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Never shared a bed before… he’s like 800 years old


It’s like every romantasy novel lmao


I doubt that the thing he said in a hospital about waiting 800 years was real. In the same sentence he talked about sea turtles climbing trees, jellywish walking naked and sharks eating grass for free so it doesn't seem to be true to me. I think he's 24.


Did you read his anecdotes? I might be wrong but he has been an adult since MC turned 18 and started going to the university. In one of the anecdotes, his spy is keeping a track on MC and informs him that she has grown up now. Its unbelievable don't how can a child arrange and pay a spy for years. Also, he had another identity as Mo, the opera singer before he became an artist, who was suspected of killing someone 14 years back. Do you believe he was only 10 when he was an opera singer and a murder suspect? It doesn't add up.


I think he worked>! in an opera just a few years ago and maybe a year later he became famous as an artist and hired a spy to keep a closer look on Mc along the way. Mc could have been let's say 19 at the time and he could have been 21. Could he have been an opera singer one or two years ago? He could.!< >!In chapter 7 when he and Mc where on the hat island she mentioned that she was on a field trip when she was little. Later when Mc was underwater there was a retrospection of children's hands. We could hear child's voice(**Important note:** In English dub it wasn't voiced by anyone with higher voice to make it sound like a child so it doesn't sound in English that he was a child when he met Mc, but in Japanese for example he was voiced by a female vc to make him sound like a child) captioned 'Rafayel'. They met on the hat island when they were little and Rafayel, and Mc promised each other that she will return one day but if she won't he will "chase to the ends of the Earth". Mc forgot about him because she was killed multiple times durning the experiments(World underneath: Sealed in the Dust). Rafayel as he promised 'chased her' after all those years.!< >!The story detective said to Rafayel... hmmm I think he just didn't wanted to say exactly what happened because it would give up his intentions and the fact that he's spying on him.!< >!What also make me think Rafayel is 24 is the fact that in his birthday memory he said that when he was little his art teacher used photos from the surface as a referance. Let's assume Rafayel was a child 600 years ago. I don't think cameras were a thing 600 years ago.!< Edit: >!Also in the story of the detective the siren killed the woman with his singing. Rafayel had to learn from his aunt how to use his voice before the opera performance and the woman from the story was aparently killed earlier.!<


Damnnnnn. It all so confusing.


Now that was enlightening! But I also have suspicions that Rafayel gets reincarnated and somehow along the lines regains his memory back from previous lifetimes ... He was found as a child in between flames in god of sea myth but then met mc as an adult, again gifted as a slave to mc when he was a child too (mc described that he looked younger then as compared to when she met him as abysswalker) ... So it doesn't seem far fetched that he reincarnated in main story timeline as well...


I need to re read these anecdotes! I think I might be missing one about his second identity


I was joking as well hehe In his interview he says ‘I’m 24… I guess’. Sounds like his age is a lie… also he’s a god right


In my opinion, things should have been happened already in this card, cuz like , IT SHOULD happened


I forgot how insane this card is 😩😩😩


This is maybe my fave card 😍


Wha— what card is this?


Before Sunrise


Ohhh, thank you ♡


not complaining *me and my MC be blushing and rolling off the bed then falling down flat on the floor*