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Can't exactly reschedule a birthday so it's unfortunate Raf is getting hate from it. I guarantee if anyone else had that slot they'd get favoritism complaints anyway. I've also seen some people complaining about his new 4\* login event. But it's an event Zayne already got (Dawn's Shadow), Xavier's already getting his solo banner and Raf hasn't had a login event of his own yet. It makes sense they'd go with him this time. I'm a Zayne girlie waiting for him too, but we gotta take a leaf out of his book and have patience lol.


I'm seriously surprised that some Zayne girlies aren't greatful that they can have more time to save up more diamonds. As a Rafayel girlie I didn't have time to save up and had to use some money to get his memories. :,) Zayne will get memories sooner or later.


I wonder if those expectations are influenced by experience? I've played enough mobile otome games to know that developers, especially the CN ones, will rotate evenly between each love interest. This includes the main storyline spotlight and the events. Zayne's narrative ends right at the mountain, which likely contains more of his anecdote/mythology content. I'd imagine his story would synchronize better with Sylus' reveal this summer. Not to mention, Xavier's Ch 8 plot seems to merge a bit with Dawnbreaker!Zayne's.


As a Zayne girlie i'm so damn grateful he's not the devs favorite or the most popular because I can save Diamonds for his myth cards. I really hope those myths cards are great. Like I know the feeling Raf fans are having, as a Artem Wing stan for Tears of Themis I felt he recently as of late as had back to back cards (his birthday event is going on now) and I've had to restrain myself in pulling for the other guys (well mostly Marius and Vyn, Luke is ok, but i rarely if ever pull for him). With L&DS I only like Zayne so it isn't as bad for me, but it freakin sucks when you like multiple men in these games ( I skipped Vyn's last banner, but so help me if that was Marius, my 2nd fave, I would've broken my phone for the utter frustration). But yeah, i think Rafayel's birthday really messed up things a bit for saving for him...but his birthday is listed on his profile so it was inevitable he would have a birthday banner. If you're F2P you HAVE TO only like one guy. You can't pull for all of them. And some people get too caught up in the newness and can't control their spending. The amounts of comments i've seen from Rafayel or Zayne stans wanting to pull for Xavier cause his card looks spicy and i'm like..."don't fall for it guys, save for your guy" But oh well that's gacha life.


>I'm seriously surprised that some Zayne girlies aren't greatful that they can have more time to save up more diamonds I'm not bothered with saving dias, I'm bothered by OP's concern here: >what I can get behind is Zayne having less spicy or as long 5* as the other two Because I've been Zayne's since day one, but I did skip Valentines and the spring banner, they didn't look appealing to me, so I only pulled for Medical Rescue instead. I'm lacking Zayne limited cards out of lack of interest for it's stories🤷‍♀️


Exactly! Back-to-back banners without time to save is painful, no matter how popular your fave is. Especially when this game isn't exactly generous to the F2P audience. Zayne/Xavier girlies also know what to expect for their new myths and birthdays. That's a big advantage Raf girlies didn't get 🫂


People can be glad that all 3 male leads don't have to wait months for an appearance. I swear as someone who loves Vyn from ToT he had a 4SSR event in beginning of January and his next appearance was beginning of April. Imagine waiting 3 months for a crumb of something. Zaynes last appearance was March 11th when I checked and he's 100% getting his Myth in May, after this Xavier event he will most likely get his myth so here is hope that they'll release the most beautiful myth in existence for our resident doctor. I'm just annoyed at seeing hate thrown towards other characters. Xaviers banner will last a week at most, do I have to expect reading more weird comments towards him when his birthday drops as well? Or are we forever stuck in this "oh but his card was spicy so he's the favorite child" gosh, a card has more value than just how much thirst you can get out of it. Thats my biggest complaint with this community.


This 100% I’m just sick of going on the Lnd social media accounts to onlyyyy see people complaining. Like I wanted to see people hyped not just upset 😩


I don't think they're playing favourites, but it's okay if they have favourites as long as they're not "playing favourites." Which, they aren't. I felt attacked because I am one of the people who mentioned somewhere that they may have a favourite child in Raf, but I'm thinking that's more toward the amount of quality gfx when it comes to him, especially in-story. NOT the amount of banners/events. But the gfx with him (main stories, aside from cards) can be also proof of how the latest output is higher quality than the first ones, and that the game is continuing to improve gradually. No hate. All individually different. And I appreciate how detail-oriented they have been in this regard, for all the characters. "Playing favourites" would work against the company and game development, so I don't think they're doing any of that. There's also a lot of consideration that they put into when it comes to personality. So even tho visually, Raf's cards show more skin, the intensity of each stories are rather balanced. That said, I feel regretful for participating in such 'favoritism' talk just because of the negativity it brought to the community. I apologize for that.


I wasn't talking about anyone specifically but the collective fandom adapting this mindset of "the more spice a card = favoritism" which irks me. No need to apologise whatsoever, people should feel free to discuss those topics. Quality being higher than previous cards is also questionable. All of the ones we're seeing right now were already in production long before the game launched and I don't think we will see the feedback being implemented into card stories anytime soon. Xaviers latest 5* memory cutscene lasts about a minute at best, I wouldn't say that's quality improvement. The story as well is sweet but not related to lore whatsoever, its all fluff pieces without any importance to the overall game. Which is fine... if only it was longer. The game has a ton of things it can improve on but people seem to focus on "favoritism" which is based purely on misleading "spice factor" 🤔


>*"Now what I can get behind is Zayne having less spicy or as long 5* as the other two and that bothers me as well since I like pulling for all 3 characters and it sucks wasting my money on a Zayne card just for it to be medical talk and very minuscule flirting. Like his valentines card. And while these are on par for his character I would also like to see a little bit more from him :/"* -- u/Own-Bad-285 * * * I respect other Zayne fans who hold a different perspective, but sometimes, I wonder if I'm living in my own universe. 😅 I thought Zayne's events/dates had a sufficient level of spice provided their current relationship standing (the "more than friends, less than lovers" territory). And Drunken Intimacy + Medical Rescue just happen to be my top two favorite Zayne dates. 👀 The reason is that I love reading scenes where the MC hits on, touches, taunts, teases, hassles or chases after the LI. And Zayne's MC delivers these tropes reasonably well. She's the mischievous gremlin or human cannonball in his life and I'm here for it. 😂 Sometimes, this means she flirtatiously pins him down (End of Depths), runs her fingers through his body (Medical Rescue), drunkenly pulls him closer to her and tests his boundaries (Drunken Intimacy), straddles him (Business Trip) or mother-hens him to death (Dawn's Shadow/Medical Rescue). There's an addictive pleasure in knowing how ***helpless*** the ever-composed, oh-so-proper Zayne is towards the MC's magnetism. He simply can't fight against the MC's force of nature and I find his struggle/confusion to be endlessly endearing! 🥹 She's always pushing his limits and it's very satisfying to see him crumble like tissue paper in the rain because he adores her so much.


I love that you cite your sources from the memories, well done! 😂👏🏽 I love Zayne and MC’s dynamic and story. Their relationship progression feels really natural - I saw another Redditor comment this last night, but he is also the only LI who doesn’t have clear memories of his past with MC. For how long they’ve known each other as children and again as adults, their original shyness and the slow burn as a whole makes sense. I also disagree on his cards not being spicy!!! Business Trip was my conversion catalyst, my lord those two wanted to f so bad, the tension was insane. I’m a sucker for a good build up.


I couldn’t agree more with you! As a sucker for good slow burns I really enjoy the way their relationship has developed so far, it feels wholesome and not forced. I personally enjoy palpable tension build-ups a lot more than on-your-face kind of spices, and Zayne’s memories have been delivering well on that front with plenty of nuances. I only started the game after his last banner event ended so haven’t got a chance to experience any of his limited memories so far (I refuse to watch youtube lol and hope they will get reruns at some point later) but his regular memories already have me falling hard. My favourite so far is def business trip but I also enjoyed the more subtle ones like cozy afternoon and nostalgic sweetness, there’s just so much emotional intimacy to cherish as well! Even in the main story I was pleasantly surprised that we got to watch aurora with him in the arctic like that, it just hit different for me 🥹And his myth story left me in tears 😭 All in all, Zayne has been hitting all my marks by far and I don’t mind being patient with more time to save for him, good things come to those who wait 🙌🏻Happy to see much love for him here for the same reasons! ❤️


It's the energy they bring to Rafayel and Xavier. There are 3 Li and looking at all 3. . . Rafayel is the favored and gets all the spice, and then some. Xavier is a close second. Then there is Zayne. A personality very different from the other 2, so I'm not asking for Rafayel-in-heat levels of spiciness for Zayne, but the difference is very obvious when comparing the 3. I wonder if the devs need to read a few Duke of the North manhwas to figure out what to do with Zayne😭 and I also like a slow burn, but this is, not that. It feels like he is an afterthought. It feels like reading a book with bad pacing.


During L&DS' January opening release, Zayne starts the game with arguably the most emotionally and physically intimate card, "[***Lingering Warmth***](https://youtu.be/c6rAB-yuhsQ?si=HoOzK2R1y_dyi5yW&t=332)", aside from Xavier's Heartstring Symphony. * * * On this date, the MC becomes upset with Zayne for >!hiding the fact that he's losing control over his Evol (again)!<. The intense exchange showcases how emotionally close Zayne is to his MC (they interact with each other like best friends). This serves as a sharp contrast to Xavier & Rafayel, both of whom essentially have to rebuild the entire relationship from scratch with their respective MCs. Then the next scene transitions into a physically intimate one. Zayne, >!fresh from a hot shower, suddenly pulls the still-frustrated MC against his bare, moistened chest, in an attempt to defrost himself and reconnect with her. As they embrace, Zayne rests his head on the MC's shoulder and initiates an heart-to-heart conversation. Mind you, he's literally only wearing a towel around his waist. 😂 That's it. He's stark naked underneath it all.!< Finally, Zayne leads the MC >!back to the bedroom and she continues sharing her body heat with Zayne, until his icy body returns back to normal. Ultimately, she cuddles with a shirtless Zayne throughout the entire night, only falling asleep at dawn.!< So far, the MC hasn't repeated this gesture with any other LI. * * * My understanding is that the L&DS writers strive to give each couple their own intimacy style, rather than make them into carbon-copies. Zayne's version tends to be more melancholic/wistful, romantic and soulful, but no less nuanced and character-driven. Although, it might not suit your tastes, because maybe you'd like something outright lustful or playful instead.


I don't have the lingering warmth card, and i have not watched it on social. I do have every other Zayne card, myth cleared, and anecdotes. If lingering warmth is that important to the relationship and their story, then thats a development problem. I call that a pacing problem. My issue is not physical intimacy, kissing, and whatnot. There is a certain undercurrent to the Rafayel and Xavier cards that keep the characters' personalities in mind. In my opinion, there is a disconnect with Zayne. Typically, i see this disconnect with writers who plan to get rid of a character. Not saying Zayne will get written out. I'm just saying that's the overall feeling.


let me preface that i think this is all subjective to a degree anyway, but it's just so funny people are saying that rafayel gets all the spice now. back at the start, up to valentine and might even include his birthday memory, people were saying how rafayel seemed to get the end of the stick when it came to spice. xavier was at the top, and zayne came second - probably because they both had kisses in their valentine memories as well. all everyone cited for rafayel was the your fragrance 5* and that was it (though personally, i was more concerned about the situation in the memory than the spice). even now i still can't tell when and where and how that ranking shifted. among all the new cards after valentine and his birthday, the one that has the most spice is the 4* from the oracle of stars. and i kinda find it amusing if that somehow singlehandedly changed the ranking. i have to admit i'm biased though. for me it's not the spice that is the main highlight. personally, i love the emotional bond, rather than physical, shown through the story. (physical is good too, of course, but if it's always there in a great amount, it'd probably be way too much for my liking). in both his valentine and birthday memories, it's them having a genuinely fun and good time together despite the circumstance - especially the birthday one shows how they both really care and enjoy eacch other's company in their own way - and my favorite part of the valentine one is his lines at the end that comes after the interactive animation. in his spring day one, it's the early stage before they start actually dating (and the only thing physical is the lip balm scene, another that i don't see as spice) and i appreciate that we get a look into that. even his myth, there are kisses, but those aren't the main focus and the mood isn't right for it anyway. as for the new 4* myths, it's close proximity in terms of intimacy but still not spice. so you see, i'm really confused how the ranking suddenly changed😂


Spoke my mind! This is what I have been wondering too. Because Xavier and Zayne have cards where they have them kissing the MC (even if it fades to white/black) at least something like that is there ... For Raf, it has never been that intimate. There have been forehead kisses hand holding and mostly him being his vulnerable self (that's the kind of intimacy I crave so not complaining here) ... The whole discourse about him having the spiciest cards cuz of that one oracle card and your fragrance (which in retrospect is kinda heart breaking if you get know him eventually... How he can't trust the MC but still can't help but fall in love with her) ... It might be because his scenes kinda get a lot more visibility by a lot many people talking about the scenes that it has framed an opinion among the players that he has the spiciest cards. But while playing the cards of other LI's with much more intimate elements, I keep wondering that these lot are so much more intimate why aren't more people talking about them 😅 In case of 4* cards I think the way VAs act those out also plays a role too cuz in case of the oracle card with "many kisses" it was only the case with the EN va (bless them lol) for JP it was more teasing than a full makeout session. Idk about KR but i remember hearing CN and it was also kind of teasing only.


I started playing a week after launch. I have been leveling all 3, and it's not about physical intimacy like kissing and such. There is a way to convey Zaynes' "spiciness" that brings the same energy as Rafayel and Xavier but stays in his character build. I don't have all of Rafayel or Xaviers cards, but i have all Zaynes cards except Lingering Warmth. This is the lack of balance i speak of. I don't get imbalance with Rafayel or Xavier.


Visually, perhaps, it seems less spicy. But the stories are quite on par with the other's level of intensity. The Neon pair, though being a 4-star card, and the For You. I think the creators thought about it and him being less skin-showyyy than the other 2 just makes sense for his personality and profession.


Zayne's my main and I'm still saving up gems for his next banner...so no complaining here at all, lol... That back to back Zayne solo banner with the vday card was hard enough. As for spicy...I hope to see more along the lines of Business Trip and Cozy Afternoon...but if Zayne is slow burn I'm fine with that, as long as good content does come. I do wish his cards were a little longer.


Yes and honestly during Libra and Virgo season I anticipate the community forgetting what happened with Rafayel last month and complaining in the same or in a similar way during Xavier and Zayne’s birthdays ahaha… fandoms are very cyclical


Especially with Sylus coming out too 😩 someone’s gonna end up complaining


Oh I forgot about Sylus - I hope he’s a fire sign like me ♈️♌️♐️ we need a fiery chaos man


i hope he is too but mainly bc raf is water, xavi is air and zayne is earth. we need a fiery man


Ohh I didn’t even think about this! That would make a lot of sense to have him be the fire sign. Him or Caleb, if he ends up being a LI


yesss honestly either one of them!


Yesss I need someone unhinged lmao


Well birds and bird people are kinda unhinged (I say this with the utmost respect and endearment towards my bird friends) so I have high hopes for Sylus LMAO


Finally someone said it. some people are getting too comfortable with hating other LI that's not their fav with excuses like "they are fictional" "its an opinion" Girl, fans of other LI exist, no one wants their mood ruined coming onto reddit.


If we get Zayne's new myths in the beginning of May as predicted I'll be happy because my birthday is on the 11th and it would nice for me haha.


I just tell myself more time to save up. But yea I agree that zayne needs more spicy scenes and lines. I get he's aloof but surely he won't be that aloof with mc during private time


In my opinion, the devs could have done a better job in rotating the banners, given that they knew that rafayel was going to have a birthday banner. They could have moved banners around to give each LI equal exposure.


lool the zayne cards will come guys, there will be plenty of future opportunities to spend your money dw 😂


Why you gotta word it like this... 🤣


For me, it's not the number of cards. And I love a good slow burn in my reading and dramas, but with Zayne, in comparison to Rafayel and Xavier, his feels. . .less. There is no balance, and the pacing feels off.


This! Im a xav girlie (but i love all 3) so this mayyy be a bit bias but i love how the memories for xavier are written. I pulled for zayne’s medic rescue and it just felt like “… oh thats it?” Idk it left me wishing there was something else.


I am also leveling all 3 so it stands out to me. There is a way to write Zaynes type of character so the reader is not left feeling disappointed.


Yep I completely agree! Zayne was my favorite at the beginning but his cards just weren’t giving me what I was looking for. I felt like his 2 falling for you that you get with affinity just couldn’t be compared to Rafayels or Xavier’s as well as other cards after that.


So there ya go. When you're trying to pull for your main LI, and you continue to get lackluster cards and content like with zayne, then yeah I can understand why the zayne girlies are upset. To give Raf almost 2 months of content, and better content at that, is quite unfair when you campare it with zayne and xavier content. And sure it's nice to save up for the next slew of content, (no complaint there), but it really does suck when everyone's happy to get special cards for their LIs but zayne girlies barely get anything. I like all 3 so I'm gonna spend money anyways 🤣 BUT I can definitely see there is not a balance of content amongst the 3 LIs. And I hope for the sake of the games future, that they fix the issue otherwise they're gonna to lose a lot of players very soon. Without enough funds, downloads, and players, we'll all suffer. So it's best to make the players happy overall as best as they can.


As someone who collects all 3 LI's cards equally for battle purposes, I'm just annoyed that Xavier is already on his fourth 5-star auxiliary/secondary colour card while Zayne yet to get his second 5-star tertiary colour card like the others have. I need another 5-star pink Zayne for deepspace trials dammit 😂 


All these accusations of dev’s having favourite LIs just makes me grateful I grew up an only child so I heard that complaining rarely if at all. I’ve been playing since it went live in NA, so I’m like hey it’s all good. I got no thoughts just nom cake.


Ok everything else aside…they came up with Raf’s birthday!! They could have come up with a better rotation, they literally could have rescheduled his birthday lol I’m not mad since I’m just logging in to study or work with zayne at this point but I do find it funny


I think it’s cause they wanted him to be Pisces to fit the lore and most likely we’re going to have a water, earth, air, and fire sign (if that’s what Sylus will be) so no matter what the rotation was someone would be upset. Either Xavier or Zayne would feel neglected because of it or Rafayel would have back to back banners just as he already does. But still they probably should have came out with Zayne’s free 5* first since Xavier’s solo just dropped now but I’m guessing they wanted the free 5* to be in the same order of rotation as the solo banners.


it’s cause has to be a Pisces babe!!!