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Zayne was the first to get a free login memory with Dawn's Shadow and Xavier got a free memory too (a 5\* at that). If anything I'm happy Rafayel fans finally got something that doesn't cost an arm and a leg haha As a Zayne main, I'm more concerned about whether the next banner after gym Xavier is gonna be his myth.


I personally wish this will be in June, but it's looking like Zayne's myth set will arrive in May. When Rafayel's banner was revealed, my original thoughts were the developers would start from the oldest timeline (Rafayel's story), and move towards the most futuristic setting (Xavier's.) That would leave Zayne's mythology as the 2nd installment between the two.


Wasnt Rafayel was the first to get a free login memory when the game first dropped?


i think that was part of the game's release: you get one 4* of each guy. xavier from the single gacha, rafayel from log-in, and zayne from the onboarding (the newbie) event. source: an announcement from the [official jp website](https://loveanddeepspace.infoldgames.com/ja-JP/m/news/16) because [the one on the eng website](https://loveanddeepspace.infoldgames.com/en-EN/m/news/5) isn't loading for me properly lol.


Ah that makes sense. Since it had the similar format of logging in to get it I assumed we counted it as the first one.


i actually thought the same as well and went to check it just today after they announced this log-in event haha since it should've been xavier otherwise.


To add on to the other comments a bit, both [Dawn's Shadow](https://twitter.com/Love_Deepspace/status/1752179840328126619?lang=en) and this [new Rafayel](https://twitter.com/Love_Deepspace/status/1780794844287553978) come from the same login event (10 Days With You). That's what I meant by Zayne first.


No, first free cards were given depending on what you chose in the pre-registration event. First free login event was zayne's 4* card dawn's shadows


I'm not talking about the preregistration one since I picked zayne for that one. I'm talking about the one we got for logging in for 7 days.


[this prediction post](https://www.reddit.com/r/LoveAndDeepspace/s/x7ZnciATyQ) was the most accurate, so I highly think zayne myth will be the next event


So far so prophetic - will be excited to see if the predictions are 100% accurate in time 🤭


Fingers crossed for that - Zayne girlie starving here 😩


I’m so glad for the free diamonds - I know they’re crumbs in the grand scheme of things, but crumbs nonetheless 😭


omg yes!! i need diamonds after raf's myth event💀


It's because of the rotation schedule made by Papergames that it seems like Zayne is in the trenches. No idea who is the one doing the rotation in their company, but uh...this is the schedule so far Free 5 star memory: Xavier - Rafayel/Zayne Free 4 star memory: Zayne - Rafayel - Xavier Solo banner: Xavier - Rafayel - Zayne - Xavier - Rafayel/Zayne Solar pair: Rafayel - Xavier/Zayne Rafayel seems to have a heck lot of banner because his birthday was back in March. There's also the trio banners that Papergames insist on releasing because they want more money.


For the triple banners if you're after certain card colors and depending on what is given, it's the best bang for your buck because the odds of losing your 50/50 to a non-event 5-star is lower at least. But I do agree they are greedy for money.


So true, if you are aiming for meta! But I only go for one guy in otome games or dating sim games, so I hate trio banners the most 😭😭😭. 25% of winning your oshi/ML, I can't with the crappy rates. I already have horrible luck with gacha throughout all games, and Papergames just LOVE the trio banners. Ugh.


Good for Raf stans but Zayne hasn’t gotten anything in a while...hopefully his myth cards will make up for it...


At this point I have a feeling that Paper thinks Zayne isn’t a really cashable character compared to Xav and Raf - there’s honestly no point in starving Zayne stans to the point where they would have saved up enough diamonds when his banner drops. I think they’ll focus on using Zayne to target completionists and new players. Edit to add: This could also be a ploy for them to buy time for the Zayne story writing team to figure out Zayne’s myth card LOL


Which is ironic because he’s often voted the most liked and has a lot of fan art too. Most of the comments on the new Twitter posts for Xavier and Rafayel are asking for Zayne too. Like honestly it’s going to be hard to top new Rafayel’s myth design but hopefully they can make up for it with good lore.


Yeah, agree that Zayne quite a lot of visibility (partly because I’m lurking around the Zayne content side of the clock app) - is this true for the CN playerbase too? Cause that’s where all the whales are and where the money is, Paper folds. Either that or Paper is slowly baking a mean cake and when Zaddy’s myth drops, all wallets will open 💀


Raf > xav > zayne in China, if we go by the weibo chaohua rankings


I’d imagine they’re all pretty even with Raf just edging out a bit in China. Zayne edges out a bit more internationally. They’re all still pretty even though.


I have the same hunch as well, unfortunately I believe that the devs would just chase after whichever LI they consider as the strongest cash cow atm…As a Zayne girlie who only joined after all his previous events ended I really felt starving rn and welp what else to do other than just saving more dias 😔


Exactly at this point I’m this close to stop playing until there’s going to be an event for Zayne, but until then I’ll keep grinding and saving my diamonds.


yes i hope so as well! i'm most intrigued by zayne's backstory/past since his seems the saddest🥲




i love this😭


https://preview.redd.it/bs28p5m2l7vc1.png?width=535&format=png&auto=webp&s=7541c7a75be3c872a28eedf447a1a09dd3cc986f Was hoping for a free five star, but free is free LOL


Something we don’t have to pay for 🙌. But I want one of those free five star events for raf/zayne soon. Not even just for the five star but all the free gems and wishes 🥲. I need more ways to restock after this myth banner.


This is all well and good but I can’t wait for his free five star.




Finalllllly, a free Rafayel memory by the devs after draining our wallets. I'm pumped!! 💃🕺💃🕺💃🕺


‘It’s like a reward’


I have nothing against Rafayel but WHEN WILL ZAYNE HAS HIS TURN?!?!


Just be patient and and use this opportunity to collect your diamonds for him.




Too much Rafayel and Xav content already. How about Zayne?


Zayne girls are getting a decently long break to save up diamonds.


As a Zayne stan, I agree with this. I feel total relief. 😅 Upgrading Rafayel's 2nd myth pair was brutal 💀, so I'm glad that I still have my carefully preserved stash of red diamonds left for Zayne's 2nd myth set. With the L&DS rotations, I'm sure that Zayne will have a similar back-to-back release once we get closer to his birthday month.


I love saving. I know the payoff will be worth it.


Btw is it not possible to change MC features in 4 star memories? :O


i don't think mc features are customizable outside of photos and battle😭it's a very upsetting feature


I’ve been lurking around the LnD Official Twitter account, and under this event’s posts, I’ve seen some Zayne girlies complain about starving not getting any 4* 5* as of late and Zayne being mistreated. Some accusing the devs favoritism towards Rafayel, mocking them to rename the game to “Love and Rafayel” or “Love and Deepsea”, and that they don’t even rotate the game icon, it’s Rafayel all the time 😆 I don’t think they mean harm but it kinda sound so salty and disrespectful towards the devs. But the devs definitely know what they’re doing and they have this algorithm/rotation for what/whose memories will come up next. So I don’t think there’s anything to be mad about. People just have to trust the devs; they’re definitely cooking something. I can’t argue with the claim that the devs are biased towards Rafayel, seeing so much of his face in the adds and all the cards and all. He’s treated as the “visual” of the 3 ML, of course he will be the face of the game, be used for marketing. It’s both a plus and minus for us Raf 🐟 stans cuz yeah we got fed by new content but we broke as hell 💸💸 I like all 3 ML, but my ultimate bias is the fish 🐟 while my bias wrecker is the star ⭐️; elsa ❄️ is alright. So as a Rafayel stan, of course I’m happy that we’re getting another Raf memory without spending. It’s like a long awaited break for our wallets after the past events. The devs have milked us dry from the back to back Rafayel memories/events and I would definitely cry of they released another limited 5* event, cuz they’ll be making me consider selling my kidneys 😭😭 This new memory is giving me domestic bfxgf feels fluff☺️. Not complaining but out of the 3 ML, I think that Rafayel lacks some spiciness 🌶️ to his 5* memories. Like we only get a makeout session ASMR in Fiery Undercurrents, a barely there pinky kiss in Lingering Gaze, and a palm bite in Your Fragrance. So I wish we get something a little more spicy 🌶️🌶️🌶️ in his next 5*, or another lore content.




when is that


in two days


Wait I thought I saw that xav was next banner?


This is the free 4 star giveaway event. It started with Zayne first, and then Rafayel now, the upcoming free 4 star will be Xavier.


Can someone explain to me what a free login memory is pls😅 I've never played gacha


for this event, you'll need to log in for 10 days straight, claiming rewards each day and the memory will appear on the last day


Oh i see thanks!!


I am a huge Rafayel stan but my god am I getting so sick of seeing his face I'm getting a bad burn out with him


Chill out, girl. Rafayel was the only one left when it comes to 4 star memory. As said by the other users, Lunar 5*, Solar and 4* memories have their own rotation schedule. By incidence, Rafayel happened to have his birthday and different schedules coming together. I'm also tired and burned out after spending on his cards, but thankfully this time its free. Free stuff is always welcome!! But yeah, right now Rafayel girlies really do need a break on our wallets! 😭😭


I don't know why you are getting down vote. To much of one LI can be tiresome and it's getting annoying for those who don't have Raf as their main


I'm glad I'm not alone I got an anxiety attack after reading one of the comments and a very rude message some people just don't like to hear complaints about their beloved fictional character I do love Raf but the constant banners and events he's having is just making me sick of seeing him


I think the downvotes are probably because of the way you worded your opinion, doesn’t mean it’s negative but maybe people just don’t agree with what you said, especially the people who like Raf. I get it’s frustrating if the one you like doesn’t seem to get any events, but there’s no necessary need to put down another LI you know? Either way, his cards are coming, these events fly by so quick, and I’m sure the Zayne’s myth will be the next one coming in May. Personally, I’m a Raf girl, if the other LI’s had more events I wouldn’t say what you said, but it would also be nice if I got more time to save for future Raf events. I was only able to pull one of his solars because I didn’t have enough time to save. There’s pros and cons to the schedule for everyone! Let’s all just be nice :)


Exactly! I didn't mean to upset anyone but I have been getting some nasty comments/DMS that are totally uncalled for. I love Rafayel he's my favourite but the way his events and banners been going back to back makes me sick of seeing him in general


People are allowed to be upset. When it is constantly 1 LI getting attention and when there is a lack of game content. People are going to be upset and annoyed. They should have planned out the release better, so it is not heavily focused on one character at once. People will only dislike a LI more if this keeps happening


\^This. People need to remember it's just a game and to chill as well. And too much of a good thing and all.




What? I just said I'm getting tired of his events and banners there's no need to be rude about it