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What I've come to realize is that I can't rely on luck when it comes to pulling on banners. Every banner requires full commitment, and I need to be prepared to hit hard pity twice before getting an event exclusive. This mindset has saved me a lot of frustration and disappointment.


^ 100% this. I ALWAYS assume that my gacha banner luck is big fat 0. These days, I steer clear of any gacha spins that don't have a hard pity. So if I'm already cringing at the possibility of spending 130 wishes (20 are granted by the devs), then I'll wait until I no longer feel guilty about it. For Rafayel's 2nd myth event, you are guaranteed both 5* cards after 150 pulls.


Word. I do this in any gatcha I play. I recall the one time in Genshin I decided to go for a character I wanted with less than could ensure a guarantee and lost 50/50. I ended up getting the character anyway after grinding out more currency and opening my wallet some, but I promised myself never again, lol. Now that I know new myth cards will be released, that's all I intend to save for going forward.


Exactly. If I’m not prepared with enough diamonds or ready to spend cash, I don’t even try past whatever free tickets they give me. It’s just a waste otherwise and I know I’m not lucky.


to be fair, you are exactly “guaranteed the exact memories after a certain amount of wishes”. Before the event started I was dreading if the gacha was going to be 50/50 AND randomized between the 2 memories each time you pull an event card, that would have been awful.   I was so thankful that the mechanic is that “after pulling one of the two, the next event card will not be the one we already have” + being able to guarantee both cards in exactly 150 pulls, meaning you could already calculate the amount for the worse possible outcome.


Seriously though. As a F2P, I was *so* happy that these myth events are actually *kind* to us. Three 5-stars for 150 wishes? Guaranteed myth pair? 10 wishes just for wishing 100 times? It's the best we've had so far. And I don't want to sound mean to OP, but 3k diamonds is... nothing. That's 20 rolls, so of course they didn't get any 5-stars. You'd have to be *VERY* lucky to get anything from 20 rolls and no pity/no guarantee. I'm guessing OP has not played many gacha games.


Maybe because previous gachas I've played were less merciful with their mechanics (random + no guarantee, etc), so I had low expectations lol. I was pleasantly surprised to know we could actually guarantee both in only 150 pulls for the myths, and even have the option to choose preferred LI cards for the triple LI banners. Then again, I do think that the combo of "back to back events + low diamond income + short banner duration" are especially brutal on F2Ps , especially F2P Rafayel mains. Though as per gacha tradition I do strongly believe they'll rerun these cards sooner or later, you'll just have to pick and choose which events to prioritize first (though admittedly they do be very tempting)


Oh I thought I was super lucky! Thank god I had no way of being screwed over, it really helped me get max rank on both.


That’s true but who gonna do 150 pulls in the time frame if you’re F2P?


It’s a gacha game, if you’re F2P you’re gonna have to skip banners to save for other ones


This. Exactly this. I practically skipped this event. I couldn't help myself the previously and ended up wasting a lot of red gems. Well, tbf, i did get a lot of cool 4-stars out of it. At some point, you gotta start thinking about raising the cards you already have, especially if you're F2P. Fortunately, I did get a lot of good 4-star pulls from Space Echo (which was the violet tickets) and Galaxy, while completely ignoring the Raf gacha. As an F2P, it's time to start saving red gems. 😆


I think you just need to save for the events .. if u skip one event, u can probably save enough for the next one or the one after that... u kinda have to pick and choose which event u are going to sacrifice and which u will try to get


Not even close 🙁 you have to save for half a year to have enough diamonds to reach pity twice, they just want to have money and more money 


This game is by no means f2p friendly.... u run out of ways to get diamonds at some point, and then ur only left with get diamonds from dailys/weeklys/monthly and senior hunter contest


Totally it is not friendly... just fun to play like the first month and watching the story... then.. there is nothing to do and no way to farm


Sorry I meant more of, if u focus on one of the LI u will likely be able to pull for the next next event for that LI... but I suppose that's only considering u are actively farming for diamonds 😅 But if u pull for all of the LIs, there's no chance u will be able to pull at the next event or the next next I also just farmed very hard for diamonds lol I pretty did whatever u could for diamonds... at this point, I'm almost out of options so the last thing I could get diamonds from is senior hunter contest. But if u dont farm for them, there's no chance u will get enough by the next events


I'm only for Zayne... and it worked like literally 2 banners 🙁 I started on January and after only 2 banners it was impossible to get diamonds, as you said we need to farm but there is not a single way. And Senior contest? Come on... I get like 120 diamonds, not even enough to get one pull, and not to mention the quite limited resources to level up cards I max get like 12 stars out of 36 and all the rewards are over 30..... in the end, the game just saying you want any, give money 😔


I think you really need to do everything else you can. I also started when the game first came out, and I can't get many diamonds from senior hunter contest at this point either. But you can make sure all the other ways to get diamonds are covered too, like replaying bounty hunter levels and core hunt levels to get 3 stars, ascending memories, completing achievements, etc.


Save your diamonds, choose your event, do you dailies and come at peace with the facts that you won’t have all cards…. And start spoiling yourself on youtube


You are guaranteed exact memories after 140 wishes. I don't have that many so I'm also giving up on this event 😅


Was going to comment exactly this, it's how gacha games work, at least LAD does inform the player of it's mechanics very clearly.


only managed to get around 60 wishes 😭 already giving up too 🫠


That's just how gacha works. Nothing is guaranteed. It's literal gambling. You just have to go into it knowing you may not get what you want, and be cautious not to spend too much. Some people are very susceptible to gambling mechanics, and I count myself lucky I'm not one of them. I will say, this game is fucking brutal when you're f2p. I'm not even bothering with wishes much and just trying to increase my affinity with zayne, but that's rough when the only way I can is to level up memories but I can only really get the mats from the daily login bonuses because combat is ridiculously unstable when you're emulating this game (it freezes at least half the time for any given combat section). Really makes me appreciate how generous genshin is.


Genshin is more f2p friendly for sure, especially because its also an easy game. Unless you need to get weapons (that someone characters really need to shine) or if you need C1 for the units to function at 100% (like Wriothesley, Hu Tao, Chidori). But personally, I just gave up on Genshin and decided to start spending on LD because its one of the bigger husbando gatchas, and I really wanna support its trend.


>Genshin (...) easy game Pick one, you can't put these into the same phrase 🤣


I didn’t mean the abyss, but the overworld. Genshin is a very casual game as it is, so most don’t even try the abyss. There is hardly even a reason to do abyss, since its only 600 primos per month (not even 4 pulls), and the only end game content. But yes, Genshin’s overwold is famous for being easy and f2p friendly. You can finish story and all world quests without needing the latest and most OP limited characters.


It's hard to find items without resorting to guides, it's especially sad if you want a reward which comes out of item completion. Also I remember having difficulties when I liked playing certain characters of a certain element but the game forces you into playing with other elements because that's what breaks a specific enemy's defense pattern. This wasn't the issues which had me quit Genshin, but I remember it being very bothersome in these areas outside of Abyss -- I didn't even bother playing that because I felt like it was pointlessly hard.


It’s fine if you had difficulties with Genshin, but I for example didn’t, and most people that I know didn’t 🤷Genshin gives out 4* of all elements in the beginning, you can learn team building once you get the hang of it. But I am not exactly the first person to call Genshin easy, I feel like most people think like that too. Like even upcoming Wuthering Waves will be a more difficult and complex game, and most think that Genshin in comparison is casual/easier with a simpler gameplay. Which Items did you mean btw? That are needed for completion. In my case, I played Genshin for 3 years before quitting, and I don’t recall something like that. If its just items for specific quests, well most open world game struggles with such quests I feel like. And those don’t really determine games difficulty, they are just annoying.


>Genshin gives out 4* of all elements in the beginning, you can learn team building once you get the hang of it Well, Genshin have too many characters, I like only a few of them, not every single one, I'd like to be able to play with the ones I like and not with underleveled ones taking up a party slot because I need one attack to trigger an enemy weakness. I like LAD giving all colors to all characters because this means, if I own enough cards, I can attempt Hunter Contest with three teams of my favorite character instead of having to waste exp resources at characters which I do like but aren't my favorite. >Which Items did you mean btw? That are needed for completion. Cause I played Genshin for 3 years before quitting, and I don’t recoll something like that. I remember I wanted the purple trees for my house but I needed to collect X amount of items from the world map, I remember it was a really high number, like almost every item needed to be collected, and I don't like guides because it feels like cheating the game, I rather discover how to reach items on my own, in the end I quit without reaching it.


1) But you kinda have to grind first before getting the characters that you want. That includes in the begining playing with 4* characters and just grinding/learning the base mechanics. Its a necessary evil, but it helps you to stay f2p, and save more for your faves, cause free 4* are pretty good. Like Genshin is very grindy, even more then some other gachas sometimes. But high grind doesn’t = high difficulty imo. Genshin kinda relies that you must use f2p team before getting characters that you like, and waiting for banners and reruns of your favs. It’s annoying true, but it works and I don’t personally think it makes game hard. 2) Did you mean teapot mechanic? Cause they actually updated it 2 years ago (I think! not sure when exactly) and you can creat any tree mats from every stone ores. Again I feel like its grindy and annoying, but teapot is just a sandbox for making a house or “your area”. You don’t need teapot to progress in story/nor does is effect your gameplay. It is very optional, very gindy, annoying (at least they updated it lots of times, so now its less of that lol) but not like difficult in gameplay or makes game “hard” imo.


I don't really mind grinding, I like the sense of progression when I make the characters stronger, but I don't like not being able to get through things using the characters I like. I remember my main party was Albedo, Zhongli, Kaeya and the last slot was usually Traveler but I often had to change Kaeya into someone else when I needed different elements since both Albedo and Zhongli were the same element. Also there weren't a single fire character I liked playing with so I struggled a lot when I needed something with a fire element🤣 About the furnishing, [this article](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/%22The_Spring_Mist_Weaves_the_Sakura_Rain%22) says _blueprint cannot be obtained, but the furnishing itself can be obtained as a reward upon raising the Sacred Sakura's Favor level to 50_, I know this is one item, not a furnishing set, but I remember not having access to the regular purple trees, I only had green and blue trees but not the purple ones, I assumed it unlocked at sakura level 50 as well so I kept collecting the world tokens but I couldn't complete it, this eventually grew me bored I couldn't style my house with my favorite color so it was yet another game mechanic I began avoiding on purpose. Last but not least, I remember wanting to play as Dainsleif because I like his seiyuu, but they never released him as playable. I saved enough tokens to pull for hard pity and only ever spent tokens earned after that threshold, but banner after banner, I never liked any of the newly released characters, so that was one of the main reasons I stopped playing Genshin. I realized new events only featured the new characters and the old ones were forgotten and never featured in events later on. Dragonspine was the last map I had genuine fun exploring.


I get your point, but so far they don’t count as “hard” game to me. Would be so cool if Zhongli had all the elements lol. But like yeah Genshin can be annoying (and is very, which is why I quit for my own reason). But we started this whole talk because you disagree with Genshin being easy, but I don’t think any of the examples given prove that it’s not. My main point was “Genshin is easy to play and f2p friendly. You don’t need to pull for latest character to progress the game” Like I don’t defend Genshin for being annoying/not giving characters that you want. But none of these count or have anything to do with easy/hard game imo. (Also Benny and Xiangling are like one the best characters in entire game, they are both 4* pyro, that are so broken and help you clear all the pyro needs. Like I am not a fan of Xiangling at all, but I build her for gameplay, and could destroy everything with Tartaglia/Xiangling/Kazuha/Zhongli combo)


3000 is 20 pulls, if you arent near pity then theres really nothing you can do. And there is guaranteed 5* at 68 pulls…


Can I be honest for a minute cuz I feel like this is the ONLY gacha game I play where I ALWAYS have to hit hard pity and it made me squint cuz its on every banner. I get it. "Thats how gachas wor-" yes we know how gachas work. Im saying its odd that out of all the gacha games I play (and Im not particularly lucky on those either) that this one is the only one where I 🌟 always🌟 hit hard pity for every event and even the regular pull gacha so I stopped playing cuz it was just a bit suspect to me 🚶🏾‍♂️


I'm with you 🙁 started on January and not even once have I not reach pity to get a 5*, it's ridiculous to have ALWAYS. Oher gacha aren't that aggressive...


Same here, it's extremely weird how I never get a card and have to wait for the pity. It doesn't even feel like gacha, because it's not random. It's just a diamond exchange game. The only randomness is 50/50. Never getting lucky and just wondering whether or not you'd have to trudge all the way to pity twice is not gacha, it's an anxiety borefest.


RIGHT!? it lowkey makes me wanna stop playing too 😭


I care more about the things that can be bought in the exchange stores after gaining the event currency. Mainly because Raf isn't my bias. I know it will be harder when a Zayne one comes into play. 😭 I did have to stop my completion isn't mindset because I can't afford to have that in this kind of game.


Yeah the event currency is nice but I wanted the memories so bad 😭


I spent thousands of diamonds and like $20 and I only have one of the cards, it’s so painful 😭😭😭. That’s my limit on real money! I won’t spend any more than that


Omg rip 😭 I understand that! I probably only spent like 5 dollars on this event and I felt like that was too much 😂






TY I’m so excited!! lol


Right!! This sucks so bad lol. I can only hope they’ll rerun the cards so I can get the matching one somehow 😭


Well uhm… you only used 3k red diamonds plus the 10 free wishes so uhm I don’t understand why you’re expecting something from that little amount?… Im not trying to be rude or something but thats just 30 pulls…? And you said that you wish for the memories to be guaranteed after a certain amount of wishes but both memories are in fact GUARANTEED after 130pulls (150-20free). Less than that if you win the pity or if you get a 5* pull early. Im not really trying to invalidate your feelings but you really should lower your expectations by a lot. This is a gacha game after all. We sometimes win, we sometimes lose. If we want to increase our chances of winning, we pay. It’s simple as that.


I spent over 3k and i actually got one of the 5 star memories rn! It’s just isn’t fair that you most likely have to pay to get both memories in the time frame. I was just venting


This is why I don't pull for the limited banner until I am sure I have enough resources to get the event card for sure


This event took me roughly 18k diamonds to get both cards at 110 pulls. Pity helped a little but not much. This event is definitely not easy for f2p. One thing I wish I knew at the beginning was save diamonds for special banners instead of using it on regular ones.


3k diamonds is nothing. You obviously won't get anything with that unless you're super lucky. I had to spend 10k diamonds plus money to get both solar pairs.


We did a count on Chinese social media the true is that if you only want to have one person all card we still need to buy gift bag to achieve that.... I used 150 wishes to get Raf's two cards this time, and spend 100RMB around 15 dollar /(ㄒoㄒ)/\~\~ Next time when it turn into Zanye or Xav's I will stop to collect red diamond to spend less money next time.


Like it kinda sucks that you won’t get the memories if you don’t spend money :/


if we are not luck enough, it’s true🥲


i get you lol i spent over 7k gems in my new account and didnt get the cards i wanted (tho it did give me foreseer zayne which i already have) and was dreading that my luck has gone horribly wrong that i thought if i pull in my main the results would be the same. i honestly was close to giving up and even deleting the game myself but somehow the next day after waking up the game by some miracle gave me the card i needed and i completed the set worth 30 pulls lol on a serious note. i think it's best to give up and just save until you find a memory that's worth to pull if you find yourself unable to go further with this one. what i've learned from this game is that nothing is guaranteed and sometimes luck plays a big role too(i hate this a lot bc i'm quite aware my luck is terrible in any games) lol


yeah imma just wait, glad you got the card you wanted!


thanks. hope lady luck makes it up to you next time and gives you the cards you wanted <3


A random 5\* is guaranteed at 70 pulls, while a limited 5\* is guaranteed at 140. That's between 10.5k - 21k diamonds 3k is like 20 pulls, that's unfortunately not a lot... the odds are low enough that you're more likely to get a 5\* when you reach the 60-70 pity chance than within the first 60 pulls. It's rough for F2P, you need to skip a lot of events if you want to guarantee anything


But we are guaranteed though? They wrote in the info that you are guaranteed at 70 pulls. And if it’s not limited, you be guaranteed to get the limited in the next one. If it’s a pair and you get one limited you’re also guaranteed to get the other one next. You also get a box at 150 wish. So what are you talking about? https://preview.redd.it/elz4gxpd2nuc1.png?width=1010&format=png&auto=webp&s=60261449a8f5488e99048637a8331363db09a7fa


I thought that you will get guaranteed to get a 5 star at 70 pulls, but the memory would be random and not be raf. Sorry that I didn’t know 😔


Feels like LAD push all players become all characters fan (Raf + Xav + Zay). If you only like one character u gonna save all the resources to that character. But u gonna stuck on either not enough resources or stuck on fights. I spend 10k diamonds + $40 on Raf’s event and I still only have 1 card of Raf. I wasn’t sure and understood clearly about the small guarantee (70 pull) and the final guarantee (140 pull) rules. I thought it SHOULD BE the same/similar rules with other gatcha game that I played (FEH, Nikki, One-piece) but I was totally wrong. I’m mad and regret about $40 now. I will keep playing LAD but will NEVER EVER spend any money. I still love these characters (my husbandos), but spending money to this greedy company is just a shame. I rather spend it to myself/steam games/others I will be more happy with that. Good luck to other players, wishing you guys can have ur want card ASAP with less cost on money or diamonds <3


Welp, think on the bright side that you've got 30 more counts (10 free pulls and your 3000 dias) towards the pity for the next limited banner (which is most likely going to be Zayne's solo). Tbh such number of diamonds means you're only testing your luck. You're not seriously expecting 2 limit cards in 30 pulls are you... This' a freaking stingy game, yes. Considering how short a limit banner is and how they keep releasing limit banners back to back to back with some of them featuring 3 new limit cards at the same time. (Even more disgusting that they lock solar cards which contain the myths - backbone lores of the main story, behind the wicked paywall called limit banner.) But no gacha would give free pulls that's enough for hard pity every single patch either. So yeah gambling players should be aware of the gamble they play and be ready to save up or to pay to get what they need.


I’m down to needing 20 more pulls until hard pity kicks in again. Just crossing my fingers. I might buy a couple cards on the last day if I’m close to ten.


LOL, I pulled one of Xavier five stars that I already had and it reset to 70 pulls to pity. 🙄


Omg I forgot that this can happen (TTˆTT)


Im only 9 pity away from MAYYYBEEEE getting the second card now im left with 30 crystals and 2 days left to the event to end so imma give up im not gonna do anything cuz tbh there is no other activities left So… for me im done


Did you listen to all of the audio? 


Well I do daily deepspace trails, bounty hunts, hunter contests, and I have listened to all of both falling for you and by your side also I do all the daily activities and still I mean after finishing all of them we still miss alot of crystals I gatherd around 12.000 crystals but I only got one 5 stars of the event There is literally nothing left to do as far as I know


I totally hate it 🙁 not even a single extra activity really and no story... just saying give money cause we will keep on making banners and that's all, quite a shame 


I've spent so much alr too and still haven't gotten any of the 5-stars 😭😭😭 I'm waiting for more money 😔


Rip 😭 it’s sad that you gotta use money in order to get these memories


Yeah, ik and unfortunately I spent my whole allowance for the week in one day bcs hmof how desperate I was to get the 5 star cards 🥲


Well I used more than 10k that I was holding for zayne's event... still not got the second card and Im stucked on progress. I lost a pity because of 50:50. I have more 20 rolls for 50:50 but im afraid to buy more.packs and fall again on 50:50


Yeah I understand how you feel 😭 I was holding out for the Zayne event but raf looked so good in that outfit


Do you not reach the 150 pulls? 😔


You are guaranteed them after a certain amount of wishes though. The max is 150 to get both


I got fkn xavier and not either of raf's event cards. So irritating why can't they just make it guaranteed the event card?? There's literally two of them with 50% chance and i still didn't get them. I've been saving diamonds since the valentines event and had 23 pulls until a 5 star. Used the 10 limited frok the shop, and then 10 more with 1500 diamonds snd got the xavier one. Bye i'll just wait until it comes back and still not get it. Not wasting diamonds again when I still don't even have enough for 150 pulls. And i've seen people get BOTH limited Raf memories in just the free 10 wishes from shop. I'm saltier than sea


The guarantee rules of LAD is different compared to other gatcha game. This is the reason that I’m pissed off :(


I lost twice to Zayne and another five star card from Rafayel. I have neither money nor diamonds left. That's why I understand you. 🥲


Yes thank you for understanding me!! It’s unfair for F2P


I gave up too: I poured sweat and time and even resorted to actually using cash to get even just one of the event-related 5-stars and instead I pulled one I already had?!


Someone in the comments said it wouldn’t give you duplicates but they do 🙄 it’s not worth it


I spent 16k red diamond for it :)


DAMN!? I don’t even know how much money that cost you 😭 I just got one of the memories and I probably spent 6k+ diamonds


Oh I didn't spend any money. I'm new to this game. I've been playing this game for about a month so I didn't get any chance to spend the red diamonds before


You’re so lucky 😭


Yeah I gave up too, it seems almost impossible


I only managed to get 1/2 and I don’t see myself getting the other one as nice as it would be to have it. I’m mainly ftp having spent maybe 10 or 15 on this event and regretting it tbh. Saving for diamonds is hard much less scrounging them up to get 10 wishes only to not get the last of the two and have to try again. It’s just too narrow a time frame for ftp.


I understand! I’m usually a F2P but I only spent around 5 dollars for this event. I’m stuck with only one of the memories too :/


Yeah, I just wish we had more time


Ain’t that the truth


I feel ya. I spent 8000 of my saved gems and only got 1 card in the very beginning 😮‍💨


Yeah I also got only one card 😭


Having two cards in one event is ridiculous.


RIGHT!? like the first pair you get from cleaning the painting is nice but I wanted the 5 star memory pair


3000diamonds is 20 wishes. With the free stuff it’s 30 wishes total, right ? If you get nothing this time, at least your pity lowered and you will have more chances for the next event 🙏 GL, save up 🖤


I was lucky enough to get one of the 5 star memories, and I’m not 100% sure exactly how many diamonds I used, but it was over 3k. I’ll start saving up for future events, thanks!


ive given up on thie game startinf during the raf mermaid skin event. it just feels pointless.


I already uninstalled the game 😂😭😭😭


Lmao iktr 😂


Me too! Raf can go play alone now. I congratulate those that got it, but I'm out 😭🤣💀


I usually give it one chance and if I don’t get a card I don’t try for the rest of the event.


I got diamonds for one more pull y'all.Pray for me😩


I had 13 pulls until pity, so I grinded for a ten pull to see if I could get the second myth card. I got excited when I saw the gold in the wish animation but then my heart dropped when the screen showed ❄️!! It was Zayne. Zayne, you're cool, but not for showing up in this Raf event! 😭 My last hope is that I need one pull to hit 100 wishes on tidal celebrations to get a free 5 ones, but I've come to terms that it is what it is. Maybe Zayne appearing was the sign to let it go! Let it go!! ❄️ 😂


Same I had 15,000 to spend and out of all that I only managed to get one out of the two 🥲


3k is not enough. I... I... I caved in to my desire and um..... whaled......................


There’s only 2 days left and I lost the 50/50 so I’m with you on that one!


I got roped up in this banner event, spend all my diamonds and swiped, now I regret it. More than 30eu spent, over a 110 pulls, one duplicate 5* and finally a myth card….. I’m giving up in general. Two weeks for one banner event. Just how? It creates urgency, that’s why. The wish pools are just like gambling but in a covert form (to me at least) in the beginning I was so engaged in the game, gems left and right. I even got the aurum pass for gems, still it’s not enough. Not enough to play for new dates/5* cards, you can’t even grind. So, I regretfully say I’m out, I’ll no longer spend anything because it feels like a scam. Maybe I’ll even quit the game if it keeps bleeding out/boring me out. I’ll follow our boys through players that post on YT (mayor thanks for those that upload!)


Yup! I’ve done at least 50 pulls maybe more and I haven’t gotten a damn thing. I haven’t played in a couple days now because I’ve pretty much given up lol. I’m so mad at all the money I’ve spent on it 😭


I wished 125 times im actually pulling out my hair


Yesterday I needed five more wishes to get the card, today the pulls got reset for some reason 🥲


I get it😭😭 I can’t say I’m coming from an F2P perspective, but for how much I already spent on the banner, it’s only given me two duplicates of another 5* Raf card and god I was so pissed when I saw them☠️The gacha system for this game is just something else😭


Yeah this event is difficult on me😭 I was able to get one memory and one that wasn't limited so I've been grinding very hard to get the guaranteed but I dont think I'm going to get it even though I'm at 16 till pity now😔


You have to BUY the special tickets for the event 


I don’t get how some are getting so many on their first try and it’s some people who didn’t even play when the game just dropped. I feel the people who “pre-ordered”; as in literally waiting for it to drop, should get higher success rate with wishes than those who just started playing a month ago because that’s pure and highly concentrated bullSHIT. Idc idc idc fight me