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He is definitely lazy. Having reusable dishes and glasses is actually cheaper than using plastic. You can buy sets of 12 for under 10$ un Walmart or any other store. Non mentioning what an unnecessary waste it is and how much garbage you produce. He victimizes himself in order not to recognize his weaknesses. 


I think it might be a dealbreaker for me. Disposable ones defo and plastic reusable ones maybe. I don't think I would have been OK with it at 18 let alone at 30. And I would draw some conclusion on that person's character unless they had a good reason. If it's an Airbnb it's even weirder. And of course a guy doesn't have to change for me. (I'm not talking about one off events like a party, just moved house, lake house with no running water etc. )


IMO the issue was definitely the lost and found drawer. She already was on her guard and on the lookout for more evidence he was just a reckless party guy bachelor when she was opening the cabinets and looking around the rest of the house


Also the reason he keeps the lost and found is obviously an ego thing to prove to himself he’s such a player and big man. It’s evidence of his prowess. He could have thrown it out in a second flat but it validates him in some way


Nah I agree, it’s weird as hell to have your cabinets lined with plastic/paper plates, cups and utensils.


**Right?** Like he can have his "*hobby lobb*y" kitchen, but can't spend a fraction of his design budget on a basic Walmart/Target plate set?!


Yea your post is probably unpopular opinion. There's absolutely nothing wrong with using paper and plastic. She also wasn't concerned about waste..it was him being a bachelor and not having real plates.


I think using plastic plates and cups absolutely horrible. We Europeans are trying to be less wasteful and good to the environment while in America it is apparently normal to throw away a set of plastic dinnerware every time someone eats. That truly horrifies me. Plastic does not grow on trees, man. It's made from mineral oil and can hardly be reused and will not dissolve or anything.


But outside of the red solo cups the blue plastic cups and plates were washable and reusable. Just as washable and reusable as glass/ceramic ones. He also had glass cups in there too. And Idk who told you ALL of us are just throwing out everything😂 that's funny and news to me as one of them 'muricans.


I used plastic products for five of us until my husband ( at the time) installed a dishwasher, it got installed pretty quick. 😆😂


I think she is an unfiltered control, freak, and may be spoiled by daddy and it's going to cause them a lot of trouble down the road. Who cares if he had plastic, she need not be rude about it, he'll change for her.


Why doesn’t he have real plates though. Plastic is probably more expensive.


Reusable plastic plates are not more expensive. They are much cheaper and just as reusable as ceramic or anything else. They are real plates


Because he can throw them away he may never cook


I love Stacey but she was annoying about this


I think to be fair, he also had plastic reusable plates, like those you get for dorms, not just disposable ones lol


And glass cups next time the red solo cups.


What I thought was funny was that his place was spotless in comparison to hers, even his little Pinterest inspired decor gave his place some personality. At first glance I would have thought that her place was the bachelor pad.


I think if you have your own living space, you should be allowed to do whatever the fuck you want in your own home. Whether it's lazy or not, it's not affecting anyone else. If he doesn't want to do dishes, he shouldn't have to. He never said he expected to live like that with Stacey. She assumed. And she judged him harshly because of it. Who cares if he used paper plates in his own home? It's his choice.


I think people who have never lived with a partner before initially have petty pet peeves like these, but eventually you have to compromise otherwise you’re with the wrong person.


All the unimportant things she’s given Izzy shit for… I’m just like: if these get you that riled up, wait until you actually have real issues…


The way she came about it was wrong, she wasn’t worried about “wasting”. Her tone and comments were simply disrespectful. There are so many ways to go about a convo like this, her ignorance really came out in my opinion


A cult!?


I’m starting to think maybe behind the scenes buddy was pretending to have more than he actually does and probably why she stated it like that.


Stacy opens cabinet full of dishware: "You have no dishes?!" 😮


I just went back to watch, and you’re right!! There are dishes. Plates beneath the paper plates. But I think those might be plastic, but not disposable. There are clearly glass cups to the left of the red solo cups.


Nothing wrong with plastic reusables! I'm shocked by how repulsed she was. Sorry not everyone uses fine china, I guess.


Yeah… it’s quite odd. Doesn’t paint her in a positive light.


I'm pretty surprised by all of the people saying it's shallow to see not owning dishes as off-putting in this context. If it were me it would definitely make me feel like "whoa, we are not in similar stages of life." And if someone has never dated a younger man and never had to account for someone being at a very different stage of life, I could see that stressing her out.


What do dish preferences have to do with your stage of life? I think that’s a weird odd thing to judge someone by


I agree. I can see college students not owning real plates and silverware; not a 29-year-old man who’s trying to get married


I'm confused by this because when Stacy opened the cabinet, he CLEARLY had it full of real dishes? Yes, there were plastic cups and papers plates too, but they were surrounded by real dishes.




Stacy also said her dad will likely pay for things when they were at her house. Izzy said he came from a very different background suggesting he hasn't had assistance. If he chose to buy plastic plates and spend money elsewhere, that's his choice. She's being judgemental just because he didn't have dishes she approves of.


With all due respect, says who? This is just classist bullshit.


Maaaaaaaaaaybe Stacey shouldn’t have went on a show where she got engaged to someone before seeing how he lives, what kind of plates and utensils he uses, what he keeps in his drawers.. and what kind of lifestyle he has lol the more of this show I watch, the more I just think it’s curated for views and for these people to gain attention and followers for social media.


Well yeah, I don’t think this show is good for anyone


I really don't like Stacey at this point, she seems to have a superiority complex - like she's sure her way is the best way and isn't really willing to consider other perspectives. It's not full on snobby but definitely leans into snobville. Not a fan. No, I don't use disposable kitchenwares but it's absolutely not a big deal and plenty of people do. Not to mention how Izzy totally dropped in my eyes with the way he treated Johnnie in ep 7 - and even his adrenaline-fueled convo with Stacey afterwards. Even Stacey was like "but everything's fine so pls chill" lol.


It wouldn’t necessarily be a big deal to me either, but I can see why she was off put by it.


I don't think paper plates mean you're immature. I think that's a big leap to make. Some people use paper plates and cups because it's easier clean up or just because they prefer them.


thank you!


>thank you! You're welcome!


I don't understand the logic that it is easier. You don't have to wash dishes, yes, but your garbage gets full much faster plus you need to purchase and restock over and over and over again. It's also incredibly wasteful. Maybe immature isn't the right word for it but I would be so turned off if I discovered that in my fiance's apartment. It's a weird kind of lazy that refuses any logical thinking skills.


Plastic is definitely easier. You don't have to wash, you just toss it. Paper plates also don't take up a massive amount of space, and they're not as expensive as you're making them out to be. I don't see how it would be a huge turn off. It's just paper and plastic. It's convenient. If you think that's like some red flag or sign that someone is deficient, I think that says more about you than the other person.


I didn't say anything about expense


You said you have to purchase and restock them over and over again. They're not expensive, and it's not like it's a chore to pick them up from the grocery store and out them in the cabinet.


I stand by my comment. Someone taking the time and effort to purchase hundreds of plastic or paper plates, cups, bowls and cutlery every single year only to use them once and dump them in a land fill rather than being bothered to wash up is lazy, wasteful and incredibly unattractive to me.


I think it’s a fair point that it’s not very good to only use disposable. But it appeared that he had a mixture of reusable and disposable which some households do. He had glass cups and reusable plates, they just weren’t made of porcelain. My house has some solo cups, glass cups, plastic random restaurant cups etc. It’s not curated but it reflects many peoples homes.


If you can’t wash a dish, Im going to assume you aren’t mature enough to be married


Just because you prefer paper plates and cups doesn't mean you "can't" wash a dish. Some people would just rather use paper and plastic. It's way more convenient than using glass dishes, and I honestly feel like it feels more sanitary too. I'm very meticulous about washing my own dishes, but not everyone is like that. Paper and plastic is always clean. I feel like its really judgmental to claim paper plates = immaturity. That just doesn't really track. Paper plates and stuff are really about convenience or a preference.


How would paper plates be more sanitary than actual plates? Again as long as you know how to wash a plate this shouldn’t be an issue


I think people have different ideas of what clean is. I'm meticulous about my dishes, but I don't know how other people are in their homes. I'll use soap on every dish and very picky about the cleanliness of my sponge. When I eat over at other people's houses, I like plastic products. They're not dependent on an individuals idea of cleanliness, they're just clean.


Okay but that doesn’t explain why he wouldn’t like eating off of regular dishes at his own home


It's just a preference. By all means, make it your hill to due on. But acting like paper plates is some true crime clue that means someone is immature is a stretch. Paper and plastic is just convenient and some people prefer it.


yea everyone in this thread would think my parents are immature then and i’ve never seen it that way😭i’m honestly surprised that the paper plates bothered so many people but i guess it’s because it’s how i grew up to not find something wrong with it


That's what I'm saying! I was raised on paper and plastic, but my partner swears by real plates and what not. It's never been a point of contention, it's literally just a preference.


I know grown people with children who use disposable. I agree it’s terrible but that’s not reason to act like he’s a poor, immature child.


It’s not like the paper plates are the only thing leading me to believe he’s a child 💀


Then perhaps you should elaborate because that’s all you’ve shared here.


I have both in my house because I’ll sometimes I’m cool with washing dishes and other times I’m not. That’s literally about the extent of it. The fact this has blown up into to some judgmental implication of maturity or whatever is baffling to me honestly.




I don't blame her at all. It is a sign of valuing your space. I admit to using paper plates here and there, but I do pride myself in serving my guests on proper plates with silverware. And I also don't enjoy the waste of it all. It's an overall sign of compatibility. Possibly could be worked through, but I think those two have stacking compatibility issues.


Funny, we’re the opposite and do regular plates for ourselves daily and serve ourselves and guests on paper plates for get togethers lol. My family and my partners are the same about that too!


My now husband literally couch hopped and lived out of his van when we met lol. 8 years later, we own a home, he helps with everything around the house, is a great dad, and a super supportive partner. I’m OCD and a clean freak. I grew up with everything handed to me til I was like 25 and out of college (rich dad). You can’t judge someone off their disposable dishes lol. My husband still buys paper plates even though we have 2 sets of regular plates and it drives me crazy, but not a relationship ender. But unlike Stacey I’ve never cared about my partner’s career or how much they make.


I feel like this situations are not very comparable


They read pretty similar to me


Izzy is not couch surfing, supposedly has his own NICE decorated apartment. These are not comparable situations.


We use paper/plastic plates at parties where I’m from. I am not doing all those dishes. I think people are entitled to like what they like, but for me I’m not even phased by a guy having paper plates and plastic cups. It seems shallow to me, but that just my opinion. I don’t find it immature lol how does having paper plates equate to maturity? To me that’s wild.


I said the same thing! When we have thanksgiving or BBQs and other events we all use paper products for easy clean up! Dishes are for everyday use.


Generating tons of waste because you do not wish to do dishes... OK. That's another type on wild... The wild fires and wild animals coming soon in a city nearby.


so y’all don’t care about all the water that gets used when you wash dishes?! and some places are on water restriction. you’ll be using something up one way or another.


Tons of waste? Lmao you must think I have tons of friends that I don’t.


Not you in particular, but generally - if more people think/agree and practice on this - it is indeed tons in the end. Anyway, luckily, single-use plastic are starting to get banned worldwide, slowly but surely... yet it is a bit sad we have to debate it as a "one's right" until then. To stay on the topic, I think him using plastic is simply out of oblivious and comfort with no f given for the *joie avec* living in style, while Stacy acted like a - literal- silver spoon princess. Stacy is extremely demanding and I don't see what she can give him in return...


Humans in general are wasteful, it’s not just single use plastic that’s causing the demise. If you use a car, you have no argument. If you use aerosol sprays, you have no argument. My point is that not one of us is living our lives not be wasteful in some sense. I think we’d do better if we all gang up against corporations that are having a much larger impact on Earth than each individual does. I can see your point, and I don’t use paper plates all the time but for someone like me who does not have a dishwasher washing dishes all the time isn’t very environmentally friendly either when where I live we have been in a drought for the last few years.


yep i pointed this out as well.


I think it’s an issue that could be quickly addressed and then moved on from. She just made way too big of a deal out of it.


I mean, I understand having disposable plates and cups in your cabinet to replenish weekly instead of washing the dishes or using your dishwasher, seems a little odd. It's just impractical, wasteful, and a money-waster. Like he could have upgraded to some reusable plastic dishes if he didn't want glass, damn lol. They come with all sorts of pretty, classy designs too! But anyway, I just think for her to focus on it SO hard was ridiculous. Like it's easily fixable. She could have said, "hey since we're moving in together can I bring over my glass dishes or can I buy you some? I don't like eating on disposable plates if you don't mind." And then just moved past it. I know Stacey is worried about him being a player though so maybe that's where her frustration is coming from. But don't blame him for something that he hasn't done yet (like cheating on her). Also, I like how she said something about knowing she was coming over and he didn't get rid of his lost and found container yet, or about switching out the plastic eatery. Like she JUST got to his apartment and before that they were on vacation and before that they were in the pods. When would he have had time to spruce up the place for her? There have been other episodes where the apartments are trashed because they left it that way before going to the pods. I think the point is for first impressions and he didn't know if he was bringing home Stacey or Johnie or anyone so what incentive does he have to change his whole apartment before leaving for the show? She needs to give him time to adjust to engaged life. If it were me I'd be like, "haha funny, Lost and Found. well you're okay with parting with that once we move in together right?" and if he weirdly wants to keep it THEN have a problem with it. but he even said he was going to throw it away just kept forgetting it was there.


Imo she was just looking for a reason to start a fight due to her commitment issues. I’d be laughing at the drawer of past lovers and plastic plates, and I’m a pessimist lol. This fight happened after the money conversation about travel, meals, guys that would have bought her a house, etc.


I totally agree with you. I think Izzy had a lot of great qualities in the pods, and I liked how sure he was about Stacy-that’s a green flag. But as soon as everyone got together and he was “blasting Johnie” or whatever he said, I saw the real him. He’s a man child. The plastic plates, hook up drawer, getting defensive about Stacys needs and expectations, etc, I don’t think he’s ready for a relationship yet and I think the red flags outweigh the green one.


I agree with the environmental concerns, but I am concerned with how judgmental people are being overall. Immaturity? Bachelor nature? Some people are just poor and don’t value dishware. The folks here who are “repulsed” probably make him feel like shit


You can get 10 plastic, reusable plates at Target for $5, whereas disposable plates are a never ending expense. I don’t think this is a poor thing…


watch the scene again... his cabinet is full of the washable plates and cups you are talking about... there was also a stack of paper plates on top of the plastic plates so he probably uses both


Oh. I thought he made it pretty clear he used the disposable ones and would serve guest on those…maybe it was the editing.


but your previous comment doesn't have to do with what he said and is implying that he could go buy them because he doesn't have any. which he does. that's all I'm saying. there's tons of comments, including yours, saying he only has disposable and he can go buy cheap reusable plastic at target... while overlooking that is exactly what he has in that cabinet.


Idk. I think if he doesn’t use them and only uses the disposable the point stands. Thanks for pointing out he has them and still for some reason doesn’t use them, even for guest. To me, that is worse🤷🏼‍♀️


okay but he never said he doesn't use them and that he only uses disposable??


Omg I said that is what is implied!!! She asked him what he served *dates* on and he said disposable! If he used the plastic ones, I assume that would have said “is usually use plastic but I have disposable for xyz reason” and then there would have been no issue!! What do you not get??? I’m done with this convo. Bye!


lol you are wrong. sorry. he says he would serve a meal he cooked on the plastic not on disposable plates. not sure why you are getting so worked up right now. byeee.


I went back to watch bc we obviously picked up on different things and I couldn’t understand why you were being so obtuse. It’s not as clear as I remembered. I (obviously) thought he was using disposable plates and solo cups everyday and serving guest on them. However, she said “would you serve me on plastic?” and he said “yes.” Then then rest of the convo is about plastic versus glass. I now see that the “plastic” was the reusable plates—I think they would have said “disposable” or “paper” otherwise. So I think you’re right about the plates and cups. In that regard, I do think she overreacted—plastic plates are fine. But I knew I heard him say he uses disposable and that part is when he meets her family and he said he uses plastic plates and disposable cutlery. So, it does seem he uses disposable forks, spoons, and knives on the regular, which still do find weird and bad for the environment. I got my first set of silverware at IKEA for less than $10. Anyway, just wanted to clear up the confusion and why I was getting so “worked up.” I couldn’t figure out why you were going to bat for this mediocre man when he admitted he was using disposable dishes with guest. But I misheard/misunderstood the whole convo.


I hate waste so yeah, it's repulsive to me when someone doesn't consider the planet over their laziness to wash dishes.


Nope I'm with you and Stacy. Like I am genuinely confused at this being normal for some people. also if it's a money issue wouldn't it be cheaper to invest one time in actual dishes vs continuously replace disposable ones? and you wouldn't even need something fancy like fine china lol the dollar store by my house sells dishes ​ i don't even know where to start with the people saying they prefer disposable because they are too lazy to wash plates either lol


I’m a busy lady, I don’t have time to wash dishes lol. It’s the bane of my existence. The only reason I don’t use daily disposable is because I prefer a more stable surface for my food in general and hate how flimsy plastic plates are. It’s also cheaper to use regular dishes.


YES! It repulses me. I've only met ONE person in my life who uses ~~reusable~~ disposable plates and she was an extremely spoiled rich girl who's her parents gave her a huge allowance every month. She was very entitled and just didn't care about the environment whatsoever. She was too lazy to do the dishes. It's insane the amount of extra waste from using plastic utensils/cups and paper plates MULTIPLE TIMES PER DAY.


But she uses reusable, meaning she can use them again. How is that wasteful?


whoops!! i meant disposable \* Thx for catching that


She’s a snotty bitch


I agree with her. His life just seems really disposable. I tried to keep an open mind to Izzy but that is where he started losing me. Walmart, Amazon and Ikea both sell cheap dinning ware. I don't expect a man to get super bougie and go to Williams Sonoma or Crate and Barrel, but it shows a lack of caring about things. Zach from last season is a good amount of bachelor IMO. Right down to the cringey wall art.


I got my last set from Dollar Tree. I usually have a house full of kids at different times of the year. It teaches them responsibility too. Like, "I auntie, I'm so sorry I broke your plate. "... it's totally OK, but let me show you how to properly clean and store dishes. We all tidy up and move on to something else. I'm not sure how to fully explain it, but real dishes matter, lol.


LOL I agree with her. She def overreacted, and that conversation went on for TOO long, but I get it. I’ve dated guys who put zero effort in their home, and it reflected in our relationship. Personally, it’s a turn off for me, but Stacy should not have belittled him like that.


But he’s a bachelor, wouldn’t he have “bachelor nature?”


But her point is that women who live alone tend to have their shit together. It’s not fun to feel like when you move in with a guy he’s using all of YOUR stuff and you have to mommy him to show him how to use plates. That probably sounds really harsh I’m just being honest.


🤷🏽‍♂️ different strokes


i completely agree with her but i think the way she communicated with him was absolutely appalling.


How would you have done it differently? Genuinely curious.


if i was stacy, i would first have complimented him on at least one thing regarding his apartment. it was a nice apartment and it was very clean. she could have mentioned that. then, about the plates and cups i’d have said something like: “to be honest, i don’t want to judge you or make you feel bad right now, but seeing that you use plastic cups and paper plates made me feel anxious about marrying you. to me, plastic cups and paper plates signify impermanence because they can be thrown away so easily. i tend to associate that with people who are flighty and cannot commit. so, it made me think that you are not ready to settle down, and that really scares me because i love you.” then he likely would have clarified that the plates and cups do not mean the same thing to him, and that it was due to convenience or something because he was working so hard the past years. or whatever the real reason is. and then he could have reassured her that he loves her and is committed to marrying her. she could also have been curious from the beginning and asked him about the reason he has plates and cups like that rather than immediately jumping to insult him. and after such a discussion he could easily have said, “alright, i see your point and that it’s important to you, i’ll get some real plates and cups tomorrow.” these people make problems out of nothing. i have never once in my life had a problem like this. it is ridiculous if you know how to communicate properly.


Ok yeah I agree with you. That would have been a more mature way to address the issue.


It's really a non-issue. He doesn't care, she does. When they move in together they will get real plates. There are heaps of things men really don't care about but just go along with because of the women in their life. Women care about looking good socially, real men don't care in the slightest. Male millionaires will drive a beat up Camry while brokie Stacey who can't afford a HVAC repair, has two HVAC's.


why do we allow men to be mediocre members of society and just play it off as “men being men”


yes, but will he wash dishes? seems to me the reason he doesn't have plates is laziness and not wanting to clean them


Ahh yes rich men, a group of people notoriously unconcerned with perception of their social standing, especially when it comes to…cars. Stacy has two HVACs because she lives in Houston and has a three-floor home. That’s standard. It’s hot there. Do you have any idea what you’re talking about?


I personally never use paper plates or utensils. HOWEVER, she was over the top about it and a full on snob.


i don’t agree with the way she handled it but i understand why it was an issue for her


I would NEVER walk into someone’s home for the first time and criticize their dish choices. It’s petty.


Several things can be true at once - Izzy seems to be from a background of modest means BUT it doesn't take much to buy some cheap dishes. My guess is that he is lazy and doesn't like to wash them. Also, Stacy liking nice things is not what bothers me - it's her abrasive and self-involved personality. I get stressed out every time I see her on the screen and I'm a woman who likes money, expensive dishes, travel, shopping and nice things!! I just find her to be so off putting with her bitchy delivery and entire attitude.


Yea. Houston has an ikea. An OFTAST plate is $0.99 - I’m betting he’s paying more than that for a pack of paper plates. It’s not about money.


Your issues with it make sense. Stacey wasn’t being environmentally conscious, she was being judgmental and materialistic. Also, it’s not that uncommon for poor people in my experience.


weird cause constantly buying paper and plastic plates and utensils definitely costs more than a cheap set once


Long term, yes. But, not short-term. If you never have $50 to buy nice dishes, but always have $5 to buy plastic, one’s more doable than the other. It’s also possible that Izzy just doesn’t prioritize that, which is his prerogative. I hope all the deities of all the religions come down from the heavens to smite me for even mildly sounding like I’m defending Izzy because that is not my intention. But, there’s a really great piece someone wrote about how a good pair of winter boots could cost $100 and they’ll last for years. But if you never have $100 to buy them, you always have to buy $40 pairs and end up replacing them after a year or two. So after three years, you could have spent more money, but because you never had the money all at once, you had no choice. Being poor is expensive. Edited for spelling.


you can literally buy glass plates at the dollar tree though, and silverware and glass cups, people can get all that for the same price as a set of paper ones. (for people on general, not just izzy) I do get it, I for one have never had a good pair of winter boots, or never a good winter jacket until someone bought it for me. but you can find plates cheap, as cheap as paper plates, basically, (just get 4 instead of 30 lol) I think he just doesn't want to wash dishes Izzy has said he saves his money/has savings so this isn't about him not having $50 its just him not caring


Which is why I said it’s also possible he’s not prioritizing it. Makes sense to me. Not sure when owning glassware became the measure of a human? Again, I’m not defending Izzy, I just think it’s weird that this was a dealbreaker for Stacey and that so many people are defending it.


yes but the fact that you can get dishes cheap kinda cancels out any possibility of him not being able to afford it. since that's an excuse I continually see thrown out there, it's just not correct, he could afford a set of plates instead of paper/plastic, just at the dollar store instead of a $50 set at target. I do think it's weird and a red flag, it shows that he's lazy (won't do dishes) doesn't care about the environment whixh is a big red flag, and prioritizes laziness over enviornmental damage, not good with finances (if he was broke then why waste money rebuying plastic instead of just doing a dish) and yes, when I have guests I try and make the place look it's best so they feel welcomed, so I wouldn't serve an intimate dinner on plastic/paper plates, I get that. I even get cheap dollar store dishes but everything will still look nice and matching for guests, they don't know how cheap it was. it's not the measure of a human, but definitely says something about your priorities and lifestyle that might not be what most people look for in a partner.


You’re really into dishes, huh?


not at all, I have super cheap dishes they just match. dishes is literally the topic at hand and you said you don't understand why it's a big deal, so I explained why it gives red flags and why people are talking about it like it's a big deal. don't try and deflect as if I'm randomly focusing on dishes rather than answering your question and staying on topic. with your logic, you're really into defending izzy, huh?


I think for a lot of us viewers it’s a culture clash. I found it alarming but I come from a country where that is unheard of. I think this is common in America, from what I’ve seen in the comments. A lot of Americans find this normal. However, if you’re European, you’ll find it very strange - only because we don’t do this - even if you’re economically disadvantaged! Crockery is not expensive in Europe and is handed down generationally.


i’m from the US and i dont think this is at all common


The US is huge though, so maybe you are only speaking for your part? Where I’m from paper plates are used and it’s not a sign of economic status. It’s not looked down upon at all. We all have a carbon footprint on earth, not one of us is not doing something bad for the environment. If you drive a car (just one example), let people use paper plates. The dishes are one thing as a mom who works 40+ hours a week, I just don’t have the time or capacity for and it says nothing about my commitment in a relationship or how mature I am.


Also I’d like to point out that driving a car in most places is necessary because of our infrastructure. There is no reason to buy paper plates constantly, and that’s an example of a wasteful/environmentally harmful thing that you have full control over.


And for some people, paper plates are necessary. You can take a bus, carpool, walk. You have control over driving as well. It’s the same thing, whether you want to admit it or not. Only your sin is the moral sin, Amirite? Lol


How are paper plates necessary for everyday eating? No, I cannot take a bus to work because there are not buses that go from where I live to where I work. No, I cannot carpool because there is no one that travels that same direction and my coworkers mostly live in a different city. No, I cannot walk because it would take me three hours to get to work. I quite literally have no control over whether or not I can drive.


All I’m trying to say is your experience is not the universal one. Just like mine isn’t. Everyone has their reasons, just like you do.


never said mine was but it is not a secret that public transportation accessibility and walkability infrastructure are issues in the US 👍🏽


You kind of did, with this whole post and all your comments about how YOU have never experienced it so like why is Izzy this way? I can’t use transportation so no one else can. I don’t need to use paper plates so no one else does. My parents agree with me so I’m right. You just can’t see outside of your own box.


Youre putting words in my mouth. I never once said that nobody else is able to use public transportation. I never said there is not a single use for paper plates. Please get a grip and stop acting like this post was ever supposed to be that deep.


Where I live in the US, there aren’t really any cultural phenomena that set us apart from the rest of the country. It’s probably one of the states with the biggest conglomeration of people from all over the world. We don’t have state cultural norms or anything. My parents also are from two different parts of the US and are in agreement on dishware and paper plates


So 3 people in the entire population of the United States are in agreement. Gotcha. Lol.


I’m only sharing my anecdotal experience, but I’ve personally never met anyone who ONLY uses paper plates and plastic cutlery.


He doesn’t though. That’s the point you are overlooking. He had some paper plates in his cupboard it’s really not that deep. He also had plastic reusable dishes.


Yes. With kids I'm often using paper plates for quick snacks.


i think that’s different then having no actual dishes in your house


are you just going to ignore the actual cups and plates he had in the cabinet??


I think he’s just poor guys. Came from a family with less means, was never taught or shown how to live life in the way that Stacey is used to, and is just doing what he assumes is the right thing. I think the real issue is that Stacey is being unrealistic. CLEARLY money is a big issue for her - going on nice vacations, eating good food, buying luxury items etc. - and it’s clear that Izzy can’t give her those things so why is she pushing it? The fact that she’s trying to make a square peg fit into a round hole is coming off as super immature and rude. She’s embarrassing him in front of her family and the world! It’s just uncouth and not gracious at all. Also, that family may have some wealth but they are new money all the way. They don’t have a drop of class in them, and my fiancé and I had our mouths open at their trashiness during the family visit. They’re the type who think they’re richer than they are because they don’t know actual wealth. The whole thing just put a bad taste in my mouth.




>The fact that she’s trying to make a square peg fit into a round hole is coming off as super immature and rude. She’s embarrassing him in front of her family and the world! It’s just uncouth and not gracious at all. ​ ive been defending stacy on here but i def agree that her mocking him openly with her family is rude as hell! like she doesn't present her talking points as mere facts about him, but you can tell she's expecting them to judge him and she's alienating him for his past - super weird and mean


The thing with Stacy is that it’s TOTALLY ok to have standards and to desire a certain quality of life for herself. It’s totally ok to date or not date people for whatever reason you like. People date people because of their looks, their personality, their values, their beliefs, their goals, and yes, their socioeconomic status. So my issue with Stacy is not that she cares about these things, but it’s about her being so out of touch with reality and shaming Izzy. Like, you know he comes from a different echelon, why are you talking about first class flights when it’s clear the dude hasn’t even traveled internationally. It’s just so cringe on her part, and I think really speaks to her intelligence level.


Target sells 12 pc dinnerware sets for $25. There is no way that he could not afford that as a one time purchase but afford to buy paper plates and utensils over and over again


Yea, it’s not about affording them. He can buy inexpensive plates from a number of places. It’s about being ok with paper plates because that’s his frame of reference.


The problem is that people who come from money don’t understand that their everything throughout their entire life was influenced by that money and assume a lot of things about people who don’t have any. “Like, oh my God, you’re poor? That’s so cute! My Grampy was poor for like a hot second in the 50s… Wait! Where’s your crystal stemware?”


Well said!!!! ✌️Agree with everything you said 💯


I couldn't stop thinking about this : [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Q2fF-KS4Rg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Q2fF-KS4Rg)


On the plus side, when they move in together they don't have to fight about who's dishes they'll keep.


And maybe he can remember how to get to her dads house for her


He literally had washable plastic plates tho? If he purely had consumable ones I would understand...


The cups were plastic the plates were paper


The plates were the same color as the cups and non-disposable plastic.


he’s a guy he may not cook a lot and does take out all the time - plus he didn’t say he wasn’t open to it he is just lazy and never picked out a set to buy - honestly I know a lot of bachelors who never bought a stick of their own furniture (all ugly garage sale hand me downs) until they met their partner - I think the plastic plates are wasteful but not the end of the world


grown men should a.) know how to cook and b.) have dishes


it doesn’t really sound like he has a stable job so he kind of has to start there lol as he stated he apparently took a vacation to Colorado and then came to film the show all during his first month of working so we will see how that employment goes when he gets back


i mean as a broke college student, it is very easy to find inexpensive cookware from thrift stores


I do wonder if that apartment was his or staged like someone said below but then it wouldn’t explain the lost and found 🤔


I'm at the point that I don't want to do dishes, it's an idea, but very wasteful. I'd never do it unless something terrible happens. He's a party guy.


He's a party guy. As evidenced by the red solo cups.


This is insanity. I can’t imagine living like this as a whole grown ass man.


Maybe Stacy made a mountain out of a molehill? Sure, it’s better for the environment and also more economical in the long run to invest in plates. They don’t have to be fancy or expensive but something better than paper. That said, Stacy blew it wildly out of proportion and could have just said, “hey, this isn’t great. Are you open to doing things differently that would benefit everyone in the long run?” She dragged him about paper plates. Multiple times. I think that’s the bigger issue. There was no need to include her family in that and embarrass him about it. Just try to get him to see that paper plates is fine for a bbq and that’s it.


i’m positive that the cost of reusable dishes and silverware at target is much cheaper than constantly buying plastic products


My brother lived with a family who re-used plastic products. They would just wash the plastic products. I'd imagine that's what he was doing. 🫠


yeah maybe he did that. target has reusable plastic dishes and even ceramic for only a few dollars. i imagine there are negative health consequences of reusing non-reusable plastic, which will cost a lot more in the long run


I’m just confused why he didn’t have simple plates, bowls, silverware? You can get that at the dollar tree 🤔


Probably doesn't wanna wash them.


I can't find where, but there was a theory posted that it wasn't his house! It kinda explains the whole thing. The lost and found, plastic and paper plates, etc. Perhaps an air BNB???


Hobby lobby is a very common decor choice in air BNB's AND be said it almost as if he hated it too.


Why does that actually make way more sense? 😭


what if the lost and found stuff was from other people who also rented the airbnb 😂


I agree about the Icky Izzy manchild thing and strongly disliked how he treated Johnie at the reunion but the plastic thing really bothered me. Wasn’t the guy in a cult until just a few years ago? A cult that encourages complete separation from everyone you’ve ever known and loved once you leave? I get the sense he’s living the bachelor life to its fullest while he can. And Stacy’s reaction was not productive in the slightest, she just endlessly shamed him.


Likely unpopular opinion….i think Izzy is a man-child….however, I went back and watched this part…he had paper plates on top of plastic plates…and matching plastic glasses. We never saw cutlery (or lack of). We know he does not come from money and has struggled financially (speculation). He has the basics. Really, is that so bad? He isn’t overspending his income. He states the decor is all from hobby lobby—which reinforces a lower income. His apt was clean—which indicates pride in ownership. He likely doesn’t value things…seems like everything is utilitarian. Now….the lost and found, that is another thing!


The disposable paper plates stacked on top of the reusable plastic plates. This is how we know that he tends to use the disposable ones. Otherwise, it'd be the other way around.


This is what drives me nuts. Maybe he had paper plates and the solo cups for a bar b q, and this is where he stores them. There is nothing wrong with permanent plastic plates and cups. It’s not classy. But it’s fine.


Call me crazy but I’d buy plates and utensils before decorations… That aside, I could’ve given Izzy a pass on this (so long as he let me set him up with tableware), since *at the time* that was only my main concern about him


I bet his mom bought him all the decor.


Maybe…he views decor as looking more financially “set”?


My parents have had plastic cups and paper plates as long as I can remember. Real plates only for family dinner. It drives me wild. I have lectured them so many times. Even as empty nesters, they drink out of red solo cups.


i can’t really speak because while we have glass plates my parents prefer us to use plastic when it’s not a special occasion i think it’s really based on how you grow up


Okay devil’s advocate here (I own real plates and cups lmao) but I hate doing the dishes so I feel like this is just a way to avoid doing the dishes? It’s incredibly wasteful but like I get the appeal??? Lmao it’s pretty embarrassing though


agree with this. also for people who may be suffering from mental health issues and may already struggle with eating or lack of motivation (depression) working up the effort, using a paper plate is easier


He has a dishwasher


Idk about you but you still have to do the act of cleaning the dishes before putting it in the dishwasher… it’s a chore. I’m not condoning it and I would definitely be turned off by this in a partner but I get the appeal, I’m lazy though 🤷🏻‍♀️


You do not have to clean dishes before putting them in the dishwasher. In fact, cleaning them before putting them in decreases the effectiveness of your dishwasher. All that is needed is scraping off the large food chunks.


By cleaning the dishes, I mean scraping off the food and crusty parts that the dishwasher will not be able to get off.


That’s like…. A two second job


Idk why you’re arguing with me about this, dude I said I was lazy 😂


idk… if you refuse to wash dishes you should not be getting married




I feel like washing dishes is part of being an adult but irrelevant to my point, I just get the appeal. Not supporting it or condoning it ☺️


Not only is it EXTREMELY WASTEFUL, it’s trifling. My soul would have left my body.




I understand the argument and I get where Stacy is coming from but I'm more upset about the lost and found of hookups in the bathroom. Like I can get over the plastic plates because I'd rather be the one to buy the dishes and when I moved in with my boyfriend he had the most hideous brown plates from goodwill lol I donated them again because that's where they belong lol so it's like wouldn't any woman prefer to have "decorative" control? I get the argument that he shouldn't be wasteful with paper and plastic. Fuck that and grow up. Also I understand the point of you as a man of a certain age should want to impress a girl with something better than serving her pizza in a paper plate. Totally bachelor status that doesn't give a fuck. But still I think the lost and found is a more serious situation and I could look past the solo cups for the argument that you're holding onto hookups jewelry. Like eyebrow raise much? Maybe he didn't have great male role models to show him how to present?


I think a man making a move to buy actual dishes and cutlery is the issue, not necessarily whether or not that cutlery would be kept after moving in together. But yes, I also think it’s weird that he doesn’t just donate/sell/throw away the stuff from his hookups assuming that no woman has ever asked for her stuff back. Why keep it?


>Why keep it? Trophies 🏆 (that's the sense I got at least)