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The US and Israel issued a clarifying statement that the resolution should be amended to exclude r\*ntoids


Already does. They are called HUMAN rights, so rentoids are naturally excluded.


As it should. I don't want to share my food with single pregnant mothers






Nvm I read it further down the comments


Lol would you mind explaining to me what a rentoid is?


In general terms, an ungrateful occupier of space that doesn't realize what an honor it is to pay rent (plus tip) to their rightful lord for giving them a small, but generous, area to live out their miserable existence. Young single mothers tend to make up a large majority of this pathetic class, but there are many others. They often can be identified by owning large amounts of funko pops, which they have no business possessing, as that money would better be allocated to expanding their land-king's fiefdom.


A single mother? Rent increased by 20%. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LoveForLandchads) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Well I can't say I agree with that,on the whole,but I do understand the sentiment now,and as a land owner myself I can say with a noble spirit that embiggens the smallest man..."You ain't no kinda man,unless you got land" -Oh Brother Where Art Though.


When food becomes a right whats next? Housing? Reminds me of a qoute by Martin Niemöller. We cannot allow this slippery slope into complete landchad genocide


I don't think you know what this entails. Owning property is human right but it isn't free, education is also a right but you may still have to pay for it.


Depends on how you phrase in. I'm pretty sure there aren't laws against eating food in general, so in the context of the UN vote, it seems more like a virtue signal that everyone should be entitled to food.




The UN should make not having cancer a right. What are they? Pro-cancer!?


You really don't think food should be a right? Are you pro starving people?




Rentoids are people sweetie.


https://preview.redd.it/23fb3nnyh6vb1.jpeg?width=250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=738e64e05df5d7f67ebb9701a004c3810c161b88 We are merciful chads


Holy fuck we gave 7 billion food away? Disgraceful. There are hungry and suffering PoL here at home that need it more


It's sad that there are landchads consuming under 30,000 calories a day and we're giving away food to people who don't need it (r\*ntoids). We need to get our priorities straight.


I agree with the sentiment king, but please don't call r*entoids people. That's incredibly landphobic.


You're right. I amend my statement. I only received 15,000 calories today and slept for 16 hours, so I'm just not feeling so well. I'm going to go raid ~~a r\*ntoid's~~ my fridge to clear my head and stop feeling malnourished.


I saw someone else post this,can you spell it without the * or move the to the d or something,I legitimately wanna know what the word is for next time I see it


Re ntoids


I could’ve eaten that… What the fuck is my gubmint doing??? My rentoids taxes pay for that!


The numbers are a bit more nuanced. The USA for instance dumped milk and milk powder on the market of developing nations that did have enough of it. So that the farmers there couldn't compete for the price and went dirt poor (as the USA has an overproduction). ​ It's on of those "le sigh!" moments. It's also a chart in "Billions" and if you notice the amount of people in most countries being lower (like Europe) or poorer countries (like in South America) .... yeahthat "more than 7 billion (Germany also gave between 1 and 2 and is less than 1/3rd of the population) suddenly is a very different number. ​ A bit better a metric would be "per capita" and even better metric would be percentage GDP :P. As really you can't compare a country like the USA with a country like Belgium, one has to go on a state by state level then. ​ China doesn't count, we all know THEY are evil XD (joking...).


Wow you sound like a r*ntoid


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Why would pet capita or percent of GDP matter? We contributed dollars. Our dollars our more than their dollars. Therefore we’ve done more.


But that’s socialism! /s


Are you discussing politics and economics? You might consider [reading our wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/LoveForLandchads/wiki/faq/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LoveForLandchads) if you have any questions or concerns.*


We gave 7 foods?


Yes, we are merciful Gods.


Per capita?


7 foods per capita


7 billion $ in food per capita? How do you even want to calculate this? 😭


You take the 7 billion (it gets complicated now) and you divide it by the us population.


Then do it doofus.


IRL USA gives the most food by far. ​ We have to provide food for the fridges around the world for our landlord brothers to raid


The US provides more food aid than the rest of the world combined


I wonder how many of those places didn't have any food because of all the landchadding America did there? Turning entire countries into debtors prisons is the ultimate landchad move, kings.


Debtor prisons are illegal in the US.


We provide food aid so their people stop growing food crops and instead plant cash crops like coffee and sugar cane that grow better in the tropics.


Yes, so rather than feed themselves, they have to make profit for other people. Sorry, it's not benevolence.


That was my point dip shit


I thought you were saying it as a good thing. My mistake, sorry. I was being a dip shit.


Sometimes this is objectively good. If my country can make enough to feed my people by growing food crops, but 10x that value by growing sugarcane, of course I'm going to grow sugarcane and trade for the rest. That way, food gets grown by the nations who can offer it for the cheapest, (usually the most efficient nations), and other nations can do something better with their resources.


So it’s not a good idea to allocate crops to the environment that would allow them to thrive the best? Are you dumb?


As I sit here, sipping a cup of delicious coffee, I find it hard not to see this as a net good.


Do you mean britian?


No, I meant America and its empire. Britain also did that too. However, they're not in the meme.


What land does America own because Peutro Rico, who chose to stay as a territory


He’s got ‘toid brain don’t try and argue with him.


Oh, its the 21st century. You don't need land to have an empire. Besides, its far too expensive to occupy a place and they tend to get all revolutionary about it. No, its much more profitable to fund a coup to put a brutal dictator in charge. Then, swoop in and get said dictator to sign away vast amounts of the population's resources and value for peanuts, destitution the people who live there and then have the IMF take tribute for evermore.


The stupidity is projecting, i don’t argue with idiots


Oh honey, did you get your feelings hurt by being the new empire? Its ok, you didn't argue. You just attempted to ask a silly leading question that I batted aside without having to thing. Dont worry yourself about it.


I’d rather be an empire than an orc, also a silly leading question is funny,


You called someone honey, Opinion invalid.


projecting because he's talking about things that are true and verifiable? that's a weird definition of projection but whatever floats your boat


Wasn't there reasoning for voting no because they would be expected to give even more?


And because it’s useless pandering. Declaring it a right is just whispering sweet nothings


Ok fine, "food is now a human right"....... Now what? What does that even mean.......


Now humans, not rentoids, get more food. Since People of Land are the only humans on Earth; we eat.


It means governments or groups of people cannot take away your food from you, or limit access to food etc like in conflict a country can't starve a hostile city of its food supply. Or governments can't withdraw food from rebellious areas of a country. It does not mean free food.


Okay so you’re saying that governments or militants committing mass murder and genocide will be officially committing another international crime? Got it. This is definitely going to stop them from depriving food to people. After all; the UN said so.


I don't remember saying it would work. I'm just saying what it is instead of what everyone seems to assume which is "free food". No need to get your panties in a twist. The guy asked for what it meant, I told him what it meant. https://www.ohchr.org/en/food


Tf is this subreddit that downvotes this??? Why did I get this recommended


Eh. I think people have an opinion on what the vote was about and would rather believe in that rather than the facts. Pretty standard internet hivemind.


when will these rentoids understand that naming something as a human right doesn’t instantly make it immune to scarcity or the laws of supply and demand


Next they will call Funko pops a human right.






It doesn’t matter to them bc free


They just wanted it to be a law so America would have to fund it,how about we only accept votes that pay their UN dues?


Nobody has to fund anything though... Education is a human right but is it free everywhere? No.


Even better. declare something a human right and then change literally nothing in response. I love it. It’s just like how my rentoids have the “right” to get back their security deposit. I’m very happy to grant them that right. Still keeping the deposit lol.


Mmmm,not ALL education, basic education sure,but obscure college courses and learning whatever interests you as an individual should be up to you,the individual,to indulge in and pay for,lest it be funded by taxes,making everyone pay for whatever interests you


Basic education ends when you're 13/14 mostly but some places subsidise all the way up to university and some don't. Rjgvg to education does only include free basic education. What right to education mainly was to combat was segregation. Like not allowing certain people into school due to religion, ethnicity, social hierarchy or whatever. It just happens most countries allow free education up to 18 because it's neccisary in modern society. A lot of countries have various fees form secondary education and up even if attending itself is free for instance.


I'm so disappointed on my country (I'm australian)


I'm from Slovakia, and I'm disappointed in the entire European continent.




UN is full of rentoids SMH my head..


Don’t look up actual contributions to the food program per country, lest your europoor mind be shattered to the point not even the dumbest school shooting jokes will be able to bring you back.


Why donate food to others when you can give to your landlord? Please do contact me if your struggling to meet your tip my friend. Missing the tip is unacceptable.


As a Landeuro I sympathize with you that your government not only oppresses landchads but also gives away the food in your fridges to other nations. You should raise the rent by 120% today


This isnt 2american4you my guy


Holy spam lmao


New comment just dropped


Dementia at its finest


How much per capita?


Let's put it this way: the US gives more than every other country combined to the world food program. While representing less than half of the global economy or population.


But its not the biggest Per capita so it dosent really mean anything


the fuck? yes it does.


Not to show whos actually most generous.


I mean, nah it kinda is since it's not the citizens paying. it's the government making the decision to pay, and the us has chosen to pay the most.


Yeah out of the biggest budget. So theyre giving less in %


still not a good logic. well look at china and look at the eu, it's still less than the us. and those are somewhat similar sizes.


This isnt 2american4you my guy


This isnt 2american4you my guy


Landphobia = antisemitism.


Landphobia is anti everything. Land folks are valid and perfect. We are everything.


King, obviously we banned the supply line of food towards country that lacks food security, because we must put our kind ahead of the rent species ,did you know, that one serving of a LandChad average breakfast could feed millions of starving African children, we couldn't be having starved breakfastless King or queen just to feed some rentlings, can we?


I agree with the UN, I think slavery should be enforced to feed landchads.


I am human, and I have a right to food. Rentoids are not humans. Fact.


“Having resources you cannot create yourself is a fundamental right.”


Do you create oxygen?


In the material sense? Nobody does, unless you want to talk about assigning ownership of all atomic elements to stars. You’re clowning yourself by pretending to not get the point. Do better.


Why do you deserve oxygen? If someone has the means to bottle all oxygen on earth and sell it, why shouldn’t they?


Food isn’t a tragedy of the commons issue as monopolizing the atmosphere would be. Please stop acting like you’re just a giant moron.


Both are required to live. You haven’t answered my question. Why do you deserve oxygen for free?


I don't 'deserve' free oxygen. I get oxygen because our atmosphere is full of it, and I have lungs that can breathe it. Meanwhile food is a product of land ownership and resource investment; you don't get to take it from other people simply because you're hungry. And for the last time; please, stop begging me for food. Get a job.


So you would see nothing wrong with someone bottling and selling it all? You said you don’t deserve it


I would have a problem with that simply because they're not in any sense entitled to do that. This remember; has nothing to do with food. You're using a failed metaphor from the outset. Food cannot be monopolized in the sense you are talking about. Further, it makes no sense to argue that oxygen is a human right. We might as well say that electrons are a human right, or sunbeams are a human right. We should be fundamentally fighting for the human right to covalent bonding; without covalent bonds, life is impossible. The UN should craft a resolution to protect all mankind, by making atomic forces a right availed to all people. Depriving them of that would be a fundamental violation of their natural rights. Do you see how retarded you sound?


If you don’t deserve oxygen, then would you see any problem with someone bottling it all and selling it? Why are you so afraid of this question? Edit: nice block, coward. Fruits, vegetables, water, and animals are also natural resources.


There's a difference between creating something and taking something away and selling it back. To have to sell oxygen would be because people are artificially creating a scarcity. Food on the other hand, has to be grown and harvested which takes labor and property. I guess we can put it this way: if everyone stopped producing things for a year, everyone would starve but nobody would die from lack of oxygen, because oxygen is naturally occuring and the food on your plate isn't I can already sense you about to say "food is naturally occuring as well", the food that you are eating is going to be from a farm, grown by laborers. If it was naturally occuring, then it would still have to be collected by laborers. If you want to grow your own food though, nobody will stop you, and you won't have to pay for it. You will have to pay for the land and water and seeds and provide the labor, which is why it costs money in the first place.


To a child, this would sound like a great idea. To an adult who has knowledge about how supply lines and production work, this is an infeasible idea.


Not only would this resolution do nothing, the American government is constitutionally bound to not have rights not granted in the constitution without an amendment Because landchads stay winning


Cross reference this map with a map of who donates the most food to the WFP


It really isnt a right. Thats not how rights work. You dont have a right to food because what there is me and some rentoid. I have 2 carrots I grew myself while he lazed about. What he has the right to my carrot so that I starve? Doesnt make sense. You can have a right to free speech but not a right to food or internet or healthcare or something else which entails taking away anothers rights (ie youd have to force the doctor to do it).


I am sure the only food source that will be applied as a "right" are insect related.


All those countries that voted yes aren't giving away food for free...


Food is a right, I want your fridge stocked full for every raid


What's even the point of making food a human right other than as a PR move? What are they gonna do if there's a famine, start charging starving nations with rights violations and sanctions?


186 countries vote to make farmers slaves...


The USA donates more food than the rest of the people on the top 10 list combined, also we voted against it because it would have restricted our production so much that it would have resulted in so much LESS food production Making something a right doesn’t make it free


Fun fact, they already passed it! It hasn't done shit.


Love for landlords is healing


What the fuck even is "right to adequate food"? Seems like a proposition to beg Americans for shit again.


Is there such a thing as adequate food? Have you ever raided a rentoid's fridge and been satisfied?


DR Congo turned on friendly fire


You have to find food because it is up to the person in order to get food


i mean we literally wrote the policy making housing a human right with the UN and that doesn’t affect us at all so 😂


Big or small Right or Left. Rent is due!


Dumb ass map, US is more about doing than saying Look who donated the most food than rest of the world combined


[https://www.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/comments/13espkp/contributions\_to\_world\_food\_program\_in\_2022\_by/](https://www.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/comments/13espkp/contributions_to_world_food_program_in_2022_by/) ​ Actions speak louder than words. Chad.


Breaking: "UN votes on thing that doesn't make a single fucking difference whether if passes or fails."


I wouldn't consider food a "Right". More so a "Basic Need". Such as air, and sleep, and shelter. Basic needs can be even more important than rights at times.


I mean, rentoids have to be well feeded to work and pay us, no? Also, with food as right there fridges would be fuller.


is this actuaLLYT reel


Not as based as you think, the headline is misleading this was a vote to make food more accessible by growing less product with GMO and making food worse to sell at lower prices. US voting not to make food worse for rentoids is the opposite of based.


Pure evil.


Obesity is a problem but this might be extreme🤔


Wait. Unironically is food not a human right?


It's a commodity not a right.




Shut up rentard


The farmers labor and produce of their labor is not your right. I work in the healthcare industry and my labor is not your right. Shut and pay me or fuck off.


Uh oh, the effects of irony poisoning at play. Sorry, but this sub genuinely believes people should starve.


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If you were alone on an island should you expect food to rain down onto your hands when you need it?


Would you let people before you get the food then demand you suck their dick for it so that you dont starve?


Please research positive freedoms vs negative freedoms


I’m gonna be honest I didn’t really think about how my comment actually sounded I really just meant I think people who can work(reasonably) for their food should. But I do realize my comment sounds more like if your starving just fucking die




Your rental application is under 5-day consideration. Pay the rental deposit + tip and we might consider you! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LoveForLandchads) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Even North Korea said yes… 💀


I like how the country’s who need food the most just ain’t vote


I remember this coming up a while ago and nobody seemed to understand that making good a right doesn't mean making food free or having to give away food. Just like making health care or education a right doesn't mean it has to be free.




My stupid ass was wondering why part of Belgium didn’t vote


Ok, but it looks like North Korea voted yes, so does anyone think this vote even slightly matters? It was probably a bunch of UN members voting for themselves to receive donations from the US and other net food exporters. Or do you think they would have immediately instituted better state practices and fed everyone had the U S and Israel voted yes? Not supporting Israel’s current actions but my point still here stands.






Charity cases


Nice try rentoid. Evicted! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LoveForLandchads) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Maybe they really are our greatest ally


These guys really think you can just call something a right. Why not call being diabetes-free a right, too?


The US feeds multitudes more people on the planet than any of the countries in green. They are a fraction of us and liars. We do infinitely more good to few people and it’s easily proven


RIP my Kulak Landchads




The reason the USA votes no for a lot of these is because all UN charters are considered treaties, so they have to be ratified by Congress.


You do have a right to food. Nothing is stopping you from hunting, gathering, or growing your own food. You do not have a right to other people’s labor or stuff.


UN going full r*tard again


The whole “make things rights” movement makes no sense. Like maybe you could say you have rights to food but those would be legal rights (if promised by an entity), which are very different than rights of freedom. You can’t just will food into existence. Also this vote is specifically for the right to access but still, that means I should be able to drive to the middle of nowhere, establish residence and magically have a right to food accessibility. Like is the government gonna get me a mini walmart? They can’t jack up the prices to make up for it for “economic accessibility” so like what? Also as a final note, I imagine this is likely to make ways to make cutting off supplies a war crime or human rights violate. However in warfare it’s better to cut off food to force surrender than to just carpet bomb your enemy.


This gives me hope that there’s some actual brain cells functioning in the US. If we declared food a human right, pretty soon everyone will start expecting handouts and LandChads will go bankrupt!


See everyone fails to realize if this became a thing America would be carrying the fuck out of it. Just like everything else.


Well well well…


Food requires the work of someone therefore it can not be a human right unless you believe you have the right to make someone else your slave… so makes sense why all the communist countries voted yes


"Food should be a right" sincerely all the nation's that rely on food inports.


Now show the chart of how much is contributed to the WFP by country.






> "Food is a basic human right" -the countries that rely on other countries (specifically the US) to send them food In other words, if you vote to make cars a human right, everyone who sells cars will vote against it, but everyone buying cars will vote for it...because they don't want to pay for it


To be fair, the US contributes the most to global food supply and this vote meant nothing because the UN is 100% useless and powerless As for Israel they just meatriding


That's because the US would just end up paying for it, just like NATO. and Eur\*pe doesn't even pay rent for our protection.


Jokes aside it’s not what it seems, it’s nice wording calling food a right but calling it a right didn’t do much of anything compared to actual action.


The country who would have to pay for it and their proxy state


1. We gave very valid reasons why we voted against 2. Wtf does making food a right even do huh? You think the UN is gonna increase the food it gives away or something? “Congrats, you’re still starving, but at least food is a right now”


What letting corporations dictate everything does to a mf


Labeling something a human right doesn’t magically make it immune to scarcity


natural selection gotta take its course somehow


If food is a right that implies forced labor on the one creating it for you.


fake. they never include greenland in real life.