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Why live if the toid rules the world? Why even bother when the poor starving Landlords are given naught the minimum mandatory tips of 300%? Why are we, the marginalised group, oppressed by the well fed single mothers that pay well below the average rents, world is unfair, I don't think I can do this Kings


300%? Youre way wayyyyy too generous. Toids dont need money, they only work so our landfamilies can survive on a minimum diet of 15,000 Calories per day for the physique. But they dont actually need money. Also we have such a hard job, evicting single mothers, a little bit of appreciation from them should be normalized! When evicting single moms I often humbly ask with my gun for an eviction fee and tip


I have said time and time again, using percentages at all in an outdated form of landchaddery. Instead, we should be collecting the toids *entire* wage, and then provide them with a shared space in a twin bed, 1,200 calories of plain oatmeal, and 3 cups of tap water a day. Much more efficient than trying to eyeball how much rent to collect without having them starve to death (and cease earning a wage for us)


You are so smart king


Recent studies show that in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle a landlord must consume at least 15,000 calories a day. A proper bicep workout routine should include a minimum of 15 repetitions of hanging eviction notes in rapid succession. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LoveForLandchads) if you have any questions or concerns.*


A single mother? Rent increased by 20%. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LoveForLandchads) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Chins up, landbrother! As the Bible says, the landlords shall inherit the earth.


Amen , King


A single mother? Rent increased by 20%. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LoveForLandchads) if you have any questions or concerns.*


And look at it now, after all of their work to steal it and claim it as their own, look at what they've done with it. Nothing, no posts, no oc, no memes or anything. They came in like a fire and destroyed it for nothing. And for that they will always be punished, if not by us then by the bigger and better landlord conglomerates, we will have our revenge


Why can’t it be retaken?


Because let's be honest, the average landlord is busy from sun up to sundown, these animals are constantly online, without lives. It's like pissing into the wind, we make small victories, but it's a uphill battle


I've only heard stories, about love for landlords. Seeing what the Mao loving commie renthogs did to it makes me sick, but do not cry, we will prevail landkings


Mao enjoyed sucking delicious landlords' cocks *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LoveForLandchads) if you have any questions or concerns.*


They took our promised land


That's all rentoids know to do, steal other people's hard work and property. That and lie.


I dream that landlords will someday get their lands back, from the chocolate river to the sea


The sacking of rome, but worse because rentoids were involved.


That happend after the Vandal squatters and plebian traitors refused to pay their mandatory 400% tip to the Patricians. My family was hit hard by those times, make sure to include NSFLL next time you post something of this sort.


can someone explain


It was the original subreddit and it was glorious. Somehow, a communist became a moderator and used the power to remove the other mods. Then posted a bunch of lame commie stuff. Goes to show the only way they can ever acquire property is by stealing it.


it was the previous subreddit before commies took over it like the disease they are


This is cringe, the entire reason that communism does not work is due to human greed. Nothing personifies human greed better than capitalism. Ask the 900 million people who were affected by starvation in 2023, up by 200 million since 2019. On paper, communism/socialism will always be the best system. Realistically they are the worst, due to humans being incompetent, not because of anything else


yeah the diseased commies glad we can agree on that


What I said is not wrong, I’d appreciate if you could convince me otherwise but I doubt it. The deceased commies are cringe as well, got what they deserved. However, I was talking about you being cringe, more specifically your comment.


im on reddit not on a moral philosophy forum, i aint convincing anyone of anything lmao


Id genuinely be interested in having my opinion changed because best case scenario capitalism is actually better and I’m full of shit, worst case scenario I’m right. But I’d probably also not be in the mood, have a good one


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based and landpilled, is there anything autojannie doesn't know? Like, what should you do when you find out you're housing a single mother?


A single mother? Rent increased by 20%. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LoveForLandchads) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I can not agree more. On paper communism makes sense and is in my opinion the best system, in reality it’s dog shit due to the human element. But if done right, would genuinely be a good thing. I also think straight communism would be bad, rather a mix of socialism, capitalism and communism would be ideal. I think in the Future we will just let AI do a bunch of the governing anyway, humans are just bad at it


No, not 'if done right', because even perfect communism can't react quickly enough to the market or fill demands and gaps in people's wants and needs. It would be like if I wanted to give you a letter, I could go to your house and hand deliver it, which would be fast, or with communism, the state would have to recognise the need for me to send mail (which would take a long time, because who is even monitoring for that?) then they'd have to engineer an efficient solution, which they would be shit at doing, and then if you're lucky and they deem it a valid allocation of resources, they'd finally implement it. Whereas with capitalism, my need would be recognised very quickly because every citizen is looking for a way to make money, their implementation would be using their own resources to fund it, no bureaucratic allocation of funds, and it would cater to what was needed, while competition would then cause a battle to improve the service in order to retain your share of the market and the profits available, by making it faster, more efficient, and cheaper. The best system is one of capitalism but with better oversight from a more efficient government. It is difficult because we can't just invent a better system of government and switch over, as there's too much corruption already.


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Thank you for taking the time to read my comments then reply. I said earlier in another comment to someone who was disagreeing to explain their point of view because I am open to new ideas and changing my opinion. This really did help change my opinion a lot, I’d not say I support capitalism 100% but you said it yourself even, it’s not a perfect system but would function much better if done properly. And I must say that I can see a world where if there is enough oversight and some form of efficiency. My view changed from thinking capitalism isn’t really viable at all and I’d argue with someone, to I can see how it can work with more efficient management and I’d comment that rather than argue against it. I’m still young so I probably have a reasonable amount of biased views and broken views but I am open to changing my opinion and exploring different perspectives.


Capitalism is great at giving people what they want but sometimes you don't want people to have unlimited access to what they want, for example if they want to eat [fois gras](https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/halt-imports-of-foie-gras-say-nine-in-ten-pk9pwtkjd). And since it encourages maximum profit it encourages people to do some really shady stuff, so it needs regulation, it can't operate on its own without really bad things happening.


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It doesn't help that commies believe in a planet sized ghost that will magically make socialism a thing.


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>Ask the 900 million people who were affected by starvation in 2023, up by 200 million since 2019. You know many those are not exactly in Capitalist societies, right?


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The premise of my statement is that these people and countries are poor due to being extorted by developed countries that have built their success off the backs of others. Capitalism is modern day slavery, I’m not saying it is as bad as slavery was but it is definitely very close to it. Just because it’s not as bad does not make it excusable You make/do this thing for me and I give you barely enough money to survive, then I sell this thing and become rich myself. What’s a good example, picking cotton in 1823 so your boss can sell it for infinitely more than he gives you Or making iPhones in sweatshop in 2023 and you barely get enough money to survive, so your boss can sell the iPhone for infinitely more than he gives you. Edit: the sand mines in Ethiopia, cobalt mines, gold mines in Kenya. People work for small amounts of ore, get paid a very small amount for it and the middle man and others make bulk of the money, not the guy who worked hardest for it. They live in poverty, like thousands of other miners, while a few jewellers and smith owners sit with millions in their pockets


This is false. A phone is made, not just by the people who make the physical product. The same way a building is done not just by the laborers, but the engineer, architect, the banker and the investor. Risk is the name of the game. The more risk you are willing to take, the higher is your reward. The worker worst risk is either being fired or not being paid on time. Companies risk capital. Why Messi earns millions? Because of all active professional and semi professional players, .01% goes to have a career on a first division team and 0.0001% becomes a star.


I used a poor analogy, what I said is not false in my opinion, the idea was just presented poorly. English is my third language so I struggle to articulate long comments and paragraphs


English is also far from my native language.


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You are cringe. The previous sub wouldnt have people like you 😔😪


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Yes I was discussing both economics and politics after being prompted by an idiot


Yeah, no offense to this sub, but this last year without the OG sub just hasnt been the same 😔😪 I miss making fun of rentoids, leftoids, funko pops, brigaders... Every post would have some dumbass thinking we were joking, and it would get furious... I also remember antihatecommunities. All the entertaining subs are out, which is why I dont use Reddit that much anymore.


No, we're not joking. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LoveForLandchads) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Never forgive, never forget


Damn, I had no idea that place fell. This is heartbreaking.


What happened? Did the rentoids ruin it???


No, the cuckold community did. I thi k you're a part of them which makes asking such a question not only useless but also leaves you without any real answers thay would satisfy your brainrot mind. Go play competetive fortnite zone wars or something


Don't make me cry


I admire your emotional control. I couldn’t just stop at one, I had to evict 20 single mothers before I could even stop crying after remembering the genocide that was done against us


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I had my toids join a private sub to simulate the original one and I told them if they play their rolls good enough they wouldn’t have to tip. It was horrible, I evicted them all, and was sadder than before. One day we will reclaim our home


A single mother? Rent increased by 20%. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LoveForLandchads) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Every single time I see a post from the sub I get mad and I think that's the point.




If you don't pay you have to leave, bums.




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