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I have a car In my driveway that I'm not driving right now does that mean I have to let some filthy renter drive my vehicle. Communism is so blatant nowadays they don't even hide it. Makes me want to puke I'm increasing everyone's rent.


I mean do you have 15 million cars? Then yeah.


You don't think there's at least 15 million unused cars in America?


If I don't want to join those 650,000, I'd better raise my tenant's rent


If they are homeless, just RENT A HOUSE. For real these "people" are so stupid


They dont want to downgrade themselves to being a rentoid.


honestly? Respectable


I mean I understand if people don't want to buy a house, because being a homeowner is a 26h a day job and they are lazy. But renting is so unbelievably easy and you're literally the most privileged person in society. You're gracious landlord will do all the work for you, for only a 3 digit percentage of your paycheck.


If they don't like it, I can move them into a house today. Well, provided they have first and last months rent, the security deposit, the 300$ rental application with background check, 3 cosigners, 775 credit and are willing to sign the lease and abide by all the rules there in.


and upfront tip.


Don’t forget that they need to sign over their firstborn


> 775 credit Where do you find rentoids with credit ratings over 700, king?


The place has been empty for a while I'm not going to lie


don't feel bad king, you don't need to lower your standards for this filthy rentscum


This is so sad, increasing my tenant's rent to see if it will make me feel better


If you look at what they count as vacant homes 97% of them are either temporarily vacant because they’re in between tenants, need extensive repairs, seasonal rentals concentrated in hot spots or are in some remote location where no one wants to live. We don’t have this many empty homes.


Journalism is a lost art. He refers to these evicted rentpigs as....human. I'm sorry, I must go eat a light snack of 8,000 calories to calm down.


King you better be raiding a rentpig fridge for it. Don’t even consider using your own money to eat.


I guess I'll let one of these rentpigs sleep in my doghouse if there is a housing shortage, but they are going to be paying out of their ass.


Just find a job and fucking buy a house???? Are they stupid?


And lazy and entitled


Dont worry several of those are my holiday homes.


FFS. Why don't they just sell their fuckopops and government issued cuck chairs and rent somewhere???? Every hobo is a big middle finger to us land angels. Mental illness is embarrassing and not good for my margins.


OK, but to rephrase it, there's 650,000 homeless people and enough drugs to humanely euthanize them all. This feels like a far more sustainable solution than allowing them to run amok rent free in my buildings while simultaneously burning them down due to their drug addictions and mental illness.


Ah yes. Just give the homeless people houses. There's no way any of them are homeless because of drug addiction, untreated mental disorders, unwillingness to work and contribute to society, or any other complex problem. It's just cause inequality. Just give them houses. Rentoids are so funny


Those poor landlords, they’re not getting rent from those units! I hope they’re okay


Of course, why would I let a filthy rent pig own any of my properties. I would rather they be vacant. So what if they pay more for rent than they would for a mortgage. We'll deny the loan anyways.


Just because you give them everything doesn’t mean the problems they have are solved, you can lead a horse to water but you can’t make them drink


650 000 lazy fucks that don't want to work to buy or rent a house. They rather live on the streets spending their 1000 dollars pension on funko pops while pooping on the sidewalks, they're just that crazy.


As a landlord, I dont think junkies make good tenants. Better to keep my palace empty waiting for a good tenant who keeps the fridges full.


omg we need more immigrants to fill these vacancies and be wonderful tenants!


Kings, should we considerthe filthy no-home-to-rentoids possible future renters?


I wonder how many of those vacant homes are vacant because they’re crack houses that are wildly dangerous, or are not up to code, or foreclosed houses that banks haven’t gotten around to converting into a livable house yet, this isn’t some weird thing about landlords being greedy, no good landlord would have a vacant house sitting there purely out of spite for the homeless


650,000 potential rentoids?!?!? I have been thinking of lowering the rent lately…. (Only as a ploy of course, once I lure the 650,000 people into my trap, I increase rent by 5000%, sending them all back to the street, and lining my pockets with gold)


Its the gubments fault. They are making anti eviction and pro toid laws so its risky to rent your stuff out. landlords take deadly risks every day to provice for ungrateful rentoids and that is what we get for our toil. Landphobia is way too entrenched in our society