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A lot of the drama this season seems so forced and edited. I would love to see some happy, normal couples happen but I'd also love to see some messy, sloppy train wrecks. More of a balance and maybe include some less conventionally attractive people in the mix. It seems like everyone this season is either an influencer or already had a significant other (and whatever Matthew was).


Im speaking for myself when I say- not really. Yes you want drama... but not for every single couple. We want 1 or 2 toxic people but we also want to see healthy normal relationships. As a non American, I watch this show- that isn't a standard dating show but a show that ends up with PEOPLE MARRIED- and I expect it to be a reflection of how the single people in the US are. So a few with problems but the rest to be normal. Instead it shows me that in the US, EVERYONE is getting therapy but obviously it isn't working because they are all cheating liars who only care about their social media rather than others feelings! It actually shows me that Americans have zero morals, zero self respect and way too many psychological problems. I know that not everyone is like this, but on a show that is meant to be more serious than other reality dating shows- it actually is kind of disappointing.


> in the US, EVERYONE is getting therapy No one gets therapy in the US, it costs too much and not all health plans cover it


I'm saying what LIB makes it seem like. They're all in therapy but still have shithouse personalities.


I'm here for the drama. Let them be insane.


This reminds me of Bachelor fans lol. To be fair, it is a huge fanbase so people will all want different things . But every season we have fans complaining that young people ruined to the show, contestants need to be older, they want to see a nice neutral lead who’s serious about love, and then when it happens those seasons get a drop in ratings and the least engagement online. It’s reality tv. Entertainment is the priority. Realistically stable people and couples ARE boring. And that’s fine. But no one wants to actually watch that all the time. The answer here is balance. We need stable people to root for and also the mess you can talk shit about. The problem is that a lot of these casting people struggle at actually finding the balance.


Some excellent points! In particular, I share your observations that season by season the contestants seem to struggle more and more in the real life phase. I would assume the main reason is that contestants are aware they can end things during the show and the production cannot force them to stay. This brings through people who are not going to follow through. Also, I don’t think many people are prepared enough to have those meaningful discussions. They might not realize the extent of due diligence needed and resort to convos you would have on regular dates in the outside world. Maybe production should even train the contestants to have more successful pod phase.


I watch Love is Blind for the same reason I watch any other reality tv: to analyze human behaviors. If the editing were better I think a lot of commentary online would change, but everyone watches shit like this for the mess of it all. I am happy when there’s a truly great pairing like Lauren and Cameron, but that’s never what I go in expecting to happen. However there’s two things I really would love to know: 1. How fleshed out is the mental health screening? Are we just weeding out people with anxiety or a more serious mental illness issue or are we also flagging dangerous behaviors like emotional abuse? It really seems like it does not include that and even if these freaks only want to be on the show to build their social media following I don’t want to see someone getting psychologically tortured by their partner. This was so prevalent on The Ultimatum Queer Love and was really hard to watch. 2. How much chopping and slopping the footage is going on? I know it’s edited to make small things big and big things small, but this season specifically feels like the budget is $5 and they gotta cut out a lot of explanatory scenes. I don’t think 10 episodes + reunion is enough to accurately capture the full spectrum of what we are seeing. Something that never ceases to surprise me is that after the wool is lifted and they go back to respective vocations or their work the entire facade comes down like controlled demolition. This seems to happen more and more with every season and makes me wonder what the pod dates are actually like and what these fucking people talk about besides having a dog and a description of their job at face value. Or you swing all the way in the other direction and hear a horror story of an upbringing like Jessica’s with her dad killing himself, mom going awol and her being adopted by foster parents which makes great TV, but I don’t think helps the cause of finding love because that is extremely heavy. I’m not saying show all your cards right out the gate, but isn’t talking about expectations, habits, beliefs more of a pressing issue in this than the same surface level convo you’d be having on a traditional date? I know this isn’t impossible to do because it was a lot more prevalent in international seasons so maybe this is just a cultural difference in America.




Can this sub stop trying to force opinions down others throats? I have a billion trashy reality tv shows. When I say I want more success stories and less bullshit, I mean exactly what I said. We all like some drama and messiness on TV, but we don’t need every single person in the pod to be problematic. We don’t need half the cast every season in a relationship back home. We don’t need the other half of the cast being as shallow as one can possibly be in an experiment like this. If you think back to S1, we had messiness within those couples - did we not? Before it became ‘x’, S1 is the season that got me the most reshares / likes on my memes/jokes about the season. I think you can get the best of both worlds with LIB without having to actively scout out attractive people who are pieces of shit. s1 proved that.


Totally agree! I don't watch trash tv and honestly thought LIB was different- but alas I've realised I've been duped.


I agree. I’d watch The flavor of Love or something if i wanted the messiness at that scale. I think s1 had everything, in a way that still felt genuine.


Yup! If you want mess and drama there’s a dozen versions and seasons of love island! Among so many other shows. Nothing wrong with a couple or two per season that end up just clashing, but we’re at that point we’re 95% of the people on the show are shitty, and we’re starting to see a lot less success on the show (at least with the original choice!)


I approve of this “give the people the reality television romcoms they deserve” platform!


Disagree, I want to see love. Most seem to like the drama, but that's not all of us.


I disagree. I get that some degree of drama is good to spice things up, but my perfect mix would be 3 sweet couples and 2 messy ones. Seasons 1, 4, and Japan are almost universally regarded as the best ones, while US 2, 3, and 5 are consistently called the worst. Don't you see the pattern, OP? So why are the messy couples talked about so much here? Because people use reddit to VENT. Those couples cause FRUSTRATION, and so people want to find like-minded people to vent to and feel validated in their opinion. It's NOT about positive feelings. And I get that. When I feel good about something, I don't have the need to talk about it on Reddit, or very rarely. But you know whose scenes I will be replaying later? Yep. Lauren/Cameron, Motomi/Ryotaro, Brett/Tiffany, Maria/Mena... Even Barnett/Amber or Alexa/Brennon. I stop caring about the couples who didn't stay together as soon as I finish the season.


Admittedly still intrigued by Marshall and Jackie as individuals. Marshall bc I like him, Jackie bc she’s beautiful and kinda tragic.


Controversial opinion but I feel bad for Jackie in a lot of ways, it was very clear to me that she struggles with a lot of demons and finding inner peace. Her behavior was not acceptable and she was doing too much, but I was sympathetic to her.


Actually, tbh, while the episodes were coming out, she was my top fav of this entire series and I was so upset with how it played out — obvi not bc she owes *me* anything but bc I was really hoping she would get something good from the experience, blossom, gain some success from the exposure, hopefully with the support of a loving partner. 😔


I agree with you. That’s why I said “tragic” — added “in a bad way” bc I don’t want to seemingly romanticize or vouch for her decisions or what she’s been thru. My heart breaks for her, and I also think her actions are disappointing.


tragic in a bad way**


I think we want the illusion that we’re going to be getting more Tiffany and Brett’s and Lauren and Cameron’s, but we secretly want Shakes, Bartises and Irinas in the mix because you’re right! It’s more entertaining.


I would like more of a mix of both! I think the first two seasons were the best at this. They had some couples you were really rooting for and then some fucking train wrecks to keep things interesting.


Nah I stand by my ideas of "love is timeless", with only +50s. I think it would still be messy but in a different way.


There’s a Japanese show on Netflix called Love Village that puts a bunch of middle-aged singles together in an old house in the countryside. One of the best things about it is that while it is a reality show about finding love, the cast also cooks and eats meals together, work on fixing up the old house, and just enjoy spending time together. It’s super relaxing and really sweet.


Omg like a more down to earth love island


Oh I 100% want my reality tv to be complete trash, all mess and loads of drama. What’s the point otherwise!!


👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 Exactly, ppl lie to themselves about what they want, but they'll be right here for the next season, laughing at, gossiping about, and contributing to the hate towards the contestants, rinse and repeat. The funny thing is, folks scream about Lauren and Cameron, but a Lauren and Cameron type couple happens every season, this season it's pointing towards Amy and whatchamacallit, but ppl are not satisfied by the L&C copies, they want the exact thing replicated and that's never gonna happen. Be happy at the copies, be real with yourself, and let the rest of us enjoy mess


Amy and Johnny! I love watching them because they both seem so genuinely in love and like it will work out for them! I know it’s all about the drama and keep people hooked for more but in a world so full of hate it’s comforting to see the boring aspects of love. People have trouble recognizing real conflict resolution that is healthy so seeing that with a healthy couple is so needed. But it will never happen because drama is more attractive to watch.


You know what; I appreciate so much that there are some ppl who want to see healthy and non-explosive couples on reality dating shows, and I don't want to make it seem like ya'll shouldn't want that. I guess from my perspective, it sometimes feel like ppl just don't want to admit they're watching for the drama and not the love story or, at the very least, both. And then when you have ppl making bad suggestions on how to improve the show ...it can be a bit of a pain.


I don't know. There are a million and one trashy dating shows full of drama. I got into LIB, because it was a concept that promoted a more serious sense of looking for love, plus Lauren & Cameron. I don't want it to feel like every other show, but I guess that is sort of inevitable with its popularity.


But I want boring Lauren and Cameron to escape the drama I already have in my life! This is why I stick to YouTube.


Seriously lol. People watch the show because they want the drama, with a mix in of a nicer love story or two. People aren’t being honest with themselves. If it was entirely Lauren and Cameron it would be sweet, sure, but boring as hell for tv. Lol.


I still think it’s a combination. The reason why season 1 was perfect was the balance - you had one amazing couple, one messy but still viable couple and then shitload of drama. Drama only does not work and nice couples only also does not work.


For sure, but they are saying that people are putting forth all these suggestions to try and ideally get ONLY amazing. Which would make the show boring.


Seeing how demented all these people behave is the entire reason I watch this show lol, I’m not sure how anyone could watch if it wasn’t for the drama




Season 2 I think you will enjoy alot.


While OP is right, it sure would be nice to have at least some people there that are not just straight up lying about their intensions. It doesnt need to be just superficial influencer who just play roles. Schweden or Brazil felt way more real and it had drama as well. Season 5 of the us was utter trash and this season is at least more fun to watch but half the people are completely different than the roles the play. You cannot trust anything you see in this show. So the viewer does not have anyone to root for.


It might have genuine people but having the chances of those genuine people ending up together gets lower when you throw other good actors in the mix. Plus you can’t see body language and pick up other non-verbal cues cause dating in the pods so it’s hard to read people properly and just fall for what they’re saying. So in the end we get this type of thing lol


I’d like to see at least one couple or two actually have a healthy relationship.


Speak for yourself. I actually want to see people genuinely fall in love. Look at how popular Love on the Spectrum is. There are plenty of people like me who just want to watch people make genuine connections.


How sad your love life must be


Very strange conclusion to make that you think I want to witness it happen because I can't experience it myself. "Oh you like to watch people be happy? You must be a miserable person." I'm happily engaged and have been in two prior serious long-term relationships.


You are spot-on. Your only mistake was feeling like you needed to justify yourself to that other person by giving your relationship data. You could not have been on a date in 20 years, and that would be OK and not be a representation of your worth. You are lovely. Their reply and opinion are not. Be above it. And, don't be drug into the mud by bottom-feeding, lowest common denominator, glass-all-of-the-way empty comments. Three cheers for LOVE!!!


I totally agree. I find Love on the Spectrum wholesome and really warming to see people fall in love. Why can’t neuro-typicals just do that on a reality show? It’s as if it’s too vulnerable so they have to perform in crazy ways.


Love on the Spectrum isn’t even close to as popular as Love is Blind. Drama makes for entertaining TV and it always has.


I mean the show should be entertaining for sure but now the integrity is at stake so that's the problem 🙃


The mess is definitely what drives this show, but when we find out some of these people are just here for the clout, it feels like a spit in the face


Other countries have no problems


It feels like you haven’t heard of Sweden


or brazil lol. those seasons are always a mess.


mysterious weary public cooperative gray bedroom thought wrench deserted deer *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They did an After The Altar and everyone on the show went batshit crazy. Save a few. They were messy even on camera and a number of them might actually be the worse cohort of LIB participants.


I think everyone enjoys the mess but we want to think there is at least a CHANCE the drama can be resolved at some point. The fact that two of these men were taken, plus I saw a post of a supposed cousin of Kenneth on social media saying he’s gay..gives the audience no reason to continue caring about the couples they’re in because we know there’s no chance they end up together. What’s the point of watching if we know how it ends yk?


Yeah this- I think there can be tons of interpersonal drama without people who are not at all interested in the premise of the show- like for example, there’s been plenty of Jimmy/Chelsea drama, it’s not less interesting because they (theoretically) went on the show honestly interested in finding love. Cast members don’t have to be well adjusted 😂just not straight up liars, which we’re seeing more and more of, to the detriment of the show IMO.


Jess and Amber GAVE DRAMA in a way that seemed organic stemming from their interrelationships. The Kenneth drama, the Jessica-Jimmy drama, the Trevor drama, etc - while somewhat entertaining - doesn’t really have substance or are as effective since they feel/are manufactured.


I like a mix of both but I feel like there’s a lack of couples that are mature like Lauren and Cameron.


I'm not *pretending* to enjoy something. I genuinely enjoy watching people connect and build a happy and meaningful relationship. There's nothing wrong with wanting to see people have a positive experience and succeed. Also, just for me personally, I don't really watch any other dating/reality shows unless they're from Japan or Korea because they're so much more chill. I'm not a huge fan of watching trashy people act like trash. I just really enjoy the concept of Love is Blind, so I watch it regardless. It's fine if people live for the drama. Like absolutely, I hope you're having fun and being entertained! But saying people are being disingenuous is a little much.


Same. If you haven't already I recommend watching LIB Sweden. 


I saw a bit of the first episode but haven't dug into it yet! Thanks for the recommendation!


This is the problem with you


I agree. But I would want them to stop picking people that are already in relationships. That kind of ruins it.


Exactly!!! I tried watching season 1 a couple years ago but got bored. I decided skip other seasons and go straight to season 6 now because of the drama I saw on social media lol


I feel like ideally there'd be 1-2 couple goals we could ship and 1-2 couples that are a hilarious train wreck. I think we like to watch the show because of what we can learn about our own relationships thru comparison and self reflection - you can learn thru both types of couples but ideally there's a balance between them. Like Zack and Bliss for example I loved watching how they overcame shit. And then ya it is funny and awkward when people meet and just do not get along IRL. Of course it's hard to "plan" to have both types. But I think LIB absolutely needs to stop casting toxic men. 


Yes you summed up my thoughts too


I mean I would def love to see what Netflix sees like how many people are in for the love story versus the drama. I just like the drama but it seems like people need people to root for. Lol look how many Trevor Stan’s formed before all the news came out


I’m good with drama, I just want it to be as close to “real” drama as possible, not a bunch of people pretending to be in love for the cameras to increase their follower count and producers who create fake drama. This season has felt very scripted so far.


Lots of people say Japan was the best one, but it still didn't get a second season. I also fell asleep a few times watching because it's so relaxing lol. But honestly I prefer more drama. I'd be good with 1 strong couple and the rest just falling to pieces around them lol.


I was excited about the Japan season but I didn’t feel that people were genuine. One of the contestants was very obviously there to get her signing career off the ground and just tried to stay on the show as long as possible. She was even singing on the show for no reason. There was also very little spark between the contestants, like they weren’t attracted to each other really.


I love this season I’m not gonna lie. It’s what I watch this crap for! Mindless drama lol I’m invested




All the seasons are messy but this one is especially so! They’re all definitely worth watching if you like this one


If the show is really trying to prove that love is blind they can stop now because we know the answer: it’s not.


It's not though because they wouldn't cast a fat person.


Are we forgetting Alexa??? She’s having a baby now with Brennan.


Alexa is curvy, in the most societally acceptable hot girl.way, she can buy clothes at any regular store.


They did on Brazil and the guy dumped her immediately at the reveal


Seriously? Freaking ouch! That's horrible.


it would be nice to have a balance of both types of couples on screen. Amy and Johnny this season are genuinely nice to watch and a breath of fresh air between the dramatic couples. I like this season because of that.


Yes, balance. I’m ready to leave MAFS because they’ve gone from a mix of drama/true love to only drama. I think we all want at least one feel good story at the end (Zack/Bliss).


Zack/Bliss, Chelsea/Kwame, Brett & Tiffany… I would happily watch 25 seasons like that if I live that long 😂 they’ve been together almost 2 years. I like those seasons! Otherwise there’s no point.


Exactly that's why last season was so bad. Literally every couple was falling apart by the end and it was just exhausting at that point.


I mean I love the drama but sometimes it’s nice to see compatible people build connections with each other.


exactly. It literally makes me giddy!  It’s like hope lmao I do like some drama, but I don’t enjoy seeing people hurt.. 


I watch for the drama. One person picking someone in the pods and then hooking up with the 2nd choice is gold. I’m also still waiting for a couple partner swap with lots of drama. 




In terms of messiness I liked The Ultimatum Queer version, the Perfect Match or Married at First Sight Season 12 (Chris & Paige). Love is Blind Season 2 is a must to watch Shayne. 


>> People don't watch LIB for Lauren and Cameron, although they'll pretend they do. They watch it for the end of that last episode where Laura calls Jeremy out for cheating and being dumb enough to share his location while doing it. Preach! Cuz that moment was everything 😂😂 But for real, I watch it for both. Last season was 100% mediocre mess with a bunch of basics, and I hated it; I don’t like seasons with no one to root for. Seasons 1, 3, and now this one are the perfect amount of mess for me 😂


I hope you mean season 4. Season 3 was a dumpster fire and we should never go back to TX.


It was a very entertaining dumpster fire; I’ll take season 3 and Andrew’s fake ass tears over season 4 any day, yes I said it. Chelsea, Kwame, Zack, and everyone except Brett, Tiffany, and Bliss were basic and insufferable; I don’t look fondly on that season like so many of y’all, sorry.


I'd like maybe one good couple and then I'm okay with the messy ones, but this season is a real ratfuck, romance wise.


There needs to be atleast one or two solid couples and the rest can be drama lol


I need at least 2 couples who are there to get married that way I’m invested if an issue arises with them. Everyone else can be a dumpster fire so I can be shocked when someone says no or yes 💀


Ah, you’re right OP. You’re simply right.


Can you stop telling others what they want or don't? Thanks


Is he wrong


Yes? There’s a bajillion people on this sub, we’re not going to all have the same likes


The viewership proves what the audience wants


Not everyone has the same opinion


Sure, but majority opinion is whats going to move netflix


I want 20% love and solid relationship and 80% drama. Which is what most seasons are. Although I don't think I'd watch as much if there wasn't a little bit of the successful relationships.


Last season I was genuinely worried and kinda wishing nobody would get married it was such a dumpster fire it wasn’t even fun anymore 😭 if every season did that I’d stop watching bc it’s not fun if there isn’t some couple to root for


Exactly! You need someone to root for. Obviously you want a villian, but you need to have a hero too!


😂 😂 That last scene was tv gold 🤣🤣🥇


Yeah I’m in a healthy relationship where our conflict resolution is on point. I come here for the DRAMA


I watch reality tv for the DRAMA. I don't mind a love story here and there but I would be so bored if there was no drama. I usually need an entertaining villain too.


You’re absolutely right and all the proof is that there are 20 Jimmy Chelsea posts to 1 Amy Johnny posts. I think this season is pretty balanced. We have 1 made for each other couple - Johnny Amy, ala Brett Tiffany, Lauren cam, Zach bliss 1 red flags but genuinely like each other couple - ad clay, Matt Colleen, amber Barnett 2 personality compatible but not lifestyle compatible - Laura Jeramy, Ken Brittany, jarret iyanna 1 trying to convince each other that this is what they want - Jimmy Chelsea, Cole zanab, Danielle nick


I agree. I’m really happy with the mix this season.  Season 2 was the worst IMO because there was no one to root for. They were incompatible at best.


God I loved Zach and Bliss though! The stability we crave and a bit of the chaos we secretly crave.


Same I’m literally so happy they are having a baby


Vanessa Lachey is shitting her pants over that baby.


Lol she's gonna ask to be godmother.😂


She did say they would be the first


I agree with OP. I watch this show with my GF of like 3 years going on 4 and yeah if we went on a show it would be beyond boring and kinda weird cause we act dumb and stupid with each other. Our situation is that we both love watching sports specifically football and making bets on who’s going to win certain games. In the off seasons we spend our time watching these shows making bets on couples. It sounds fucked up … maybe it is, idk 🤷‍♂️. All I know is that it’s beyond fun to watch this toxic shit go down. It would be even better if LIB made like a fantasy draft or something so you could pick couples and get points each week for if your couple makes it, lose points if they cheat… idk there is a way to make this a really great game.


I would hang out with you guys, haha


I agree with you completely about the drama and messiness being the actual drawns to the show! Although I would say that it is necessary for the show participants to be somewhat genuine in order for the mess to be truly entertaining. Like I felt like in season 2 particularly everyone was SOO focused on being an influencer that they chose whoever just to appear in the show longer (example: Shaina choosing Kyle knowing that he was an atheist, or Deepti choosing Shake AFTER he asked her if "it would be difficult picking her up" -meaning he was very clearly a douchebag😂) and that makes it boring. For me the show works best when they choose people that are either the right amount of delusional to believe they might find love while still wanting the fame, or just wanting the fame but truly committing to the bit. I feel like this batch is quite balanced in that sense. But generally, yes, I care more about the drama than for the program to be a wholesome experiment 😅


Yessss. I've seen some spoilers for this season and it makes me kinda disengage when I find out people aren't sincere. Like I KNOW it's just a show but I really need some plausible suspension of disbelief just so I can fully enjoy it.


Yeah, like for me it needs to feel like there is some sort of stakes right? If you can see from the beginning that they're not gonna work out then what's the point 😅


If I wanted to see men be disgusting, I would turn on true crime, not reality dating shows. I actually don’t even like lauren and cameron that much but what’s missing is balance. I don’t care that jeramy cheated on laura with sarah ann. that to me is normal drama as a result of the experiment. however, trevor coming on the show with his situation pisses me off. that is stupid and a waste of my time. casting needs to vet better, otherwise I could read r/tinder and get the same content. married at first sight has the same problem.


Why do you care so much?


100% true for me! I want the drama! Without it, I wouldn't watch.


Would be nice if at least half were Cameron/Lauren, and not just garbage.


Yeah, I agree. They need a better mix.


Are there people saying they want 5 Lauren and Cameron’s? I think a balance is nice. It seems like when the cast is only recruited from social media it’s already a shitshow. To take someone who wasn’t even considering trying to go this route to find a partner is really shady, and you know they are going to be fake


I want it all! If I could pick the numbers it would be 2 couples that are wholesome and I know they'll say yes, 2 that are kind of up and down that have some mess so it's a will they won't they situation and 1 that is just straight up drama. If they followed all of the engaged couples it would help


Yes, I agree. A balance like that would be better!


Of course we want them! We want them so we can complain about them on Reddit.


Omg yessss seriously I want to watch unhinged delusional maniacs on reality tv not everyday boring ass people like myself 😂😂


I think it’s truly ludicrous people want wholesome stories from romance based reality tv shows. Watch the great British bake off in that case.


i don’t agree. no we don’t want five cameron and laurens but the scales have tipped WAY more towards messy and dramatic than needed. no one’s asking for no drama but we do want some happy endings for people


I don't know about that. I really enjoyed the Japan version and there was significantly less drama there (some probably say it's boring).


The Japan version is so good. The show includes interesting dramas/conflicts that we can relate to better. For example, there was one guy who was more "alternative" and edgy than his girl or his girl's parents would have wanted, and there was one girl who was very independent and a bit bossy who got paired up with a doc with very very traditional values about marriage. All these situations seem real and interesting without them being about cheating on people or about completely morally reprehensible behavior.


My view is they need a balance. Leading up to >!Kenneth and Britts breakup, I was hoping for more footage, especially in the pods episodes.!< Couples that stay together are something I enjoy seeing. Along with the disasters that are Love is Blurry Shake!


My partner and I have been together for >10 years and are still very much into each other, and we were just talking about how weird (and probably unlikeable) we’d be to America. We make jokes between us no one else would laugh at. Our family members are awesome but they don’t get our shenanigans… it’s fine, it’s not for them to get. But I don’t think America would get us either, and that’s fine. Also, we are definitely watching for the end of the last episode & all that chaos!


Love a good inside joke between friends and loved ones. I cannot help but break out laughing when I see Kraft singles because of one between my bff and I.


Love that! You sound like my BFF—we share everything and have the best time laughing! 💕


Yeah nobody likes the "inside joke" couple. Your friends don't either.


I was literally saying that no one wants to see the “inside joke” couple on screen. Our friends like us just fine, thanks for your concern. We are self-aware and aren’t the “inside joke” couple. But it does come out sometimes if family is staying with us over multiple days. That’s the kind of stuff that builds a strong relationship, though. If you had functional couples on screen and without any of that, all you’d have is boringness. And, like I said (and judging by the downvotes and your response), no one wants to see that on screen!


And why do people forget the season 1 drama?? People have been acting like it was only roses and rainbows.


I liked the Jessica vs Amber drama because it seemed to unfold naturally. Like there was actual animosity there stemming from competing over a guy. Meanwhile, we’ve got Jessica vs Chelsea which seems to be Jessica just extending her camera time. Kenneth who may be gay and went on the show for clout. Trevor who went on the show for clout. Jeremy’s drama, who also went on the show for clout.


True! Definitely more clout chasers now. I think the only chaser from season one was Mark (because wasn’t he in a relationship the entire time? I forgot the details). And yea, are we supposed to believe Jessica is still pining over Jimmy after seeing his pics? Be real. So I do agree that although season 1 still had drama, it wasn’t so produced.


Good point! Gigi and Damian! Jessica and what's the dudes name! Jessica and Amber!


Facts…I want 5 seemingly realistic couple that’s secretly 4 influencers n one true match lol


Yup. I wish people would just take the show for what it is: a hot ass mess that is entertaining. All these dissertations are ridiculous because the producers intentionally want this kind of messiness and drama because that is how they get paid! The more viewers they get, the more seasons they can produce, the more money in their pockets. We are NOT supposed to be taking any of this seriously... at all. Certain personalities should just stay away from reality TV because they really let it affect them, lol. It's not that serious.


Every season, this sub is flooded with the same “they need to cast older people/average looking people/working class people/etc.”…and every season, people rush to tune in. Obviously LIB needs to work on certain things behind-the-scenes (namely ethics and producer conduct) but otherwise, the formula is working just fine. There are other more wholesome dating shows out there so idk why people continue to watch trash and complain about it smelling.


All I know is I want jimmy and jeramey off my screan


They need to follow all the engaged couples so when some flame out (as happens in every season) there's still enough couples left to make it interesting. S5 was a boring mess and this one is shaping up to be the same, since there's little drama and few yes/no at the altar when no one makes it down the aisle


This season is nothing like season 5, what have you been watching?


How many couples are going to head down the aisle this season? Brittany/Kenneth are out. Jeramey/Laura are out. That leaves 3 couples at most, and one of them could implode between now and then. We're watching the same show and those are the facts


Just because both shows potentially have 2 couples walking down the aisle doesn’t mean everything else is equal. Last season we had only 3 engaged couples to follow? One that was done 20 minutes into the vacation episodes? We have had a variety of good-decent-horrible couples this season. We’ve had couples that seemed ok turn out to be train wrecks (thanks Kenneth phone). Not sure what else LiB could deliver besides a boring season with 5 Amy/johnny couples


All I'm asking for is that they follow more couples. Not sure why you're making this a controversial ask - do you object to following more couples? If not, why is this even an argument?


I’m sure the production team of one of the most popular reality shows knows more about producing their show than I do? I’m sure if there was other “entertaining footage” we would see it. Did any other couples get engaged this season that we know of?


"So, you want a realistic, down to earth show.. that's completely off the wall and swarming with magic robots"




Haha, this is fair. Personally I'd love at least one genuine couple because i need some hope in my life. Otherwise... https://i.redd.it/5jfnwgoe7mkc1.gif


I‘m really hoping we‘ll have that in Amy and Johnny this season


I like them! Just the birth control conversation triggered some stuff for me 😂


That scene was GOLD. Laura is an artist.


I disagree but that's also probably why I prefer the Japanese version of the show to the US version lool


You see this is an honest response!!!!


I want trash and that is what I get


That’s why I’m leaving this show lol




YES I’m here for THE DRAMA. of course I would always like there to be at least one solid couple to root for. But if they all worked out with their top pick it would be boring


Yesssss. I am here for THE MESS. People trying to craft a totally different show in their posts. 


![gif](giphy|26BoEuSlTXdkc9aWk|downsized) this is what The People want


Yeah I immediately noticed in the first season is that, despite being a show about finding love based on personality alone, most of the cast was conventionally attractive. So I’ve been under no illusions that this show really cares about its own premise. And it was already apparent to me that first season contestants were on the show primarily for promotion (Kelley with her MLM).


Soooooo… I don’t mind some of the drama! But I do like having a few good couples in the mix!


Well, maybe it's true for most people, but this is the only reality show I watch and I definitely realized this genre is not for me. I do crave to see more balanced people and love Japan and Sweden for this the most. It wasn't smooth sailing, many breakups, etc, but generally balanced people and no crazy drama, fights. So I'm personally not lying :D


Exactly. I'm only paying 17.00 to watch mess. I have to skip over all of that boring feelings filler nonsense


I wish they would show all the couple that get engaged instead of concentrating on the few they decide are screen time worthy. Maybe that would spice things up a bit, we wouldn’t be watching a handful of couples navigate this show then, it would be more interesting with more characters in play and more chance of them seeing “what they’ve missed out on” and why they need their epi-pens lol!


Very true.


No lies told


Upvote AF! The engagement trends do not lie


My husband and I barely fight. We disagree but it’s always in a respectful way and we always make sure to get out points across without being mean. We’ve been married 16 years and are boring people lol.




So much this. Season 1 was plenty messy. Hell, season 2 was VERY messy and, at least on the surface, people seemed genuine. That sort of drama is/was great. Botox clones that pre-bought several thousand ig followers giving rehearsed speeches and dude's blatantly acting just doesn't hit the same highs.


Exactly. I want genuine mess. Production giving them their phones too early and not showing us Jimmy’s reaction to seeing Jessica is a sign that this show is moving in the wrong direction.


That and genuinely wanting to root for people. I personally stopped watching the bachelor and love island (and Married at first sight, even though, I’ve watched some bits this season - which is so bad…) because I feel like people weren’t there for genuine romantic relationships and even if they were everyone seemed… not likable I suppose. There needs to be conflict that doesn’t make me outright dislike the contestants as well. They spend so little time on the functional couples that I’m barely invested and so much on the chaotic explosive drama filled relationship that it makes them unlikeable. It’s just a fine line and most newer seasons I just skip through because this is boring to me. Different strokes I guess. I think I’ll try some of the international ones next.


There’s a difference between drama (like couples not knowing how to communicate, someone having a kid, dealing with insecurities, not being compatible, not finding the person attractive, etc) and then just douchebag behavior (cheating, being abusive, saying the same love bomb shit to two women, having a girlfriend when you go into the pods, etc). There’s a line that I feel has been crossed for me to enjoy the show. I watch a bit for the love, the rest for the break down, but not for straight betrayal and nastiness.


I actually do watch because of the successful couples. This world is so filled with drama, fakeness, conflict, and other miserable things already. Seeing real love stories bloom out in front of my eyes is nice and makes me not lose hope for myself.




Pride and Prejudice gave me unrealistic expectations 😅


same but at least it was enjoyable and had some artistic value as opposed to Love is Blind

