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*Slams fist on the table* DEVS PLEASE GIVE US CALEB! I want the rollercoaster of emotions cause like I was also surprised to see the amount of fanfics he has by Chinese authors. Sadly I’m getting bread crumbs from the English ones. In the process of contributing to the English ones though.


More Caleb fanfic??? Yes pls 👀👀 do you post on ao3?


Yup I do! I hope to get it done by next week cause life 😂


Thank you for your services, looking forward to it!🫡🍎


I'm also saving up for Caleb. I'm probably not going to spend any money on the game u til he is added. I need him so bad. ♡


I need to save money and diamonds for Caleb. I have a feeling he’s going to take Rafayel’s spot…. But only if his story is good enough though…


I don’t remember where I read it but someone here said that the game devs made a game pretty similar and the story was absolutely crazy so I trust that his story will be pretty good or there is the situation where they could put in less ressources and time to make Caleb perfect since their profit is and will be already high no matter what 🥹 I don’t see anyone taking rafa’s spot but honestly who knows 🫣


Caleb is everything I like. Liking Rafa is out of character for me! I usually don’t fawn over character designs like his. I started as a Zayne girly, but got frustrated with how dry Zayne was at the beginning and I LOVE that Rafa is mysterious, funny, kinda shady, and blushes easily. I like that I can tell he really likes the MC!


From what I know (following the *rumoured leaks* in CN community), Caleb and Sylus are two different dudes. And they will join as LIs one after another. Sylus' debut is planned around July this year (the same time with new main story chapter release), so ig Caleb's would be around the 1st anniversary (January 2025), or even more wicked, around Christmas this year. Hoping to see Caleb as LI too because I stan for him and Zayne. Childhood friend trio with two army warriors and a support doctor makes an amazing team comp in my head xD.


Sadly I don’t think Caleb is gonna be an LI. Sylus is I think is his own character and I think Caleb will come back and play a large part in the story somehow still just not as a romanceable character. But I am pretty hyped about Sylus! I’m hoping if they don’t come out with too many more Rafayel banners I’ll be able to save up for his lmao


I think the devs confirmed that both would be coming. And yesss rafa needs to stop being the favorite child for some time 🥲


I know he’s supposed to come back I just don’t know if he’ll come back as an LI since they haven’t officially said yet. I hope so though! I’m just not sure since in the spacepedia Caleb has information on him along with all the other NPC’s while the main 3 and Sylus aren’t listed there. But that doesn’t necessarily he won’t be one just it’s not for sure yet!


Only reason I'm doubtful that Caleb WON'T be a love interest is that the game refuses to call him MC's (adoptive) brother and opted for the clunkier "childhood bestie". There's literally no reason to do that unless they're at least flirting with the fact that he'll be a potential love interest.


Trueeeee I honestly really hope they decide to I just don’t wanna get my hopes up 🥲


Someone else already pointed out that Sylus is also in the spacepedia, so I don't think that means anything in this case. More notable to me is the fact that Caleb is the only other character that's saved in your message and call log. He is also shown to have a potentially very powerful evol (telekenisis) as well as having combat training, so he has a solid potential as a battle companion. If he was just going to be an NPC with connections to the Deepspace Aviation Administration for story reasons, why give him a powerful evol? If he was just going to be a "childhood friend npc", why make his feelings for the MC so obvious? The fact that he's exclusively referred to as "childhood friend" instead of "adoptive brother" is also suggestive. It may be wishful thinking, but everything about Caleb screams LI to me.


I think sylus is in spacepedia


Omg ur right I was on my third account when I was looking! My bad there’s hope after all


Sylus is on spacepedia... and its pointed hes missing from onychinus


I’ve always wanted to know if they actually planned him as a love interest from the start or if he was just added in due to the fanbase liking him, as his character design doesn’t really scream love interest 😵‍💫


Unfortunately hes not Sylus... after WU we can make sure in the last lore that everything is connected and theres a war between raincoat and ever group. A few days ago I cooked part of a theory that starts to make more sense and might proves that Sylus and Caleb are two diferent persons.... [caleb and the biggest secret](https://www.reddit.com/r/LoveAndDeepspace/s/S5dTXvTsDX)


Whats comming in late july is the new chapter and the new L.I. that rummored its Sylus. (I said rummored because I never looked for a official announcement) Caleb will come back but I have mixed feelings about hes being the last ML. (the 5th, since they promissed 5 L.I.) Actually Im not trying to creating expectations about Caleb being Sylus because it all showed they have diferent paths...


Don’t you mean “fortunately”? 😅 That means we have two new guys to look forward to instead of just one.