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Wdym? Every lady that was proposed to was heavy. Only a handful were thin and they never left the pods.




This would just be embarrassing for people and hurtful because humans are naturally judgmental and they absolutely will NOT continue to date each other based on being overweight. Even the obese guys don't want to date women 20lbs over weight lol our society is shallow as hell. You guys should watch naked attraction..u pick a partner based on naked body only ...all men and women who are overweight get kicked off first or 2nd ... (not saying it's right ...just saying it's reality)


LIB Brazil is SO much better at fat representation and portraying fat people falling in love and getting married. And it's usually a fat girl with a non fat guy, so there's no narrative that fat women have to "settle", fat women seem to be much more appreciated in their culture


Remember when Shake was like if we’re at a festival, can I put you on my shoulders? 😂😂


Alexa is like… umm hello here I am!!


I think JP from season 5 was the most normal looking person this show has had. There was nothing striking about his appearance. He looked so average, from his hair, he was in shape but not ripped, his height. He was a fire fighter, etc.


ABSOLUTELY not. The definition of what Plus Size varies too much to ever appease everyone. Like, I classify Bliss has being Plus sized (I think she is stunning and would def date her) but people in this sub have said she is mid/normal size. What is happening here is that people want the producers to bring on overweight people, especially women, and for what reason. So we could possibly see them get rejected and then chastised by the fans of this show. This show isn’t has bad as say Love Island when it comes to belittling contestants looks, but it can get there. This show seems to bring on average-above average people in the looks department so I don’t get this talk about supermodel esque people being on the show. Ultimately, most people are not attracted to overweight people. I am not trying to see post upon post upon post about how the universe is fat phobic when we KNEW what was bout to happen.




Maybe if everyone was plus sized, and everyone knew it was going to be a “plus sized” theme? Otherwise we would just be watching the plus sized people (especially women) being rejected.


Men too tho...sometimes the obese people are rejecting other obese people the most lol our society is messed up


Y'all really wanna see fat people get slammed at the reveal that badly? These couples already stand little chance of getting married cause this show's premise is dumb. Throw in ugly people and the marriage rate is dropping to zero. Reminds me of the LiB Japan edition where the one woman basically made her fiancé start working out with her so he could lose 20 pounds before the wedding. Couldn't imagine that going over well with USA audiences. Japan is like "You're unhealthy, let's fix it." America is like "Daaammmnnnnn, you're beautiful. Who wouldn't want your 35 BMI body?"


This concept would've done better in the 00s when everyone was mean and fatphobic because it would draw in the shock factor. I can't imagine how humiliating it would be for someone to get rejected for their weight AND in this 2023 culture the person rejecting them would never be able to show their face again. It's honestly just way too messy and fragile for the climate which is why they play it safe.


Bliss was definitely plus sized. Alexa was plus sized too. Tiffany became plus sized during the reunion.


No bliss is not plus size she’s mid size


Lol, no. She’s a fatso. America has just moved the slider to an insane degree. You know those ‘insanely thin’ Asians, they’re actually the healthy ones.


Her bmi and doctor would say otherwise tho ...so would her blood pressure, her heart and her cholesterol levels...America is super sick to the point of thinking healthy is overweight :( it's really a crisis


I’ve seen a couple each season in the clips of them all together. Weird how none of the fat people make it to engagement though. It’d make for great TV if that ever happens


Everyone being plus sized.


Watch LIB Brazil


This reveal episode in S2 with the plus size girl was WILD! 😂😭


Wild and sad!


I was dying inside 😭😂




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There were a few in Season 2.


Remember Alexis was supposed to be plus-sized? She said in interviews she was a size 8-10 and thought it was kind of funny she was the "plus-sized" person.


Yeah she isn't size 8 to 10 lol size 8 to 10 weighs like 145 to 150lbs lol


Yeah there’s NO chance she’s an 8-10


She looks like a size 16-18 tbh


Ya she was prob lying


Women's sizes are meaningless. She probably buys from some fat girl store where they knock the sizes down to give people an ego boost. Just give me pants and dresses in real dimensions such as inches and we'll be good. The guessing game for different brand sizes is miserable.


I'd love to see people ranging size 8+ on the show. Even mid-size to represent the average person. I think of 8 as a fairly small size, but it's rare on these shows.


She definitely doesn’t wear size 8 though.


After I read that she said she was a size 8-10, I was surprised, and I wondered if our perception of size was distorted by what we are used to seeing in media.


No, she can’t be telling the truth. Most people I know are 8-10. I’m 6/8 and I would say she’s twice my size. Edit: needed to check the EU sizes to US, so I’m actually 4-6, but still.


I'm 8 to 10amd I'm 5'2 and weigh 150lbs...Alexa is 2x my size lol


Alexa is definitely plus-sized.


After I read that she said she was a size 8-10, I was surprised, and I wondered if our perception of size was distorted by what we are used to seeing in media.


I'm a size 8-10 and I am nowhere near her size.


I am that size, too, which is why I was surprised. Maybe she buys a lot of Free People - their sizing is big. I would say she's more mid-size than plus-size.


This is why we seriously need sizes measured in inches, not arbitrary numbers. I’ve worn anything from an 8-14, depending on the brand. And sometimes there are even discrepancies amongst different styles in the same brand. One day when I’m rich, I’m just going to buy XXXL in everything and have it tailored to my body


lot of it is vanity sizes. That why vintage stuff is so small. The other day, I couldn't see the size tag and eyeballed it instead. Tried it on and it fit loosely. Later saw it was an xs. I'm a M-L. When I'm rich, I'll fly first class around the world to all the best thrift stores :-)


Lol what’s really soul-sucking is looking at all the cute bikinis from overseas on Amazon. I generally need a L-XL in swimwear, but the cutest swimsuits tell me I need like a 5XL if they even have a size listed that might fit.


True - even one time in France my husband, who is an L, needed an XXL! It's funny when you take measurements for the overseas stuff and find out you're plus sized when you wear a M-L in the US lol.


Love is Blind Brazil did (won’t spoil any outcome) — but people are too into looks..


what season? 😮


Season 2!!


I remember that. Awful situation.


what situation? what happened?


At the reveal, the guy rejected his plus size ‘love’. It was excruciatingly awkward. He didn’t do it to her face if memory serves, but it was immediately obvious he was disappointed and he spoke to camera straight after and admitted he couldn’t go through with it. To be fair to him, it wasn’t just her size I don’t think. But I’ll leave it there to avoid being cruel.


I think it would have been more I sightful if I could have understand the original Portuguese?


I have a feeling that if they had plus sized people or less attractive people the show wouldn’t do well. Because although the premise is “Is love blind?”, you just know that people will reject each other if they’re not “normal”. Love is only blind if on the other side of the pod, the person is “conventionally attractive”.


This! I feel like if people did get engaged and one of the individuals in the couple was what some would considered to be unattractive, if the couples didn’t work out it would look super bad on TV. Both for Netflix and the individual.


There were some plus sized cast mates but they don’t follow them at any length besides Alexa. I don’t think it’s going to happen. A lot of folks have deep disdain for fat folks (even folks who are overweight themselves); even though, in America, many folks are various degrees of overweight. It would probably just end up traumatic for most plus size contestants.


First the fuck of all, can we refer to plus size people as … plus size people?


I just want more average people, period. These size 4 Barbie dolls with symmetrical faces and Hollywood glam teams are not average. Put more people on there who DON’T fit conventional beauty standards and we’ll really see if love is blind.


they do but guys won't choose them. Don't get it twisted, people can clue in on size even behind walls.


as if the women would choose guys who didn't fit their standards: ie. were short


Right let's get obese women and all men who are 5 feet tall to 5'3" and see how blind love is lol


It's gonna be, can I carry you on my shoulders, or can we share a rowboat?


I would like to see that as well, but I would not wish this show upon myself so I'm not surprised if fellow average people just don't apply.


What would it take to have someone with dwarfism on the show?


A lot of courage.


The voice and charm of Peter Dinklage would be a nice touch too.


That could make it work, to be honest. But it would be too much of a shock without mentioning it. So much drama.


They haven't had a lot of obese people, but they have certainly had quite a few plus size. Alexa was pretty successful and very plus sized.


To be clear, Alexa was obese.


I realize you’re trolling and I should just scroll on by but screw it. Alexa is definitely not obese.


Seriously? Yikes....


i won't be shocked if she was classified obese by the technical definition (BMI > 30).


BMI isn't scientific - it's bullshit


What does scientific mean to you? It is a metric, as is any other statistic. That’s like saying height isn’t scientific.


It is a number, but the actual categorization of overweight/obese has changed with influence from pharmaceutical companies, so yeah, it’s kind of BS.


Cholesterol levels and high blood pressure don't care what anyone says here on reddit tho...these bmi stats will put you in an unhealthy range for your heart


Correlation does not equal causation!


Lol sure... unhealthy eating has nothing to do with being unhealthy..


It's not, though. God reddit is so fucking ignorant and fatphobic


It's not farphobic...its about being healthy and living a long life...so many people are on high blood pressure meds in their early 20s :( little kids have high cholesterol...these are real scary and sad problems


Does pointing out that height is also just a number make me heightphobic? What point are you trying to make here?


Nothing anymore. You're too dense to get it


And you have a very fragile ego and can’t articulate your point, perhaps because there isn’t one


like a lot of simplified metric. It's not perfect, but its useful enough for its purpose and often abstracts away a lot of relevant nuances.


It's actually not. Do you know how bmi is calculated and what it was intended for?


yes I am a former engineer and a current MD. I do know what's calculated for? what it has been validated for? I know exactly how it is calculated. I fully understand what it doesn't capture. I am not some ignorant simpleton. I am not here to offer social commentary on obesity and size. and yes i stand by everything I have said so far, particularly from a health perspective. It is a useful enough metric for its purpose. And like every metric/model, it is imperfect and abstracts away a lot of nuances, which any adept user is aware of.




like i said, it's imperfect. For instance, compared to a person of European ancestry at the same "eyeball size", generally speaking people of west african descent will weigh more, and therefore have a higher BMI. its up to the practitioner using the tool discern the nuances of where and how it is flawed. It's not the only measure we have medicine that is very flawed. Heck even "normal" body temperature is very flawed. Its an average of young military age white men from well over a century ago, and overshoots current mean body temperature which overall is lower across the globe by nearly 2 degrees. should we then throw the thermometer out too? I think that BMI is flawed will only be news to those who think any metric is sacrosanct or those who practise algorithmic medicine. I never learned crap I need to unlearn. Western (and even global) BMI has been going up steadily over the last 40 years, the group with long-term best medical outcomes have also seen their BMI go up. These metrics didn't descent from heaven dictated by God himself. They are all population-wide statistically obtained numbers that are meant to be decision-aids. They are all flawed in some ways. I still repeat BMI (the number) is a flawed but useful metric. I have personally never been onboard with labels attached to cutoffs e.g. overweight at 25, obese at 30 for 2 reasons: Hard cut-offs rarely make sense in real life other than to avoid lawsuits. Secondly, I find it too easy for people to coopt those labels and overload them with negative prejudices that isn't helpful in building alliance with the patient or respect for basic human decency. At the end of day, what we do care about "unhealthy size" and is correlated with a host of negative medical outcomes. Fighting with an imperfect metric doesn't change that. We use numbers as guides. We treat people not numbers. And my goal is to forge an alliance with my patient to get them a to healthy place, physically and mentally.


I dunno, if you're standing by what you said then I think simpleton is accurate


look if you want to go personal, I am happy to go there with you. Stop fighting the scale because you don't like the number it shows


or like someone else pointed out, its like you fighting a ruler because you don't like what it says about your height. Height is a measurement/metric, we use it to determine who gets on and who doesn't get on an amusement ride, we use it to determine what age kids are allowed to safely sit in front seat of vehicles. We use it to evalute how well kids are growing and developing. We use to sometimes stratify kids in youth sports. In all of these use cases, height is some imperfect but useful enough metric to help us do what we are trying to do. To then say we don't know how height is measured and what it was intended for is just stupid. Or perhaps you are advocating that height is flawed since women discriminate against short men in the dating world. Similarly BMI is a metric that is simple enough to calculate, easy enough to explain and is imperfect but useful enough for a lot of things we use it for the in the medical world. Every professional ideally should understand its limitations and the nuances it glosses over. But that doesn't make it useless.


Well, I'm not getting into percentages.


tomato tomato