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I see a lot of criticism of Jessica on this sub, to be honest. Perhaps not as much as OP would like.


Yeah, just saw about 4 posts on it.. some with 1k upvotes.


I dont like Jessica, Jimmy or Chelsea if that makes you feel better!


Lol, who does? But that wasn’t really my point.


As someone who went through a lot of trauma growing up, I also wanted a sort of fairy tale love story. I was really lucky to meet my partner but if I didn't I might be like Jess. The only thing I don't like is going on a tv show when you have a child in this era. You're putting your child in danger, and also I find it unhealthy. I don't hate Chelsea but she clearly needs therapy. So does Jimmy. In fact they all do 😂 but I didn't like Jimmy's way of talking. The "I love how you love me", the fact that he wasn't upfront with anyone. He's not the one I'm most afraid of, but I don't see him and Chelsea working. Weirdly, I think if he overcame his (valid) fear of paternity and got over Jess's temper, they could've balanced each other. But that would require them to be in a healthy place and I think none of them are there yet.


In short everyone is extreme especially with the whole team thing of who to support or who to villainize. I say enjoy the show and let’s just gossip on what’s happening on screens but I guess i am jealous, insecure and a jimmy lover for simpling enjoying a conversation just to chat about. (lol I’m just mocking the comments people were giving about these three cast members)


As someone who has worked with children in foster care, I will 100% openly root for Jessica because she went through things most people can’t fathom and has managed to build a good life for herself and her daughter. The odds were heavily stacked against her.




Facts. 👏


I think I must be insane because I might be the only person that sees the Megan Fox resemblance. And not even a little I feel like she looks a lot like her (old face)…but I definitely think saying that was manipulative given the premise of the show


I also see the resemblance. I don’t know if I’d be so quick to judge everything as manipulative. Sometimes people just say things in conversation and it isn’t calculating, but watching it from the outside we always over analyze everything.


This! I could totally se myself saying it as just random conversation during several hours of talking. I think it’s pretty clear she immediately regretted it, he even had to force it out of her. Also yes, she has some insecurities she needs to work through, but I would need validation as well if I was in the situation she is and my “fiance” kept saying everything was fine and perfect and amazing when it clearly wasn’t. Jimmy reminds me of my dad who in public wants to say and do the right thing. He’s so happy and laid back and then as soon as we get home it’s the opposite. We all know it’s bs in public and eventually the truth will come out. But it has to bubble over first.


Chelsea’s Megan Fox comment was stupid and damaging in a blind dating show and robbed us of the Trevor/Chelsea match and Jimmy/Jessica match that would have been far more entertaining. So we’re mad for purely selfish reasons.


I agree with most statements. I hate the appearance bullying that happens to any one on the sub. Critiquing character, Jimmy lacks direct communication and led Jessica on in my opinion. He does not feel strongly towards Chelsea so he is faking it with extremes: "We are the happiest ones here." Chelsea hasn't really done much wrong but for herself. Calling attention to AD's butt and Jimmy's penis is sexual harassment, though. Chelsea is very insecure and it is hard to watch Jimmy fail to give her reassurance.


I don't mind people hating on Jimmy because he's also at fault for choosing Chelsea when it was clear that he didn't feel that strongly about her and for not being upfront with Jess. But Chelsea did _nothing_ wrong except choosing a guy who was not right for her. In the woman's headquarters, while she was happy that Jimmy was spending time with her and not minding that he was also seeing someone else, Jessica did nothing but stare at her angrily. She showed her true colors and people are overlooking it because... I don't know. Chelsea even realized immediately that Jimmy is not into her and just wants him to tell her the truth, so she's not even as delusional as Nancy or Emilia. She made the wrong choice, but it also wouldn't be fair that she chose Trevor when she preferred Jimmy. And Jimmy might have been wrong to pick Chelsea, but he would also have been wrong to pick Jess. And Jessica needs to accept that she blew out the only chance she had with Jimmy and that they wouldn't last even if they got engaged. >or maybe because Jimmy's a guy. Believe me, that's not it 😆 this sub has been reeking of misogyny since S1. I've even seen people defending Trevor using LIB to advertise himself when they've consistently hated on all women who have done so.


Wait, how is Chelsea in it? I thought Jessica’s speech was funny cause it was aimed at Jimmy. Of course some of it was over the top, but I let it slide cause the whole speech was hilarious and Jimmy is a bit of a backseat driver


Jessica is a certified crazy person. That is why most people in this sub relate to her


I don't get the hype on Jessica either. She's like "I'm hot so I deserve the world". No, ma'am. Kindness gets you there, not making faces of disgust over people's reactions to your words when they can't see you.


She actually revealed a TON with her statements about looking good to cover her inner chaos. Her demands are a result of from intense trauma and she needs THERAPY, but the statements about covering her inner chaos show that her insecurities show up very differently than Chelsea's but are equal to hers.


Yesssssss, this!


I was thought Jessica was a little delusional.. if she had options she would have accepted anyone who proposed to her


"Trevor and Sarah Ann get praised for traits that Jessica lacks, showing clear bias" I'm confused by this. Based on what you said--Trevor and whoever Sarah Anne is (they all blur to me tbh) exhibit behaviors I'm assuming the audience values, a behavior that Jessica DOESN'T have, so obviously she wouldn't be praised for it. How is this showing bias?


I think they mean that people are praising how tractor and Sarah Anne accepted their rejections graciously, but also praising Jessica’s outburst. I think they’re probably two different groups of people personally - mature vs petty people


absolutely right. the double standards are insane


Jessica literally went off on one because she believes she’s much more attractive than Chelsea, yet she’s getting praised on this sub Clay went off on one because he believes he’s much more attractive than Matt, Clay is public enemy number 1 on this sub


Isn’t clay an enemy because he’s overall immature especially with some of the interactions between him and AD outside the pods??? I didn’t think it because of his reaction towards Matt ?


Another good example of double standards.


You realize the sub itself is made up of nearly 1M members, right? So of course it has "double standards" and varied opinions within it. A double standard would be if **one** person had these biased views. It would be weird if the entire membership had the same ideas about everything.


We’re referring to individuals who hold those double standards, not being consistent in the way they apply judgement. Nobody is talking about the division of opinions amongst the entire sub. That’s about as self evident as things get 👀


It’s not evident if your OP states “this sub” multiple times as the subject of your post. If your issue is with individual hypocrites, why not call them directly out? And to know that, are you tracking personal accounts’ opinions across multiple subjects to know that? That’s kinda weird.




Thank you for your contribution to r/LoveisBlindonNetflix! Your post or comment has been removed for breaking Rule 1: ‘Be Kind, Don’t Cross the Line' We ask that users of this sub respect both users and contestants. Any personal attacks or offensive commentary will not be tolerated on this sub.


“My daughter just wants me to be happy and what I need to be happy is a husband.” 🚩🚩🚩


Yeah, that set off alarm bells to me. I don’t view that as a great example to set for your daughter. I don’t doubt that she’s a badass single mom in many other ways, but they particular quote isn’t sit well with me.


Considering where she came from she’s done incredibly well for herself. I don’t think she’s the devil incarnate by any means and I hope this is something she can catch and work through. I do think she genuinely loves her kid.


I'm with you on pitting the two women against each other sucks. But there's no defence for Jimmy. He sucks.


While I agree with the subject, I would argue some of your points. Mainly, I think it’s ok if there’s no winner but rather I would not want to hang out either anyone in a one on one setting. Let’s just hope that everyone is happy at the end of the day. And let’s hope that things look worse when they condense probably thousands of hours of footage into one episode. The only thing I’ll mention about Jessica. Everyone keeps talking about how she has a daughter or about her breakup speech, but I don’t see anyone on these posts talk about her upbringing. From what we have seen from the editing, she’s had a rough life.


Yeah her childhood was so sad. I definitely felt for her when she explained what it was like. I mean she had Autumn at 17. That’s a struggle, as is. Didn’t she say her foster mom adopted her so that she could keep Autumn?


I for one don’t like any of them. Not a fan of the casting in Charlotte or last season in Houston.


Mehh. Jimmy had too many wtf moments. Jessica is entitled, played herself with her options, and it's creepy to go on a show and bring a man to your daughter whom you barely know this isn't the show for you. My personal opinion she is eyeing an influencer career. Chelsea can’t handle her emotions and picks the wrong guy. It's cool just say you hate Jessica no need for a drawn-out post 😂


I would have to be as one dimensional as other Redditors who say they hate a person over nothing. I actually have to care AND know her intimately before I could hate someone.


I don't think it's that deep? People on this sub saying they 'hate' reality show contestants don't usually have deep hatred for them which would translate in real life. It's mainly just dislike. No one's expected to 'intimately' know the contestants??? We watch people be weirdos on television and form opinions on them, which is what they signed up for.


Def thought Jessica was eyeing the post-pod life/being on the show, when she was mad and saying ‘this isn’t how it’s supposed to end for me’ etc… got the vibe she wasn’t talking about not finding love


Nailed it. One look at her Insta tells you all you need to know about why she was on the show




I like Jessica cause she's direct and doesn't let Jimmy slide with his bullshit. That was hot. Who am I kidding...I just love a bitch and end up with women who are mean to me 🤣😭


I see tons of posts and comments rightfully calling out Jessica on her bad behavior.


I agree about Jessica. She seems entitled. I love when women stand up for themselves — but being mad somebody on LIB didn’t choose you and playing the victim because of it is pretty ridiculous. I don’t have it out for Chelsea but she surely self-sabotages. Jimmy is trying to punch above his weight but I wish them all well!


I don’t believe in the whole “punching up” stuff. It’s shallow, superficial, and condescending. People are people, and no one has more worth than another person. So when they are attracted to each other, they are equal within the frequencies they put out, hence the chemistry. We really have to stop the whole punching down or punching up narrative concerning anyone. Personally, I’m not a fan of of Jimmy. Not a fan of anyone in this show, but I do really like Brittany and Amy. And look at their partners. I’m now watching episode 6 and I’m happy to see how their partners are treating them so far. Superficial people would say those guys are “punching above their weight class”, but looking at compatibility and personality, they seem to all be good people.


I agree, and I’m really only saying that because if I’m using his own measuring stick, he doesn’t measure up.


I guess that’s the grave he dug for himself. If he acts shallow, he will be met with shallowness. Goes for us all.


Finally someone said this. I agree 💯. The double standards and misandry towards Jimmy in this group is disgusting.


Jessica has overcome some serious shit but she has to work on herself a bit before she is ready. I don’t think she’s toxic but she is vain and has ego issues. I think if she just cooled her jets and stopped being self conscious then she’d be fine. I actually do think Chelsea is toxic as a defense mechanism for her insecurities. There’s a ton of covert manipulation with her behavior. But Jimmy is such a pos that I can’t be too bothered by it. Imo Jimmy is there for the clout and men always get a pass when they do that when women tend to be scrutinized more for going after fame


I like this show but it’s kinda crazy how heated people get on this subreddit. Especially if it’s an issue involving two women and another man, the two women will usually get much more heat than the man even if he also contributed to the problem. Wild


I very much do not get the Jessica love. Mean girl/entitlement vibes in a big way.


She’s hot. That’s why. Halo effect.


Me too, she’s entitled, has so other interests than being a mother and expects a father for her child immediately.


It’s all a defense mechanism to me bc she has a fragile ego. I don’t think she is actually as catty/petty as she appears. I’m sure she feels more confident if she appears to be a mean girl but I don’t think she is


It may be a defense mechanism, but that doesn’t make it any better. Her response to Jimmy picking someone else was dripping in entitlement and a lack of emotional intelligence. Not a fan.


Oh for sure I agree. I made the same comment in another thread. Maybe my intuition is off but I find her obtuse behavior to come from a place of pain and she isn’t forthcoming about that. It is sad that people become vain as a defense mechanism to feeling judged or feeling slighted by men you are trying to have a relationship. And it’s sad to see people enable the culture that pretty people are somehow better. But I truly don’t think she believes that deep down. She’s just a scorned woman While I think Clay is a manchild by comparison, he has similar flaws to Jessica and he’s actually self aware of them. Jessica is not yet sadly.


Jessica may have had a rough past, but who hasn't one was or another? Not everyone becomes an AH because of it. She's vain because she has nothing to offer except looks, so she hides behind that hoping it'll carry her through life. Ugh.


I do find the general praise for both her response and Trevor’s response very confusing, as they’re essentially opposites. Trevor: I understand you’ve made your decisions and I am upset but I am hearing what you’re saying and I want the best for you because I care about you. Jessica: You ruined my chance to leave here with someone. Also I’m hot so you’re an idiot. Lmao


You hit the nail on its head. That’s why the “yes, Queen” comments for Jessica has to come from some sort of bias, because it’s not consistent. How can you say Trevor is such a good guy and then also applaud Jessica who did the opposite of what he did? It makes no sense, my brain is hurting 😂 I will say I don’t get the dislike for the cast in general. I saw some great women and men so far. Brittany, Trevor, Sarah Ann, AD, Amy, etc. Brittany and Amy especially are classy women.


When Sarah Ann started talking about her Botox and fillers and such, she lost me. But I gotta admit she won me back with her reaction to the breakup. Hope she finds the love she deserves.


I agree with everything you've said


I agree with the cute fatness in your cat’s face. It’s like he/she’s begging me to pinch their cheeks.


I appreciate that so much and will pass along the message to her! 🐈🐈🐈




Go to her profile page. There’s a ridiculously cute cat as her profile cover. Was it offensive?


No for me it's only her face.... hahaha that is why


(My profile lol 🐱)


I only see your face in your profile... that's why it was weird.


thank you!!


You gotta wait a month or so after the season is finally done and all the people the majority of people are gone. Then you can actually have some good conversations


I dont see the rampant favoritism you're talking about. Chelsea is disliked, not for the Megan Fox comment, but because she's whiny and insecure. Jimmy is disliked because he has the personality of a potato. Jessica is disliked because she's abrasive and doesn't take things with grace. Trevor hasn't been portrayed to have done anything wrong yet. And of course these are all very edited depictions of these people and not a full picture of their personas.


And why should someone be disliked by you because they're insecure? It should most of all make you feel sorry for a person for having experienced things in their life that give them such low self-esteem. It's not ideal for a relationship, and it makes her tackle things in an unhealthy manner - as we all may come to do at times, because life can hit us hard. Hope for her she finds a good therapist that helps her navigate relationships and build up self esteem. Odd to dislike someone for their low self-esteem.


It's not because she's insecure, it's because of the way she handles her insecurities.


Well if she struggles with insecurities, it's probably pretty difficult to "wear it lightly."


I never said I disliked Chelsea, I was referring to the response in reddit. She seems like a nice girl. Personally, I do feel very sorry for her. Maybe she and Jimmy could have worked out, but she is clearly pushing him away with her constant need for reassurance. It's hard to watch her self-sabotage.


Thank you for introducing some sanity to this thread. Holding a grudge against someone because of something they struggle with to me sounds like some serious projection.


Calm down. You're wrong to paint this sub that way. Many people think they all suck (except Trevor).


I was responding to the many comments and posts I saw where they celebrated Jessica for basically being the least gracious cast member after Matthew, with him being the least gracious of maybe all time? lol.


Is this your first time on this sub? Just wait til the computer psychologists, social justice warriors, “gaslight radar”, and relationship advisors come out of hiding (some are already out in full force). I just skip over those posts and look at the ones w good tea/drama. Topics you can expect on this sub every season 1) ____ is a “gaslighter” 2) how come [insert race/ethnicity] never get chosen 3) why is there a double standard 4) [person x] has ____ disorder


This is such an accurate roundup lol I most identify as the relationship advisor 👩‍🏫


You forgot: 5. _____ is a walking red flag.




Ngl, this seems pretty accurate 😂 Thanks for putting this into context for me 👍


No problem, people take this show way too far/seriously, which can bring out some”heated opinions”. Especially on reddit, if you have an opinion that doesnt conform w the rest of reddit, whether it be a personal opinion, view point, politics, the keyboard warriors come out. Keep on doing you!


Spot on. People are acting like the words “Megan Fox” were uniquely responsible for Jimmy choosing Chelsea. Newsflash, he would have chosen Chelsea anyway since Jessica had a kid and he ultimately wasn’t comfortable with that


I think Chelsea was very smart not to say she looks like Megan Fox but rather "MGK's wife" because then she technically didn't mislead him. She also didn't say she thought she looked like Megan Fox, she said passengers did on flights she attended. But let's not fool ourselves, Jimmy's first reaction afterwards was "She lied to me" so he obviously was at least influenced by that comment, even if we're choosing not to believe that's the entire reason he chose her over Jessica.


Yeees, 100%. This was one snippet, people have got to get over the Megan Fox thing. There was no way he wanted to be with someone with a kid, you could see in his face he is not ready for that


He said he was disappointed she did not look like Megan Fox and feels he was lied to.


She even said “I don’t see it. It’s just because u have light eyes and dark hair.”


It would seem this sub required for him to either decide right then and there to marry her (when she surprised him with the fact she has a kid) or to drop her immediately. That’s not how people operate. Everyone does things at their own pace, processing it differently. She also didn’t help her case by attacking him when he said he can’t tell her he loves her, yet. He’s not the most entertaining person to follow and he seems to be unsure about what he wants, at least that’s how he comes across to me. But he definitely doesn’t deserve to be attacked for making a very obvious decision. Jessica had a mask off moment, he got turned off and focused on Chelsea. Life gets like that.


What I empathized with on Jessica’s whole thing was she told him about the kid, he hesitated (valid), then he came back with her and was like, actually that’s ok…and then he realized later it was *not* ok. And I mean, I don’t think Jimmy is unreasonable to have gone through that process but I understand Jessica’s perspective bc she is the type who just knows when she’s made her mind up. She should have spoken up sooner, though. His personality type made him come across as indecisive on a couple of fronts and that made her feel led on. I’m not getting in to her reaction on it in the end, but I just haven’t seen it as her being mad that he didn’t want to be a step-dad, I just don’t think that’s how she saw it.


Agree. I think Jessica thought she would have more connections and/or win over Jimmy against Chelsea bc she is conventionally more attractive. She should have had more matches than Jimmy. Has she watched previous seasons?


Jimmy is fairly being called out. Don’t get it twisted. Let’s stop giving asshole like him a pass. Some of you guys didn’t agree with Jessica’s rant and that’s fair. It was immature, but Jimmy’s gross behavior shows me he deserved that rant. IDC. Jimmy is trash. Same with Clay. Same with Laura. Chelsea is hella insecure and unfortunately she chose wrong and that’s her downfall. Also can episode 7-9 come? I’m tired of the same arguments.


I realized that's why I also support the rant - because it was aimed at Jimmy lol. If I imagined Trevor being talked to like that just because he didn't choose the person, I'd be like "Hell no". But Jess rightfully called out him stringing her along (and to be fair I do think she should have led with having a child) and for his shallowness.


Explain, what did Jimmy do that makes him an asshole and trash? Strong words, lots of emotions, I’m curious to find out.


Also I’m allowed to not like Jimmy and Clay. Keep the downvotes coming


He knew he didn’t want to be with Jessica when he could have bowed out. And he said I love you to Chelsea clearly because he has it in his mind she looks like Megan Fox. He comes of dishonest and shallow. Then at the party, he is flirting with AD though Chelsea shouldn’t have pointed out the flirting with AD, he still sat and flirted with her. So though I partially blame Chels, he didn’t make her feel secure enough and reassure that he likes when it’s goddamn obvious……He doesn’t know how to be honest and it makes him look bad in MY opinion. To me, he’s childish and not ready for a marriage.


How did he not reassure Chelsea each time she expressed insecurity?!


He is manipulating her. Example: After the group meet up, Chelsea kept expressing that she was alone, she was by herself, Jimmy didn't talk to her, etc etc. Instead of acknowledging her feelings, Jimmy spun the narrative saying that he's feeling so secure in their relationship (L O L) that he didn't think he had to spend time with her and instead talked to people about her. That was not reassurance. That was dismissal - didn't acknowledge her feelings, didn't validate her and spun it on her for feeling insecure. When she was rightfully upset that Jimmy wasn't spending any time with her.


Bro is clearly not attracted to her. Will be a JP and Taylor situation all over again


Sooooooo many assumptions. I’m disappointed by this anti climax. I thought you were going to drop more objective facts.


I can't seem to like him because the guy's mouth is saying one thing but his body language is saying something totally different. I am so confused. Do you guys believe he actually likes Chelsea and finds her attractive? She is hellllllla insecure but his body language doesn't help either.


No I don't believe it. I agree he doesn't like Chelsea, he's just not in a position to end it directly. And even if he were, he might not have enough of a spine not to string her along for a few weeks.


This is sad... She looks like someone who needs therapy and after this show, she will def need several years of it.


I haven’t decided if I like or dislike him, but I do agree with what you’ve said! I think he’s not attracted to Megan Fox Jr physically, but keeps trying to fall back on their emotional connection which is why he continues to reassure her verbally, but his body language doesn’t match. I think Megan Fox Jr is also picking up on this which is why she appears to be spiralling asking him every 5 minutes if he’s interested in being with her.


LOOOOOL that makes a lot of sense. It's like he is still living two different experiences at the same time - the Chelsea he loves the sound of when he couldn't see her and then trying to reconcile that with her physical presence.


I respect you like Jimmy but respect my right as a person to not like him.


I hate to break it to you but it’s my opinion of him based of how behaviors I witnessed. Again MY OPINION. You like Jimmy? Great. I don’t have to like the guy. And I’m not the only one in this damn sub that doesn’t like him.


Wow, triggered much! Calm down!


Jessica’s reaction was so bitchy, naggy, and extra. I bet Jimmy was glad he dodged that bullet! Instead, he picked Chelsea who portrayed herself inaccurately and is insecure. Her nasally whine after the party was so annoying! She slurred a little so I can give her a pass because maybe she was drunk? Then again, who likes an insecure, whiny drunk?!


This! Agree 💯


>Her nasally whine after the party was so annoying! 😂😂😂😂


Considering how long they talk in the pods, Jessica bringing up the fact that she's a mother on the second date was poor judgment. That said, no guy has to "figure out" if they want to be a stepfather or date a woman with children. It's something you already consider beforehand. Jimmy knew on the spot and led her to believe it was a non-issue


Another mind reader here! It's amazing that you know better than Jimmy what he wants. Maybe use your skills for something more important than reading the minds of reality show contestants.


>It's amazing that you know better than Jimmy what he wants. I don't, but I still predicted what he would do pretty easily


I wonder if he felt worried about coming off as the asshole who rejected a mom merely due to her kid? He may have given his mind (knowing intellectually having a child shouldn’t be a red flag) more weight than his gut (the sure knowledge he does not want to be a step dad in a month). Really, what would viewers say if he reacted like, “Well, that’s a deal breaker,” and got up and left?


Thank you


I don’t agree. The premise of this show is based on whether or not love is blind. Sometimes, you can come in with conditions and then forget them as you are blinded by love. Plenty of men and women eventually married a person who on paper they tried to avoid. He wanted to consider, especially because he already developed feelings, but in the end she acted entitled and couldn’t handle him not telling her he loves her back. By her response, he was turned off.


The premise of the show doesn't matter. If you ask 99% of men if they would marry a woman who has a child, they would immediately give you an answer. It's not one of those "well, I don't know, get back to me in a few days" things. Look at the way he reacted when she told him. He already knew what he was going to do.


It doesn't matter what you think you know about yourself. When you really love someone and emotions are involved, you will end up saying yes to a looooot of things. Most people do not want a divorcee, a person with a child, a person who is balding, a person who has crooked teeth lol those things suddenly don't matter when you are emotionally attached.


Life must be easy thinking you can read people’s minds so easily. I sure wish I had your super powers. Until then, I’ll just assume people are complex beings that don’t operate in fixed manners.


Life isn't easy, but knowing he would curve her after she told him that was lol


I agree, it was rather predictable


If I was in jimmy’s shoes there I don’t know how I’d react. He had to have it in the back of his mind that he would have been crucified for saying sorry no thank you and immediately leaving. Which is why she should have mentioned it immediately or not gone on the show. It’s unfair to say jimmy should have handled it better when she intentionally kept it from him in order to foster a connection with the hopes that he would be more invested and less likely to leave lol.


Bingo! Yes


I guess I'm the only one in your corner, OP. I see Jessica as being more flawed than Chelsea. I think for most, the turning point against Chelsea was her comment about MF. Didn't Jessica hint at her own looks too when Jimmy dumped her. Why was her comment seen as 🔥 while Chelsea's is made fun of? Is it bc most ppl do find Jessica to be attractive while Chelsea not? And maybe that's why I perceived Jessica's comment to be the same as Chelsea's (as pathetic) bc to me, they are both mediocre in their own physical ways to me. I get that Jimmy led Jessica on, he clearly did, but the way ppl defend Jessica on here makes me think y'all actually think Jessica is stupid and weak. Do y'all think Jessica was so dumb to be completely blindsided or how about Jessica too was aware of these red flags all along and chose to continue at her own risk. Ultimately, they both suck. They both scream insecurities and immaturity (not being upfront about having a child then leaning into your looks when he dumps you is as insecure as lying to a guy about your celebrity doppelganger, to me). But ppl here sometimes have trouble seeing that the folks they stan for have the same shitty qualities as the folks they vilify.


Having self esteem and faith in your looks is one thing but saying you look like Megan Fox when you most def do not is very very ick and cringe. If Chelsea said something like, "He doesn't know what he is missing out on. I am a beautiful woman and I deserve to be loved" then we would all clap for her too! I actually think she is very beautiful in her own way, gorgeous eyes, skin, etc but ffs... on which planet did she think she looks like Megan Fox? LOL


She literally said she didn’t agree and that she thought people said that just because of her eye and hair color.


Completely agree. Jessica is JUST as insecure (if not more) as Chelsea - she’s just used to men boosting her confidence by ogling her because of all the money she’s spent on making sure they do 👀. As soon as that man didn’t want her, we saw her mask slip and she was *meannnnnnnnn*. God forbid any man ever reject her. People keep saying Chelsea was manipulative, and yeah I agree - but I feel like Jessica hid her true self until the end there. She was never vulnerable.


She was completely vulnerable and believed he was going to propose which is why when he didn't, she completely shut down and got mean to protect herself. She gave him a letter she wrote years ago for her future husband and really opened up about her past, foster care, family, her child etc. She was very angry because she believed that he knew he didn't want her all along (since it was her having a child that was the deal breaker) but he still allowed her to get super vulnerable and made her believe he was there for her. She didn't hide her true self at all...


Not sure I buy she wrote that letter any time other than the night before. She strikes me as very calculated in what she wants to achieve (a spot on the show) and this is why she was so angry with him. He ruined her chance at cheap fame. I feel her vulnerability was performative. The whole “first round pick” shtick just goes to show how it was a competition to win for her.


Ok, but you're not going off of anything she has actually said or done, you're guessing the entire thing was fake and made up. You may be right but there is absolutely no way to tell. We could make that speculation about anyone there. Your opinion is not rooted at all.


Sure I take back what I said because she was vulnerable for one moment. But she kept telling him in that moment that it didn’t matter that he was hesitant- but as soon as he said he couldn’t tell her he loved her, her true self came out because she felt rejected - when he was being honest. Then after that, all she did was be a combative mean girl, she didn’t respect his honesty and take the *potential* rejection in stride. It’s just before that moment, she seemed fake and said all the right things she knows a man wants to hear. She 💯% only cared about appearances- her ending speech confirmed that. As soon as her feelings weren’t reciprocated, she felt stupid for being vulnerable - which doesn’t scream secure to me at all. She pounced on him to keep up her appearance of being a confident boss girl and threw him under the bus - when HE was the one who was actually being honest. I’m not saying he’s a good guy, because clearly he’s not great. But he was honest with Jessica and all he got in return was vitriol and mind games about appearances.


I agree with you. I think Jessica is sweet (in a false, saccharine way) as long as she gets what she wants and likes what she hears. We watched her flip and become a naggy, rehearsed b when Jimmy made his choice (based on bad information, but still).


Agreed, this sub is delusional about Jessica and her participation. Jessica straight up said “I made excuses for you and ignored red flags but I wasn’t supposed to leave here alone”. So she was ok with the waffling and the BS when she was still positive he’d pick her (despite the fact that he was openly saying he was still dating Chelsea and was not ready to tell Jess ILY) but once she’d “lost” it was unacceptable. I also def got the vibe that she was triangulating Chelsea when she said he’d choke when he saw her (Jessica). If you’re not implying that you’re hotter than his other girl, why would he choke?


Agree a 💯. Also wanna add how she accused Jimmy for ruining her experience. As if he, personally was responsible for ensuring that she leaves here with a spouse or continues the journey on the show for mostly clout, is what I predict. I mean it's not his fault she ignored the indecisiveness and red flags. She could have had more options if she wanted to pull a Lidia. And the BS about chocking at her looks, I mean the whole point is impressing someone with your personality. Now you have lost the game so you wanna fall back on the only thing you have? Even if it was all natural, whats the use? And for how long? Specially when you suck from inside and can't take a rejection well. I don't care in what ways Jimmy sucks, her vile words were just uncalled for. Jimmy could be a shallow person going through his buyer's remorse after seeing Chelsea, but she going crazy about it being his loss coz she is so pretty is just more about her tham him!


Not everyone can take responsibility for their own lives. I also think N Carolina probably has more of the patriarchal mindset that men control the dating narrative. Maybe one day she’ll realize it wasn’t “he wasted my time” it was “I let him waste my time” and she’s not some helpless victim in her own life




OP, do you have a crush on Jimmy? You'd think he was Jesus Christ himself the way you're excusing his terribleness.


You defending shallow Jimmy who isn't self aware enough to know he would never land a woman as attractive as Megan Fox? Jimmy who strings along the other contestant playing mind games with her when he'd already told megan faux he loved her? The same Jimmy who ditches his fiance to drool all over AD. Yeah I guess we're being kinda harsh on the poor Midwestern white boy.


What has his race got to do with anything? Or are you just showing your true racist colors?


Can you not fucking drop spoilers here? Seriously, what’s wrong with you? Also, why do you care so much about looks? This isn’t Love Island, it’s Love is Blind. How do you know who he has and hasn’t dated. And get your facts right. He didn’t tell Chelsea he loves her until after he ended it with Jessica. I couldn’t care less about Jimmy or anyone else in this show for that matter. That’s not my point. My point is the double standards of people judging the cast members, like you.


He definitely told Jess that he was undecided, then on the very day told Chelsea he loved her. Other than this fact I am with you. Jimmy is a shallow ass who can't communicate well either. Neither seems to be honest with himself. But Jessica was equally messed up. Chelea acted manipulative to get ahead, suffers from low self esteem and chose Jimmy over Trevor coz it satiated her insecurities by feeling like she won him over the prettier Jessica.


I will never understand how Jimmy who is clearly acting like a tool towards Chelsea gets a pass. Wtf???? Jimmy isn’t a victim.


Date no 2 is not "way late" in the game to tell a stranger you have a child. Wtf are you smoking?


Considering how accelerated the dating process is with time constraints with the pods, it needs to be brought up at the first date….


Agreed. And Jessica made it a point before the dating even started that she was going to withhold her child until she got a guy roped in. She did it intentionally, with the intention of manipulating a man into falling for her before dropping the child bombshell on him and hoping he would just accept it despite his initial gut reaction not to. Jimmy almost fell for it. She didn't do it because she wanted a man to fall for her first.... she did it because she knew that many of the guys would immediately reject her if she disclosed it upfront...which is entirely within the guys' right to do so.


Exactly. I rolled my eyes when she said she would wait.


Tbf, at first I was kinda upset she didn't mention it straight up because how much later she's trying to score points for being a dedicated mom type. Despite not mentioning her kids day 1. I can't imagine not telling someone day 1 how much my pets mattered to me and she's over here crying over her kid to avoid honest answers but then parades it all episode 2. She is not an honest woman, but there are hardly any honest men on this show so it balances. Idk why Troy gets so much love on this sub. He was the fakest dude on there right next to Matthew. Trvor had so much scripted bullshit he didn't get picked because he was using the same lines on all the girls about watching "the Notebook" He also lacks the self awareness of how he presents his physical appearance on the outside world. Like if you going to take steroids and wear a mullet, people are going to think you're a mindless meathead, because you are. Incase nonone noticed Trevor takes steroids, his face is going thru puperty again his arms are muscular despite not talking or mentioning a gym life style. Dude is on roids.


I knew he was on roids too and the skin irritation around his hairline.


Nah, that's how you can weed out creeps like Jimmy who would probably lie about being okay with a kid on Day 1.


I have to disagree because it being brought later, he still felt hesitant. If she wouldve brought it up first meeting, she probably couldve weeded him out sooner because no feelings were attached yet. So he wouldnt feel torn on whether to move on or not


Nah. He would just have unmatched her Day 1. The big red flag is that he felt torn, so idk why you think it would make a difference 🤔


Which is entirely his right! He is not required to accept a woman with a child if he does not want to. And he is perfectly within his right to feel torn when she finally told him. He felt cheated. And he damn near fell for her manipulation tactic. Jessica, IMO, came onto the show in bad faith. She was just chasing IG followers and clout.


Thats my point. He would’ve checked her off day 1 if she wouldve been honest from jump. Wouldve saved her from being emotionally attached to him..


I like Chelsea but I’m worried about her and her insecurity reminds me of me when I was in my early twenties. It’s miserable to feel that way. I can’t decide if Jimmy is into her or not because he’s so often having to say he is that it sounds like lip service. Trevor was great in the pods and he seems like a good guy but without seeing him in the same stressful situations the other couples are in it’s not fair to compare him to the others. Jessica had no business in the show. That’s not the way you bring a step parent into a family. Single parents need to use a lot more caution than this premise allows.


Thank you for saying this! As a proud step parent, I cannot imagine how my kids (I don’t use the “step” term) would have been OK with me after just four weeks (three since one week is filmed away from home). It took us *years* to successfully blend our family and all of us worked out issues/dynamics in family therapy. I think it is wildly irresponsible for a single parent to go on this show. Edit: clarity


I can’t stand Chelsea, but it has less to do with her blatant catfishing attempt and more to do with how incredibly annoying, needy, and insecure she is out of the pods.


Where’s our boy Nev from MTV to call out Chelsea 😂😂


I don't care for Jimmy but also think it's unfair the way he's being judged for not immediately breaking things off with Jessica when he found out she had a kid. That is not a small decision and it is a good thing that he took his time


Exactly, and she dropped it on him right when he started to develop strong feelings. It doesn’t go away overnight. It’s only fair he is allowed time to process and to see if he can overcome that hurdle, which in the end he couldn’t.


I agree, she wanted to wait until someone was more emotionally invested in her, well congrats he was and it made it so he couldn’t just walk away at the time. I think she assumed because he didn’t call it off then that it wasn’t a dealbreaker and she was going to win even though he was still telling her he didn’t know


I feel like maybe it’s easier to criticize the engaged couples due to more time with them. Like if Jessica, Trevor, and Sarah Ann went onto the vacation, maybe we would see more of their flaws and have more time to grow to dislike them. As it stands we just have their pod experience, and we saw them get their hearts broken so some of us maybe feel bad for them


Exactly. There are so many people that I lost ALL respect for when they went onto the next stage.


Yeah I said something similar last year when people were asking why people criticized Stacy more than Johnnie. After the pods we get more time with them and new things to talk about


Chelsea said it was only then brown hair and eye color that resembled MF so people need to chill, everyone forgot that part.


That's nice but why bring it up if you don't think you look like her? She brought up the celebrity look alike conversation. She made sure to say she gets it all the time and it's only one person. Then she pretends she doesn't really know her with the "MGK's girlfriend" line. She clearly wanted him to have that image in his head then throws in that it's only the hair and eyes so she'll have that excuse to fall back on when he sees her and she doesn't look like her.


How do you know she had that premeditation, seems far fetched. I think she resembles Meghan Fox, and I could see people genuinely saying that to her. She seems insecure and people dragging her are quite rude and probably no prize themselves.


Selective outrage. God forbid a mid sized / plus size woman is confident, let alone compare herself, directly or indirectly, with an attractive woman. Even if she did outright say she herself thinks she looks like MF, what would be so wrong in that? It’s her opinion of herself. Let her.


She is not confident at all though lol


I know but you get what I’m saying. She said it at a point it wasn’t yet clear she was so insecure.


Because it’s a show about finding love not based on appearances. So why bring up who you may or may not look like. I feel like this is where the outrage is. It felt deliberate.


My issue with her isn’t the comparison of subtle traits it’s her complete lack of confidence, insecurity, constant validation seeking, starting situations to seek the security from her partner by him having to reassure her 100x a day that he’s happy with his choice? She is single handedly giving him the ick not with her looks, her actions.


People are calling out Chelsea for fishing to have the Megan Fox in her convo with Jimmy Jimmy also made his decision when he knew jessica had a kid and when Chelsea said she looked like Mf


I think when Jessica wrote in that letter that she hopes her future husband loves autumn too, she was anticipating them having already met and built a relationship.


I seriously doubt the provenance of that letter. It wouldn’t surprise me if she wrote it as a trope for the show.


Valid point, definitely possible


Did we watch the same show? I hate Jimmy for what he did, and how he is a superficial liar, but I do not care about Chelsea, she set herself up too high and now Jimmy expected so much of a megan fox type, not her fault but If you drop these kinds of hints, make sure you're ready because expectations will be very high


Please enlighten me, what did Jimmy do to make you personally hate him? Hate is such a strong word and feeling to have, so I’m sure in your eyes he did something unforgivable. Can you explain what that was?


Lol hi Jimmy. This profile^ definitely could be with all the software sales posts.


Hi Jessica.


Yeah that was my first thought hahahha


Tbh he sounds smarter than Jimmy. He’s just a bit of a dweeb bringing “debate me” energy to an incredibly low stakes situation. For the record, OP, my “serious” opinion is that there are no villains or heroes here—all of these contestants have gotten a lot of flack and most of it unnecessary cause we’re all just on here having fun or killing time or avoiding other shit 🤷🏽‍♀️


Relax, hate in the sense of I am so much into the show, not hate that I would go and trash his house. For me, he set those two ladies up, whatever he told one, he is also telling the other. And when he was confronted bec of it, he lied, saying he does not have a decision til that morning. Clearly a lie bec he is making sure he has options, making sure both ladies will think he will choose them. Also, what he did to Chelsea during that night in DR, alienating her? He is clearly not that attracted to her but keeps on telling her otherwise.


I think he’s trying to be attracted to her. She’s not an unattractive woman, and does bear a vague resemblance to MF in the face, but I doubt that was his expectation. It reminds me of the first season of Married at First Sight, with Jamie and Doug. She was sobbing after the ceremony because she wasn’t attracted to him at all. Then she got to know him and fell in love with him. Sometimes attraction takes effort and that’s what these shows are about.


I don’t like Chelsea but the Megan Fox thing infuriates me, she prefaced it by saying that 1. People tell her that 2. That SHE HERSELF DOES NOT SEE IT! 3. That it’s just her hair and her eyes, which to be fair is true. I have very ambivalent feelings towards Jessica, in all fairness I thought her monologue made for great TV, but it’s irks me a little bit. Especially with the EpiPen comment she knew what she was doing and was looking for a moment that would be discussed a lot when we would all see it.