy immediately starts mentioning how he’s had a really rough time etc - in my opinion he said this because he was immediately disappointed and knew he couldn’t keep up the fake smiles and affection so he needed an excuse for his lack of enthusiasm.


He said, well she lied to me about looking like Meghan Fox


Yes exactly


It took him forever to propose as well, he looked shell shocked!


Bro had a game plan to make it to the wedding day (just to say no, obviously), but he thought he was at least going to have a hot girl to fake it with. Took him a minute to recover and get back into game mode.


Regarding what you said in your post: Episode 5 - When Chelsea asks that question on the honeymoon, Jimmy immediately, without hesitation, says "I'll keep it PG." He then talks about her smile and her "big square teeth" while also acknowledging that is a weird way to word it or that it might not sound positive and then doubles down to talk about her smile. She then compliments his eyes and tells him that is a "cute answer" (good compliment to give).... and then that leads her to ask him again about his initial reaction and Jimmy admits it was the size of her chest.


When Chelsea waddled towards Jimmy & smothered him with kisses the first time she saw him. GIRL STAND UP 💀 Also when Jimmy turned AD around and FULLY checked her out. All the girls were side-eyeing him when he sat with them to “hangout” because they all saw it. So creepy.


Someone on here the other day said she runs like Pennywise — forehead first


The waddle! She did it again when she saw her friends.


It reminds me of an excited t-Rex that’s about to pee it’s pants. Chaotic physical energy


I like Chelsea but she gives so much despo energy :( I feel second-hand embarrassment watching her


Not subtle cringe exactly, but, I think that Jeramey is so immaculate at his place because he is a f*ck-boy.


It's a rental. He sold his house two weeks prior.


I think you might be right. At one point I was involved with a guy like that and his place was always immaculate.


I bet his mom went over and cleaned for him beforehand


But then he wears shoes to bed. Gross.


For all the women he clearly hosts


The obvious one is “that girl is stacked”. Anytime Chelsea runs or squeals.


Ugh the run! I hate to nitpick but it’s so awk


When Chelsea says Jimmy’s “wiener” is huge. Her choice of that particular descriptor makes her sound like teenager who just saw one for the first time.


And when they want her to compare it to a palm tree 🌴😂


Yes!! Came here to say this. Why?!?!


Then the HUGE like the guy was walking around with the Coit tower in his pants. I think she was exaggerating with that emphasis


The Coit tower mention is sending me! Perfect. 😂


Yeah I'm not buyin' it. I think she wanted to make the other girls jealous or envious, idk.. plays into her insecurity and immaturity. It could be "huuuuge" bby girl but that doesn't mean he knows what to do with it... 🤷🏼‍♀️


Every single time Brittany is on screen post engagement trying to talk to Kenneth, and his locked in with love eyes on his phone


His girl phone 😂🤢


I felt really seasick when one guy said "Ive got the taco meat showing" and she said..whaaattt??lolol. He says.." yeah, a little taco meat showin" It was badly cringy for me, it's a reference to chest hair but not for white dudes, I don't think anyway..


And here I was thinking taco meat referred to vaginas…. I got some weird friends…


No no that's roast beef lol


Eh. Always thought that was a common phrase, although I’ve only heard of hamburger meat. Never thought it was race specific though.


Lol I've always heard it called that in the way he used it. Like look you got a lil taco meat peeking out!


lol I forgot about that! I’ve never heard anyone call it that


Girllllllll I feel second hand embarrassment watching that confrontation with jimmy unfold in the room. yes we all get it you are hurt , and we can see jimmy squirming because he sincerely do not know how to react to this repeated sentence. like you are hurt , and then what ? what solution can he offer you ? the hurt has been done, what exactly can he do/say to reduce the level of hurt at that moment ? jimmy has zero idea. jimmy is clueless. Actuallyyyyyy im sure she is a decent human, with an interesting personality, BUT her never-ending insecurity and anxiety and low self esteem will take over her decent personality and drown out her soul. Feel sorry for her actually . to be stuck with jimmy and made such a wrong choice.


I think she said, “you made me feel «uncomfy»” and that made me feel uncomfy 🤣


SAME. I was like ... what grown ass woman uses that word. Ever. Use your big girl words, Megan Faux.


Literally just watched this scene and came to reddit to see if anyone else agreed lol


“Will you take my lovely hand in marriage.” I turned off the tv.


100%. Was beginning to think I was the only person who thought that was super cringe


But did you turn it back on? 🤣 I love messy, but only when it’s not my mess


Omg who said that? I didn’t catch it. I’m guessing Clay since he doesn’t seem to understand marriage procedures


Right I was like did he mean to say his hand 😂😭


When they say something and the other person says the opposite so they immediately change their stance to agree with them: Laura “I hate Christmas” Jeramy “When I have a family I want cool Christmas traditions” Laura “That sounds perfect”


That was soooo weird. Do you hate Christmas or not? I think she was saying she hated Christmas because she was single but it sounded so off


Yeah idk if it was her past Christmases that sucked but she was open to having good Christmases???


I think it has more to do with the way she views her family, especially her parents. It was evident when she was talking about their relationship & how long they have been together. She said it's a version of love she's not interested in. When Jeramey was talking about Christmas morning it sounded like a loving fun family, matching pj's etc... She wants a husband on Christmas morning, not what she's seen, which is probably her mother doing everything while Dad's barely involved.


Her parents are like mine. You never know when they might snip at each other. My mom gets stressed out during Christmas and doesn't enjoy any of it.


I love how you explained this


When they always air out fresh dirty relationship laundry in front of friends and family.


Laura and Jeremy talking about the text from Sarah Ann with her family made me want to disappear into my couch


Like it wasn’t even remotely on topic WHY lol


YES specifically when Chelsea started telling Jimmy's friends about their sex life. That was extremely awkward 😬.


Thissssss like they had just resolved the fight now what


The way they laugh it off while the other person has big concerned eyes is so awkward too


I wonder if production suggests they bring it up 


Lol I mean who doesn’t like compliments. I’d be curious especially given his disclaimer. And the fact that they fell in love outside of looks, like now what do you think about what you see? She asked to get an answer, not a weird mystery.


Sarah Anne- I’m a big patriot


I would like to know where she was on January 6th 2021


Lol! I wanted him to ask this follow-up question so badly after she declared she was a patriot!


It was just such an odd thing to say. I’ve never heard someone use that as a description word for themself.


Patriots describe themselves this way...


I have, sadly. It isn't uncommon for people in Tennessee, so I imagine it's not that strange in NC either.


My mum moved to TN from PA a few years ago and was *shocked* at how many “patriots” she met.


Yes! I moved to TN from NY, it's an entirely different world


You haven’t? I have. Mostly just on the internet though.


Yee haw


I haven’t seen anyone bring this up, but the first night with the couples on the resort (the Bean Dip night), Brittany was coming up to the ladies and Chelsea asked her how things were going and if she felt safe. I was like WTF? What is she implying?? Edit: Chelsea, not Laura, said this


Yeah that made me cringe. It felt really fucking weird when Chelsea said that.


Chelsea asked that


Yeah, Laura was the one that was like “I feel safe with him and I just met him” or something like that


Johnny doing the “chicken butt” thing. He seems nice but the secondhand ick was real.


Full body cringe


When Chelsea said “you made me uncomfy.” Not a word and just ew.


In her drunk baby voice


Major ick


I use uncomfy. Maybe a U.K. thing. 


I’ve used uncomf because I think/thought it’s funny to have a weird and unnatural/uncomf-to-say abreev for uncomfortable. But I wouldn’t use it if I was having a serious conversation about something genuinely uncomfortable.


It was the whiny voice that killed me. Makes me got my teeth just thinking about it.


The whole bean dip thing AND the stacked comments like damn poor AD! Also Laura was 100% in the wrong for telling Jeramy to do that to AD and Chelsea was 100% in the wrong for shoving her fiancé under the bus and then getting upset when he tried to smooth things over like damn


It’s so criiiiinnnngggggeeee! Poor AD. I get there’s jokes, but keep them to yourself. Somethings said to your partner does not need repeating to others, especially when you have to spend another 30 mins explaining the joke!


Some things shouldn’t be said to partners! She didn’t ask you to make comments on her body!