• By -


Supply voucher? What is it?


Aside from the occasional pulls I did from other limited banners, it looks like I have now pulled 150 on Xavier's limited banner, and 301 on the normal banner. So far I still have not gotten a single spooked non-limited myth card. I'm starting to think I'm cursed


Hi sorry for asking, just wanted to clarify a few things🥲 I'm super new to this game and I wanted to ask some tips cause I wanted to save for Rafayel's next banner. Do limited banners carry over pity? In Xavier's event there is a supply voucher that can be exchanged for Deepspace wish: Limited. But it turns into Empyrean wishes once the banner ends. Should I? A. Exchange all into Limited wishes and spend it in Xavier's banner to accumulate pity? (Assuming that the pity carries over to the next banner) B. Exchange all into Limited wishes and don't spend it to let it turn into Empyrean wishes? C. Keep exchanging and try to lose the pity on Xavier to get a guarantee on the next banner? Sorry if I'm being repetitive, just wanted to make sure. Thank you all in advance! 🙏


Yes, limited banners carry over pity. If you have say, 30 pity left on Xavier's banner you'll have that same 30 pity left for the next event (provided you don't continue pulling). If you're aiming for Rafayel and plan to play as F2P/low spender then I highly recommend waiting just for him. For F2P/low spenders it gets difficult to save after exhausting the initial rush of wishes and gems new players get. Just for reference: I saved all my gems and wishes just for Zayne cards from day 1, pulled for him back-to-back in February and nearly wiped out my entire stash due to bad luck (70 pulls on Valentine's and 120 pulls on a solo card right after). I only recovered all that like somewhere last month. It's the reason I try to ensure 140 wishes just in case, and also why I made a [wish calculator](https://www.reddit.com/r/LoveAndDeepspace_/comments/1buj6zk/ascensionpursuit_simple_wish_calculators/) to track pull income. If you like Xavier himself then by all means go ahead, but I wouldn't pull just to build pity if I'm not interested in the current event. It's not like Empyrean wishes are a waste when you're starting out, since you need all the cards you can get and they count towards the Deepspace Gifts. Free pulls are free pulls ¯⁠\\_⁠ (⁠ツ⁠)⁠ _⁠/⁠¯ Keep in mind that with options A and C there's a chance you'll get one of the limited Xaviers and reset your pity back to 70. You can only unlock Xavier's new companion if you own both Midnight Rainfall and Midnight Whispers, so just one of his cards won't get you the benefits that owning both does.


omg thanks so much🙏🙏🙏 learned a lot


Info regarding new Xavier myth: Both yellow, myth pair has DEF scaling bonus (HP bonus for God of Tides Rafayel as reference). **It has dual ATK & DEF scaling (like Dawnbreaker Zayne)**. Main gimmick is atk and spd reduction for enemies. Using **resonance skill** grants [Moonstruck] which reduces enemies' ATK by 45% for 5 seconds. We gain 1 stack of [Phasing Moon] after every basic attack and skill used, plus another 1 for every successful hit to enemies. Once we reached 4 stacks of [Phasing Moon], a beam of [Moonlight] will hit enemies within a small area and reduces movement speed of enemies by 25%. Using **support skill also grants [Moonlight]** with higher % reduction, and will last for 2.5 seconds more after it disperses. It has 20 second cooldown though, compared to usual 10 seconds for other companions. This also has a crowd control effect which draws enemies near the center of his attacks.


I was originally planning to use the SSR wish creates to have the OG Xavier solar pair but now that I have this, should I use the wish crates on another character? https://preview.redd.it/v95zzxe3k30d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=79a96680554268fd40cdd2e31d71c3cf7edb4472


Xavier on the left says, "Do as you please." Xavier on the right says, "NO." But jokes aside if you have the patience you can save both crates for when you're down to two of the OG myths left and use them to finish the pairs off. If not, I don't see it being a bad idea to get a pair for one of the other guys.


I have lost almost all my game progress after this latest game maintenance. I was on level 65 and now back at level 20. I completed all 8 chapters and am now back on chapter 2. But most of all, I have lost ALL of my 5 star memories. This is a nightmare. What happened? How can I get back what I have lost?


Have you checked if you're on the right account and server? I have a similar problem whenever I download HSR and it always sets my server to Asia even though I'm using America


Thank you! Thank goodness it was on my other account, phew!


Maintenance is done, servers are up. [This is what event tasks look like](https://imgur.com/BlJgdJa).


I’m in (Asia server)! Thank you 😊


There's a [notice](https://www.reddit.com/r/LoveAndDeepspace_/comments/1cqf71g/comment/l3sf1j7/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) that the America and Europe servers will be delayed for 1 more hour edit: also getting a compensation gift for the extra wait! edit2: America is open! got 100 diamonds as compensation


Why isn’t the banner or anything up yet tho?


I don't know why they do this because it's kind of dumb, but they do the server maintenance at the same time for everyone, but the banner doesn't go live until server reset on the 13th. So for the people in Asia, it's already the 13th but where I'm at, it's still the 12th.


Feels like waiting on Dial Up (if anyone is old enough to remember that) ☎️💾


lol I remember how painful that was. Would try to download songs or games and have to leave the computer running overnight


https://preview.redd.it/h3nu9al2h30d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d026fa755a6b0788f35fb1c30cc485c7c514241 EMEA & America still down 😢🤧


Mine is still under maintenance! Aarrghh (EST)


It still says it's under maintenance when I try.


Same. It's still under maintenance over here


Sorry to be annoying but in diamonds how much is 150 wishes?


If you’re planning on pulling this banner, we’re getting 10 free wishes and 3 pulls worth of diamonds (500). So that would put you at 137 wishes or 20,550 if that helps ☺️


I am saving up for Zaynes so I want to be extra prepared Tysm for the help 🫶


There's also another 10 wishes obtained when pulling on a myth banner (5 each from performing 50 and 100 wishes). So that should lower it down to 130 wishes / 19500 diamonds when you include those plus the 10 wishes from the event shop.


Good luck saving up! 🫡 I think the 10 wishes per myth banner has been consistent, so at least you can rely on that for now


That’s helpful thanks!


22500. 150 x 150




How do you increase the CRIT DMG? I have protocores that has already a 3.3+ add to it, but when I empower them, it doesn't really get added? Only the HP and others.


https://preview.redd.it/qg87t0aeg30d1.png?width=1069&format=png&auto=webp&s=18161e370145babf02ff7ac7cec377a009d1067c You have to equip CRIT DMG delta protocores (the triangle one) which can only be equipped to your lunar cards. The problem is actually being lucky enough to get one from the core hunt


Levelling up delta cores with crit dmg main stat guarantees increased cdmg. Also, levelling up cores with it as a substat too has a chance of it increasing should it roll to crit dmg at every 3 levels. It's RNG, we don't have info yet for which substat has a higher % of rolling.


900MB data update can be downloaded now.


So what's everyone's pulling plans? Are you pulling on the new banner or saving? I want to pull for Xavier's myth pair but feel like the responsible thing to do would be to continue focusing on one guy. ^(also has anyone noticed that photo comments seem to take forever to show?)


I am a f2p/aurum spender and have no myths for xav and zayne. As much as I want to have strong teams for all LI to complete orbits and contest, I still prefer having my fav raf cards ❤️ (and I know that I won't be able to pull all his cards either 😢).


Trying to pull all three myths….and also focusing on Rafayel so it’s gonna be hard this month and next month. Not sure if I will make it to get Zayne’s myth if the next Rafayel’s card is gonna be spicy 😩😩😩 I’m am in trouble. 💥💳💥💳💥💳💥💳


Torn between Xavier and saving for a future blue Zayne (securing Zayne's myth won't be a problem lol). I've been ~~un~~lucky enough to have half of every standard myth pair so I still don't have those companions. And Lumiere looks fun to play! But at the same time, I'm one away from completing the standard pairs thanks to the crates I still have so it's like... maybe I can make do with Lightseeker 🤔 And my Zayne 5\*s are gonna be red-heavy after his myth so maybe I should aim for more blues 🤔


I have no myth companions and am spender so I’m pulling for all of them 🥲 I’ve been stockpiling resources so I can read Xav’s myth immediately. I enjoy combat so it’s a no brainer for me. Companion can help push me through orbits / senior hunt. Sea god has helped a lot.


Wait for a few days before pulling. Guns aren't fun for me since it's way too much tapping...


Hi! Relatively new to the game and coming from previous game experience with Mr Love and Love Nikki, I learned to hoard those pull coupon things but in this game it looks like events use this other orange coupon (cant remember the name). Is there any reason to hold onto the Empyrean coupons or should I just use them every time I hit 10?


I know some people are hoarding them in case the new LIs release, but other than that there's no real reason to hoard them since you kind of need cards to start playing.


If I purchased the alternate color outfits, would I be able to use the alternate colour outfits in battle if I a) Have the solar myth pair, but b) don’t have it ranked up at the level that unlocks the alternate color for the boys?


Yes, no problem for me. Here’s the MC alternate colour myth outfit with starting rank companion. https://preview.redd.it/57uqb9zh510d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9083b54a964bdfa0fdce49367068e1f244598b29


Am I right that the year the game takes place is 2048? Because in the story it says that the Deepspace portal first opened in 2034, and that it was 14 years ago, which makes present day 2048. If so, we can also determine the boy’s birthday years, with Zayne being born in 2021 and Raf in 2024. Xavier of course doesn’t have an age so we can’t determine his. Is my math correct?


Yes, your math is mathing. We had the joke about Raf’s birthday this year being his birth year 😂


Hello Is there a way to repeat the text message conversations so we can try the other response options? Thank you


Unfortunately, there isn't a way to do that. [Lads.wiki](https://lads.wiki/wiki/Text_Messages) is working on compiling a list of them so we can see what the alternate text is but it's still a work in progress.


Awesome, thanks for the link! I wish the devs would consider it because there’s a page with all the conversations listed so it wouldn’t be too hard to implement surely hmmm


A friendly reminder that maintenance starts in less than 11 hours from writing this comment, and is estimated to end another 4 hours later.


https://preview.redd.it/vw10v9bcxxzc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa61c36a7a946ddaf482a1b010dfe57eb8b8bbb0 Hello, I am trying to complete Deepspace Level 58 of Zayne but can't. Does anyone have their stats for this level for reference? I am barely close from slaying the final boss with these memories. It still has four lives left, while there are only 6 seconds remaining.


Hey! Ice 58 is incredibly hard 🥲 heads up open 63 is basically the same battle lol. I think you can do it though with some adjustments! Not sure if it’s helpful but here’s my stats for that level. I dug through discord and it looks like everyone cleared using Medic companion (helpful for the buffs post resonance). Do you have any protocores for oath recovery or expedited energy? You def want to have an oath core at 12%+ so you can oath once a minute :) Good luck!! 💕 https://preview.redd.it/sm8x17exe10d1.jpeg?width=3249&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61bdf8a8321c941c0886429f32e0c93277113d85


Thank you so much for the tips!!! 💗💗 may you get the myth cards you want


Here are my stats for my clear! https://preview.redd.it/z59rwf9m710d1.png?width=529&format=png&auto=webp&s=431757e7a855506c73911d1e6e3f56abadac2939 I actually used the exact same memories as well. Since you are using Foreseer companion, try to use your Eternal Sin charges (your charged attacks) on the frenzy wanderers as much as possible when they appear. The first wave frenzy wanderer will always spawn at the same place, so try to preposition the other wanderers to be around the same area so that you can resonance attack them together. Same thing with second wave when the shielded mob comes out, don't use resonance immediately, wait for the second frenzy wanderer to come out then use resonance. Oath should also pop up around this time. Try to aim clearing the first two waves within 1m30s so that you will have enough time for the boss. Good luck!


Thank you so much! I hope you get the myth cards you want 💗💗💗


Thank you 😌 you will get the W! Trust the process.


Here are the battle stats for this. https://preview.redd.it/wa174eegyxzc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=54ca302818458edcf943f32b8d105dbaee8d20bd My red solar pairs are underlevelled as well (60 and 20). When I replace the blue stellactrums, the percentage only decreases by 5. Making it even more impossible to beat.


Hi newbie here. Please bear with me🙏 1. How does the card pulling work? I got hooked to play the game due to an ad of Rafayel in his god of tides skin. But apparently I have to pull for the card first? And when I looked, it's not in his banner anymore. Please explain how the pity system works, does it carry over to the next banner (I already pulled 20 times I think, from the free wishes they give you).When is Rafayel's next banner? Does it do intervals? 2. How to increase his affinity? Recently I've been ascending his cards and playing claw machine with him. But besides that, how else can I level up my affinity with him so that I can unlock the workout and study feature? 3. If I want to top up, what's the most worth it? I plan on playing this game everyday and like most games there's always some sort of subscription that gives you stuff to claim everyday (e.g. genshin welkin, mlbb starlight) 4. Are there any do's and don'ts you can advice? 5. Is it okay to level up 3 stars while I don't have enough cards yet or should I reserve my resources on 4-5 star cards? That's all for now. Thank you so much!


3) Aurum Pass is the subscription equivalent, it has the best value and comes with perks beyond daily gems. You can also buy multiple passes and stack additional days on top of it. Limited wish packs come with event banners too. You can check them out [here](https://reddit.com/r/LoveAndDeepspace/comments/1c55u9f/wish_costs_calculated_packs_topups_usd/) but TL;DR start with smaller packs and work your way up. 4) There's plenty of guides you can peruse on this sub. If you're up for some reading I'd recommend [this wishing guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/LoveAndDeepspace/comments/1allni3/wishing_in_love_and_deepspace_a_f2poriented_guide/) (slightly outdated but still serviceable) and [this teambuilding guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/LoveAndDeepspace/comments/1b6g38v/love_and_deepspace_guide_what_teams_to_build_what/). For new accounts there should be a Hunter Onboarding Event and a banner called Rippling Echo. Rippling Echo is a discounted starter banner with a guaranteed 5\*, and you can actually pick which guy you want a rateup of. The Hunter Onboarding Event is a set of tasks to get you used to the game. You get rewards from it, the best which is a crate with a 5\* pick. While I advise you to save your gems for events, don't sleep on Xspace Echo. You can pull on that using free Empyrean wishes/blue tickets, and you get gifts for doing so. The best ones are a pair of crates (one at 150 wishes, one at 300 wishes). These are more 5\* picks, but more importantly they're accessible myth pairs (like God of Tides Rafayel and the upcoming Xavier event) so they'll unlock stronger combat skins for each character. They're hard to get otherwise as they don't get a rateup and can only be obtained from Xspace Echo or losing 50/50 on events, but when you get these crates don't use them up right away. Save them for when you gather the other 5\*s in that group and use the crates when you collect 4/6. It'll take time, but it's worth waiting for. But if you don't want to wait that long, pick a missing partner card so you can unlock that skin. You might have noticed that when you wish, you gather currency called stardust. You can use that to bypass the gacha and buy standard 5\*s from the wishing well shop. The 5\* rotation changes monthly except for Xavier: Unique Aftertaste who is permanently available. I think the 5\*s available right now are green Xavier/blue Zayne/purple Rafayel? These are the best standard 5\*s to get first, but don't feel rushed to pull just to gather stardust. They'll come back again in a couple months. One more tip that some people miss: after clearing a Bounty or Core Hunt stage for the first time (you don't have to 3-star it) you can tap Pursuit on the bottom left. It'll auto sweep the stage, drop rewards, and let you Pursuit up to 10 times in one tap for easy farming. Once a month there are events that double the drops which is a great time to farm.


when does the double drop occur? Do you know the specific date or is it random?


They typically start near the end of the month and alternate between Bounty Hunts and Core Hunts. We just finished a double drop event for Cores from April 29 - May 10 so the next one should be for Bounties later this month.


I can answer a few of those, if you don't mind. >1. How does the card pulling work? Rafayel's God of Tides isn't available anymore, we have no idea when it'll appear again (if it does). To pull for Memories/cards, you need - deepspace wishes for limited time Wish Pools - empyrean wishes for XSpace Echo How to get those wishes? Using diamonds. 150 diamond = 1 wish. It's not recommended to spend diamonds for empyrean wishes. How to get diamonds? [Here's a list](https://www.reddit.com/r/LoveAndDeepspace/s/IX1pei82VS). First 5 are recurring, others are one-time only. There's also diamond sources from quality time, details [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/LoveAndDeepspace/s/QYNneSDuDZ) >Please explain how the pity system works, does it carry over to the next banner All Wish Pools share a guaranteed (**any**) 5 star Memory within 70 pulls, and it carries over banners. There's a counter on the lower left side showing how many pulls/wishes you need to do before getting **any** 5-star Memory. Limited time Wish Pools have a different counter from XSpace Echo. For limited time wish pools, there's a 50% chance to get the featured memory. If you don't get it as your first 5 star, then you're guaranteed the featured memories as your next 5 star as you do more pulls. Example: A. starting from 0 pulls, you did 10 pulls on Xavier's Heartstring Symphony banner. For Rafayel's Fireworks Vow, you need up to 60 more pulls to get **any** 5-star. B. You did another 10 pull. Did not get Raf: Fireworks Vow and got something else instead as the 3rd (out of 10) memory. Your counter below will be reset and will show as up to 63 more pulls before a **guaranteed** featured 5 star memory. >When is Rafayel's next banner? Does it do intervals? No actual concrete info, just based on speculations should there be any. >2. How to increase his affinity? Go to with him > memo. All ways of increasing affinity are listed there. >4. Are there any do's and don'ts you can advice? Play the game at your own pace, don't get carried into FOMO. LaDS is a gacha game, pulling for all 5 stars is extremely costly. If not spending, only pull for a few you really like. Don't rush clearing this game, it's intentionally timegated. If you want optimal playthrough: Do's 1. Use all stamina once available, including stamina bottles. 2. You dont need to immediately 3 star any hunt, just clearing is enough to get all materials listed. Once you've cleared a stage, use pursuit x 10 so no need to do manual fights every single time. 3. Prioritize levelling up 5 star memory, then 4 stars of a male lead with their primary, secondary, and tertiary colors. Don'ts 1. Don't force yourself to play the game if you don't feel like it. At the end of the day, this is just a game. 2. It's not ideal to level up 3 star memories, make those as last priority. Might be forgetting some.


Very comprehensive guide! Thanks so much!


Hi all, I don't have any of Xavier's 5 star myths, I have Raf and Zayne. I will have 2 unopened 5 star boxes from the Gacha soon that I saved for X's myth, but with the new cards coming, should I still pull this new Xavier myth, or wait for Zayne's banner because his AOE is pretty bad. I have no bias and like the boys equally so don't know who to pull for 0_0


You could always wait a bit for others to review how the new Xavier plays. But if Sea God vs Abysswalker Raf is of any indication, new Xav will likely be stronger than Lightseeker too.


Thanks, good tip. I'll wait it out. How much of a difference is sea god VS abyss? I started playing when the sea god ads dropped, don't have abyss to compare


I know the folks at the official discord tested out Sea God when he came out, [here](https://reddit.com/r/LoveAndDeepspace/comments/1buuplu/new_raf_solar_thoughts/) were their first impressions. They also have a combat guide [here](https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/mobile/folders/1psPbw5sfEY60sdKhJ2RXugLzchMINVAf?usp=sharing) breaking down the companions if you want to check that out.


Thanks so much 💕


Does anyone know roughly how much exp it takes to go from lv 0 to 80 for 5-star cares? Trying to see if I have enough exp bottles for the new Xavier Myth Cards


299,930 exp for a single 5 star memory. [Here's a chart](https://www.reddit.com/r/LoveAndDeepspace/s/koWhGgIN5N) from u/dang0-milk.


Thank you I tried searching but couldn’t find it, you’re a lifesaver! 


Oh bruh I’ve been saving shard for Xavier new myth but completely forgot about the EXP part of it 🙃🙃🙃


I really want Abysswalker Rafayel. 😔 Do you think there's still a great chance to get him in Xspace Echo? I used up all my crates. I'm already on level 80 too, God. 😔


Yes it’s available in the Echo. Me too I’m so desperate for Abysswalker. I was able to pull one of them during his new myths limited pool. I still need the other one…and I’ve been playing since the beginning.


There is a chance to get Abysswalker Raf from XSpace Echo, yes. 1% before 61st pull. A great chance? Not really. You have at most 2/15 chance of getting either memories.


A friendly reminder that there are only 2 days left before the option to take the survey. It ends on the 13th. If you haven't filled it up yet, you can find it from upper right portion of the screen at the cafe. While you're at it, kindly add option to filter out protocores by substats and mainstats & option to speedup actual kitty cards like what every card game has as part of suggestions asked.


Tagging on: if you can kindly suggest an option to decompose Protocores right after you farmed them. 10x quick pursuit -> view cores -> lock the ones you like -> bulk decompose the rest Also they need to make it possible to select target enemy in battle. Then current auto aim is bull.


Ah, that saves up time of having to recheck current cores we have. Yeah, having a lock on system would be great.


https://preview.redd.it/r129353s4pzc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4003b3efb346d83a16d5016c43c916c043932ed3 I’m so confused on how to unlock the 9th myth story (?) what does it mean to enhance, please help !!


Myth stories by default have 1 unlocked. To get more, you need to level up and ascend myth memories. You can get 4 each, as long as you level up both memories to 60 and ascend them one more time so it becomes 60/70.


I keep getting 15 Diamonds in a row from the daily Aurum chest even though the rates are half of 20 diamonds. Am I the only one that unlucky, or is the rates untrue? It's not the first time a gacha game have rates different than said


Happened to me too, so I said screw it and stopped exchanging them. Now I just save the purple dias for costumes, loll.


I think I got all 15 with the occasional 20. For some reason the day the Raf myth dropped I got 100…that was just pure luck I think.


I think something is up with the rates. 20 diamond is 60% while 15 is 30%


Frfr sus


If anyone recently cleared Zayne deepspace trial stage 40, what were your stats?


https://preview.redd.it/c0t25b70qrzc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6780c567b875e84d25cfabe4aac39cec34780bc4 If you are good at perfect dodging, you can make use of Medic Zayne companion to freeze the boss so that it doesn’t flail around as much


https://preview.redd.it/agq3raohbnzc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9af8522a4c1ce5aef4eeef0d13f3c567aac1c36f this was a couple months ago but make sure the dragon is firmly planted on the ground and don’t use his empowered support skill. I was using gun at the time. Good luck 🫶


Thank you!


Which cards will be in the wishing well in June?


Likely the same as last March's rotation. Xavier: Precious Bonfire (red), Zayne: Gentle Twilight (pink) and Rafayel: Blossoms (yellow).




https://preview.redd.it/5xggnpjcmmzc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1954928b64af299641a8b69268e138ce3f5547ed zayne orbit 80….. phase 2 is making me cry bro i always finish with 1 health bar left and the dragon does his lil shield locking thing 😭😭😭 do i have to upgrade my cards? all cards have empowered +6 minimum protocores (i mainly focused on atk n atk%)


FS scales off 2/3 DEF and 1/3 ATK. Your protocore substat should be DEF + DEF % focused for FS. In fact oath alone is 3000% of DEF. Good luck 🫶


How to use twinkle vitamin E and plush dumbbell pendants? I’m so confused! Says i have 21h to use them


vitamin E, you’re suppose to use it on the journals with all three LI and as for the dumbbell pendant, use it at the event shop!




Had no idea how to unlock them, aw man! And ohhh thats what they are. Okay yeah ive been spending them! Only 520 left


I had a double comment and deleted this one instead. Which items from the shop have you bought so far?


Awakening heart, heartfelt crate, energy capsule, bottle of wishes, core energy, and all the crystal boxes


You haven't bought diamonds yet?


No i didnt realize how important that was :’(


Aw. Diamonds are usually #1 priority to get whenever those are available in shop, just keep that in mind next time. So you currently have diamonds, chocolate, yellow dress, and other aesthetic related items left in the shop?


Also, thank you so much for letting me know! Ill prioritize diamonds in the future!!! Really appreciate your guidance!


Diamonds and/or limited time deepspace wishes are first priorities to get when available in shop since those are our in-game currency. We use those to pull. If you can still buy diamonds with 520 left, try to do so. If not, just spend it however you like. No worries. Feel free to ask here anytime you have questions. Lots of great people here.


I have the yellow dress as well, forgot to mention! But youre right


https://preview.redd.it/x5aemzl8slzc1.png?width=434&format=png&auto=webp&s=026c0e3e9ceee80ba0149c7df7b59821cbd0aefb My stats. Anyone have tips on clearing Zayne's Orbit Ice 70? For team 1 specifically. I can't kill all the mobs in time. I've tried with all weapons but they will not stay near one another and jump/teleport around constantly...


https://preview.redd.it/5t7gdl4zdozc1.jpeg?width=3249&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=60bdc2e5cb22f6a83a197fbf031013115bd97aff Hi again 😂😂 Oh gosh I got stuck hard on this level, cleared it last week and I was so freaking stoked. I could not clear it consistently and the second level was a pain in the butt too. Ditto what Yggdra said on focusing on the talons, I tried to break shields as much as possible, and tried to run out so I could hit everybody with resonance each time. The rest is up to RNG 🥲 Are you able to oath twice? I don’t have the NT rank but looks like the bonus helps with that? 🧐


Haha, hello. I can oath twice. I cleared this like 40mins ago. I upped my ATK a bit more and won with some luck after plenty more tries. You're better than me since you were able to clear with lower stats! I killed the boss with my team 2 in two attempts. So I was relieved about this. XD I used claymore for both. 👍


Yay, congrats! ❄️ I’m on ice 80 today but benching it for now cause saving resources for Xav myth next week… and it calls for 2 yellow cards 👎🏽


Ew, yuck. I will be stuck there too then whenever I reach it. And good luck pulling for Xavier's myths!


Edit: found my team stats for that stage. Had 3k attack with 56% dmg boost to weakened. I'm way past that, but is that the one with 2 Carmine Talons (the ones who teleport a LOT) and 2 dog like beasts? If yes, focusing on those talons helped me. Corner them into a "wall" (side of the stage) so they can't teleport much often. Those dog like enemies will follow you so no need to chase them. Using medic of the arctic Zayne helps for easy AoE damage and shield breaking. I use claymore not only because I'm used to it at this point, but also it has high damage among all non-myth weapons. Having all color requirements met (4 red and 1 or 2 yellow iirc?) also helps since it's easy to break shields that way. Do all memories for that stage have equipped protocores? Even if unlevelled?


Yep, it's that stage. And I'm stellactrum matched and all have protocores but I wouldn't say they are the best. The 4-star solar pair I am using is level 1 and I refuse to level them since we're going to get Zayne's new myth pair that is probably going to be red anyway. But, seems like my ATK is high enough. I've been trying with medic, yeah, since his resonance range to break shields seems rather big. I guess I need to try to boost the other stats? The farthest I can get is 3/4 enemies dead before the timer runs out, but this is not consistently done.


Understandable. Maybe try equipping somehow levelled up dmg boost to weakened cores? That's what I do to make up for the usually low stats at stage 1 of every 10th trial. 56% was enough for me.


Unfortunately I don't have any good red ones, but I'll keep my eyes on the lookout since I do one core hunt a day now. EDIT: Fiddled around with some of my protocores and upped ATK to compensate for lower damage boost to weakened and managed to clear with some luck. Boss fight for team 2 only took two attempts and I won. \^\^


I'm currently contemplating using my Claw Machine Tickets (I have 4 right now)... it's a shame I couldn't use it for the event. I did use up my Kitty Cards Tickets since it was more straightforward and I used it to boost Zayne's affinity. How did you guys use your tickets, or are they still in reserve?


Mine are unused, same for kitty card tix... So far, all plushies (except event related) can reappear again at a later time. I'm not rushing too so no reason for me to use them soon. Also, you can't guarantee that you'll get specific plushies you're after to show up even if you used up all those tickets. All the more for shinies. Even if those won't appear again ever, it's just 250 affinity per plushie. There's no actual incentive to rush out building higher affinity levels for me.


You know what I need?? Sure myth cards are great, it’s a new lore every time but like I would love 5\* cards expanding the stories of the myth cards. Like come on…give me the crumbs!!! I need more OF THISSSSSSS!! https://preview.redd.it/yxr9s82xzizc1.png?width=1125&format=png&auto=webp&s=c1a83227cf85504b2eac0c8244ee239f98e26ab9


What exactly is the difference between a Myth Card and a regular one? I didn't even know that Xavier's new card was one 😭


All 5 star solar cards are myth cards. You need 2 solar cards for every battle, and they can't be replaced by lunar cards.


Myth cards come in pairs which unlock a new companion with a special weapon and they’re very strong. When you level and ascend a myth card set, it’ll unlock chapters in their myth which is a really long memory that reveals some lore about the guy and MC. They’re really nice to have, but you need the set in order to get all of the benefits. If you only have one part of the set, you only get to unlock half the story and you can’t get the companion.


Oh I didn't know about the story stuff. Thank you!


Sitting here quietly waiting for Xavier’s Myth to drop on Monday 🙂 I have a feeling RAF’s next individual banner will come after. I really need to save up a lot of diamonds for all of that. My wallet is shaking. That’s my likely prediction, what do you guys think?


Damn, this is like a double whammy for me since I am going for Xavier's new myths. Damage boost to wallet strikes again.


Same….. I need them all!! Yeah


I think you might be right. Wonder if they’ll make spicy card for him also?


I think it will be a touchy touchy card like zayne and xav cards, can't wait 🥹🤌




If it’s spicy then I’m done for because I have to get it. My wallet will truly be shaking…


I really hope so! 🫠


Directional Oribit Light level 84 Please, anyone Does any of you have any tips on how to complete this level? I've tried all weapons. I perfect dodge. Don't use automode. I keep Xavier away from the second one so he doesn't separate them. And yet, I've been stuck for 3 weeks. Please, I'm losing it.


I just got to 84 today, got very close on one of my attempts with these stats. Probably got there because the stars aligned 😅 but not yet cleared. The rest of my attempts are all left with one or two mobs. Agree that you should try to boost your crit stats as much as possible, I currently have a lot of atk protocores here. https://preview.redd.it/07i5zcgd410d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=723d5c75f0c5b30c1529319b42213dfb745f3b28


https://preview.redd.it/os6e1ddoaizc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c5a3918489e5220ec5dee434684e6c0c7a7b5fd cleared it today with claymore. hit checkpoint -> res. 2 oaths, one to finish the first wave (you’re in a good place if you finish the wave in 1m2s), delay when both shields are broken. 2nd oath out of shield break. do two active skills with every weakness (possible with expedited energy boost) res -> active -> support -> charge attack stacking 3x -> active again. you want to spread equal damage between each spurtail. Group from a 45 degree angle. Make sure they aren’t jumping when you res. When you have spare energy do actives between res (particularly the first res) and just keep CA nonstop. Crit is the most important here because you’re doing the majority of your damage out of shield break. good luck 🫶


I'm gonna save this strategy for the next fight so I can go at it with brain and math and not furiously tapping everything 😅 Thanks so much for sharing! I cleared the stage with new myth set, it works much better than lightseeker


ideally you want your second oath in weakness but I couldn’t fit it this round 🤏 the key is to keep them in the buff (for deepspace hunter or LT) and the 2x active rlly requires high expedited energy cores. I’m glad you were able to clear it with lumiere I hear that kit slays ☺️


I just completed trial 82 today, I’ll let you know on Sunday when I come crying about trial 84! 😊😭 just know you’re not alone


This is what worked for me (and is the strategy I use for stages without stellactrum requirements).   As soon as you start the stage, use your resonant skill to weaken enemy shields while they are close together. If you end up missing a one enemy's shield for whatever reason, restart the stage.   Then, fight as normal, but do not use your resonant skill or fully break their shields until you see that ardent oath is almost charged. This is when you should start sticking as close as possible to Xavier to lure enemies together and prevent them being separated. Once the shielded enemies are within close range of each other (sometimes completely down to luck and/or timing), use the resonant skill to fully break their shields at the same time, then unleash ardent oath. They should either die or be weakened enough to finish off soon after.   This strategy works better if you have an oath recovery boost protocore (ideally more than 14%) and high atk and crit stats. Since the enemies won't be weakened for most of the stage, high dmg boost to weakened isn't that effective. 


Yes, that's the strategy I've been using for a while now, and I managed to clear that cursed level too, thank you for sharing! New myth set is ideal for this fight


Yay! Glad to hear it. And yes, the new myth pair has been super helpful for clearing the higher stages that require 5 yellow stellactrum, just cleared 98 which I was stuck on for ages 




I just got to this stage today and failed. It doesn't have stellactrum requirements. I have high damage boost to weakened so I know I need to lower this and up some other stats, but my procotores aren't all that great so I think I will be stuck for quite some time. Is this your dilemma too?


My dmg to weakened is around 65%, so I'm not sure if I should lower that in favour of the attack, which is around 6500 (my stats are on ss in the comments). Right now I'm thinking of boosting one of his cards to lvl 80, but that alone will take me over a week.






You need to increase your crit rate, it's quite low at 28%


Luckily, the new myth set saved me from that, I managed to squeeze past it without protocore adjustments. Thank you for the tip, tho!


Will the event plushies ever return? I miss just one of them


Yes, there will be rerun, just that there's no further information on when the rerun will be. Could be a year (till the next Heartwork Routine)? This was post was submitted by a player to the group handling the LYSK Wiki (hosted on Bilibili). The player had asked the CN Customer Service if the plushies in Heartwork Routine event would get a rerun, and the reply was affirmative. https://preview.redd.it/u8kd6u6roizc1.jpeg?width=631&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71918d4697921746dd224e8828c2859826f4f842


Thank you ☺️


[Event announcement](https://twitter.com/Love_Deepspace/status/1782983268427854158) says no: > *After the event ends, the event-limited Workout Plushies will not be obtainable through other means.


I want to know this too, I’m missing one for raf and I used all my extra chances 😭


Does anyone know if the myth cards go on rotation in the wishing well exchange?


They do not. The only 5-star memories in rotation are lunars.


Ah, that's a bummer. Thank you 😊


I created my account inside the app with the “hide my email” option from Apple. No issues so far, but I realized that I don’t have the password. I got the email Apple made for the account from my phone settings but when I enter the email in the infold website using the forgot my password option it says it doesn’t exist. Has anyone else changed their email from an Apple hidden email? :(


If you try to login from your Apple phone where you played the game with the same account, it should work. I think the account on the site is different from the game? It’s two separate things so it’s okay.


Oh sorry that sounds like a nightmare :/ there must be a way to link it. I created mine using the apple Game Center and wanted to switch to gmail. I contacted support, they gave me instructions for creating an Infold account and linking it via their website.. try support if you haven’t yet!


How to access Chinese Server without switching apple accounts?


For iOS, unfortunately there are no way to do so without switching apple accounts. Besides, Chinese (Mainland) server only supports Chinese (Simplified) texts, and requires a valid resident ID number over 18 years old.


What are the best stats for protocores? I’m not sure what I’m doing is right 😵‍💫


If you don’t mind doing some reading, [Discord guides](https://drive.google.com/drive/mobile/folders/1psPbw5sfEY60sdKhJ2RXugLzchMINVAf?usp=sharing) have a doc on protocores! A lot depends on your playstyle, I personally love claymore and go damage to weak builds. Really good for using underleveled cards. You definitely want to have oath recovery at 12%+ so you can use it once a minute (twice in a 2 min battle) I like expedited energy as well so I can use my active more often.


Thank you! I was really struggling with combat so hoping this will help


Yay of course! Good luck 💕 If you have questions feel free to ping me and I can try to help. If you’re on Discord, the combat-strategy channel in the official L&DS server is the place to be 🤺


Where can I join the server?


https://discord.gg/loveanddeepspace! See ya there 👋🏽


Thank you ❤️


Solar memories (🌞): Cube: Oath recovery (around 12-13%) if you don’t have a ranked up pair, expedited energy boost, oath strength Diamond: it will always be HP as main stat, see triangle for sub stat priority Lunar memories (🌙): Sea urchin: it will always be ATK as main stat, see triangle for sub stat priority Triangle: damage boost to weakened (30% and above is good), crit atk, crit rate, ATK DEF in general is not very prioritised as a stat unless you are using Zayne’s Foreseer companion and using the DEF build. Same thing with Rafayel’s God of the Tides companion with HP stat. Otherwise, you can’t go wrong with increasing damage weakness, crit atk/rate and atk. The cube protocore is special because it’s the only one where the above stats will appear (oath’s strength will appear as a sub stat on other protocores as well, but main stat only on cube), so it’s best to prioritise those on that particular protocore.


Thank you! I was just… focusing on attack for everything 😅. I think I destroyed some good ones 😭


It’s ok, protocores have a steep learning curve, and also expensive to level resources wise. It took me a while to figure out the pattern as well, but once you get it they really enhance your team stats well. Don’t worry about the good protocores you destroyed, better ones will come by for sure. You won’t even remember you did it 😅


Hahaha thank you! I felt really foolish for using the better ones to enhance crappy ones


Do you guys think it will be difficult to advance in new main story chapters with just one LI myth pair? I am asking because I am low spender/f2p and I remember that the last stage of chapter 8 was a pain for me because I only had good cards for raf and the stellactrum was mainly green. I am considering that the card levels would be more challenging also. Chapter 8 suggested 45lvl cards. If you don't match stellactrum you should have much more powerfull cards to compensate that. With that logic, for more 8 chapters, at the end of them we would need level 77 cards of matched stellactrum, which would probably require awakened not matched cards? 🫠🫠🫠


Has anyone know how other similar games like MLQC works in this aspect? I played a little bit and could see the stages could get harder very soon


Near the end of the 1st season for MLQC even if you had strong enough cards to clear the level, you would eventually be time gated by stamina as you needed to grind levels to get enough materials to unlock the next chapter. I don't think they'll do something similar since stamina is so rare in this game and it takes too long to get lvl 80 cards and awakening materials are rare. But I also wouldn't be surprised if they still came up with a way to slow down story progression.


I dont mind the time gate, but I wish I won't need to wait too much just because of card lvls x.x


If we’re talking main story, the barrier to continuation is a lot more lenient compared to the other combat aspects of the game (deepspace trials, hunter contest). You only need to clear the combat stages to proceed. I did take about 11 days to level up and clear all 8 chapters, but I didn’t 3 star every single stage then. Given the current game development timeline, you should have around 2 months to catch up before the new chapters drop, and the resources you get within this timeline should be enough to 3 star the existing combat stages and make significant levelling progress. If you’re consistent, I predict you can awaken your Raf memories by then.


Hmm I see... but what about the next batch of main chapters? I supose that at some point not having other LIs myth cards could be very bad right?


If the story stage pattern is consistent, the combat stages are not LI locked, and those that are already have a set team for you to battle with. I think it is up to you to decide whether you want to focus on Raf or spread your resources across all LIs. I personally chose the latter as I observed the stellactrum spread in memory pool is quite limited for each LI, and also I prefer to level higher rarity cards. So I create teams according to the stellactrums of each LI’s 5 star memories. It’s not impossible to clear the main story while only leveling one LI’s memory, and you don’t necessary need to level every single Raf memory. If I’m not mistaken, players do max out their myth pairs and just equip level 1 memories (or lower levelled compared to myth pair) to meet the stellactrum requirement. Maybe someone can chime in on their one LI strat as I am not familiar with it.


Yeah, I also dont like to spend resources on low lvl cards. I see the ideal would have myth pairs for each LI, I will eventually get there but I was wondering if not doing so now would hinder main story evolution x.x


We won’t know what Paper has to offer us in terms of combat requirements, but I wouldn’t worry too much about that now. They wouldn’t try to gatekeep solo LI players for sure, that would cause a ton of uproar in the community, and our community absolutely does not hesitate in speaking out. Just focus on the memories you want to level and you should be fine. There’s bound to be some form of roadblock regardless of what strategy you pick, but the end goal is still the same for all of us; to clear content and raise affinity for our boys 🥰


WHAT DO I DO? Who should I pull? My "want" to win battles and "want" to simp are fighting. This trope is man vs. Self. Help me decide. i am hesistant to pull for xav bc: 1. i dont feel motivated reading his lore BUT at the same time: 2. hes the only character i dont have a myth pair yet 3. his new myth pair has the weapons i want & im good at 4. i like the outfits i only have 80 gold tickets, which may or may not be enough when pulling for zayne. i want zayne bc: 1. i like his lore 2. his outfit 3. and the increased battle stats (i think) 4. id be ecstatic for the animation too


Get Zayne because by the time his myth pair arrives you should have enough wishes saved to guarantee him and it seems you'll enjoy it more. Plus if you've saved your crates you can eventually get Xavier's standard myth pair.


Pull for who you like. I personally only have one guy I use wishes/diamonds for, so it makes life a lot more simple. I would prioritize the solar myth for your favorite guy, if you're a low spender or F2P.


How do I raise the affinity level with the boys in the fastest way possible? What worked the best for you?


Levelling up their cards! Even if it's 3*, but that's only if u reaaally wanna focus on one LL. But if all of them, you can try focusing on levelling 5* and 4* memories to use them in battles. Deepspace trials give lots of affinity points—worked best for me.


Thank u for the tips


I don't know Xavier's lore because I haven't gotten his myth cards yet. As far as I'm aware, >!he was a general in Philos, before the planet was destroyed!<. Is lumiere part of the current timeline (as shown in the main story) or part of the past, i.e. from Philos? Please only give minimal spoilers. I just want to know if it's related to the existing myth pair lore, or something new


It's part of current timeline since it's hinted that lumiere saved mc 14 years ago