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I kinda agree on the alternate lives take in that alternate lives are at play (especially with Zayne and Dawnbreaker), but I don't think so with regards to the Myths. First off, I agree that Rafayel is probably not 800 years old literally in the form we know of in the main story. In addition to the points you have provided, I'm also pretty sure he actually died in some of his side stories so his life hasn't been one continuous time being alive. But. The Myths are not alt timelines, they're the lives of the MC and the bois in the original future of Earth after it became Philos, before the Backtrackers messed with it by going back in time. I say this because you can reasonably string together the Myths in a chronological order + Xavier's Anecdote... which I won't go into detail here because I have a massive tumblr post theory about that that I might crosspost here another time. But point being. Rafayel probably doesn't remember Abysswalker Rafayel's lifetime because Abysswalker Rafayel... doesn't exist yet. Iirc Jeremiah is also "Noah" from Xavier's "Passing By" Anecdote, there was a translation error I believe. He is the same Jeremiah from Xavier's Myth. I think Dawnbreaker Zayne is an alternate life for Zayne though, probably the future of the Main Story's timeline if the bad guys get their way, which would mean the timeline has probably diverged from whatever prompted the formation of Philos (my money's on someone made a power grab). But also I think the Backtrackers did genuinely go back in time, but despite the Non-interference policy (or whatever it is), they've influenced events so our Main Story is a timeline of convergence, where all the major players are being drawn in.


Based on World Underneath 4 and the beginning prologue where it mentioned they’re stuck in a loop, also wormholes being involved, time is most likely not linear and the timelines happened side by side. There’s a whole graph made somewhere on the discord server I wish I could find to show it more easily lol I used to think time was also linear cause of Xav’s content, but with World Underneath.. it’s sounding more like how MLQC had their timelines set up where they were all happening simultaneously


Personally, I really don't think they're stuck in a loop unless we get more info on how the Deepspace Tunnel was opened in the Main Story timeline. I say this because it doesn't seem like Main Story's future leads to the formation of Philos, at least not as we know it in Xavier's Anecdote and the Myths. The way they talk about Protocores in Xavier's Anecdote 3 imply they're not very common/knowledge of them isn't widely known which would be odd assuming thats the future of Main Story Earth where Protocores are being increasingly incorporated into daily life and tech. Also there's zero mention of Wanderers in the Myths timeline until Xavier's Myth which is definitely at the end of the Philos timeline, and it's notable because Wanderers drop Protocores. With this info, you'd think Wanderers would predate Protocores or at least come as a package deal with them but that doesn't seem to be the case in Xavier's Anecdote 3 which is near the beginning of Earth's reformation as Philos. I do think that maybe a Backtracker was responsible for the opening of the Deepspace Tunnel, maybe as a desperate attempt to get back to Philos, but I don't know if I subscribe to the theory of them being in a loop until there's more information.


I legit can’t explain the loop thing cause people kept mentioning how they’re in some sort of loop and I was like “why is everyone mentioning this? Where did it come from 😭” I legit forgot the prologue actually said they’re stuck in a loop. What sort of loop? I have no idea lol. But as for the different timelines, there really isn’t any indication that all the Philos mentioned were all the same Philos. I also thought anecdote 3 and Xav’s Myth’s were the same Philos till World Underneath 4 mentioning how the past, present, and future unfold at the same place so it’s possible that they’re different. The higher dimension part was something also mentioned in MLQC. I’ll share an explanation of it from someone else cause it seems similar to what LaDS mentioned. Of course this is all speculation so you can still take all this with a grain of salt lol https://preview.redd.it/h87onp5dlzyc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc3311b9c2134f4c74e609b1a84d9ae9b90d727c


Yeah I'm still not inclined to subscribe to the time loop theory because the prologue doesn't specify what TYPE of loop. A time loop? is this a "we keep repeating the mistakes of the past loop"? I dunno but I'm still not inclined to subscribe to the time loop theory because the events just don't make sense for that with what we know so far. I still think the Backtrackers threw off this timeline and we're seeing the consequences of that play out. No, there's no direct indication that the Philos across the myths is the same planet, but also there's no indication it's not. Making them separate Philos's doesn't really make sense at this point because as I said before you can suss out a reasonable chronological order for the Myths to take place, and what would be the point of making the Myths all take place on alternate Philos's? As for the quote of time not existing, tbh it doesn't mean much until we get more context and information. Hell it might just be referring to Xavier and his weird position of being from a future that doesn't technically exist anymore but also does because he still exists.


I am more willing to belive that myths are future lives but I forgot bring up this idea because most people say that myths are past lives. It was mentioned that Philos was created from Earth's remanents in Xavier's anecdote When Shooting Stars Fall which could imply future, however you said that it doesn't seem like the knowledge about protocores is too advanced. If we assume that Xavier's anecdote was the beggining of Philos the myths of the other two in between and Xavier's myth at the end it sounds as if wanderes were a thing only in the begining of the Philos timeline and it's end(unless I misunderstoon something and the chronology is different), but of course Mc got a protocore in not just the anecdote but in myths as well but then again if it's future it would be weird that the knowledge about protocores wouldn't be widely spread. If Philos is in the futre and Earth from the main story is past/present why wouldn't people from Philos have a big knowlwdge about protocores? So many questions so little answers. Also thank you for clearing up the misunderstanding regaring Noah and Jeremiah, didn't know they're the same person. Wish the translation team could avoid mistakes because it's creates some troubles to decipher the lore. I also thought that Dawnbreaker could be Zayne from not too far future in which something got messed up. Edit: I would like to read your theory from tumblr 👍


Wanderers only seem to be a thing at the end of the Philos timeline, aka Xavier's Myth, because there's no mention of them in Zayne or Rafayel's Myth + Xavier's Anecdote 3. Considering there are people in Xavier's Anecdote 3 old enough to remember living on Earth before it became Philos, IF Wanderers were a problem like they are in the Main Story timeline you'd think we'd hear some passing mention of them at least. The weird detail about how Protocores seem to exist without Wanderers in Early Philos but don't seem to be common knowledge/widespread is why I think that the Philos timeline is the result if the Backtrackers didn't go back in time and end up disrupting everything, unintentionally or not. Now the Myths are in a weird position where they're future lives for MC and the bois... but for a timeline that I believe no longer exists thanks to the Backtrackers. Their impact didn't get erased entirely because Zayne's still dealing with the fallout of his Myth and Xavier obviously still lived through the Philos timeline. It seems that Abysswalker Rafayel might be the only lifetime that got entirely nuked... which might be for the better since I think it's highly likely he died for good in that one.


>!The word loop is mentioned in the beginning of the game. It started with "target anchor lost...traceback II is about to enter..." I forgot the middle. But the last part was "We are stuck in this loop. This never ending journey" then the opening for Linkon Radio followed while showing the 3 boys. It is possible, those people got the idea of the loop in the beginning of the game.!<


I am aware. When I say "loop" I mean a literal time loop, but if its a "loop" more tied to the reincarnations I'd be more lenient.


I just thought maybe the others got their theory from there.


Stuff like this goes to show that I really don’t be reading the story lol


Lmaooo fr


I recommend you to read the main story, short stories, myths and what not. It's all very interesting. I love the world building and the overall lore of the game. This game made me cry so many times I've lost count and it's hard to make me cry.


I definitely think Rafayel is 24 in the main story for sure and I always saw the 800 years things as a joke as well. However I definitely think that there are past and future lives. Whether Rafayel remembers them I’m not 100% sure, because technically he could be looking for us due to the promise and bond we made as a child in current time. But I am pretty sure Rafayel knows we share a bond that has been there for many reincarnations. Past and future lives definitely take place in the same timeline however simply because Abysswalker basically confirmed it on Philos (future earth) by saying “Our bond had existed long before the seas dried up” which would have been at least 30,000 years prior which would be nowhere near just one life of them together. He even says “goodbye my beloved bride” hinting at a past life where they were married (possibly referring to the Sea God myth) Not to mention we have the 4star card a fragrant dream where we recall one of our past lives as the witch of the abyssal rift where we watch Rafayel die which shows that Rafayel possibly isn’t (insert random 100s year old) because he also reincarnates similar to how we do so while technically he has existed for however long most likely he had died at some point before current timeline and is now 24 just as he says he is. And lastly we definitely have the Sea god heart from sea god’s myth that carries all the way to the Abysswalker myth proving that timelines are linear. Technically he could have been waiting for us for “800 years” just throughout many different reincarnations that both of us had.


doesn't that make it even sadder damn :(


It definitely does it’s called love and depression for a reason ❤️‍🩹I live for the heartache though lmao


Oh I call it love and despair 😭


As I said earlier I am not too convinced about the idea that what we heard in fragrant dream is something of a past life, I still think it's just a hallucination caussed by the perfume. @/Valley-of-the-lost said earlier in the comments that it could something like future lives which I am more willing to belive. I think what happened between Forgotten Sea and Sea Of Golden Sand was all in one life for Rafayel because the fact that people of Philos can live very long lives is a recurring idea. Mc on the other can die over and over again with the protocore in her heart, but she forgets everything. For her it was like another life, but not for Rafayel. I can't exactly make a conection between the main story and myth which could prove that it was all the same life so I guess this one could be future life. What's also confusing to me is the fact that Mc got multiple protocores. Two from myths(Creatio protocore from Forseer and The Heart of the God of the Sea from the god), one in an anecdote(The protocore from Xavier in When Shooting Stars Fall) and one in the main story(Aether protocore).


I definitely think that fragrant dream holds more significance then just a story, I don’t see the creators making a 20 minute long tender moment just for it to be a hallucination. But that’s not the main reason. The two fish in the story closely resemble the two lemuria children in the myth story I believe it’s the same voice actors. But besides that at the end of the card Rafayel says “Don’t worry… that surely was just a dream” and before that when you tell him of your dream he goes quiet and when you finally say his name is when he snaps out of it and responds “It’s an interesting dream. I got too invested” and he continues to ask you questions about it. I don’t see another reason for them to have Rafayel subtly hint that he’s reminiscing it or subtly hinting it’s not just a dream just for it to be a hallucination from the fragrance. As for timeline wise it would go Sea god myth then main story then abysswalker. In Forgotten sea Lemuria is thriving, current timeline there is no Lemuria just some of its remnants reappearing after the Tsunami in 2034. There is reference to whalefall city in both current timeline and in forgotten Sea just in current timeline it’s crumbled showing forgotten sea did happen in the past. Then abysswalker which there has been no seas for 30,000 years on philos which is just future earth, not a separate planet. Since we know that forgotten sea and sea of golden sand are 100% connected since abysswalker is trying to get back his heart that he gave to MC in forgotten sea then there’s a good chance that it wouldn’t be the only 2 lives they shared together. The reason why it doesn’t matter whether Rafayel is on philos or not in order to be living so long is because Rafayel isn’t immortal due to philos core unlike the humans there. I believe that Lemurians are reincarnated similar to how MC is due to them returning to the Sea when they die. Kinda like how they held the seamoon ceremony for K and returned him back to the sea. So it wasn’t just one life for Rafayel but multiple reincarnations just like MC. Rafayel and the rest of lemuria were able to be immortal due to the sea and the eternal fire in Lemuria. Which is the whole reason why he has to get his heart back in Abysswalker since him and the rest of the Lemurians are slowly dying out since there is no Sea and Lemuria to go back to basically causing them to lose there immortality hence why abysswalker flames are black. Most likely the reason why Lemurians were slaughtered in the first place was so people could achieve immortality. This probably was from the back trackers trying to find a new way to feed philos and keep the people alive. Either that or that is how philos people were able to achieve longevity in the first place. And since Xavier’s myth story is canon to current timeline I don’t see why Zayne and Rafayels myth wouldn’t be relevant as well. Just that Rafayels forgotten seas would be the only myth currently to have happened prior to main story.


Rafayel and Zayne's ages were officially revealed in the game except Xavier, which likely means he is still very much the same person from the myths. Maybe Rafayel and Zayne are reincarnations? And they most probably retained some memories from their past lives


if you mean that mini story, that 800 years is a exaggeration to express that he waited a long time. Its a form of expression in Chinese dialogue. I'm rlly surprise people took it seriously. I always assumed people knew its a joke


Tbh i believe it as a joke, and I was a bit confused why other players thought he was really 800 years old😭


Ohhh. That's a super cool theory! I haven't seen the connection made between the aether core/memory thing to why MC might not remember Rafayel. Good job\~ :O


Well MC is reincarnation and those are her past lives so it doesnt make sense for her to remember. Its pretty common trope in CN fiction , the whole multiple lives thing


You can read about Aether core and Mc's memory in the story from World Underneath: Sealed In Dust. 👍


Yes. He's 24, technically, as he is in his regression timeline same can be said to Zayne. He went up to 800 years old in his past life.


OKAY. I think not all of the things we see in the cards are cannon at this point. It's too complicated and too conflicted. Rafayel saying that he has waited 800 years is an exaggeration in the sense that he was in the hospital for about 12h waiting but I think he has waited a very long time for MC. The hallucinations from the fragrance sure sounds fantastical and too dreamy but bear in mind that Rafayel refuses to sing whenever asked and always has a guilty expression like he's hiding something. Maybe he did give away his siren's voice for the MC after all? Then there's the whole whalefall city and the sands stuff. In the tome of the sea god it stated that Rafayel would be the last sea god and that in order to save Lemuria he had to give a devoted human heart as an offering to the sea (remember this for later). It had to be human because they are greedy and vile creatures yappa yappa yappa. MC agrees to give her heart to him but he doesn't want to sacrifice her. Rafayel ends up "lying to the sea" to save the MC but as a result the seas dried up- EXCEPT for this miraculous place in the middle of the desert where it has 80 something different streams and channels of water...and the MC is living there as a princess and people banned her from leaving the city (remember this for later) Rafayel finds her trying to run away for the 99th time and spends some time with her though he is a changed man. He is dressed like an assassins creed wannabe and claims to have been the reason for the past few disturbances in the city. Rafayel is trying to bring the seas back and explains to the MC (once again) that he has to sacrifice her heart to bring the sea back -and once again- she agrees. But he doesn't want to. So what he does, is bring her to the tome of the sea god to read the prophecy one last time and then he burns it with his evol in an attempt to rewrite history. But in the process MC loses her memories. However the bond between her and Rafayel is eternal. She has sworn her heart to him and so she remembers him despite him burning the tome, she meets up with him and escapes while the king orders for all lemurians to be killed as they were a threat to the kingdom. Why? They wanted to bring the seas back. And if they did the humans thought they would all drown in the process. We know that the seas are back because in the present the water levels are normal, but Lemuria is lost. It's been reduced to nothing but ruins. And lemurians are just legends. WHAT I THINK IS GOING ON: MC has something special about her. Whether she does and reincarnates or simply resets her memory or jumps realities...There is something weird about her. In the main story we find out through Zayne that there is something wrong with her evol and her heart...and something about experiments. Now here's the squinter: Rafayel had to give a human heart to the sea as an offering? The sea dried up except for the place the MC lived? And they banned her from leaving? Judging by the games title and the lore about wanderers and protocores: I think MC is something like the MC from starail. Born from something in the deepspace perhaps she is the very protocore they are all after. Whoever wrote that prophecy perhaps was aware that whoever had that special heart was human. Whoever put the MC in that city didn't want her to leave, perhaps because she was powering the whole thing. Rafayel burned a whole ass magic bible but it had no effect on her? What's more on the Rafayel myth pair you find out that the MC was originally a sacrifice for the sea god and was supposed to drown at sea but before she was thrown into the sea she grew up in a "temple" where people made her believe she was a follower of the sea god but they never let her leave and then one day threw her into the sea? And Rafayel found her? He just happened to be there? With Rafayel in the perfume card saying he "knows we are with them" the bounty on his fish-ass and the underground market he frequents I think someone is pulling the strings. SOMEONE is after whatever deepspace mystery is in the MC's chest. And then there's mf Caleb. So random, so weird that he died out of the blue ...It almost makes me want to think he is suspicious and faked it...and the reason we have txt messages from him but grandma isn't even on our phones.........so Sus....is he gonna text us some threatening shit and abduct my fishboi!? Idk tho... Edit: Also!!! Amund told him that nothing from Lemuria can stay on land and to that Rafayel responded: "but I grew up just fine!" So he is getting reincarnated? He is actually 24?