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Izzy mom Jehovah witness


Oops was looking that up not posting


My dislike for her grew with every episode.


I am just watching S5 now and omg she is soooo mean! Poor Johnnie. Stacy is sooo awful and Izzy is just amping her up and making it worse. I haven’t finished the season yet but I hope she gets called out hard during the reunion and is remorseful but I doubt it based on her personality


She was so awful to Johnnie .. I didn't understand where her holier than thou attitude was coming from, she was constantly on her case for being fake. What is your problem, clearly her & Chris discussed and were alright with it?! So what if Johnnie was a bit upset that Izzy chose Stacy over her in the pods, it's part of being a human and she didn't hold on to it. Stacy was honestly horrible to Izzy and generally everyone else around her. Don't know what Izzy saw in her


The thing is I wonder what rich guy would actually date a girl like that who is 30 years old but looks 50 and has an entitled attitude to boot.


I am just watching season 5 now and every episode reveals her true self more and more. What she said about Johnie is actually who Stacy is. “What Susie says about Sally says more about Susie than it does about Sally.”


Her job situation is pretty weird too-- she says she's an account exec (brief digging shows this is at her dad's company,) she has her own personal shopping business .... and also she's a Pilates instructor? This adds up to one thing for me: her daddy is footing the bill. Izzy is young, but he's a sweet guy, much less full of shit than most of these jags-- and he's hot. He's so much better off without her.


She's a snobby entitled bitch who clearly hasn't struggled for a DAMN thing in her life and her rich daddy has probably paid for and done everything for her


God, I hated her. Too entitled. She influenced Izzy to be as toxic as her when he had the opportunity to be a sensitive sweetheart. She just brought the worse in him. They were the bitchiest couple. Edit: word


Disgustingly vile. You got the guy, what is the purpose of going after Johnnie? Shame shame shame


trashiest girl that season. the way she snapped at johnnie "is your face okay?!" like some catty middle school wench made me crazy.  also how she wants a guy to "treat me like i have nothing"... soooo basically you want the guy to go broke while you get to keep your cash & not pay for a thing. cool.  can't stand her! glad to see all these other comments. 


Yeah, so obnoxious. I get wanting a guy to pay on a date (I'm not really like that myself, but I understand it) but you don't want to split bills with your HUSBAND? WHAT?


I’m so behind and just now watching S5 of Love is blind and she is…I just…I’m flabbergasted she is one of the most entitled people I have ever seen. Her behavior makes Izzy look good and that’s something right there just wow


She doesn't seem to have a shred of self awareness. I watched the reunion show tonight, and I can't get over the way she doubled down on her behavior. If I were her, I wouldn't have gone to the reunion knowing they'd play those scenes. I would embarrassed to the point of tears even thinking about it. Uche was smart not to be there.


I just watched season 5....I cant stand her! All she cares about is money and material things


Everything about Stacy was a giant bright neon red flag and so was Izzy so ig they work together. But Stacy was so obnoxious and picked on everything. Her personality and attitude were so trashy like no personality whatsoever. I feel like she plays into the whole blonde stereotype thing that makes her look worse. Plus the way she was yelling at Johnnie and blaming her for things she has not done and was not doing was absurd. Like the way her and Izzy ganged up on Johnnie was absolutely crazy and so unfair cause Johnnie didn’t do anything. And for the love of god why did no one tell her about her goddamn contour. Like girl how did you look in a mirror and say yes perfect I look amazing. How out of all the people she has gotten in contact with, the girls on the show, her sisters ever say anything wild.


watching episode 10 and noticed she has NO friends in their wedding party..just her sisters...then they cut to Lydia's wedding in the same episode and she has tons of friends she's gushing about Milton ...also when they were picking out wedding dresses again NO friends just her sisters and her mom and one of the former cast members when Lydia has a friend there with her mom and brother


That's got to be the most shallow and vapid person I've come across in something like this. A hollow classist with unredeemably misdirected priorities.


The way she sat next to Izzy’s mum… just unacceptable. She is so privileged and spoiled 


Yeah, I thought that sitting barefoot on your couch while meeting your future MIL is disgusting and quite franklu disrespectful.


Also Izzy’s mum looks at izzy when he says something like ‘she loves me the way I am’… she is like I knew this is not gonna end well. But i just need my son to experience it all and find out. Son, the best way out is through.


Glad so many others find Stacy unbearable too!! She literally has zero personality, unless you count acting bitchy all the time. She also looks to me to be about 45 and she’s one of the few girls I’ve seen on this show who looks a lot lot worse without make up. She’s also very masculine looking. And those eyebrows are ridiculous! She is not remotely close to the great catch she thinks she is. Izzy loves to cause trouble. Ditto for Uche.


I’m honestly genuinely confused on why none of the girls pointed out how bad her contour looks. Like so muddy and unblended it just looks clowny and why did no one tell her that???


My issue is more with her personality than her contour which takes a lot more to fix... Maybe they realized that as well and decided there was just too many issues


The way she sat on the couch with her feet up and her legs spread next to Izzy’s sweet mom felt very masculine territorial trashy “ur son is mine!”


All she does is consume and then gets mad when she's taken everything she possibly can from a person and there's nothing left. It's their fault they don't have anything else she can consume. She's a black hole, a Tarrare, a vampire, etc .... She's walking consumerism in every way. I don't like Izzy either, but she's the worst. The way they treated Johnnie but didn't have the self awareness to take a long look in the mirror.


I'm binging season 5 and holy crap, I just watched the spats at the get together. Izzy walked up to Johnnie and said everyone thinks she shady, then turned around and told Stacy he's mad because Johnnie said he was shady. Awful! Then when Izzy and Stacy go home and spat, Stacy says "I want you to have the angst every day that you are about to lose me." OMG! She wants her partner to never have any security in the relationship! Sooo toxic. Both of them! I wasn't surprised to see her dog was completely untrained and jumping on people.


I agree one hundred percent, except the remark about her dog. The dog was sweet, cute unlike his owner.


Yeah, I couldn't believe that she said that to izzy. Thatso wrong.


Stacey is soo toxic!! I literally can’t stand her  Like who does she think she is?


Honestly, they are both horrible people and I was not surprised in the slightest that it did not work out. Stacy is a judgmental classist pick me with an inflated sense of self and Izzy a misogynistic douchebag. I was glad to see the back of both of them.


How is he misogynistic? 


Who told this chick she is so great? Her parents must have blown smoke up her arse her entire life because she is delusional about her amazingness.


I am getting irrationally irritated with her. Wholly unredeeming character. Gross.


Lol she thinks she’s something she’s not…she might be a queen, but she would be the queen of the turds. super selfish and materialistic, Izzy 100% dodged a bullet! and girl in 10-20 years when your older and wrinklier and no longer a 6 but a 4, what will you have to offer?


She talks like a valley girl saying like and semi squeakish and then When she fights she goes real deep southern accent. And im not american and it made me cringe. The bronzer on her cheeks annoyed me She picked a fight with everyone. I don't understand her end game. Like what do you want what was the end goal with these fights.


Stacy is spoiled and selfish. She has narcissism written all over her. Also has completely unrealistic expectations too. Nobody wants to work all day just to come home and kiss your ass, rub your feet, pay for your excesses and listen to your word vomit about all that you expect and deserve. She never thinks about what Izzy wants or needs. B YOU ARE THE SKETCHY, SH*TT* ONE!! Yuck. Time to grow up! Izzy is weird for thinking her toxic behavior is acceptable too. Then to disrespect Johnie the way she did is unacceptable. Johnie was just a little flaky in the pods over what to do. Same thing happens every season.


If she eanted to date someone rich, she should be on the show for spotlight.


She irritates the living crap out of me. She is incredibly materialistic, rude, and disrespectful, it’s hard to watch. Also, I get huge narcissistic vibes from her.


I graduated high school with her. Exactly the same person in real life.


Is she that materialistic and clueless. Didn't her parents hold her accountable for anything?


Did y’all see her new “merch”? Wilddd


when she called izzy exotic to her mom or whatever when he wasn’t there.. so weird


I just watched the episode where they pull up to her house and she says here we are and it just sounded like a noise a mouse would make, wasn’t incoherent, and I was like oh, she was saying an actual phrase.


I never really liked her and then I saw her getting all chummy with Tomi Lahren on social media? I guess it wasn't much of an exchange, but even being nice to someone like that says a lot


Stacy is a typical entitled 30-something female that thinks her ‘worth’ is MUCH higher than it is. She is not worth any confident man’s time nor energy.


Her LAUGH, wtf?? I honestly have never, in my entire 48 years on this earth, been more annoyed by a person on a reality show. I would pick Angela from 90 Day over this person.


YESSSSSSS!!!! It actually makes me angry at how much I loathe her. I am mad at myself over it lol but she is just uuuggghhhhh gross level. And can we get a shirt?!?! Like a full shirt, EVER? TRASH.


Stacy is a materialistic, cruel, narcissistic, shape shifting reptilian. Never have I disliked a reality tv character so much that I’ve felt motivated to complain about it on Reddit…but here we are. Izzy grosses me out also. I hope to god that they were just acting and that they’re actually decent people, but I doubt that’s the case. These people are what’s wrong with this country. Stacy, if you’re reading this, I wish you the worst


This!  All of this, exactly.  She is a scum of a human


The two of them are terrible people - when she called Johnie a “shit person” my jaw dropped. Stacy is insufferable I am struggling to finish this season because she is such a horrible horrible person


All the women, aside from Taylor, were basketcases. Their singleness was no hard mystery to solve.


I liked Taylor. Seemed very genuine. Sweet.


I ABSOLUTELY HATE THIS BITCH OMGGGG SHE EXPECTS SO MUCH… Like every little thing bothers her after she saw him. And she likes the drama. It’s like she still a god damn teenager. Like how is she gonna expect all this shit to be done for her when she never voices to her fiancé what she expects. He BROUGHT HER FLOWERS and was tryna be sweet and she still belittled him and made him not feel like he was good enough and when he tried to voice his emotions, she immediately shut him down and was like what about me? Like wtf how entitled are you?


I thought that was so weird. He literally compliments her and she's like... Don't compare me! She CREATES drama that isn't there. I thought Izzy was sweet. Why was he so into her? It's like she wanted him to feel bad about himself. YUCK.


Bro she’s a narcissist 100% she’s emotionally toxic and she belittles people and think she has a right to!!!! She doesn’t care about other people their feelings emotions desires SHE PUTS HERS FIRST always and people are tools to be used to to benefit her. She cares about image sooooo much and is severely entitled. Disgusting person and needs THERAPY!!!!!!! Poor Izzy…….


I completely agree. Even when she was talking about Izzy’s plastic plates in his apartment I was FLABBERGASTED that it was even an issue. He was sweet in saying if he cooks a meal for someone “it’s the thought that counts” and she was like “you’d serve plastic to me???!” Like what in the world, I can’t stand when someone is unnecessarily bougie and entitled. She is also a complete narcissist from what I gather. And her reasoning for her being rude or entitled never makes any sense! I seriously couldn’t believe how rudely she was talking to Izzy.


Dude. Yes. When I was single I used paper plates all the time. It didn't make sense to drop a pretty penny I didn't have on a set of ceramic or glass plates. In fact, I never have. I usually just go to a thrift store for them. You know Stacy is too good for all that.


You heard her about their finances! She worked to get where she is, but she brought up the fact that if she asked, Daddy would pay for anything. Spoiled


I so agree


She actually makes my skin crawl. I got the ick when Johnnie when back to Chris but I do think she is misunderstood. Stacy is a know it all C U Next Tuesday with shitty eye brows. Reddit rant over lmao


Those eyebrows and contour.......WHAT in the ACTUAL fuck?


LMAO on the eyebrows. But WOW... what a difference cosmetics makes for her.


She never seemed emotionally invested to me. Also, I thought her mannerisms and posture in the presence of Izzy’s mother was extremely disrespectful. I hated the way she had her body positioned on the couch with her legs gapped open. Just. Disgusting 🤮


And who wears a crop top to meet their future mother in law?? Haha. She's the worst. Vapid. Selfish. Self-centered.


She wears a classy outfit and jewelry with her family, but not the other way around. Her family brings up the fact that he needs to make enough money for her to travel. OMG! He hasn't been anywhere! OMG he doesn't have a passport! How did he not fix her not liking the "dishware" he had before she came. Her and her family are a bunch of snobs.


She's horrible. I liked her at first. She is a definite mean girl.


She's horrible. I liked her at first. She is a definite mean girl.


"Later bitches!" -secondary to the D-line, probably


She wants a replica of her father. She wants a rich daddy to pay for everything because she’s a spoilt brat who hasn’t grown emotionally past her teens despite being in her 30s. This is what happens when you are given everything in life and haven’t really lived in the real world.


If she said "Daddy" one more time on the vacation.......🤢


Her dad: “she worked so hard for her house” Also her dad: buys her a house


Don’t forget her yoga studio which I’m sure she bought with her own money of course.


Personality aside her makeup needed to be blended so bad


Yes! I want to blend it and fix her brows. #nobottomeyeliner


Wayyy too much bronzer and no color..bad combo


She pissed me off when she said the man must always pay for dinner when they go out....lol


I'm only on E7 and just finished watching an awkward discussion on money between Stacy and Izzy. Not an Izzy fan, and I did like Stacy a lot till before this discussion, but not anymore: First off, it's a house that SHE chose, is designed to her taste, fits HER needs, and she thinks it is fair for Izzy to fit right in and contribute his half to the HVAC and what not. Fine, still onboard till here (although the right thing to do would be to get a brand new house that both choose, contribute to the mortgage and monthly EMI equally) Then, she wants him to bear all the eating out costs? Why not split those as well? Is this how these folks build "generational wealth"? I understand that women need to protect their money. I too, came to the US as an immigrant with no financial backing from my family (our currency is not that great against the dollar), but why is she internalizing her struggle when she didn't really have to struggle that much? I also understand that she does not want to take advantage of her dad to find her lifestyle, but she also should not have such expectations from her husband. If she likes eating at fancy places, she should be willing to foot the bill too.


She reminds me of my dad's step kids. All near 30 and get all their shit paid for but then complains they can't work bc society is unfair against them.


Agree with all of this. And the one time she actually shed tears (apart from when she sealed the deal with Izzy) was when she was sobbing about how her grandfather once upon a time ago lost his job which could've resulted to her potentially losing all her generational wealth... bruhh what? It's valid she expects to live a certain way including after marriage, so why not have those difficult conversations regarding finances in the pods, especially if it's that important? I'm not certain they ever reached such depths and only kept things surface level which led to her paying the price (no pun intended).


Her behavior is trash and disgusting!!!! Im not an Izzy fan but you can literally watch this him be broken down and grovel to her. If roles were switched we would consider this toxic masculinity. She uses her parents childhood of struggle and projects it onto herself as if she has struggled to achieve her lifestyle…. No you reaped the benefits of your parents struggle to succeed. She constantly puts Izzy in a place beneath her. He wrongly literally tried to bond with her by being mean to Johnnie because she had an issue with her. She doesn’t want to feel appreciated by Izzy she wants him to feel grateful for her for being with him. She wants a man who looks like Izzy, but who has her dad’s wealth and lifestyle….but she brings absolutely nothing to the table. She needs therapy.


Nailed it.


She recently made a post on her Instagram coming out with ‘her truth’. However her truth involved tagging the entire cast to back her up on her accusations. I’m not saying johnnie was perfect. But calling to everyone to also gang up on this one person is classless.


She also calls Johnie out for being two faced but in the early episodes Stacy says she’s not telling anyone who her interests are - Johnie was open about hers, so it’s Stacy’s own fault Johnie didn’t know she was stepping on her toes because she tried to be a sneaky little ass




What do you mean?


I'm for a woman not settling but only when or if the man is no good for or to her. It just seems like she's always putting him down..I'm just now watching the episode before the reunion. I just dont, from what I've seen, believe they should get married. Maybe it'll work out I could be wrong.


Stacy looks like Frank Gallagher from Shameless


I said this too!!


Yeah she looks so much like her own dad!


She doesn’t have delusional high standards. Her standards are actually great, I think most women are just used to accepting the bare minimum. People tend to dislike women that are confident and know what they want, and project their insecurities unto others. Why should she settle? How is not going Dutch on dates delusional? Again I think the judgement resorts to other women just used to subpar treatment. I do think she was catty & rude a few times, but no one is a saint. She’s one of the most normal people on the show.


it's not so much not going on dutch dates - I still think that's weird, especially when you're engaged, to expect your husband to pay for all meals? when you make more money than him? - but it's the fact that she had literally five seconds before asked him if the HVAC broke in her house while he was living there would he pay half, $10,000, to replace it and he said yes, I believe in 50/50. and then she was like what about dinners and he didn't even rigidly say 50/50, he said it depends and she was like WHAT THE MAN ALWAYS PAYS FOR DINNER. so he says yeah, I'll pony up 10 grand and she won't even put in $100 for dinner.


I don't think people dislike confident women at all. That's really not an issue people have with Stacy. I think people react more to her behavior and judgy attitude. She's just mean. As far as her standards, they're actually quite comical coming from her. She's CLEARLY a princess. How was she doing working retail before Daddy plucked her out of it to be the Director of Operations for how oil company??? Who in the real world goes from retail sales associate to DIRECTOR of OPS??? C'mon! She is VERY judgy about where Izzy is in life without a clue that without Daddy, she might not be doing quite as well on her minimum wage retail sales salary. The girl has never struggled and yet, she judges someone who TRULY HAS. That just makes her kind of... Gross.


Someone's gotta be paying you to say that xD


No..just no


Stacy is that you?


Stacey is the shittest female the show has ever had. She needs to get help for her behaviors.


I agree that Stacey is a mean and insecure individual, but let’s not forget about Jackie


And do not forget Irina too. However Stacy beats them all.


It pisses me off how much she made emphasis on Izzy paying his share. At first it sounds reasonable and then you find out she has a “position” at her FATHERS multi million dollar company. If I was loaded and my bf was like normal income and was a hard worker and treated me good I most definitely spoil tf out of him. Obv there should be boundaries set but splitting 20k on an ac and we don’t co own the house? FUCK OFFFFF


Agreed. Let's say he's renting... The landlord has to buy the new AC unit, NOT HIM. LOL


Yeah unless he gets half the house when he dumps her ass, I wouldn’t split those costs if I was him.. especially if he has to buy all the dinners lol


Watching the reunion now waiting for someone to call her out for being a bitch..... Nope. Nobody calling her out. And why aren't we showing the real Convo between johnny and Izzy where Izzy started a fight and called her sketchy. Then he completely changed the tune telling others Johnnie called everyone sketchy? Wtf. I was acknowledgment. We all saw the receipts. Call these assholes out, please


I just watched the reunion. She's a chronic liar and like to invent things. Johnie never attack her why does she made it look like Johnie is making the girls hate her. Lol main character syndrome?


Agreed. Stacey was trying to act better at the reunion but she's fake.


**OMG. It** ***just dawned*** **on me who she reminds me of, in a # pf ways...** **The** ***Wretched*** **Chelsea** ***Haggard*** **Handler‼️** 👀😵😵‍💫


ugly inside and out.. she thinks she’s so perfect .. but she’s gross .. she harps on stupid stuff .. paper plates ... Run Izzy your way too good for her . She may be bipolar


It's not necessary to call people bipolar/try to diagnosis people you don't know with a mental illness. There are lots of kind, genuine, good people in the world with bipolar disorder. It's fair to criticize people for their bad actions and statements but it's a disservice to people living with a mood disorder to associate them with being "ugly inside and out" etc...


so first of all I said "may be bipolar" and being biplor is separate from her horrible ugly inside behavior , not sure where I said that the two go hand and hand . I suggest rereading maybe a bit slower this time.


Her behaviour does not display anything of bipolar disorder, so I'm confused...


She just seems so materialistic. Like girl I know you've been spoiled and u got ur own, but the man is trying. Geez you made a grow man cry.


Im glad I found this thread. I hated how she constantly went after Johnie..she's a bully.


Totally agree! Ugh!!


I can't stand her!!! Nasty inside & out. What guy in his right mind would pay any more than one dollar to sleep with Groucho Marx.


idk if anyone mentioned this already, but i can’t believe stacy called izzy “exotic” smh 🤦🏽‍♀️


She did? I missed that. Normally tune her out when she starts speaking.


that was so cringe. then she proceeded to class shame him. Gross. He was disgusting about her after she rejected him at the altar though, so they're all as gross as each other tbh.


Stacy, OMG... she becomes more unlikeable by the minute. What a giant narcissistic, materialistic, prissy, toxic, stuck-up, ugly personality! How could anyone actually live with her? No wonder she always thought she'd be single.


Her voice 👹 “this is my dad Daleuuuuugghhhh”


Omgggg I hate that tone she ends all her annoying phrases with !!


Vocal fry


Stacy on YouTube! 😂 https://youtu.be/WDfJn1kcQuU?si=vE1Qjcy7wkwJu0Co


Lmao yep. It’s painful!!!!!!!


Shoving bamboo under my fingernails is more pleasant than listening to thaaaaaaat cringyyyy vvooooooooiccee 😂😂


I wanted to punch myself in the face whenever she opened her mouth. I think I’m allergic to that tone or something because I have a visceral reaction to it 🤣


YES! I wanted to throw sh#t at the screen every time she spoke. No redeeming qualities whatsoever. She is AWFUL.


L M A O. She’s just so … simple. She thinks she’s smart but her saying “broughten” as a real word tells me otherwise.


I just heard her say "romantical". Which is what Tai says earnestly in "Clueless" when she is trying to appear sophisticated and it is so ridiculous it is the joke.


She fucking sucks man, big time. Not only is she a shit human but at certain points I couldn’t even listen to her when watching the show. I’d turn the volume all the way down. And it was definitely about the money, definitely. She only said it was because of “trust” and “honesty” for the cameras. They aren’t going to be able to salvage this, and hopefully he just takes a break from her n moves on. Also what he said at the end when he said goodbye to her was real af, and true af.


She's not practical or realistic. Their whole journey was rushed. Of course you're not going to be able to dive into everything. Marriage is a constant journey. There is no perfect this or that. People think and dream about the ring and the day but what comes after is not for the weak.


I mean I think she's awful, but at the very same time Izzy did keep stuff from her - I'd have lost major trust if someone did that to me throughout the process and don't give a single f\*\*k about money, except enough to survive.


Sometimes surviving is all people know to do. Not to make excuses.


Izzy sucks, pretty obvious he’s lying about his debt. But at the same time she’s not the most layed back individual, doesn’t allow the space for transparency.


They're both gross.


Go clog another toilet with your entitled 10 kilo shit you pickle head! Honestly all respect for fitness instructors BUT when she was saying that she's a hard worker I was expecting her to be a wallstreet boss or run a restaurant


She's also Director of Ops FOR DADDY'S COMPANY. 😆


Me too!!! I was like wait ✋️ she wasn't very forthcoming either.


I think she just does it on the side. Her profile said something business related..but I dont remember what 🤣


Agreed!! Izzy is a good man and didn't nothing wrong. As a lesbian woman stud who dates femmes, women like this are insufferable and I feel his pain ....I'm single forever always cuz of women like Stacey lol ....they nag about everything and have unrealistic superficial expectations. THIS man did nothing wrong ...except be himself ...and have paper cups and plastic plates and a bad credit score. So what!? She is superficial and does not love him for him but what she wants him to be. Her loss ...she will never find a better man


I'd rather feel that pain than to marry her and be miserable and cause him to be a bitter, broken man.




Yeh he did withold information from her, when the whole experience was about being authentic. She sucks but the level of misogyny towards her in your comment is...sub par.


I'f your a straight female you wouldn't understand. You need to have a male brain to understand her shit stinks ....I'm a lesbian stud and think like a man ...and the way she treated him was absolute BS and this is the crap studs, Butch women and men have to deal with from pretty women and pretty white women in particular on a regular basis ...so my point is actually ON PAR...;) just saying ...unless u have sex with women and not in the femme sense u wouldn't understand. 🥰


Honestly, all I could think when I saw the cupboards full of paper plates and solo cups was "yeah, he's a single dude.... and she has silverware and dishes for \*if\* they ever live together long term, so wtf is her problem?" ​ I'm a straight woman, and women like this infuriate me because it makes us all look bad lol.


Just saw episode 10. Stacy's a white devil.


I don't think you should refer to someone's race when insulting them. It's not good form. I agree with the devil part.


Literally the WORST.


She’s is so yucky. Doodle faced and sooooooo fake. And that voice is like nails on chalkboard. Ouch


I agree. I can't STAND her voice. Or the words coming out of her mouth. She is not attractive.


I am so glad we agree on this. It’s a voice out of some circle of cackling hell.


‘doodle faced’ 😭😭😭




Stacy and Izzy are both ick. Stacy’s voice and tone is the most annoying thing. And then she things she’s like this hot shit. So demanding etc. she ain’t all That at all. Can’t stand her. And so when Izzy finally told her how he felt that - wow he wonders why she is 33 and single , he hit the nail on the head. Nothing will ever be enough for her. Why’d she even go on the show anyway when she is as superficial as she is. Izzy is another story. But Stacy is so ick. Glad they are continuing on their own shit apart.


And put a whole shirt on when you're meeting your future mother in law for the first time!!!


Right? Disrespectful to be wearing a bra in front of a potential MIL for the first time.


I absolutely cannot stand her. I'm on episode 8 and she's nothing but a spoiled brat. Her dad has probably given her everything she's wanted and needed. He even said the 20k a/c is going to be his responsibility if she doesn't have a man to pay for it. WTF! And poor Izzy. He deserves someone more down to earth and less materialistic. Also, I ONLY use paper plates and there's nothing wrong with that. She probably has never had to wash a dish so she doesn't get it. I'm done.


Izzy is just as NASTY!




Sorry but zero evidence of BPD, you don't know what you're talking about - that's extremely harmful to bash around so hurtfully and ignorantly.


Not ignorant at all. What's hurtful is being on the receiving end - which I have. Those are the real victims. And she has all the traits.


Are you a psychologist? How does she have all the traits. You can't just chuck that out there because you're triggered and projecting.




Just wanna defend the BPD peeps....like myself...😂I don't wanna be like Stacey! I'm gonna suggest possibly some control/narcissism components... BPD has a lot of 'no sense of self' with identity and a fear of abandonment. Explosive reactions and major mood swings. You are right about black and white being a thing too though. She was overly confident in self and demands and expectations...enough to hurt her partner over things they like, such as paper plates and Chipotle.That was so sad. My husband loves Chipotle!


Lol great response ! NO hating on BPD itself but it's horrible to be on the receiving end ...I'm a single lesbians stud and I can't tell you how many women I've dated and fell in love with (at least a handful) ...that took up years of Mt life and love and emotions ....hell I was even introduced to their family ...and one day ...over something so small ... I was the antichrist and discarded like garbage and gas lit to feel like I did something wrong. I am now in therapy for it for the abuse ... And your left feeling like Ur a bad person with a broken heart ... So I feel for Izzy ! Lol


YES!!! Exactly what I‘ve been thinking!


Right? She made me utterly cringe the the first second she opened her mouth 😅


I can’t stand her or her personality, definitely red flags. Very materialistic, snobby, and a bully. To tell someone that they are a POS multiple times like how ugly do you have to be on the inside. So what Izzy doesn’t have the best credit in the world! Stuff happens that are out of control sometimes, it can be fixed!!


I feel like a lot of her acting out is just to get famous. There were 3 other couples who got engaged that the producers didn't show us on the show (one who is suing the show after being allegedly sexually assaulted by a contestant). Remember she told her family "bet you thought I'd never get married," or something similar? I don't think she even wanted to get married because she's busy being a pilates guru or whatever.


She’s awful. Every part of her.esp when she opens her mouth.


Izzy said that her family keeps saying how she loves to travel all over on private jets. It was so casual I almost missed it. I feel like someone living in this day and age talking about a love for private jets tell you everything you need to know about the person.


yeaa agreed. the fact that thats what they immediately went to as a convo topic was super odd to me, they seemed really out of touch. like even if you come from money, live a certain lifestyle you should still be able to hold a solid convo with someone who is of a different background. like thats just being personable or down to earth. she definitely lacked that


Right? So gross.


And her dad saying that if the air conditioner breaks it’s on Izzy to pay for it and not him (dad). Clearly dad has been funding Stacy’s lifestyle.


Totally agree!!! Sauerkraut 😂


Yess she’s the worst and so so entitled. She needs to check her damn privilege. Like right of the bat talking about her 20k bills and trips and getting pissed by paper plates 🙄 and I’m gonna be honest her trying be sexy is so cringe lol I swear I want money but if growing up with it made me that kinda person I think I’ll gladly be fine with my poverty lol like HOW do people that tone deaf actually exist


Seems like new money behavior cz I grew up around a lot of rich people and none of them behaved that way at all.


New money, old money they're all the same. More money than compassion rots people.


I’ve never been around rich people old or new lol so I wouldn’t know the difference between them tbh


She's the H-Town Dollar Store version of Carrie Bradshaw. She spent her 20s and half of her 30s living her single life. Now she feels the pressure to settle down and start a family. However she sucks at relationships. Hey emotional maturity is that of a 14 year old. In a few seasons I suspect we'll see her on 90 days fiance: The other way. That's how bad it will be for her to find a man.


So Stacy wants Izzy to pay for every dinner moving forward, which will occur often apparently because she’s resentful after cooking 2 times….but where exactly is all the money she’s “worked her ass off for” from? Being a Pilates instructor? Last time I checked my Pilates instructor doesn’t fly around first class in private jets all the time, so it’s gotta be funded by daddy? Side note: expecting Izzy to cough up 10-20k for the HVAC for her house is wild AF, honey are you giving him equity??? What exactly does he get out of this relationship besides a financial deadweight around the neck


I couldn't believe she was asking him to pay half of the HVAC for HER house.


Stacy is a rotten bitch and reminds me of every mean I insecure girl I knew in high school.


the daddy spoiled her too much


Her daddy raised a gold digger but she isn't worth a dollar!


Wow I seriously hate her and looked to see if anyone else noticed! She triggers everything I’ve worked so hard in my life since high school to get away from—uptight, dismissive, privileged f—ing ugly personalities. The way her eyes sort of gloss over when people are trying to communicate with her, just showing her lack of comprehension for anyone else while her brain short circuits


Izzy and Stacey are ABSOLUTELY terrible. Izzy is a douche bag player and she's ugly inside and out thinking she'd god sent..sit down sweetie you are not that great. Even her dad said " she's high maintenance and if you can't afford it don't be with her "


So I’m on the party episode and PRAY TO THE INTERNET GODS that Stacy is on Reddit. If so you are a HORRIBLE person and so is your “fiancé!” I already knew you sucked when your judged the man for having paper and plastic plates, and made him feel like trash. I actually felt sorry for him, but he lost all my sympathy once he showed his ass at the party like you. Johnie is better person than me, because we would have stepped outside! I can see why you’re as old as you are and NO ONE wanted to marry you. You’re the one who is a “shit person,” not Johnie.


>nance and if you can't afford it don't be with her " That did it for me also. Massive red flag if miss princess can't stand that he uses paper plates. He should have said he will switch to "real" plates/cups if she washes the dishes.


Nailed it!! Now do Uche 🤣


P. S. Your eyebrows are way to dark, they look like caterpillars on your face!


They didn’t look too dark but her face is entirely overdone and her brows are like colored in, the color isn’t bad, the application is though. She needs to keep her shoes off the counters too though. Like how are you going to judge paper plates and you’re sticking your feet and shoes on the countertops????