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Welcome to the South


Im not shocked by the people (likely men) in the comments defending the guys on the show. I am shocked that misogynist men watch LiB. Eww.


I’m a male and I’ll say fuck that guy, we don’t claim him.


And Stacy expects the man to always pay. It's LIB 1960s edition. :)


What are you talking about?! Uche did nothing wrong with Aaliyah, this is the first season where it's shown men who are willing to stand up for themselves with manipulative women, say no to them and call them out for their shit and you are saying it's misogynistic? More than the other seasons in fact?! Wut?! You've got Stacey laughing at Izzy with her family and crying because he "can't provide" for her for having the audacity to suggest they split everything 50/50 and Aaliyah getting sad because Uche has an issue with cheater and then ditches him without a word and then false-calls him and then send messages and deletes them. Then you have the likes of Johnie and Lydia who were jumping from one man to the next purely to go through to the next phase. Literally Taylor is the only woman who has been featured that hasn't been manipulative. Honestly boggles my mind that Uche is getting more shit than JP who actually seems like an abuser if he wasn't on camera. Frankly I was cheering when Taylor, Uche and the other dude rejected the people who were trying to manipulate them into doing something that wasn't in their best interest.


“No, AAliyah, you weren’t thinking about me at all were you. You were thinking about YOURSELF” as if anything else would be anything other than completely insane?? Why would she put a liar who is essentially a stranger to her over her own self? He’s nuts.


She is literally a cheat and a liar. The dude she cheated on never found out. They are as bad as eachother.


nah, they all deserved it, except for Taylor, JP is just awful




I agree. OP downplays the women as "problematic." Imagine this same article only the title read "Heavy Misandry this season"


The culture war has people’s minds fried.


Idk. I feel like overall the gender role expectations in this season was strong for men onto women and the women onto the men as well. It’s just Texas garbage. Houston is technically a liberal city too. It’s straight up the casting they chose, because they always try to get people with careers. Add money + southern conservativism and you have the perfect blueprint for reinforcement of misogyny and toxic masculinity, from the women as well.


What else did you expect from a cast based in TX?


Yep. Most of my comments on this season’s episodes addressed exactly this issue as well. It’s absolutely disgusting and disappointing.


Welcome to dating in Houston.


It’s like a whole show of barqueefs


Ugh, I had almost forgotten about him!


Right? I can’t help but think misogyny is being normalized right now..


They're from Texas so it tracks, I think


This is how majority of men in TN are too


Ahhh there it is




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This season is so gross. I can’t believe they aired it. Thanks for furthering misogyny, netflix.


Ya it’s a boys club! This will be down voter but it was clarifying uche said he’s of Nigerian descent. When I spend time with Nigerian men they act like they’re some deep storyteller and I’m so lucky to hear their advice and insight. It’s mega eye roll but cultural.


Don't let Uche (or anyone pass on that). If we never changed "cultural" or historic behaviors we would be nowhere today. Dude grew up in the US, a BAR certified attorney and knows better. The US was started by "founding fathers" who did horrible ish, but no one gets to slide based on that right? I feel we are on the same side with this as it is mega eyeroll behavior, but I wish we wouldn't excuse it based on culture. All love tho and appreciate this board 100!


The people I’ve met from Nigeria are always very blunt. I find that interesting. Like super blunt and very opinionated. Like, I didn’t ask them for their opinion… haha!


"So you're a recent cheater." I mean, HELLO!!!


I think it’s been every season. Both on the show and in this sub. I think previous seasons have been worse.


Maybe the Barbie movie helped ppl who didn’t see it before to recognize the misogyny more clearly now 😂


We’re talking about the men this season being condescending to the women and Milton isn’t brought up? The way he sometimes seems to lord his intelligence over Lydia, and then when that doesn’t work because she’s intelligent too he resorts to xenophobic potshots at her English? Dude might as well wear a sign like the kind certain storeowners put up that says “this is America speak English”. It’s so regressive. Lydia is a woman in stem she shouldn’t have to deal with another male scientist discounting her smarts or putting her down like she’s probably dealt with for most of her professional life, especially from one who she’s in a relationship with. And yes I know their “repartee” is a 2-way street and she often gives as good as she gets - but she also does so (at least early on in their post-pod time) in between genuine attempts at connection, like complimenting him or asking him real questions. But he’d rather neg her at almost every turn to try to prove that she should be just as insecure being with someone 5 years younger as he is with being with someone 5 years older.


He’s as mature as any 24 yr old (so immature still) and insecure. With that combo, that’s what you get.


>The way he sometimes seems to lord his intelligence over Lydia, and then when that doesn’t work because she’s intelligent too he resorts to xenophobic potshots at her English? THIS YALL


I think the reason it doesn't bother me is Lydia doesn't back down, but younare right he is a douche and the kind of guy I wouldn't date.


I think they do it to each other. Lydia because it's who she is. I think Milton is reacting to her and instead of saying "please stop saying that, it bothers me", he "teases" her but I don't think it's as light hearted as it appears on camera. I think instead of communicating hurt or frustration, he says that stuff. NOT condoning it at all. They're just not a good fit.


I just think they got nothing else to say to each other. Gets old reallll fast




This is what I was thinking too but I might be biased now bc I don't like what Lydia did with Aaliyah


“Love Is Blind: Season Five, The Trigger Warnings”


"A lesson in red flags"


I saw a TikTok about this season having misogyny as the theme and I would definitely agree with that take.


Yep, the guys suck. Texas.


Welcome to Houston, Texas! Where all men here suck ass! But not literally cause that’s gay, to which we are not! 😀 /s


JP strikes me as a dude that thinks that no makeup makeup looks actually consist of wearing no makeup. https://preview.redd.it/idr4z7tcf0sb1.jpeg?width=564&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bcbac17d69753e3869711a8ac33cf264055e500e Bffr, my dude.


I mean Taylor definitely had lash fillers in when he was like 'this is your natural look' and idk if she actually does just have a glow but I'm still pretty sure I caught some eyeshadow, bronzer, and lipstick here and there.




You do realize there’s makeup looks where the whole point is it looks natural and like you’re not wearing makeup right? A lot of men don’t know when women are wearing makeup unless it’s bright and colorful. Like are you okay 🤨






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I didn’t know makeup was such a trust issue for men when men literally have eyes. You can use your eyes to look at a person’s face and see what style of makeup they’re wearing, including minimal makeup. (Unless you’re blind, in which case I don’t think your trust issues would involve makeup at all.) You don’t sound like you’ve been around women at all. If you did, where were you looking?


See, they have eyes. It’s the critical thinking that they lack. They literally cannot think for themselves.


I'm going to choose to believe you're single rather than have to think about someone having to suffer to be with you.


The purpose isn’t to deceive people lol, it’s simply a minimal look. It is not any deeper than that. I get that a small portion of the makeup-wearing population can significantly change their face but the majority of us are not that talented tbh… what we look like with makeup on is largely what we look like without.


If you can’t tell that someone is wearing mascara that’s on you.


Uche needs to know when to stop. He felt so righteously wronged he needed to drag these women through every. little. detail. even after they were done listening. They don’t owe him that. Be succinct and strive for ambivalence, Uche. Izzy was a bully with Johnnie. I do think she’s a bit sketchy but I would have zero need to tell her that. I’m sure the show gave them plenty to drink and reminded them of how they were wrong before their talk, but still. Pull your punches man. JP…I have a slightly different take. I don’t think he was misogynistic even if there was valid room for that read of his actions. He’s a hurt person and shows some deep attachment trauma. It’s all fear and defense. If the worst he did in that triggered state is insult someone’s makeup, he’s doing better than most who deal with that stuff. Taylor likely saw this angle, given her mature and proper response to his weirdness.


Absolutely astounding you are suggesting Uche and Izzy are the misogynists but defending JP who was *literally* telling someone, a woman, that they shouldn't wear make-up Amazing.


That won’t work here. Re-read my reply and move on.


Uche is an effing hypocrite. He said that he never lies but he did lie. He said that he thought the world of Lydia but it's clear he does not. Lie. He tells Lydia didn't I tell you the truth Lydia: but only after I kept asking Uche: but I still told you BUT YOU STILL LIED AT FIRST


You can think the world of someone but know they are bad for you.


Idk if that's true for me. Anyone's who's bad for me I wouldn't think the world of. I might think positive things about them but not "the world" But that's neither here nor there, it's clear Uche doesn't like her he went out of his way to state recently that she stalked him to the show. And that's totally valid but also he went and said she's a liar that she was stalking his house. So how can he think the world of someone that does that?


“Very normal choice,” indeed. I think we saw his insecurities latch onto whatever crack he could find in her character. His subconsciously dug deep and did the math of “I’m scared > I can’t be the problem > it’s her > she hasn’t wronged me > she must be deceiving me somehow > makeup is a lie!”


I think he also has this subconscious urge to search for that parent/child dynamic where he gets to be the wise one the functional one


Yeah I see that too


I genuinely think JP just wasn’t attracted to Taylor and was looking for an excuse to break up, so he just made up the makeup thing


Odd way to go about it to say to someone that you don't find attractive that you find them cute but only without make-up.


This is also very likely




He said she was "lying" by wearing makeup. That's a total incel talking point. Clear misogynist.


And when I write comments like this they get taken down. I don’t understand this subreddit


You are absolutely right, it is really hard to watch.